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New Classes in the future?


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If i see someone posting "entertainer class would be nice, you can dance and give buffs..." i swear i'm gonna flip a table.


but an entertainer class would be nice... we also need chat spam bots and macros to automate it this way you don't even have to be at home to play... just pick a spot in the spaceport or cantina and leave the computer


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Edited by Liquidacid
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I think it's utterly pathetic that this game does not have a bard class yet. Anybody with me on this?


Anybody? Anybody with me? Anybody? :(


every single one of my toons is a female Twi'lek in a slave girl bikini and has the music playing pet droid... so close enough

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The most I can see for Teras Kasi and/or Echani martial arts is a passive skill in a damage tree, somewhere. There's barely enough there for a single class, let alone two advanced classes, and it would be nigh impossible to write an iconic (and good) story of the galactic importance of a martial arts practitioner. The same goes for entertainers, creature handlers and quite a few other holdovers from SW:G that people won't let rest in peace.


Teräs Käsi, or "steel hand" in Basic, was an unarmed combat discipline. It was created sometime prior to 3,678 BBY on the planet Bunduki by the Followers of Palawa, refugees of the planet Palawa, which was devastated earlier in a war somehow involving the Jedi Council.

Teras Kasi Sith Class, New Unarmed Weapons that uses Tech. Light armor

The advance class be

Teras Kasi Monk- Tank. they rely on Debuffs more then Tanking Stats, so Like damage Reduction, and such.

Teras Kasi Scholar DPS.


Echani Republic class. TechBlades, and Tech Staffs. light armor

Echani Dancer- Tank.

Echani Swordmaster- DPS.

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bah...i dont mean to be too critical of the concept..but lets get real here..martial arts masters are pathetically weak in a modern environment


you shoot one enough times and he`ll still die...just like any other human...its not slight a gunslinger,or a bounty hunter,that learns to move with the primary non force method of kills


as it stands now in irl..you get a loaded 9mm pistol and suddenly your 20 times more powerful than any martial arts master that ever lived,or is living..its sad i know,but this is the reality we live in,and to delude ourselves on that level,that a martial arts master is somehow usefull in modern warfare,is shamefull


oh and on a side note....id get wary of mentioning sith or jedi learning any so called martial arts....all it does is augment there lightsaber and force powers



and also..handmaidens in kotor were decent i guess....but you cant ignore the scene were revan easily beats them all to submission with simple combat,proving a force user is stronger than a martial arts master by a long stretch...or the part where revan kills the rest of them and the jedi leading them


In the universe of star wars there are personal shield generators. So energy attacks can be mitigated. Combine that with a realistic ability to close gaps and the Tera Kasi class works. Further more on a side note, people aren't making up stuff, the TK is already in the Star Wars universe. So in terms of reality it wouldn't be hard to do, and in terms of story, cmon this is Bioware.

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In the universe of star wars there are personal shield generators. So energy attacks can be mitigated. Combine that with a realistic ability to close gaps and the Tera Kasi class works. Further more on a side note, people aren't making up stuff, the TK is already in the Star Wars universe. So in terms of reality it wouldn't be hard to do, and in terms of story, cmon this is Bioware.


But some people find the idea to be laughable.


A skilled/powerful Jedi Sith is super-human in their abilities.

Able to deflect blaster fire and perform feats that no human can accomplish without some sort of technological help.


A trooper is trained in combat and geared with top-of-the-line equipment from head to toe.


A smuggler is likewise equipped with the best gear that they can get their hands on (and they can get their hands on quite a lot) and uses an intelligent and adaptable combat style.


Yet we are supposed to accept that there is some super space-Karate out there that none of those archetypes are seemingly capable of learning, yet makes a normal human the equal of any Jedi or Sith, that makes a normal human the equal of a highly trained and well-armed combat fighter?


If, as was mentioned, Darth Malgus is trained in Teras Kasi, that should put the lie to the concept of a Teras Kasi master as a class... It shows that anyone can learn that form of combat, and that any concept could support that idea.


Most classes have some non-weapon attack(s). Presto! Instant Teras Kasi move.

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Somebody mentioned fencer. Yes, I dreamed of such class since start. Dooku is one of my favourite charcters and when I saw the Inquisitor announcement I hoped to be a melee class fighting with a single lightsaber in some classic, "Sithy" robes. Didn't get any of that.


I'd love to see a fencer class - Makashi utilizing combatant who excells in melee combat with single lightsaber without wearing funny Sauron-meets-sci-fi armor.

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But some people find the idea to be laughable.


A skilled/powerful Jedi Sith is super-human in their abilities.

Able to deflect blaster fire and perform feats that no human can accomplish without some sort of technological help.


A trooper is trained in combat and geared with top-of-the-line equipment from head to toe.


A smuggler is likewise equipped with the best gear that they can get their hands on (and they can get their hands on quite a lot) and uses an intelligent and adaptable combat style.


