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Who was really the chosen one.....

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The way I see it, Anakin (Vader) is still the chosen one, as it is him that kills the emperor, which also kills himself.



However, that is if you see that moment as when the force is brought into balance. From a math perspective, the force is brought into balance at the end of the revenger of the sith. After all the Jedi have been hunted other than Obi Wan and Yoda, there are 2 sith and 2 Jedi, which to me is balanced. After all, the force is unblanaced if the majority of its users are light sided, isn't it?


I totally agree with this. You can't have 1 side overpowering the other, that is called imbalance. So in the first movie leading up to the third we see nothing but Jedi. Then after the 3rd Anakin brings balance to the force by turning to the dark side (which seems should be the case considering he was created originally by a powerful dark side force user). At the end of the 6th movie we see balance is once again restored by Anakin throwing the Emperor down the shaft. That's just how it is.

Edited by Daystarr
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I totally agree with this. You can't have 1 side overpowering the other, that is called imbalance. So in the first movie leading up to the third we see nothing but Jedi. Then after the 3rd Anakin brings balance to the force by turning to the dark side (which seems should be the case considering he was created originally by a powerful dark side force user). At the end of the 6th movie we see balance is once again restored by Anakin throwing the Emperor down the shaft. That's just how it is.


No, there is no unbalance. The force is the Light, the whole 2 sith and 2 jedi thing was made up where in the EU does it state that there needs to be 2/2? Because if the EU has to follow GL rules, in which that he never even stated such a thing then its completely wrong and it was made up by fans. Really though, it also doesn't make any sense.

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No, there is no unbalance. The force is the Light, the whole 2 sith and 2 jedi thing was made up where in the EU does it state that there needs to be 2/2? Because if the EU has to follow GL rules, in which that he never even stated such a thing then its completely wrong and it was made up by fans. Really though, it also doesn't make any sense.


i think the whole "bring balance" was bad wording from the get go. it confused ppl to the true purpose of the chosen one. they should have used the statement "heal the force" or something like that. the whole point of vade/anakin was he threw sidious off that walkway and killed him, then died himself, leaving only luke, light side luke. forget EU, if the story ended there. then the chosen one has healed the force getting rid of the darkside

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No, there is no unbalance. The force is the Light, the whole 2 sith and 2 jedi thing was made up where in the EU does it state that there needs to be 2/2? Because if the EU has to follow GL rules, in which that he never even stated such a thing then its completely wrong and it was made up by fans. Really though, it also doesn't make any sense.


You do realise that these "fans" need to have approval from GL himself before the books are ever published? It's called the EU for a reason. Your opinion on the Force being one sided aka light side just shows how catagoricaly biased you are towards it.


You're basically saying that if GL didn't say it then it's not true. But what you fail to realise is that without action there is no reaction; without cause there can be no effect. It's the way of the universe, in any universe. Simple physics my friend. If you stand up, does solid ground swallow you whole? No, because there are forces at work that prevent this from happening. It makes perfect sense; without darkness there can be no light, without evil there can be no good, just like the story. Do you understand?

Edited by Daystarr
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You do realise that these "fans" need to have approval from GL himself before the books are ever published? It's called the EU for a reason. Your opinion on the Force being one sided aka light side just shows how catagoricaly biased you are towards it.


You're basically saying that if GL didn't say it then it's not true. But what you fail to realise is that without action there is no reaction; without cause there can be no effect. It's the way of the universe, in any universe. Simple physics my friend. If you stand up, does solid ground swallow you whole? No, because there are forces at work that prevent this from happening. It makes perfect sense; without darkness there can be no light, without evil there can be no good, just like the story. Do you understand?


No I ain't biased towards anything, and I never said that there needs to be just light. Of course theres always going to be the darkside, because theres always going to be evil/bad people in the galaxy. What I am saying though, is the whole there needs to be 2 sith and 2 jedi thing is wrong.

