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I just want my 16 hours of paid for time reimbursed.


since you pay 15 bucks a month that is 2 cents an hour we will get your 32 cents in the mail right away... tho you will have to pay the postage and since a stamp now cost 45 cents you now owe us 13 cents

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I love how you can tell by their posts in this thread who is most likely a first shift working american. Way to be concerned for others!! Anyone that plays normally during the "emergency Hotfix" patch (yeah I did that on purpose) has more than enough reason and rights to complain, loudly, over this. Just go back to the patch records and see how often this happens and also notice it is NOT always on those BIG patches.


And for the ones doing the $.34 blah blah, do this math.... shutting the server down at 2am central twice in one week cuts into 2/5 of my weekly play time, lot more of a big deal then isn't it?

Edited by Igax
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Yes i want them to fix the game. I want them to fix it during your primetime.


Meh. The maintence is at 9pm where I live but frankly even if it was at 5 I wouldn't care. I have a life however so YMMV. Bugs me more the forums are down then

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Now at least 3 EU (super) servers are busy during the day.... this is still classed as off-peak.... Separate EU maint and actually do it off peak that is when there are fewest players online (early hours of the morning). Everytme there's a patch there's additional downtime.


LTP (learn to patch) :rolleyes:

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The fact is I don’t think the game was finished when they released it and now they are scrambling and throwing out content patches, fixes and UI fluff to try and keep people playing before this game finishes its circle of the drain and eventually succumbs to its inevitable fate. SWTOR could have been an amazing game but it’s not, it’s a decent game riddled with bugs from the original beta and previous patches. I love to play but like so many others we are tired of the patches that seem to cause more issues than they fix. Unfortunately, the only thing we can do is keep playing and hope things gets better.
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The fact is I don’t think the game was finished when they released it and now they are scrambling and throwing out content patches, fixes and UI fluff to try and keep people playing before this game finishes its circle of the drain and eventually succumbs to its inevitable fate. SWTOR could have been an amazing game but it’s not, it’s a decent game riddled with bugs from the original beta and previous patches. I love to play but like so many others we are tired of the patches that seem to cause more issues than they fix. Unfortunately, the only thing we can do is keep playing and hope things gets better.


you have been doing NOTHING but just bashing this game even before it came out. Why are you still here....

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I for one am happy they're releasing fixes as fast as they do...


The game is GREAT in so many respects and they pushed the envelope a bit so of course there's going to be bugs.


I see very little lag and I'm on a slow internet connection.... stop watching (ehem) naughty vids while playing and you'll have less lag...


I'm not judging... no wait... I am judging... so there.

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omg!! 4 hours downtime every week out of how many hours up?!!? OMG! What ever will we do? :eek:



And usually the servers are up in 2-3 hours when they do this--in the past I've ripped into BW for unscheduled maintenance but after a big content patch drops, very rarely is there not more fixing to be done because unforeseen things happen in your live environment. When BW fubars a weekly patch, they deserve to be flamed--big patch like this? You could safely bet your last dollar something will need to be tweaked

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Hey folks,


We do have a thread to discuss maintenance concerns here:



We'll be closing this thread so you can continue the discussion in that thread to keep feedback a bit more consolidated.


Also, as a gentle reminder, we'd appreciate if folks refrained from rude or insulting comments no matter who or what they are directed towards. If you must disagree with someone or something, please do so constructively. Derogatory comments are not allowed. Thanks for your understanding.

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