Yet we are supposed to accept that there is some super space-Karate out there that none of those archetypes are seemingly capable of learning, yet makes a normal human the equal of any Jedi or Sith, that makes a normal human the equal of a highly trained and well-armed combat fighter?


If, as was mentioned, Darth Malgus is trained in Teras Kasi, that should put the lie to the concept of a Teras Kasi master as a class... It shows that anyone can learn that form of combat, and that any concept could support that idea.


Most classes have some non-weapon attack(s). Presto! Instant Teras Kasi move.


Teras Kasi should be implemented as no more than a combat stance for Jedi and Sith.

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To be honest as base classes I miss true pet classes (be it droid controller types or Hut Beast trainers), yes I know everyone gets a companion, but I miss having abilities specifically tailored to pet use and being able to use a pet in Ops, Warzones and Flashpoints (without using a character slot up).


The other thing that I expect them to do is add new advanced classes for existing base classes and/or split existing advanced classes into 2 new classes at higher levels to make them even more role specific.

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To be honest as base classes I miss true pet classes (be it droid controller types or Hut Beast trainers), yes I know everyone gets a companion, but I miss having abilities specifically tailored to pet use and being able to use a pet in Ops, Warzones and Flashpoints (without using a character slot up).


The other thing that I expect them to do is add new advanced classes for existing base classes and/or split existing advanced classes into 2 new classes at higher levels to make them even more role specific.




you bring up a very good point..there is alot of lore backing things like sith alchemy...which very obviously is a summoner type...there is so much data behind this it`s shamefull that its not a class yet


im sure bioware could conjure up a republic mirror,maybe like a beast tamer or something....in that sense i recall the scene in episode three where obiwan instantly tames a wild beast to chase after general grevious

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For jedi/sith expansion they could do fallen jedi/risen sith. That would be a really good story!


While most good suggestions I see have a decently unique class concept, mechanically, but not enough story to match, this is the polar opposite - the story could be great, even iconic, but I highly doubt that the classes themselves could be that different from those that already exist.

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Finding a class that

-Can have a full class story

-Is Star Warsy and Iconic

-Identifiable/represented by a well known star wars character

-Different to what we have already

Its a task that limits itself


We will likely see mirroring and faction swaps first

Imperial Smuggler

Republic Bounty Hunter

Imperial Commando ( Trooper) Stormtroopers

Republic Officer ( Agent) Padme/Leia

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My brother had a good idea for a Crime Lord class. What do you guys think?


I think it would be a rehash of the Smuggler.


While I do not know about any 'crime lord' class, I do believe that there is room for 'rehashes'.


New mechanics are only part of what makes a class.

Looks and story also play a part.


I think that there is plenty of room for 'rehashed' classes.


I would have zero problem if they introduced a Wookie and Trandoshan class that was a mirror of the knight/warrior class, only using vibroblades/staves instead of lightsabers and tech/natural abilities rather than force attacks.


I would have zero problem if they introduced a Republic spy and Imperial pirate class that mirrored smuggler/agent.


I would have zero problem if they introduced a Republic freelance and Imperial trooper class that mirrored trooper/BH.


Heck, we already have these in the game in some fashion. Bowdaar and Qyzen (and Torian, and Skadge, and Tanno, and...) are basically the first, though as companions. A tech-based melee combatant.

On Coruscant (and elsewhere) we encounter a group of mercenaries hired by a Republic NPC to do a job.

On Hutta we encounter a smuggler negotiating with the Hutts on behalf of the Empire.


It's not like every smuggler in the galaxy decided that they hated the Empire, or that every BH of any skill opted to join the great hunt and sell their services exclusively to the Empire.

Those are just the initial stories that we were given.


Heck, I suggested a good while back that they should consider adding a second class story to every existing class, just so that we could play every existing AC in both factions with a unique story.

Adding a new class name to a set of existing mechanics is certainly not anything that I would have a problem with.



And yeah, voice acting takes time and costs money, but they put these new classes in an expansion box with some extra features and they can make up a lot of that cost fast. :t_cool:

Edited by Mithros
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im telling you guys..alot more work goes into simple things than is normally thought about..ive been working for two days (doing photo shopping of course) on a rehash of the character creation interface,to make it well,more like you have a decent amount of choice...


and let me just say,work like that will make your eyes hurt after awhile...then again i suppose it doesnt effect me as much as the next person because i have a large supply of energy drinks and coffee...

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I'll start by saying that the choices that are available right now in game are plenty. Almost any combination of force user or gun slinger archetype are there. Most people have already poked holes into the martial artist idea so I won't, other than to say in such a technological age weapons are necessary. With the amount of work that was put into the classes stories it is also unlikely that a new story will be added simply because of cost. New racial options can be implemented with just some minor voice/graphic work and/or you'll have to read what your character says which is no big deal.
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