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No I ain't biased towards anything, and I never said that there needs to be just light. Of course theres always going to be the darkside, because theres always going to be evil/bad people in the galaxy. What I am saying though, is the whole there needs to be 2 sith and 2 jedi thing is wrong.


Yeah, Wolf is talking about the weird "balance means an equal amount of Jedi and Sith in the universe" that has cropped up and being tossed around. It's wrong and a way too literal understanding of balancing the Force.

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No I ain't biased towards anything, and I never said that there needs to be just light. Of course theres always going to be the darkside, because theres always going to be evil/bad people in the galaxy. What I am saying though, is the whole there needs to be 2 sith and 2 jedi thing is wrong.


That's not how I understood your replies. Regardless the 2 Sith thing you're referring to is the Rule of Bane - the only way the Sith could exist without the infighting and constant civil wars. The Jedi adopted a similar method because there were 3-4 Padawans being assigned to 1 Master and some could fall to the Dark side so the Jedi eliminated this threat by assigning 1 Padawan per Master. I also believe because the threat of the Sith was more or less non-existent in the mainstream of the Universe dealings, so the Jedi felt they didn't require to train as many Force-sensitives to battle against their ultimate enemy.

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That's not how I understood your replies. Regardless the 2 Sith thing you're referring to is the Rule of Bane - the only way the Sith could exist without the infighting and constant civil wars. The Jedi adopted a similar method because there were 3-4 Padawans being assigned to 1 Master and some could fall to the Dark side so the Jedi eliminated this threat by assigning 1 Padawan per Master. I also believe because the threat of the Sith was more or less non-existent in the mainstream of the Universe dealings, so the Jedi felt they didn't require to train as many Force-sensitives to battle against their ultimate enemy.




Once again no, the specific part he has been referring to with the 2 Jedi/2 Sith balance thing is that people have been citing the fact that Yoda/Obi-Wan and Sidious/Vader were alive at the same time it meant the prophecy had been fulfilled; not anything to do with the Rule of Two or Jedi teaching models. As in, 2 Jedi and 2 Sith alive means balance of the Force.


In their literal view, the Force is again out of balance when Yoda/Obi-Wan/Luke(3) are alive to Sidious/Vader(2) alive and when its just Luke(1) to Sidious/Vader(2).


Like I said before it's wrong and an incredibly literal interpretation of the prophecy.

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Once again no, the specific part he has been referring to with the 2 Jedi/2 Sith balance thing is that people have been citing the fact that Yoda/Obi-Wan and Sidious/Vader were alive at the same time it meant the prophecy had been fulfilled; not anything to do with the Rule of Two or Jedi teaching models. As in, 2 Jedi and 2 Sith alive means balance of the Force.


In their literal view, the Force is again out of balance when Yoda/Obi-Wan/Luke(3) are alive to Sidious/Vader(2) alive and when its just Luke(1) to Sidious/Vader(2).


Like I said before it's wrong and an incredibly literal interpretation of the prophecy.


Thanks for clarifying that. And who the hell came up with that stupid interpretation? It's just void of any reason during the period of the story we are talking about.

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Thanks for clarifying that. And who the hell came up with that stupid interpretation? It's just void of any reason during the period of the story we are talking about.


That's part of what we have been doing, trying to figure out where that nonsense came from.

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If we are taking the cartoon network "Clone Wars" series in account, then the 3rd season has a series of episodes where obi one and anakin reaches a world where 3 beings are controlling the force and making sure it is in balance.


(Clone Wars, Season 3, Episode 15: Overlords)


The father, the son, the daughter... where the son represents the dark side, the daughter represents the light side, and the father - he who controls it.


In the episodes "The Father" tests anakin to see if he is the chosen one and indeed he finds that anakin is the chosen one - because he was able to control both his children (the dark son and the light doughter)


So if you take the tv series seriously (no pun intended), than "The Father" which is sort of like a god, or at least "The Keeper of the Force" states with a test and with words that Anakin Skywalker is indeed the chosen one, so this is all quite redundant.


