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new idea -Every species for every class


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when i was younger so much younger then today, my mother told me: " when you grow up you will be able to be who you want", and yes i grow up and now im 19 years old, and then i start play SWTOR and i saw i cant be red Zabrak jedi or Twi'lek Imperial Agent.


and i pay every month and still cant be one of them if i dont get to lvl 50 with one of them.

and its not ok, as RP Player i want to be who i really want to be.


so please SWTOR team, please i beg you, let us be who we really want to be.


thank you for amazing game with amazing lore, i gonna play keep play even if you dont listen, but, i belive you will listen.


Appreciate you. :):)

thank you for every thing.

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You can be any species in any class, as you noted though you have to get that species to 50. I wanted a complete Chiss clan but all on the Republic side so... I played a Chiss BH to 50 and he is only Lightside level 1 (was shooting for neutral) but there you go. It is possible, you just have to work at it a little bit :)


I now have a level 50 JK chiss and a smuggler chiss :)


Granted there aren't enough character slots but that would be the problem no matter what. :)

Edited by RolandeDeschaine
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You can be any species in any class, as you noted though you have to get that species to 50. I wanted a complete Chiss clan but all on the Republic side so... I played a Chiss BH to 50 and he is only Lightside level 1 (was shooting for neutral) but there you go. It is possible, you just have to work at it a little bit :)


I now have a level 50 JK chiss and a smuggler chiss :)


Granted there aren't enough character slots but that would be the problem no matter what. :)


Actually there's just barely enough character slots to get all species playable for all classes... it's just that you won't have a character slot left to actually make those characters after unlocking them unless you delete the fifties XD

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i just want to be red zabrak without go to lvl 50 with other zabrak, becuse i cant keep do something i dont like.


and i think if i pay every month i should be anything i want, becuse go to lvl 50 with zabrak that i dont want is waste of time and money.

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Actually there's just barely enough character slots to get all species playable for all classes... it's just that you won't have a character slot left to actually make those characters after unlocking them unless you delete the fifties XD


or you could just get one to 50 collect money and buy the species unlocks

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i just want to be red zabrak without go to lvl 50 with other zabrak, becuse i cant keep do something i dont like.


and i think if i pay every month i should be anything i want, becuse go to lvl 50 with zabrak that i dont want is waste of time and money.


All MMOs are time sinks. Working as intended.

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or you could just get one to 50 collect money and buy the species unlocks


I found that to be much easier. I'm able to raise at least just under a million credits within a week through dailies and professions.

Edited by Vitas
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I disagree with two of the species restrictions, yeah. Namely:


Miraluka not being available for sith force using classes

Twi'lek not being available for all classes, considering how it's another one of those universal species


But I do not think that all species should be available for all classes.It's enough of an immersion breaker to see sith pureblood jedi and miraluka troopers. Certain species' lore makes them suitable for certain classes. Chiss are secretive and enigmatic and traditionally support the empire, making them good as agents. Rattaki are an independent, warmongering race that values killing people, so empire it is.


So no, I think that aside from some unnecessary species restrictions, it's perfect as is.

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One of many things SWG did right and SWTOR has done wrong.


It's one thing to make us level up, but the alternative is 1,500,000 credits... which to be honest, is quite unfair.


Not everyone is a money tycoon; some of us don't even care if we hit 50 in a year... Completely stops us playing what we want to play.

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One of many things SWG did right and SWTOR has done wrong.


It's one thing to make us level up, but the alternative is 1,500,000 credits... which to be honest, is quite unfair.


Not everyone is a money tycoon; some of us don't even care if we hit 50 in a year... Completely stops us playing what we want to play.


Once you're lvl 50, it's pretty easy to raise 1.5 million credits if you work hard enough. Pick a gathering profession and raise it to 400, then sell stacks of what you found on the GTN. Generally stacks of 99 level 3 items sell high, just over 100 thousand. Doing all the dailies in Black Hole a day will get you another 100,000 credits. Keep doing this for about a week and you'll have raised probably over 1.5 million credits!

Edited by Vitas
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Once you're lvl 50, it's pretty easy to raise 1.5 million credits if you work hard enough. Pick a gathering profession and raise it to 400, then sell stacks of what you found on the GTN. Generally stacks of 99 level 3 items sell high, just over 100 thousand. Doing all the dailies in Black Hole a day will get you another 100,000 credits. Keep doing this for about a week and you'll have raised probably over 1.5 million credits!


That basically implies, play as something you *don't want to* before you can play as something you do want to.


Granted, I've shut up and put up personally. But you know what?


We should not have to pick something we hate, in order to play a *race* that has NO benefits other than looks somewhere down the line... or play as that species until 50, just so we can use it in other areas afterwards.


I don't know, maybe SoE set the bar too high for EA to follow suit. I can understand unlocking content, unlocking perhaps even an AC... but racial stuff, in a starwars game, where you need to slug in 100 hours of grinding, or a week grinding credits doing daily and crew skills, is not a step in the right direction.


One of the reasons I play a starwars game, is to play an Alien - NOT a human. Although, when you look at the options this game has... they are *all* way too Human, even the Twi'leks and they are the most alien of the bunch.

