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Do we suck in WZ now?


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I hardly ever see us at the top of the leader boards anymore. BH and some form of Consular is getting 300-400k dmg with ease now from what I see every match. I myself am finding it harder and harder to crack 250k partially from the stand point that I am now getting torn to shreds when I enter a battle so quickly that I can't stay alive long enough anymore to even sniff that 300k figure.


I feel like every time I'm in a match now after some of the job changes I spend the entire time either stunned or knocked back which makes it very hard for me as Combat to get my Precision > Blade Rush > Blade Storm combo off while my buff is up for 100% crit. I wonder if Watchmen are also finding it more difficult to get through their dot rotation.


In any case for a job that totally depends on its ability to close distance and has no ranged abilities outside of an underpowered closer imho, it seems to me this class should always come out on top in dmg. That doesn't mean I should be doing that, but I think we should be seeing sents regularly on top of the leader boards which is no longer the case. Which begs the question as to why people still complain we are overpowered when several other classes are putting me down in about 5 seconds right now.


Thoughts after playing some WZ's today?

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I hardly ever see us at the top of the leader boards anymore. BH and some form of Consular is getting 300-400k dmg with ease now from what I see every match. I myself am finding it harder and harder to crack 250k partially from the stand point that I am now getting torn to shreds when I enter a battle so quickly that I can't stay alive long enough anymore to even sniff that 300k figure.


I feel like every time I'm in a match now after some of the job changes I spend the entire time either stunned or knocked back which makes it very hard for me as Combat to get my Precision > Blade Rush > Blade Storm combo off while my buff is up for 100% crit. I wonder if Watchmen are also finding it more difficult to get through their dot rotation.


In any case for a job that totally depends on its ability to close distance and has no ranged abilities outside of an underpowered closer imho, it seems to me this class should always come out on top in dmg. That doesn't mean I should be doing that, but I think we should be seeing sents regularly on top of the leader boards which is no longer the case. Which begs the question as to why people still complain we are overpowered when several other classes are putting me down in about 5 seconds right now.


Thoughts after playing some WZ's today?


Simple. People realize we are a threat, and quite simply, immediately move to put us down. I had a PT, a Sorc, and a Juggy focus me down instead of the healer nearby. The moment i step onto the battlefield, it was the other team's Divine Mission to put me the f*ck down. :o


But that may have just been me. i don't PvP much as it is. Anyone else?

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No issues here (played all 3 specs a bit today)


Have to say I found combat really nice to play since precision slash is off GCD, it makes it harder for the enemy to counter by stunning you or whatever. Also with the relic change our average dps should be even higher than it was.


Maybe you had an off day, or maybe the other players were just better than you. Can't say anything about that, but me or other sents in my guild haven't noticed any difference

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I don't man. Mercenaries and Consulars and doing 400+ dps in the matches I'm in. Not only is that equivalent to the better Sents out there, but they also have ranged dmg and can heal themselves. lol...


I mean isn't that supposed to be where balance comes in? You do higher dmg, you're weaker and/or can't heal. You do a tier down from the top dmg you can heal or you have better def? I mean I'll tear through a Mercenary with my rotation and eventually cool downs have to recover and you can't keep up the same pace and they just fill that health bar right back up. Then you go at them again, and your def abilities are on cd so and they just keep getting more health, and eventually that's all she wrote.


That's messed up to me. idk... That's not to mention some of these jobs that can 3 button 12-15k dmg now either when we are managing like 30 abilities to stay alive and fight...

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only class I've had trouble consistantly outdamaging is vanguards and I can take a lot more of a beating than their dps specs so whatever. A freecasting sage/gunslinger could put out higher numbers especially aoe but dont let them freecast and their damage goes down rather substantially.
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IMO our damage will almost always be lower due to the fact we are single target melee mainly vs ranged spamming AoE padding numbers.


I think this is a major factor with it. Yes I can jump into a pile and throw force sweep whenever the cooldown is up and pad my numbers by quite a bit, but hitting force camo, circling around behind the mass of bodies to pop up on that healer in the back and shutting him down is much more useful.


Also being able to kill things quickly can serve to reduce dps. If I lockdown that 17k sage healer to where he got bubble, the HoT, and maybe a couple of channel ticks then I can kill him in around 22k damage.


If he is able to stretch it out to the length of getting a second bubble, one long-cast heal, and a full innervate off then I could end up needing to put out 30k damage to kill him.


Both ways he ends up dead, one way looks better on that final scoreboard, but which way actually served a greater contribution to the warzone victory?



Likewise I can jump onto that jugg and beat him ad nauseum for great damage numbers that go nowhere, but wasting time not dpsing to sneak around and position myself next to that sniper wedged between him and a knockback barrier, then going to town on him so he doesn't chew up the rest of our team helps much more-- the uptime is lower, the damage totals less padded, but again, bigger help to the win.



We should always be able to put up good numbers, but most of the time in a warzone when I lead the group in dps by a large amount it is more a reflection on the team around me then how well I personally did, a good warzone is one where I either just topped the leaderboards or came in second-ish.

Edited by paul_preib
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I think this is a major factor with it. Yes I can jump into a pile and throw force sweep whenever the cooldown is up and pad my numbers by quite a bit, but hitting force camo, circling around behind the mass of bodies to pop up on that healer in the back and shutting him down is much more useful.


Also being able to kill things quickly can serve to reduce dps. If I lockdown that 17k sage healer to where he got bubble, the HoT, and maybe a couple of channel ticks then I can kill him in around 22k damage.


