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New to the game and can't stick with just one class!


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Hey all, I played SWTOR abit when it was in beta and until recently didn't have enough time to fully commit to it. I did the friend trial about 2 weeks ago and picked up the game when it expired. During the trial period I rolled pretty much every class to get a feel for them and I'm now having the problem of liking too many of them! Out of all the ACs I've tried I'd say there are maybe 2 I don't feel too attached to, the Sorcerer/Sage and the Commando/Merc. All the other ones I'm having a ton of fun with.


Right now I have all ACs sitting around levels 15-20 and just cannot decide which to focus on and get to 50. I've never really had this problem in other games. Eventually I would roll alts but there was always one that really stuck out that I could decide to be my main. So far this is what I've got and my impressions of ones I'm debating:


Jedi Sentinel: A ton of fun, I like melee abit more than ranged and he feels fast paced. I like the dual-wieding and overall feel of this class


Sith Juggernaut: Also alot of fun, he feels pretty powerful and his armor looks intimidating. I typically play DPS but I did tank Black Talon(as much as you can at that level) and it was fun.


Imp Operative: I do like the stealth mechanic and I LOVE his story and I like the idea of sneaking around and stabbing people. Only issue sol far is that right now his DPS is alittle on the low side.


Sith Assassin: Also stealthy fun, his story isn't too engaging yet but he does seem pretty strong and does have the option to tank if I ever want to.


Imp PowerTech: I'm really shocked that I like this guy. I'm not as big a fan of ranged but he kinda blends ranged and melee well. He also seems strong and can tank.


Rep Gunslinger: Pretty fun, he does alot of damage and his story so far is funny and interesting. The only negative I see is he's not AS mobile as some of the other classes but he's still fun


Rep Vanguard: Even though she's a mirror to my BH she feels kinda different in a good way and I do like her story.


So that's where I stand, my problem is I keep leveling them almost together. Every night I sit at the character select screen for a good 10-15 minutes debating which class to log in and play. I tell myself "Ok, I'm sticking with this class till 50, or atleast till I unlock Legacy." and then the next time I play I choose another character. I have 4 characters on each faction because I still haven't figured out which faction to stick with. My server(The Shadowlands) seems to have a good community on both sides, but it doesn't really matter too much to me which faction I end up.


If there's anyone who has been in a similar situation or anyone that has any suggestions or advice to picking a class and sticking with it please let me know. I'm enjoying this game but my inability to stay with one character is making me crazy.

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I had this same problem, in many MMOs lol


I suggest you just level them at your own pace, it's your 15 bucks a month, you can level as many or as few characters as you like. I leveled 3 chars at a time Shadow, Guardian, and Gunslinger. Shadow turned out to not really be my style, I just don't care for the dual bladed saber. Guardian didn't really get fun to the 40s but I enjoyed the storyline for the most part. The smuggler story probably has the most LOLs of any class.


So yeah I used to stress out about it, but now I just tell myself that i'll get to 50 when I get to 50, I guess it's easy, nobody is really waiting on me to level since my buddies quit a while back.

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I had this same problem, in many MMOs lol


I suggest you just level them at your own pace, it's your 15 bucks a month, you can level as many or as few characters as you like. I leveled 3 chars at a time Shadow, Guardian, and Gunslinger. Shadow turned out to not really be my style, I just don't care for the dual bladed saber. Guardian didn't really get fun to the 40s but I enjoyed the storyline for the most part. The smuggler story probably has the most LOLs of any class.


So yeah I used to stress out about it, but now I just tell myself that i'll get to 50 when I get to 50, I guess it's easy, nobody is really waiting on me to level since my buddies quit a while back.


This. You seem to have fun with all of them so keep having fun with all of them! Legacy is nice and all but not that useful for now, you'll get it eventually :)

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Out of the classes I have played I agree with your assesments of them. I like my gunslinger the most so far. With a saboteur spec. 10/31/0



Also, if you romance Risha you get to be the King of Dubrillion, which is her home planet.