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Your argument could be applied to any part of the game. I hate to work for my raid/pvp gear. Please let me have it at first level. I hate not having a shorter cooldown on my Emergency Fleet Pass. Please give me that legacy benefit for free. I could continue ad nauseum.


Every class has several races to choose from at the start. Are you honestly saying you hate them all? And if so, perhaps you should find a different game to play. And SOE set the bar too high? I don't know about SWG, but EQ1 and EQ2 both had racial restrictions on classes.

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i think some of you dont understnad so i will explain,


i want to play ANY race for ANY class without HAVE TO HIT lvl 50 with other toon, if i want to be imp agent twilek i have to get other twilek to lvl 50, and i DONT WANT TO PLAY as other class.


so its waste of time, and money. and i will be happy if swtor team will post something here.

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i think some of you dont understnad so i will explain,


i want to play ANT race for ANY class without be lvl 50, if i want to be imp agent twilek i have to get other twilek to lvl 50, and i DONT WANT TO PLAY as other class.


so its waste of time, and money. and i will be happy if swtor team will post something here.


They wont post anything and there wont be any changes.

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They wont post anything and there wont be any changes.


why you think so?


and yes, i send mails to them and try to talk with them and, nothing, not even 1 mail.

i really start to get tierd.

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why you think so?


and yes, i send mails to them and try to talk with them and, nothing, not even 1 mail.

i really start to get tierd.


Because they wont change it. The reason only selected species could be chosen for certain classes has to do with the lore. Then they made it so any species could pick any class once one of them reaches 50 through the legacy system. If you can't be bothered leveling one of them to 50 to unlock it for the other classes, there's not much else you can do. My suggestion to you is to pick the species you want for a different class and play that till it's 50 but you'll just ignore what I say.

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it's funny tho that the OP thinks they will just yank out the entire way they set up character creation and the legacy species rewards because he doesn't feel like doing them and just wants it now for free Edited by Liquidacid
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so, you think swtor team gonna do something about it?


to make toon you dont want and hit 50 with it is waste of time, and time is money.


SO I WASTE MONEY!?, for WHAT!?, i just want to be imp agent twilek.


Well since you are REALLY PASSIONATE about this, what is so hard about taking the time to level another character to 50? I mean, is IA the ONLY class you are interested in playing? You plan on having NO alts?


BW's setup now is not unreasonable. When the game shipped there was no option to roll a class with a nonstandard race. The ability to do that is a perk ie. you earn it, it is not baseline, it is special, it is a privilege. Since 1.2 I have met many a Sith Pureblood Jedi, Chiss fighting for the Republic, and even a Miraluka Sniper. The barrier is low, the perk is easy enough to earn that many people have it. It's at the point where I run into nonstandard races in HM FPs - the perk has been out so long that not only have people been able to meet the requirements for new races, but they've spent the effort to conceivably makes those races their new mains.


Maybe you should ask yourself why you demand to have something for free that many others have worked to earn, why your time is worth more than their's, and why you are unwilling to put in the effort to work for something special that you really want?

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why you think so?


and yes, i send mails to them and try to talk with them and, nothing, not even 1 mail.

i really start to get tierd.


Simple this is a faction based game Imps vs Rep to start with they need to have some faction difference. Allowing racial merging through legacy makes sense from a "story telling' point of view.


But here is the hard facts, BW needs money/credit/time sinks to keep people grinding, the Legacy system is that sink. They will never abandon this, ever, ever.


From a canon perspective I still have dubious feelings that alien species even want to work with, belong to the empire (except of course the Sith Purebloods) since the Empire is the MOST human oriented alien hating faction in the story canon and the game.


So be happy, play a Repub Zabrak to 50, then buy the Imp red Zabs and never look back.

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I don´t get it. I am used to that race - class restrictions are STATIC.


Meaning if you cannot be a force using twilieck you can never be that.


I think it was a good addition to the game that within the legacy concept once you reach level 50 there is an option you could have a sibling that can be any class and any faction. I have not see this before.


And if you do not want to level a character to 50 with an allowed class you pay the money. Yes, I am not a money tycoon myself and struggling, but I got two options.


I am against removing the restrictions. Lowering the costs would be nice, but since there is already a promised level cap increase this in return usually means a higher monetary reward thus making it easier to aquire the currently high unlock costs.

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you dont think 1.5M credits is a bit too much?, and why should i waste my time as jedi twilek if i only want to be IMP agent twilek?, its just stupid...


So you have a choice? Either level one char to 50 or pay 1.5M. Either leveling is more fun to you or grinding 1.5M.


I see you don´t want to have a choice and it should have the possibility to play an imp agent twilek should not have been implemented in the first place. It´s optional, it doesn´t break the game play if you cannot choose it in the first place - it´s an added value to people who did level their race to 50 for a replay value. And those who don´t are not left behind they can take the credit alternative.


I will level a chiss to 50 so I can have a chiss force user - as I have a hard time to grind 1.5M and would spent those on other stuff.


I prefer having this choice above having no choice at all.

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