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Please explain! !


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How can you really compare a game like WOW that has been online for many years to one that has been online less than 6 months? WOW has been refining their game over time, as BW is still working on expanding theirs. I find it funny how people calling themselves MMO vets expect every new MMO to be as vast as WOW...

EXACLY!! i just can't get it how they can compare this two totally diferent games...

SWTOR is Sci-Fi which is online only for half year and WoW is fantasy which is online about 5-7 years? ( i don't know exact time )

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11. Panda/Monks, Showing that Blizz can and are makin improvement to the Animations of classes cause most of the Pandas and monks is better then any in SWTOR.



This MUST be quote of the week! I laughed so hard my jaw hurts! WD sir, you win a :D



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Guys let's be honest here. WoW is a rotation game. Other than raids (which I never do), I could memorize a rotation and not even look at the screen for hours while fighting and still win.


You know I would use ability X, then Y, then Z, then Y again, then X, and so on.


This games seems more engaging. I use my interrupts almost every time a bad guy is channeling a big ability.


Oh and no auto attack? Really? I thought that is what the companion was for?


You've not played a Gunny Trooper or BH Merc then? :)

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W0W W0W W0W....ya know, when anyone, good or bad, does nothing but talk about W0W, I tune out everything else they say, because I've never played W0W. I have no interest in W0W or what W0W does that SWTOR doesn't, nor can I relate to whatever W0W jargon you use.


Might I suggest...talk about what THIS game needs. Talk about the problems SWTOR HAS! Talk about how we can improve SWTOR! I really don't give a flying **edit** what W0W does...I care about THIS game. SWTOR has a ton of issues...but not one of them is related to W0W.

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W0W W0W W0W....ya know, when anyone, good or bad, does nothing but talk about W0W, I tune out everything else they say, because I've never played W0W. I have no interest in W0W or what W0W does that SWTOR doesn't, nor can I relate to whatever W0W jargon you use.


Might I suggest...talk about what THIS game needs. Talk about the problems SWTOR HAS! Talk about how we can improve SWTOR! I really don't give a flying **edit** what W0W does...I care about THIS game. SWTOR has a ton of issues...but not one of them is related to W0W.


Agreed. Its like every MMO has to have EVERYTHING that WoW has to be successful.

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Fyi op you haven't come remotely close to fully gearing out your toon. You haven't done HM EC or NP, y'know, the Tier 2 content they released. Go clear those with a pug group in a week and maybe you have a point.
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W0W W0W W0W....ya know, when anyone, good or bad, does nothing but talk about W0W, I tune out everything else they say, because I've never played W0W. I have no interest in W0W or what W0W does that SWTOR doesn't, nor can I relate to whatever W0W jargon you use.


Might I suggest...talk about what THIS game needs. Talk about the problems SWTOR HAS! Talk about how we can improve SWTOR! I really don't give a flying **edit** what W0W does...I care about THIS game. SWTOR has a ton of issues...but not one of them is related to W0W.


Well for one this game prob does Relate to WoW cause the thing that made me Stop playing and only log on 4 times a month to raid is that it IS WOW with a Star Wars Skin over it. but with alot more bugs so why would i pick this one over the other? this game offers nothing more over WoW.

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Fyi op you haven't come remotely close to fully gearing out your toon. You haven't done HM EC or NP, y'know, the Tier 2 content they released. Go clear those with a pug group in a week and maybe you have a point.


I have downed HM Denova(EC) . Full Black Hole gear. We downed it in teh 2nd week of 1.2

Edited by Solixx
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Well for one this game prob does Relate to WoW cause the thing that made me Stop playing and only log on 4 times a month to raid is that it IS WOW with a Star Wars Skin over it. but with alot more bugs so why would i pick this one over the other? this game offers nothing more over WoW.


Yes it does.


Companions (not even remotely comparable to pets in WoW) and their storylines

1-50 Class Storylines

Completely voice over (yeah yeah yeah those of you complain that you need to space bar through it, well I do not want to see a wall of text in WoW)

Legacy (say what you want about it, but for altaholics like myself it is a very good system IMO)

Completely different genre (sci fi where WoW is fantasy).


So do not go on saying it offers nothing more over WoW.