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HA! i understand compeletly. had about loads of ACs that i couldnt decide on. on faction, i would pick it due to guild/fun people to play with. on krath, i ended up repub just because there seemed to be less infaction trash talking but doesnt seem to have that problem for you.


hopefully ill be a bit more helpful with which class to choose. storywise for the classes i have played through atleast act 2 for me, it was Smuggler=Operative>Jedi Warrior (light) >Sith warrior (dark)>trooper>>>>>>>>Jedi consular. Smuggler was just funny (and best act 1 "villian"), trooper was predictable and consular was boring as hell in act 1. picks up a bit in act 2 and decent act 3 but that didnt make up for a horrible and long act 1. It does have the bonus of going really well with the main side story for each planet though. almost seems as if they created the two together.


At 50 for pvp (havent pved with much)


Gunslinger, wrecking machine no matter what spec you pick. For me, Sab spec was a good choice since it's more mobile and slightly more defensive than the sharpshooter youre still a turret but atleast you can dish out some decent dps while moving around when you need to. unfortunately, it doesnt start to shine till around lower 30s. This is my favorite class of the few i have tried.


Jedi Sent, My favorite melee tree. they may get nerfed a bit on the defensive side a bit later but I like them for the pure dpsness. This would be my choice for endgame melee dps. both sent trees are viable and depend on youre playstyle which is nice.


(if you havent noticed i like dps and especially these to because they give you the most freedom to experiment and decide which spec is right for you.)


Jedi Shadow, done both dps and tank. personally, the dps seems rather lackluster compared to the sent and GS. I put out less than either other ac but seem to die just as much if not more. if you want survivablity though, go the tank tree (you can see hybrid specs on the shadow forums, shinarika has been great and done the experimenting for you lol). I put out good damage while still being able to gaurd a healer well. It is also the most versatile class with all the tools you have at youre disposal. and stealth is always great lol.


Operative heals, besides the great story, this was a great healer class. The dps from it i will just tell you about my friends that play the scoundrel class (op mirror). Right now, he likes the shared tree (dont remember what it is called). He does great damage and can still burst people down half of someones health pretty quickly. However, you have to pick youre fights if you want to survive. people say it's gimped, i personally think it is just a hard class to learn.


Vangaurd, i just didnt like the ammo mechanic so dropped mine after around lvl 33ish.


Hope this helps in some small way instead of making the pic harder lol.

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Hello Grifften! I am glad you are playing, enjoying yourself and posting here on the forums.


The good news is that this is a nice problem to have. The even better news is that you don't have to choose just one class. Here is how I get around this.


I am currently playing 4 different classes. When I sit down to play, I simply ask myself what sounds fun right this second.


  • I feel like shooting some guys and being a sneaky bastard. Gunslinger it is.
  • I feel like a megalomaniacal jerk who wants to inflict some pain. Break out that Sith Sorcerer.
  • I want to feel special, like I was chosen for a higher purpose (and develop a strange relationship with a 7 foot tall lizard dude). Jedi Sage, here I come.
  • I want to be a soft spoken bad *** who saves all life in the galaxy. The Jedi Guardian FTW.
  • I don't want to do any work, I just want to be entertained. Watch TV.


Do whatever you feel like doing. Its your free time, spend it how you want.

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This game really does lend itself to alting, I have every class for that reason. But you really really really need to unlock your legacy before you continue jumping around. Pick the character that is furthest along in the story line, finish alderaan and couple quests after that, pick your legacy name. THEN get altitus. You are wasting tons of legacy exp with so many alts and no legacy.


Also, with rest exp, as long as you are parking them on fleet on a catina, you won't take long to get several to 50, so don't worry about power leveling one, just play at a pace that feels natural and you'll get there.

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This game really does lend itself to alting, I have every class for that reason. But you really really really need to unlock your legacy before you continue jumping around. Pick the character that is furthest along in the story line, finish alderaan and couple quests after that, pick your legacy name. THEN get altitus. You are wasting tons of legacy exp with so many alts and no legacy.


Also, with rest exp, as long as you are parking them on fleet on a catina, you won't take long to get several to 50, so don't worry about power leveling one, just play at a pace that feels natural and you'll get there.


Thanks everyone for the replies. This is exactly to reason I want to really focus on one of them for now. I don't mind jumping around or having a bunch of alts, but I do want to settle down on one and unlock Legacy.


I've kinda narrowed it down alittle, I think... Right now on Republic side my Sentinel and Gunslinger are the furthest along and most fun, I may stick with the Sentinel since his story seems alittle more epic and he's 2 levels higher. On the Empire... I'm really torn, Powertech and Juggernaut are slightly higher but the Operative is pretty close and I find all of them fun.


