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Your experience with the group finder?


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Just to get some clarification. There would be a larger pool of tanks and healers, but there would also be a much larger pool of DPS as well. Relatively speaking the ratio would not necessarily be different. In fact, it could be worse. So... how does the LFG xserver solve that problem?


I would think it would increase the number of players who would want to run one "when you do". Not really sure how to explain it, but it is a bit like your chances of having a car accident increases the more other cars you are around. Or say, you go to a party looking for a gal to meet the right gal. If the party has more gals there, your chances would be higher than if only a few was there. Now keep in mind, not all the guys going there would be wanting to go for the same reasons you would.

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My experience may not be representative of anything but I had 2 horrible experiences today (first time I tried it) on Esseles and Hammerstation. The system works well but I'm afraid it encourages the same kind of flippancy that we already saw in warzone quitters. Both times, a player from the group died (we didn't wipe, just him) and they immediately left the group and flashpoint, leaving us to wait for replacement (which didn't come for HS so I had to requeue later). I have been doing FPs since late December and this has never happened to me.


On a side note, it would be great if the LFD system placed us back to wherever we were when queuing at the end of the FP.

Edited by Pathlight-
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I would think it would increase the number of players who would want to run one "when you do". Not really sure how to explain it, but it is a bit like your chances of having a car accident increases the more other cars you are around. Or say, you go to a party looking for a gal to meet the right gal. If the party has more gals there, your chances would be higher than if only a few was there. Now keep in mind, not all the guys going there would be wanting to go for the same reasons you would.


True to an extent but it depends on what other servers offer up. If all the other servers add 100 dps to the pool but only add 5 tanks and 5 healers to the pool then it will make the situation worse. To use your analogy of guys going to a party to meet girls.... Lets say you are looking for a brunete so are 10 other guys... the party only has 1 brunete and 10 blondes... that doesnt really make your chances any better.

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True to an extent but it depends on what other servers offer up. If all the other servers add 100 dps to the pool but only add 5 tanks and 5 healers to the pool then it will make the situation worse. To use your analogy of guys going to a party to meet girls.... Lets say you are looking for a brunete so are 10 other guys... the party only has 1 brunete and 10 blondes... that doesnt really make your chances any better.


Well yeah. But some are assuming that if 100 players on one server who want to be doing the same random, then 50 would be dps. I donot think it is that clear cut or precise which in turn can be applied to all servers. And if I am looking for a brunette there is only one? Let me ask you this then, what if there are 2 brunettes, but only 15 guys out of 20 at the party are looking for them? Which you think gives you the best odds?

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Well yeah. But some are assuming that if 100 players on one server who want to be doing the same random, then 50 would be dps. I donot think it is that clear cut or precise which in turn can be applied to all servers. And if I am looking for a brunette there is only one? Let me ask you this then, what if there are 2 brunettes, but only 15 guys out of 20 at the party are looking for them? Which you think gives you the best odds?


Ok lets say same server there are 2 brunettes( tank/healer) and 10 guys(DPS)

xServer 4 brunettes and 20 guys


In this case its the same odds... 1 brunette for every 5 guys


Its really all speculation because we dont know what would be in the pool. It is possible that cues would be faster xserver but its also possible that they could be worse or just the same. It all depends on whats in the pool. If we start at server only and it is 2 for every 10 and jump crosserver to find that its not 4 for every 50 because other servers have more dps then tank/healer then it will end up far worse. If every server averages about the same then the odds dont really change. If other servers average more tanks/healers then dps then the scale would tip to being better.


Let me ask you this... what scenario do you think is more likely?


1. Same tank/healer to DPS ratio on most servers

2. More DPS to tank/healer ratio on other servers

3. More Tank/healer to DPS ration on other servers


My instincts would lead me to believe that we would have the outcome of #1 and it would mean that you have no better odds of getting a group then you already do. I find that xserver group finders lead to finding worse players because atleast if you are in a que on your own server then you can make a very bad name for yourself. If it were xserver then some people act like jerks just because it doesnt seem to matter to them as they will probably never see that player again and there really isnt anyone to spread his/her bad name around. That is not to say that I am against nor for a xserver. Its just my opinion and in my experience with them.


There is also a further thing to account for though and that is...


I think tanks and healers would definately find a group more readily available. So in some sense you are correct. A larger pool of players in the pool helps them. I just dont really think it will help the DPS out much because I dont see the tank/healer to DPS ratio going up.


I guess the lesson we learn here is that the brunette has it made because they wont be left out lol.

