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Some thoughts.


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Just a few comments to make, in the hopes the Dev's actually read them.


Since Server Transfers:


Server transfers was a good thing in my eyes at first, originally i played on Sluis Shipyards, and the server was that inactive, i decided to create a new toon on The Red Eclipse (EU).

I managed to get my Jedi Knight to level 40, before server transfers came, and luckily, Sluis transferred to Red Eclipse.

However, since the transfers, i have noticed a few things that are starting to bore me:


I enjoy both PVP and PVE content, and try my best to do both. Currently i am sitting at Full Battlemaster, and Half Columi, however, im finding it more and more difficult to take part in any raids, or ranked warzones.


The servers are full of players who consider themselves "Elite" simply because they stayed on a dead server, and ground missions over and over again to get geared up quicker. This isn't me, and a lot of other players i know don't do it either.


One problem i now face, is it is generally only the elite players doing the content i need to be doing, for warzones, im now upto the point where i need to get War hero gear, but exchanging Warzone Commendations for ranked Commendations at a 3:1 ratio is taking forever.

Now i could take part in Ranked Warzones, but recently i have been refused entry to a group because im in battlemaster gear, which should be more than sufficient.


With PVE, getting groups for hard mode flash points has finally enabled me to get some columi gear, and i do have my crafted rakata gear. But 3 times this week alone, i have been voted out of group doe D7, Kaon and Battle of Ilum, all of which i have done before with no problem, simply because i did not have the gear that the other players wanted me to have.


Also, and im not sure if this is new, but recently it seems to be that if you have more of one class in a Hard mode flashpoint, it has a higher chance to drop loot for their class, and considering that most flashpoints i run these days have either myself as a warrior, and 3 inquisitors, or myself as a warrior and 3 agents (2 snipers, 1 operative)

So, as you can imagine , my problem now is that the columi main hand, and things you need to trade a drop to get the item for are not dropping for my class. My recommendation for this is to allow player to buy the columi main hand with columi commendations, as well as with an columi main hand drop.


Operations is even harder, i have most of my columi gear now, minus the main hand, 90% of which i have bought grinding comm's, and i have my crafted rakata gear (some peices augmented), i have cleared KP and EV Story modes, but no group will take me to do the Denova SM, or any HM ops, how do i learn to do these and get gear, if players depend to much on what gear you don't have, than what you do have.



Note : This is not an i hate bioware thread, im more looking for constructive feedback as to how i can help myself.



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The ranked wz I sort of understand. Some groups might be all full war hero aiming to get their ratings as high as possible and wouldn't want what in their eyes would be a weak link. But you can still get war hero gear the slow old fashion way.


As for the ones doing HM flashpoints and HM EV/KP, they probably need their heads knocking together. I won't lie and would not recommend you do story EC till you have full Columi. HM EV and KP however, you absolutely should be able to do. I'm guessing they would want you to already have some rakata which is silly considering that's where it drops. And demanding full columi seems silly too, since EV and KP are well, easy. And if they're all.well geared they should have.no issues.


But for those kicking you from HM flashpoints. Well yeah I'm speechless. In what world your gear wouldn't be considered enough for anything other than Lost Island (and its probs enough for that too) I do not know. People have no desire to help people gear anymore, they expect everyone to have what they have and be grinding HM FPs just for the weeklies and black hole comms.


I feel sorry for whatever server you are on, sounds like a horrible place :p best bet would be just do a random HM flashpoint a day to grind them Blackhole comms and then join a guild, either PvP one or raiding one, whichever you care more for. Best of luck

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The servers are full of players who consider themselves "Elite" simply because they stayed on a dead server, and ground missions over and over again to get geared up quicker. This isn't me, and a lot of other players i know don't do it either.


i would never take you in a raid group because of this statement



if you want to progress and get gear, then join a guild... not many raid groups are willing to pick up a PUG who is undergeared (even if slightly) and has to have all the fights explained to him, just to be never seen again. if you are not gonna commit to a guild, dont expect people to carry you through hardmode ops.


otherwise it looks like your problem is with other players.. not sure what you want bioware to do for you, its the internet, suck it up? people dont have to include you in their groups if they want to.

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Before Blizzard added cross server LFG and LFR, this was a issue in that game too. A cross server tool would solve your problem. The elitist in WoW opposed the cross server LFG tool also because it meant less players would have to go thru them to experence end game content.
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i would never take you in a raid group because of this statement



if you want to progress and get gear, then join a guild... not many raid groups are willing to pick up a PUG who is undergeared (even if slightly) and has to have all the fights explained to him, just to be never seen again. if you are not gonna commit to a guild, dont expect people to carry you through hardmode ops.


otherwise it looks like your problem is with other players.. not sure what you want bioware to do for you, its the internet, suck it up? people dont have to include you in their groups if they want to.


Othert han the above, the feedback so far has been pretty constructive, so thanks for that.


To reply to Cpubowlplate:


I did join a guild recently, which i shall not name, the guild advertised as having groups to do all levels of Ops, so i joined, the first day i got into EV storymode, as it got late we agreed to finish it at an arranged time the next day, however, some players got online earlier and finished it without others, (despite having agreed on a time) leaving some of us with 2 day lockouts, and not able to finish it as in that particular instance, the bosses had been killed

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Now I understand what all the fuss was about the people ganking spawn points and earning Battlemaster in a day.


Looks like this is going to be one, slow painful process... and since I leveled a 50 all the way without ever PVPing, now it seems impossible that I can ever even get them geared up without just losing thousands of matches over the next few months.


Not a great scenario.

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Before Blizzard added cross server LFG and LFR, this was a issue in that game too. A cross server tool would solve your problem. The elitist in WoW opposed the cross server LFG tool also because it meant less players would have to go thru them to experence end game content.


this has to be one of the most idiotic reasons for supporting a cross server lfd. what makes you think people on the other servers will be any different if it were true?


certain hard modes have encounters that are more difficult for under geared players. kaon and battle of ilum have some encounters that survivability can be a issue. d7 i don't understand unless perhaps the final boss encounter. but the main issue i see in these three hms are clueless people who don't know the strats of the place and that includes trash as well as bosses. perhaps the people you have been unlucky to be with fall under these clueless souls that think gear out weighs strats and ability.


as far as main hands go you do know you can pull the modes out of a off hand and put them into your main hand right? however these drop in the battle of ilum which you have been having problems getting groups for.


unless you are a sage or a assassin which you would be out of luck you can do this for the other three classes.


i do agree you should be able to buy main hands from the coms merchant but we can't right now so we have do the above until then. perhaps one now drops off of a boss in one of the hms but we don't know about it because everyone skips it. i have gotten some nice gear from bosses people skip: all columni or columni quality with no set bonus.

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I hope Bioware doesn't start catering to "elites". Thats the deathblow to every MMO that has come out. Once you start catering to hardcore players you alienate the casual players the game dies. Blizzard found a nice balance between the 2, its not perfect but it works. Bioware should take note.
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