Since I like so many classes I'll have much to keep me busy so right now end-game and PvP aren't major concerns but in other MMOs I was a big raider and I did enjoy PvP at times, so that may be a factor eventually.


I've also deleted a bunch of characters once I got them off of the starter planet because I decided another race would look cooler or that I should've chosen a different gender. I think there's something wrong with me!


Thanks everyone for all the helpful advice.

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I'm new to the game too, and I did exactly the same thing you did! Eight characters so I can have one of every class. Kept remaking them with different genders and races, etc. Mine are around level 4-5, though. My main is only 18. I thought I was the only crazy one to do this! :)

Lady_Alyria, thanks for bringing up the Legacy bit, I didn't even know about that! I think I'll stick to my Sentinel for a while. Or maybe my Inquisitor. Hm, Smuggler seems pretty fun, too...;)

Edited by eltanincoso
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Problem? This isn't a problem. I do this in every MMORPG, and in other MMORPGs you do not get a different storyline based on your class (or rather, if you do it is far less than what we get in this game).
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It is personal choice but as an 8 character player I sort my time this way;


If I feel the need for a challenge, I play my Sorc (sage) healer.


If I feel like totally relaxing I play my Gunslinger. (Sniper)


The rest of the time I sort of drift around playing a bit here and there, good luck.


IMHO, swtor is designed for altaholics.

Edited by Elkirin
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Get one to 50, OP, the one you like the best right now.Then play the rest across the board keeping in mind that you will eventually have them all there. Its what I did. My tank went first (he is a tank for your guild), now working on the rest as I go. I have different crafting on all of them and they are gearing each other up as they go.
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I'm new to the game too, and I did exactly the same thing you did! Eight characters so I can have one of every class. Kept remaking them with different genders and races, etc. Mine are around level 4-5, though. My main is only 18. I thought I was the only crazy one to do this! :)

Lady_Alyria, thanks for bringing up the Legacy bit, I didn't even know about that! I think I'll stick to my Sentinel for a while. Or maybe my Inquisitor. Hm, Smuggler seems pretty fun, too...;)


Good to know I'm not the only one. I do love alts in other games but this one is really making me rethink my decisions on what race/gender/faction/AC/preferred animations for every so many of my characters. I think the only ones I'm sure about are the ones I'm not even really playing(Female Mirialan Commando and Male Human Sentinel). All the other ones I'm all over the place! Which faction to have a ranged tank? What race for the Sith Jugg? What gender for the Bounty Hunter?


I've kinda decided to stick with my Jedi Sentinel just because he is fun and is the highest. He may not stay my main, heck, he may not even stay in my main faction once I decide, but I really should just go until I unlock Legacy. Around what level is that?

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Good to know I'm not the only one. I do love alts in other games but this one is really making me rethink my decisions on what race/gender/faction/AC/preferred animations for every so many of my characters. I think the only ones I'm sure about are the ones I'm not even really playing(Female Mirialan Commando and Male Human Sentinel). All the other ones I'm all over the place! Which faction to have a ranged tank? What race for the Sith Jugg? What gender for the Bounty Hunter?


I've kinda decided to stick with my Jedi Sentinel just because he is fun and is the highest. He may not stay my main, heck, he may not even stay in my main faction once I decide, but I really should just go until I unlock Legacy. Around what level is that?


About 32-35 for most people. It's a few quests after you finish Alderaan.

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About 32-35 for most people. It's a few quests after you finish Alderaan.


And keep in mind, all you need to do is the class quest on Alderaan. You can skip the rest and come back once you've finished chapter 1 and started your legacy. That's what I do, anyway.

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I agree this is a problem like having too much money is a problem. My problem is I'm obsessed with the unlocks, I started with getting 4 characters past chapter 2 so I could use all 60 min buffs at once. Now I need to get all races to 50 for race unlocks. Leveling companions to the max for presence unlocks etc...


Now I lose tracks of storylines and personalities. Was this sith the once who was evil and cherished death or the one who believed in loyalty to the empire but protection of it's citizens?

I try to focus on one character for a while but find myself getting tired of the class grind and wanting to PvP with another alt.

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