If he is able to stretch it out to the length of getting a second bubble, one long-cast heal, and a full innervate off then I could end up needing to put out 30k damage to kill him.


Both ways he ends up dead, one way looks better on that final scoreboard, but which way actually served a greater contribution to the warzone victory?.


the one with the bigger number in this case... the longer you keep the healer focusing on himself, the less healing he will do to his team, making your team's job easier. Killing him quickly only means that he will respawn faster and be out there healing. This also goes for all opposing players when doing voidstar. If you are attacking and you have blown the door, you will want the players there CC'ed/slowed down, so you can pop the next brigde and blow the next door faster, because there wont be any defenders on the other side if you didn't kill anyone.


Winning matters most. Big numbers are icing on the cake.


Edit: to answer the question... no, you pwn more than before.... Now the combat tree is also good, where before, watchman was everyone's preferred tree (I assume)

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Did a Warzone yesterday, seen a Marauder who did 601k damage. His team lost, though. But that bastard was annoying for the relatively undergeared character I was running. Had to play dirty and shove him down the pits, debuff and CC him to make his life miserable. I admire his composure, though - he didn't even start hunting me (while I did target him specifically) even after two rounds of me being a royal pain in the hindquarters.


So yeah, I'd say Marauders (and thus, Sents) are fine.

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IMO our damage will almost always be lower due to the fact we are single target melee mainly vs ranged spamming AoE padding numbers.


Not true. Matter of learning to counter other classes & teamwork



While I have to admit that ofc 1000 DPS is not normal to reach, on average my DPS (note: not overall dmg) is between 500-800

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Not true. Matter of learning to counter other classes & teamwork



While I have to admit that ofc 1000 DPS is not normal to reach, on average my DPS (note: not overall dmg) is between 500-800


LMAO Pro is PRO, matter of being smash spec and having 4 healers on the other team and people standing in a clump. Hahaha freakin HA learning to counter. What does slam spec counter? Movement?

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This is just my personal experience, but I have no trouble staying at the top of the charts every game. I do get out-dps'd by some people on my server (the fatman) consistently but I have no trouble putting up 250-300k in a 10 minute match even if I am getting pounded. I often top the charts even while getting focus'd due to our stellar defensive cooldowns, I don't want to sound mean but if you're not at least close to top damage in the majority of your matches you're doing it wrong. Sentinel has incredible damage and in my experience the only class that has more deeps potential is PT/Vanguard. Of course I get embarrassed once in a while by a gunslinger or one of the warlord sages on my server, but for the most part sentinel is and incredible class that can do crazy amounts of damage.
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LMAO Pro is PRO, matter of being smash spec and having 4 healers on the other team and people standing in a clump. Hahaha freakin HA learning to counter. What does slam spec counter? Movement?


As you can see I have merc slash & overload saber, tell me how that is smash spec? The other sentinel is the one in smash spec, not me. Check screenshot better next time


As for the other comment, yeah my bad. Just realized it's pre 1.3.

Altho my numbers didnt change for the worse since 1.3 hit

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As you can see I have merc slash & overload saber, tell me how that is smash spec? The other sentinel is the one in smash spec, not me. Check screenshot better next time


As for the other comment, yeah my bad. Just realized it's pre 1.3.

Altho my numbers didnt change for the worse since 1.3 hit


Probably because the tooltip matches the exact numbers for the rage guy. Check screenshot better next time.

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As you can see I have merc slash & overload saber, tell me how that is smash spec? The other sentinel is the one in smash spec, not me. Check screenshot better next time


As for the other comment, yeah my bad. Just realized it's pre 1.3.

Altho my numbers didnt change for the worse since 1.3 hit


You guys just started speaking another language. Have we started calling combat "smash spec"? I like it.


Things picked up for me after I got my gear sorted back to the ol' 300 surge, 450 crit, stack power "rule". I don't like the build of BM at all as it is stock. I'm also only augmented on 4 items to boot. No I guess that's 3 cause I just got my Hero saber tonight so I need to augment it. Waiting for some magenta's I crafted to sell and then I should be able to finish adding my augments back.


But I've had some good fights since I got back to the "rule". I'm combat by the way. We earn our damage without the aid of dots. ;)



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Probably because the tooltip matches the exact numbers for the rage guy. Check screenshot better next time.


As you can see my char. name (Stelios) is highlighted green, probably means that that is me. Then as you can also see, i (can't remember why) but selected the char name above me to check his dps. My dmg is only 40K behind smash spec while i'm in Juyo. Check screenshot better next time. lol

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The disturbing part of that screenshot is the fact that there are only 3 classes in the entire thing.


Not that it matters to this thread but: Sentinel, vanguard, commando, sage, guardian* & shadow* (

*they failed to use taunts for some reason


Now to get this back OT:

After little over a week in 1.3 the only thing i noticed is that it made the people that weren't using their active relics properly, a little better, and the people that did use them at crucial moments slightly weaker.

However sustained dmg has gone up from what i've seen and we don't suck in any of the specs.


Have actively been switching between watchman & combat, both play really smooth. (combat change was definitely good)

Played a little in focus, but still find aoe burst not as satisfying as single target burst

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IMO our damage will almost always be lower due to the fact we are single target melee mainly vs ranged spamming AoE padding numbers.



If you look at the damage charts after a warzone, majority of the time it will be a range dps at the top. But we will probably have more kills.

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