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Tank class DPS justification ...


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How in the hell is it even acceptable that a Sith Juggernaut can crit me for 6k ad then follow it up with a 4k scream?


I don't mind getting wrecked, but when a tank class hits me for higher than any other class I've ever seen in this game, I think there's a problem.


I have 3 pieces of Warhero and the rest is Battlemaster. How in the hell is it even possible for a tank to hit me for 6k consistently?


Being a Sage is hard enough ... but getting hit by a tank harder than any Marauder or Sniper ever has, is a bit ridiculous if you ask me. Fix this stupid <BLEEP>.

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How in the hell is it even acceptable that a Sith Juggernaut can crit me for 6k ad then follow it up with a 4k scream?


I don't mind getting wrecked, but when a tank class hits me for higher than any other class I've ever seen in this game, I think there's a problem.


I have 3 pieces of Warhero and the rest is Battlemaster. How in the hell is it even possible for a tank to hit me for 6k consistently?


Being a Sage is hard enough ... but getting hit by a tank harder than any Marauder or Sniper ever has, is a bit ridiculous if you ask me. Fix this stupid <BLEEP>.



I heard you were a sage, then understood all your problems instantly.

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How in the hell is it even acceptable that a Sith Juggernaut can crit me for 6k ad then follow it up with a 4k scream?


I don't mind getting wrecked, but when a tank class hits me for higher than any other class I've ever seen in this game, I think there's a problem.


I have 3 pieces of Warhero and the rest is Battlemaster. How in the hell is it even possible for a tank to hit me for 6k consistently?


Being a Sage is hard enough ... but getting hit by a tank harder than any Marauder or Sniper ever has, is a bit ridiculous if you ask me. Fix this stupid <BLEEP>.


You didn't get hit by a tank, you got hit by a dps. They have dps trees. I could post you a video of a sorc bursting for 10k and ask you why a healer can do that, but I won't, because I know that they have different tree specs.

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How in the hell is it even acceptable that a Sith Juggernaut can crit me for 6k ad then follow it up with a 4k scream?


I don't mind getting wrecked, but when a tank class hits me for higher than any other class I've ever seen in this game, I think there's a problem.


I have 3 pieces of Warhero and the rest is Battlemaster. How in the hell is it even possible for a tank to hit me for 6k consistently?


Being a Sage is hard enough ... but getting hit by a tank harder than any Marauder or Sniper ever has, is a bit ridiculous if you ask me. Fix this stupid <BLEEP>.


So what your saying is an AC that has the ability to tank should not be able to effectively DPS? Do you have any idea how stupid that sounds? So in your mind Juggernaut/Guardian Assassin/Shadow and Powertech/Vanguard should ONLY be able to tank effectively....If they spec DPS they ARE DPS if they spec tank they ARE tank periods.

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Focus guardians not sure what the mirrors called

Its force sweep and singularity stacks

So after the leap or zelous leap which is a short range leap/attack they are garenteed a crit to their

Sweep ability this has a 5 mtr range and is somewhat easy to negate

When they leap to you knock them back or stun them and the move out of range

If done successfully you will have nutered their damage greatly


Singularity is gained by force stasis/choke combat focus and force exhaustion

Edited by denpic
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It's true that they all have the ability to tank no matter which tree they get so they can do both more efficiently than many dps dedicated classes.


Focus is the squishiest of the 3 trees the have no

Unremitting are easily cc able after leap if they are in tank stance soresu form they won't be doing much dps at all

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It's true that they all have the ability to tank no matter which tree they get so they can do both more efficiently than many dps dedicated classes.


words from someone who hasn't actually played the class or looked at the skills.

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The point is this ...


I have yet to see a pure DPS hit for 6k and I've been playing since Beta. No Sniper, no Gunslinger, no Marauder and no Sentinel has hit me for the amount of damage that this Jugg hit me for. I understand that they have a DPS tree, but don't you think a PURE dps should hit like this and not a class that wears heavy armor with a ton of mitigation?


justify it as you must, but it's wrong ...


