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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ranked WZ - Sick Joke


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Most customers on dead servers had moderate to severe gear issues.


Yay. Server merges. We can play again. We can start to earn gear.


Then you go and include Ranked WZs today...which most players from dead servers are undergeared still.


Is getting rolled by teams in Full WH gear worse than being on a dead server? I dunno. But this is a sick joke, imo. GG.

Edited by DarthNuke
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I was on a dead server and still got half WH before 1.3, people like you are the reason I absolutely LOVE the fact that Ranked are out. Go QQ and play reg WZ so that we only have to play geared people. IF you keep playing regs and leave us geared toons to the Ranked you wont have to face us much anymore, I promise. Plus you can pretend Ranked doesnt exist until u are geared.
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I was on a dead server and still got half WH before 1.3, people like you are the reason I absolutely LOVE the fact that Ranked are out. Go QQ and play reg WZ so that we only have to play geared people. IF you keep playing regs and leave us geared toons to the Ranked you wont have to face us much anymore, I promise. Plus you can pretend Ranked doesnt exist until u are geared.


if you had enough pvp pops to get half war hero you weren't on a dead server. maybe a "light" server, or an "omg pop took an hour" server, but not dead. dead was my server, no pvp for a month straight at level 50, and multiple hour q's for sub 50 on a good day.

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Bitter that the merges took so long.


Yes, I will still keep grinding unrated. Or, ditch my guild just because of the gear issue. Not cool on my part, but what else can I do?


I'm in half BM half WH gear. I can hold my own just fine, Shadow Tank spec is still solid. But my faction seems to have 80% of the pop still having some Recruit pieces. :mad:


BW waiting so long to merge....screwed the people on dead servers. Just sayin.

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Play Rated Warzones. Just do it, find 7 other people in full recruit gear and que the **** up! Maybe you will find some people that you play well with. Are you so serious about your epeen that you wouldnt rather have 8 people working together, even if just in ops chat, than you and 7 random people? I seriously do not understand why anyone who actually likes pvp in this game would not prefer rateds over regular warzones.
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It is very amusing that many posters whine at the OP for whining.


Carry on this is popcorn worthy stuff.


LOL. I thought I was venting. Being on a dead server for 4 months will do that to ya. Guess I was whining.

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I was on a dead server and still got half WH before 1.3, people like you are the reason I absolutely LOVE the fact that Ranked are out. Go QQ and play reg WZ so that we only have to play geared people. IF you keep playing regs and leave us geared toons to the Ranked you wont have to face us much anymore, I promise. Plus you can pretend Ranked doesnt exist until u are geared.


We averaged 3 or 4 queue pops per MONTH. Took me 2 months to finish my weekly pvp quest. Only reason I was able to complete it in 2 months....subs increased a week before the mergers.

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I was on a dead server and still got half WH before 1.3, people like you are the reason I absolutely LOVE the fact that Ranked are out. Go QQ and play reg WZ so that we only have to play geared people. IF you keep playing regs and leave us geared toons to the Ranked you wont have to face us much anymore, I promise. Plus you can pretend Ranked doesnt exist until u are geared.


Clear FOTM reroller e-thuging the crap of the pvp forums about one of the biggest pvp jokes in the mmo market(swtor) like a CHAMP!!


like anyone cares

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They don't call it PRE-SEASON Rated Warzones for nothing...


if you are QQing already about playing Rated Warzones, which keep in mind have no bearing yet on how good of a group you are actually in until the "Normal" season begins, then you are in for alot of tears my friend..

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Regular Warzones: for undergeared players and noobs

Ranked Warzones: for fully geared and organized players


Stop whining


Unless rated WZ's aren't popping fast and now your PuG is getting roflstomped by an 8 man premade in a reg WZ.

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BW loses a **** ton of subs because of no rated warzones or open world pvp. Players over-whelmingly demand rated warzones to the point of priority one. They finally deliver rated warzones. This guy complains that they released rated warzones. We all laugh, and yet want to punch him in the face irl.


Excuse me, I need to go sit on the toilet so I can concentrate on hating you.

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Most customers on dead servers had moderate to severe gear issues.


Yay. Server merges. We can play again. We can start to earn gear.


Then you go and include Ranked WZs today...which most players from dead servers are undergeared still.


Is getting rolled by teams in Full WH gear worse than being on a dead server? I dunno. But this is a sick joke, imo. GG.

nothing to worry about yet, it is preseason 1 and all u achieve in rwz gonna get reset anyway. so just try and go get some team practice in rwz's and run normal and keep gearing up. and you will be in shape when/if season start. cos BW have to get the cross server que before the season start, optimistic here end of august.

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Most customers on dead servers had moderate to severe gear issues.


Yay. Server merges. We can play again. We can start to earn gear.


Then you go and include Ranked WZs today...which most players from dead servers are undergeared still.


Is getting rolled by teams in Full WH gear worse than being on a dead server? I dunno. But this is a sick joke, imo. GG.


Heres my suggestion. instead of crying go earn your gear like those who are stomping you did.

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Most customers on dead servers had moderate to severe gear issues.


Yay. Server merges. We can play again. We can start to earn gear.


Then you go and include Ranked WZs today...which most players from dead servers are undergeared still.


Is getting rolled by teams in Full WH gear worse than being on a dead server? I dunno. But this is a sick joke, imo. GG.


Don't queue for ranked warzones until your geared ******* or be prepared to lose. I came from a dead server and I have augmented war hero in every slot so that's no excuse.

Edited by gamerpaul
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