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WAY to over powered Republic


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Ok I've played a lvl 50 sentinal in pvp with 1000 expertise and I've played a marauder in pvp with 1000 expertise like really .. there is no comparison why Bioware decided to make republic side far overpower I would never know like really a 50 sniper gets 1 pushback yet smuggler get 2? 3 republic stuns for a full resolve bar yet 2 empire stuns for a full resolve bar ..... fyi all this info is tried and tested and if it does not go into the bioware books as true ... bioware needs to start looking for hackers ... If you still need proof I will record it and display it.
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Ok I've played a lvl 50 sentinal in pvp with 1000 expertise and I've played a marauder in pvp with 1000 expertise like really .. there is no comparison why Bioware decided to make republic side far overpower I would never know like really a 50 sniper gets 1 pushback yet smuggler get 2? 3 republic stuns for a full resolve bar yet 2 empire stuns for a full resolve bar ..... fyi all this info is tried and tested and if it does not go into the bioware books as true ... bioware needs to start looking for hackers ... If you still need proof I will record it and display it.


This is why Bioware should NEVER listen to players when it comes to class balance.


P.S. Classes are mirrored. I hope you understand what that means OP.

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This is why Bioware should NEVER listen to players when it comes to class balance.


P.S. Classes are mirrored. I hope you understand what that means OP.


Pubs think Imps are OP'd.. Imps think Pubs are OP'd.. so I guess that means..


I think both sides are OP'd.. nerf everyone into the ground..

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Imagine if there were really significant differences between classes and factions in this game, beyond their role in the Trinity? Then we'd actually see a lot of "this is so imba" threads. Edited by jgelling
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Please, go on, tell us all about how this thing is remotely in sync with reality. Tell us of all the ground breaking bugs that imperial characters suffer and how their skills and abilities operate so inferiorly to the republic counterparts. Tell us all about how they change the animations and the wording of the texts as to be just like the republic counter-parts and not the other way around.


Please, i beg you.

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  • 2 weeks later...
This forum needs to be read and taken into account when doing debuffs on class's. I have had full resolve bar on my Tank Assassin toon (1258 Expertise) and I am still able to be CC'd, AOE'd and stunned. The shadow can rip me apart with little to no effort. You can not say, " the classes mirror each other." because they do not! Bioware needs to to look at the forums and understand WE play the game not them. And obviously they can not get pvp right. Fix the republic toons! until it is a battle of skill against the republics it is not even. When I battle my counter part on the republic side I died at an obvious 0 percent health, he/she was at 72 percent. There is no way that is possible, I am half warhero and even if they were full warhero they would not have that significant of a power increase. (this was before the augmentation to all armor could be made.) I am done with this game until BIOWARE actually PLAYS this game and does pvp actively to see their flaws....
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Ok I've played a lvl 50 sentinal in pvp with 1000 expertise and I've played a marauder in pvp with 1000 expertise like really .. there is no comparison why Bioware decided to make republic side far overpower I would never know like really a 50 sniper gets 1 pushback yet smuggler get 2? 3 republic stuns for a full resolve bar yet 2 empire stuns for a full resolve bar ..... fyi all this info is tried and tested and if it does not go into the bioware books as true ... bioware needs to start looking for hackers ... If you still need proof I will record it and display it.


is this a serious post? I at one time like you thought this way.........HOWEVER. I proved myself wrong by learning the class and how to play it correctly and then also by learning the other side (i'm currently lvl'ing up a BH it's EPIC). Your statement (i hope it's a joke) it's a complete falacy.

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Ok I've played a lvl 50 sentinal in pvp with 1000 expertise and I've played a marauder in pvp with 1000 expertise like really .. there is no comparison why Bioware decided to make republic side far overpower I would never know like really a 50 sniper gets 1 pushback yet smuggler get 2? 3 republic stuns for a full resolve bar yet 2 empire stuns for a full resolve bar ..... fyi all this info is tried and tested and if it does not go into the bioware books as true ... bioware needs to start looking for hackers ... If you still need proof I will record it and display it.


Proof please.

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Pubs think Imps are OP'd.. Imps think Pubs are OP'd.. so I guess that means..


I think both sides are OP'd.. nerf everyone into the ground..


Yes. Let's have it so all any class does is auto-attack and all the buttons you press make you start auto-attacking or stop auto-attacking.


Or better yet, any button you press deletes your character and reports your account to Bioware for permanent banning. The kicker is that you have to keep paying the subscription fee though.


This sounds fun, yes?

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Lies im on both side my pre 50 juggernaut has never lost in PvP yet my 50 guardian had a very hard time pvping it depends on the server and the players in those factions


1 v 1 if I see sent/maru run there is no beating them especially whem they hace a healer

Edited by xAZUREx
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Please, go on, tell us all about how this thing is remotely in sync with reality. Tell us of all the ground breaking bugs that imperial characters suffer and how their skills and abilities operate so inferiorly to the republic counterparts. Tell us all about how they change the animations and the wording of the texts as to be just like the republic counter-parts and not the other way around.


Please, i beg you.


I have no idea what the OP is talking about...but many people have said what you said Lovia...and they were wrong before. There have been a number of MAJOR differences between Imp and Rep mirrors. Some were animation things, Mortar Volley, Ex Probe and some were bugs such as the Flashbang OPs had going for them.


Who says the classes are mirriored and balanced? Bioware? That is only their intent, that doesn't make it reality, no matter how many times someone types it on these forums. People have been spouting that same stupid line over and over again, before and after Bioware changes one factions class to match the other one. There are still numerous bugs between the classes and animations. Here is a fun one...try and sort out the difference between a sniper and gunslinger when it comes to weapon gearing. Mirror classes right? Then why is an OH token drop for a GS just s good as a MH drop and not that way for a sniper?


TL:DR The classes do not match up and in some cases one faction has an advantage over the other. Don't discredit people and mouth off like a Biodrone until you know.

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Imagine if there were really significant differences between classes and factions in this game, beyond their role in the Trinity? Then we'd actually see a lot of "this is so imba" threads.


You just described what Warhammer Online was.


They decided it would be a fantastic idea to give different "moral" or super abilities to different class archetypes along the different factions.


So, Order's main range dps class got a 7s aoe stun... who did they decided to give that to on Destruction? The melee healer...


It was so bad it was laughable.

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I have no idea what the OP is talking about...but many people have said what you said Lovia...and they were wrong before. There have been a number of MAJOR differences between Imp and Rep mirrors. Some were animation things, Mortar Volley, Ex Probe and some were bugs such as the Flashbang OPs had going for them.


Who says the classes are mirriored and balanced? Bioware? That is only their intent, that doesn't make it reality, no matter how many times someone types it on these forums. People have been spouting that same stupid line over and over again, before and after Bioware changes one factions class to match the other one. There are still numerous bugs between the classes and animations. Here is a fun one...try and sort out the difference between a sniper and gunslinger when it comes to weapon gearing. Mirror classes right? Then why is an OH token drop for a GS just s good as a MH drop and not that way for a sniper?


TL:DR The classes do not match up and in some cases one faction has an advantage over the other. Don't discredit people and mouth off like a Biodrone until you know.


Well if they present some hard evidence and go into a bit more detail instead of a ramble then maybe we'd give them a bit more credit ...

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