Also about the argument of what is "the Balance" : the Father clearly states in the episodes that there cannot be light without darkness and both his son and his daughter are needed, that is why he needed to see that Anakin can control them both.


To me, the wars in the movies are the balance - as long as jedi and sith are fighting each other, the balance will remain. that's why i really liked the comment earlier about the force being a dick :D

Edited by drone_
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Lucas has clarified that "bring balance to the force" means killing all the Sith, and that Anakin was indeed the chosen one, and it was the plight of his son that made him step up to the plate and bring balance to the Force, thus redeeming himself with the Force.
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Its the same universe, otherwise why would they need to conform to Lucas's world? If its just a different universe, the authors could do whatever they hell they wanted. Its never stated that there are two different universes entirely, in fact that quote could be taken out of context if you look at it because the other universe could really just mean "what the authors decided to make, and expand on Lucas's world" it doesn't necessarily mean its an entirely different universe.


To keep it from turning into a Star Trek situation where there's more than two alternate universes. Also, it really wouldn't be Star Wars if it didn't have to conform to the movies and other G-Canon sources, otherwise its just another Science Fiction setting with laser swords.

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Anakin WAS the chosen one, because at the end he did bring balance to the force by Destroying the emperor, but that doesnt mean balance would of remained forever, it cant remain forever, there will always be an empire, if you say revan strikes you more like a chosen one than...yeah he brought balance for a short amount of time you could say, but the empire returned, its always going to return so, there can be multiple chosen ones that are destined to bring balance to the force for a short amount of time, nothings permanent.
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My own opinion on the matter was that Annakin Skywalker was the chosen one who would bring balance but maybe not in the way that people think of as balance.


Through Annakin, Luke and Leia were born. Through Annakin, many Jedi were slain and I think this is part of the fact that the Jedi had lost their way slightly so this was, in a sense, nature's way of getting the Jedi back on track through Luke who wasn't taken away as a child to be trained as a Jedi, who experienced the galaxy and his emotions away from a Jedi academy as such. Luke was forced to find his own way and to see what it really meant to face the dark side but not give in to it, to have a greater awareness of it but not be corrupted by it in the same way Annakin was. Through Luke getting through to Annakin this led to Annakin killing the Emperor who was the darkness that was threatening the galaxy that even the Jedi didn't know about when Palpatine was manipulating the Republic and the Jedi.


So, in effect, it wiped all the old back under the carpet to begin anew with a new generation of Force users in Luke and Leia who were not like the Jedi before them thus restoring a sense of balance to the force.


I believe that there could be multiple chosen ones over the years because I see the force like nature. Where nature always finds a way to correct imbalances so too does the force find a way to correct imbalances. It's like the fact that I don't necessarily see the Sith as corrupted but as part of the fabric of the force to keep the Jedi in line. When the Jedi lose their way along come the Sith to guide the Jedi back. Like nature has its extremes so too does the nature of the conflict between Jedi and Sith.

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What the previous posters above me fail to understand is that Anakin was the Chosen One because only HE was capable of putting an end to Sidious's reign. And what makes it more special than any other Jedi to come before him is that Sidious could have PERMANENTLY pushed the Force out of balance. That's how much dark energy he exuded.
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At the end of it all, I do not believe it was Anakin Skywalker. He might have redeemed at the end and perhaps Luke did try to restore the Jedii order but ultimately it all seemed for not. If we are to concede canon after ROTJ, we ultimately see that everything falls apart and goes to **** anyway. The Empire comes back and the Jedi become hunted once more.


It was Anakin, when Plagueis and Sidious meditated hard and long enough to force the... force to shift to the dark side, it was when Anakin's mom became pregnant. There are PLENTY of examples of how effortlessly powerful he was in a few of the books as well (Rogue Planet being one of the best) and not to mention the whole Mortis thing lol


There were a few times I had some doubts, but ultimately, everything continually proved he was.

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Balance in the force means clearing the dark force shroud. A ritual that the Sith Master, and Sith apprentice used to cloud the Jedi's visions.


I can understand how some people can get that confused with other philosophies of their own.

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