I'm a hybrid too ... and I hit NOTHING like this.

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How in the hell is it even acceptable that a Sith Juggernaut can crit me for 6k ad then follow it up with a 4k scream?


I don't mind getting wrecked, but when a tank class hits me for higher than any other class I've ever seen in this game, I think there's a problem.


I have 3 pieces of Warhero and the rest is Battlemaster. How in the hell is it even possible for a tank to hit me for 6k consistently?


Being a Sage is hard enough ... but getting hit by a tank harder than any Marauder or Sniper ever has, is a bit ridiculous if you ask me. Fix this stupid <BLEEP>.


OMG! Another nerf this, nerf that imp class. Of course as usual only the imp side is OP.

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A DPS spec hitting you for alot of dmg? Madness!


Just because he's a Jugg doesn't make him a tank. :rolleyes:


The class is the tank. The spec is well...the specialization.

The Jug is a TANK class.


So what if they don't Specialize for tanking?

They are still tanks.


Heavy armor

Single target Taunts

AE Taunts

Reduces dmg stance that increases armor above default heavy (approx 30% mitigation to approx 50%)



All these abilities can be used regardless of SPEC.

They are TANK abilities making the class a TANK.


And if DPS spaced Jugs and Guardians are not tanks then i guess BW forgot to inform these guys.




Top 3 damage classes in a competitive game also have great to excellent protection stats.

Yea seems balances to me.

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The point is this ...


I have yet to see a pure DPS hit for 6k and I've been playing since Beta. No Sniper, no Gunslinger, no Marauder and no Sentinel has hit me for the amount of damage that this Jugg hit me for. I understand that they have a DPS tree, but don't you think a PURE dps should hit like this and not a class that wears heavy armor with a ton of mitigation?


justify it as you must, but it's wrong ...


I'm a hybrid too ... and I hit NOTHING like this.


I know people always like to look at the highest damage number, but there are definatly other classes that can combo two things to burst in the same hit for more than that.

Edited by Dissentus
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Pre Operative/Scoundrel nerf but you said you've been playing since beta so here you go.


News flash ... Operative/Scoundrel is not a "PURE" DPS class.


Sentinel/Marauder and Sniper/Gunslinger = pure DPS class. Guess you missed the memo.


Point still stands ... why does a class that has so much damage mitigation have the ability to hit harder than any PURE DPS class I have ever seen?


Yes, I'm calling for nerfs .. why? Because when I'm dead in 3 hits from this guy, in the gear I'm wearing, there is a problem. But by all means, justify it as you will.


I don't mind being wrecked by a Sniper or Gunslinger ... or even a Marauder or Sentinel. But when a Tank class drops me in 3 hits, something needs to be addressed. (This can also be said for Powertechs).

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I know people always like to look at the highest damage number, but there are definatly other classes that can combo two things to burst in the same hit for more than that.

My Sniper, with a long cast time, cannot crit for 6k and he's a pure DPS class.


This guy was doing it on an instant cast ability while wearing heavy armor and more mitigation than 80% of the specs in this game.


I got crit for 6k, then followed with a 4k scream ... I was dead before I could get 2 dots on the guy. By all means, defend it ...


at the end of the day, there's something amiss here.

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News flash ... Operative/Scoundrel is not a "PURE" DPS class.


Sentinel/Marauder and Sniper/Gunslinger = pure DPS class. Guess you missed the memo.


Point still stands ... why does a class that has so much damage mitigation have the ability to hit harder than any PURE DPS class I have ever seen?


Yes, I'm calling for nerfs .. why? Because when I'm dead in 3 hits from this guy, in the gear I'm wearing, there is a problem. But by all means, justify it as you will.


I don't mind being wrecked by a Sniper or Gunslinger ... or even a Marauder or Sentinel. But when a Tank class drops me in 3 hits, something needs to be addressed. (This can also be said for Powertechs).


Why isn't it okay? The two classes you mention have other things they bring that those "tanks" do not. Heal debuffs. Group buffs. And mara/sent is actually considered more survivable by most people and they do just as much damage.

