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...Quesh was ridiculously easy, ended up underleveled for Hoth

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Alright, it goes without saying that you need to do class quests, bonus quests, heroic 2's +2's and 4's etc to ensure you're not underleveled. So please don't just respond to me with the obvious, because this post isn't complaining, just asking a simple question for people who have gone 50 with a Sent...


Okay, so up until Hoth, I was always 1 to 2 levels over the planet levels throughout the story. I do space missions, flash points, I make sure to do bonus quests etc... But here's the question. Once I got to Quesh... Everything was sickeningly easy. And I don't say that in a sense where if there is some post on here about someone being difficult on Quesh and I'm just bragging, because I'm not. I'm not very good at SWTOR, and I'm honestly new to MMO's. Quesh was just... Absurdly easy. And then I got to Hoth as a 36, and while I could deal with trash mobs and a few elites, my class quests were far overleveled. I don't say hard, because that to me is a stupid comment to make. I'm underleveled. That's my fault, not the game. I just wonder. Did anybody else REALLY breeze by Quesh and then find themselves a little kicked in the chest when they got to Hoth?


Apologies for the rambling, it's just 2AM :p Thanks for any input guys.

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I had that problem, yeah, but I was level 38 and had a level 50 friend carry me through Balmorra heroics and some hoth quests to make up lost levels. If you know anyone who can do it, do that. If not, redo all the Balmorra heroics. It'll help your exp. If not, run WZs, FPs, and bonus series. Nar Shaddaa is level 31, so you could try that. I'm pretty sure you can do Balmorra bonus series, too.
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I didn't even remember Quesh. My bro and I usually level together. I'm sure we just did the class missions and moved on. Hoth wasn't an issue ofcourse cuz there were two of us grouped at all times. Sorry I couldn't be more help on that.


As far as completing Quesh. I did it all on my Imp Agent. I was 37 getting into it since I've been soloing heroic 2s all the way up. I got into Hoth with no issues either. I do, however, have crafters that are keeping myself in purple mods/OH, and blues on my comp. That may make a difference.

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I don't get it...


I only do quests (my class quests, the planet quests, the side quests and the bonus series where possible) and thats all. Yet I NEVER arrived at a planet underleveled, not even Hoth (I never do space, never grind, not a flashpoint in months, no PVP and definitely not Heroics since I was mostly alone on the planets until my transfer last week)


I havent had a problem since launch and im on my 4th character/playthrough now.

Every planet I go to im usually 2 to 3 levels above the minimum stated on the planetary map.


How on earth do people get to their planets underleveled is beyond me, and I'd almost think you were doing it wrong. :)


But anyway, best of luck, you should be able to make up lost levels by doing any of the things I never do :))


ps: Quesh is terribly short, it is, and pretty easy, yes.

Edited by Lodau
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I think Quesh is just very very short class quest wise.


I was actually very overleveled(i like to do every quest, and flashpoints a lot...to the point where i green or grey out my current planet quests...very annoying), and i did it so fast i forgot that i didnt need to go back.


The planet really seems incomplete, especially compared to other planets.

I remember it was the same even on Imperial side. I was there for such a short time on my Inquisitor i actually forgot the planet existed.

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