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And another thing to you all saying "Give it time it will improve"

Why would I waste time in Hopes of the game geting better and they would need ALOT of improvements thats why I didn't make a thread of what SWTOR Needs. Plus 1.2 and 1.3 jsut made the game even worse then it was before other then the Bug fixxes. LFG/LFR is the #1 thing I hate in this game and WoW. IM not such a Star Wars fan that I am goin to keep paying $15 a month to play 4 days a month its jsut not worth it thats why im not paying next month and endin my Sub might Ill keep up with the game and come back if to try it if I see things added I rly love but so far every patch i didn't like

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Guys let's be honest here. WoW is a rotation game. Other than raids (which I never do), I could memorize a rotation and not even look at the screen for hours while fighting and still win.


You know I would use ability X, then Y, then Z, then Y again, then X, and so on.


This games seems more engaging. I use my interrupts almost every time a bad guy is channeling a big ability.


Oh and no auto attack? Really? I thought that is what the companion was for?


This game is the same way I can look away and Tank on my Jugg or Dps on my Assassin. Only thing is in this game I can do that on Raid boss without dealing with *********** up and Dying. In WoW you look away your goin get caught in fire or somethign and Die.

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pretty obvious the OP isn't being straight forward. His claims of lvling time and doing every single quest in game do not match up with one of his likes (Story with quests). If he had done every single quest in game while watching the story it would take him about 5 days /played to complete everything heck maybe even longer. If you spacebar through it all it would still take at least 2.5 days /played. That includes all of the bonus series quests on every planet as well as every fp. Also its obvious he doesn't know anything about the end game raiding as he claims to have cleared nightmare mode denova which is not even in game nor on the pts. I'm going to write this off to someone either exaggerating a ton or a troll.
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And another thing to you all saying "Give it time it will improve"

Why would I waste time in Hopes of the game geting better and they would need ALOT of improvements thats why I didn't make a thread of what SWTOR Needs. Plus 1.2 and 1.3 jsut made the game even worse then it was before other then the Bug fixxes. LFG/LFR is the #1 thing I hate in this game and WoW. IM not such a Star Wars fan that I am goin to keep paying $15 a month to play 4 days a month its jsut not worth it thats why im not paying next month and endin my Sub might Ill keep up with the game and come back if to try it if I see things added I rly love but so far every patch i didn't like


Apparently you have a LOT of time to lose OP.

Maybe you should use some to learn basic grammar

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And another thing to you all saying "Give it time it will improve"

Why would I waste time in Hopes of the game geting better and they would need ALOT of improvements thats why I didn't make a thread of what SWTOR Needs. Plus 1.2 and 1.3 jsut made the game even worse then it was before other then the Bug fixxes. LFG/LFR is the #1 thing I hate in this game and WoW. IM not such a Star Wars fan that I am goin to keep paying $15 a month to play 4 days a month its jsut not worth it thats why im not paying next month and endin my Sub might Ill keep up with the game and come back if to try it if I see things added I rly love but so far every patch i didn't like


you do not have to use the LFG/LFG features especially since LFR group finder is only for SM EV and KP which you can only do once a week. It is becoming glaringly obvious that you do not have much experience with this game.

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This game is the same way I can look away and Tank on my Jugg or Dps on my Assassin. Only thing is in this game I can do that on Raid boss without dealing with *********** up and Dying. In WoW you look away your goin get caught in fire or somethign and Die.


you obviously have no experience raiding in this game.

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OP is not being truthful and being a mythological creature that makes its home under a bridge. He makes too many wild or inaccurate claims(the record for 1-50 is a bit over 2 days /played,there is no NM Denova etc),too full of grammar and spelling errors for even the internet and is in love with WoW way too much to actually be a fan of it.
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I bought it because I am a huge Star wars bioware game fan (knights 2 is my favorite, I know heresy). It is definitly worth the money. I find it to be a lot of fun, combat could be better but it's a fun game that keeps you engaged. It was a bit of a letdown at first though. Hoped for better combat (like dcu), and fewer glitches (most have been fixed that were initially there). But it's fun, it keeps me interested (unlike wow which maybe keeps me interested for a week), and I enjoy it.
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Ok ok ok.... my favorite part of this post was when he said, he got the game on april 2nd, and on the 12th he hit 50 after logging 1 DAY 13 hrs play time, and then said it was too fast.


So let me get this straight. In a 10 day period of time, you commited 1 and a half days to playing a game and are made that you beat the game too quickly?


You spend a DAY AND HALF playing a game non stop and hit level cap. This is sort of just your own fault that it went by too quickly.


Games just are not that old grind fest games where you had to play hours and hours and hours to get anything done. But THIS is just just too funy for me. It is just your own fault that you hit level cap so fast. If you tell me that you did not space bar through the missions I will laugh until I die.

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