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So, what you are suggesting is that, since a Jugg has the potential to be a tank (even though the person playing it does not want to go into the tanking anymore and wants to be a DPS), the Jugg player should be punished and be given gimped DPS. Because he has the potential to go to the skill trainer in the future and may choose to spec into tanking tree ?


These forums never cease to amaze me.

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All tanks are OP. Period.


Even IF you spec your tank class for DPS, you still have HEAVY ARMOR. You DPS like a pure DPS class, but you can soak up way more damage.


Bioware has no idea about class balance.



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So, you are pointing a Void star 30 min stalemate gang aoe fest as a proof? Where their whole team was conveniently bunching to get sweeped to death? In a match where there wasn't any competent mara/sent or a powertech? The same powertechs that can go 550-600k damage every game, not just zerg aoe fests? While having the same amounts of guard? Or a mara that has 600k dmg and 100k SELF healing?

Believe me, jugg/guardians are the least of your problems.

Edited by alcek
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All tanks are OP. Period.


Even IF you spec your tank class for DPS, you still have HEAVY ARMOR. You DPS like a pure DPS class, but you can soak up way more damage.


Bioware has no idea about class balance.






My shadow (supposedly a tank class) has LIGHT ARMOUR when specced for dps, i.e. less mitigation than everyone else except for sages. My shadow has less defensive cooldowns than sentinels. Whilst I do indeed have taunts, that is just one piece of utility. Other classes have off-heals, more CC, more debuffs etc. Every class brings utility of some sort, my shadow DPS simply happens to have taunts.


As to the armour front, again, FALSE!


Whilst guardians and vanguards do indeed have heavy armour, they have to be in tank stance to get the most benefit out of it. Without being in tank stance, the benefit from armour is barely above medium armour. However, if a DPS guardian/vanguard uses tank stance, then they will fail at DPS.




To the OP: if you are getting critted for 6k by a DPS class, all it means is that DPS class has specced and geared specifically for it, i.e. massive surge rating and very high power. I've seen gunslingers do that before, just like I've seen every other class manage it too. It can only be acheived through specific gearing and setup and whilst it's great when it happens, the rest of the time that guardian is likely to be gimped by low crit rating/accuracy etc.

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I love these kinds of threads. They always make me smile. :D


Kind of like when you're minding your own business, just watching the world go by...and you see someone on the street casually walking, not really paying attention to much of anything...and then WHAM! They walk right into a light pole.


I sit and think to myself, heh...that guy must play SWTOR.

Edited by TheronFett
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For OP, im getting 6k crits on my sniper quite often. usualy on light armor targets ofcourse, but its not rare. And i can still upgrade my gear by a lot. Some screenshots for you in case you dont believe me:






and this one is killing blow, but my highest hit so far, check defeated message in chat box:



Not that i want to show of or something (maybe a bit:D) but just showing that sniper can definetly do that.

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So, you are pointing a Void star 30 min stalemate gang aoe fest as a proof? Where their whole team was conveniently bunching to get sweeped to death? In a match where there wasn't any competent mara/sent or a powertech? The same powertechs that can go 550-600k damage every game, not just zerg aoe fests? While having the same amounts of guard? Or a mara that has 600k dmg and 100k SELF healing?

Believe me, jugg/guardians are the least of your problems.


30 min stale mate? Are you new to the game? Void star does not go for 30min. It goes for 15 min in a stale mate.


But in case you need further proof here are the same players in a quick Novre coast 100-0 which is a "quick" game with a sentinel in the mix to satisfy you.


Low and behold the DPS tanks outperform everyone again.




Yes DPS tanks are clearly balanced.


But wait...there is more.

An even FASTER game


Civil war 450-0 which means it was 3 capped for a period of time. Prob about a 10min game.

And you guessed it. The DPS tanks rule the roost again.




Yea real balanced


This Jeck fellow out damages everyone in a war zone and still puts up excellent Protection stats.

Yea ok Gaurdians/Jugs are not tanks......

What ever makes you sleep at night mate.

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