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i think its comical people thing going cross server would do anything postive for the group finder. As it sits now people are rude and terrible, and that is with people who are on your server, add in the ******s from other servers and they have 0 accountability because they do not even play on your server.



on top of that it would only make queue times worse. It sounds good in theory to people who cannot grasp math, but if you have 2 servers with long queue times, merging them will do nothing. If you have 100 players, and say 25% are healers 25% are tanks and 50% are DPS, then adding another 100 of the same proportions changes nothing. The BEST outcome is one server gets slighty faster times, however the other server will get longer times.



For every action there is an opposite but equal reaction, a guy named Newton figured that out 300 years ago.

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As expected.


I came back to the game in 1.3 for several reasons, this being high on the chart.


But as with any "public group finder" you have cry babies, elitests, ninja's, etc.


Tanks, like to leave when someone doesn't listen to them like a slave, wipe once and they /qq-quit

Healers, yes, you queued heals to get in faster, please actually HEAL

DPS, yes, the roses are pretty, please pay attention, stop aggroing everything, making the QQ-tank quit

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Haven't had any bad groups of the few runs I've managed to get. A couple of ninjas. My biggest problem is the queue times. I have one alt that despite queuing for three hours, never got in...during prime time. That's a little absurd imo.


Devs I think its time to dust off the "Last Resort" option A.S.A.P.

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Ok lets say same server there are 2 brunettes( tank/healer) and 10 guys(DPS)

xServer 4 brunettes and 20 guys


In this case its the same odds... 1 brunette for every 5 guys


Its really all speculation because we dont know what would be in the pool. It is possible that cues would be faster xserver but its also possible that they could be worse or just the same. It all depends on whats in the pool. If we start at server only and it is 2 for every 10 and jump crosserver to find that its not 4 for every 50 because other servers have more dps then tank/healer then it will end up far worse. If every server averages about the same then the odds dont really change. If other servers average more tanks/healers then dps then the scale would tip to being better.


Let me ask you this... what scenario do you think is more likely?


1. Same tank/healer to DPS ratio on most servers

2. More DPS to tank/healer ratio on other servers

3. More Tank/healer to DPS ration on other servers


My instincts would lead me to believe that we would have the outcome of #1 and it would mean that you have no better odds of getting a group then you already do. I find that xserver group finders lead to finding worse players because atleast if you are in a que on your own server then you can make a very bad name for yourself. If it were xserver then some people act like jerks just because it doesnt seem to matter to them as they will probably never see that player again and there really isnt anyone to spread his/her bad name around. That is not to say that I am against nor for a xserver. Its just my opinion and in my experience with them.


There is also a further thing to account for though and that is...


I think tanks and healers would definately find a group more readily available. So in some sense you are correct. A larger pool of players in the pool helps them. I just dont really think it will help the DPS out much because I dont see the tank/healer to DPS ratio going up.


I guess the lesson we learn here is that the brunette has it made because they wont be left out lol.


I think option 1 is the correct assumption. But, we donot know if the same number of tanks and healers on each server are dedicated to only doing runs for thier guilds. Yeah, it is speculation. BioWare needs to do two important things for the LFG tool ( besides make it cross server ) come out with dual spec and give extra incentives for tanks and healers to que up using the tool.

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I think option 1 is the correct assumption. But, we donot know if the same number of tanks and healers on each server are dedicated to only doing runs for thier guilds. Yeah, it is speculation. BioWare needs to do two important things for the LFG tool ( besides make it cross server ) come out with dual spec and give extra incentives for tanks and healers to que up using the tool.


Totally agree with you here.

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I just started using the group finder on my new alt, running Black Talon. It has worked quite well so far; I don't think I've had to wait longer than 5 minutes for a pop. Of course, this is low level, and I'm sure I'm not the only one that thought it would be a good idea to take advantage of the group finder to rack of the social points while I still could. ;) And leaving the "heal" option checked probably helped too -- that has been my role every single time. Not like it really matters when you have 3 skill points, lol.


And regarding dual spec and the group finder: IMHO this might not be as great for getting more tanks and healers in the que as some might think. For example, I have a low-mid level tank and I have absolutely no desire to use the group finder as a tank. But if dual spec is introduced, I can just que up as a DPS instead!

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Cross server ruined the LFG system in WoW, the only way they made the queue times go down was giving tanks and healers extra candy for doing them.



I know that for a fact if it goes cross server i will quit. The community sucks enough in this game and it will only get far worse when people don't have to worry about seeing someone again

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The fact that the tool doesn't put you back on the planet you were questing will make this tool useless for people leveling up. They'll either have to run back to the planet over and over again or sit on fleet. There's no way people will just stay queued up while questing. Until Bioware fixes this issue, I don't see this tool being useful for sub 50s at all.


I agree with this, otherwise group finder is good.

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Well from my own personal experience, this being on the Jung Ma server, tanks are what's in short supply. I respecced my assassin as tank and I get insta pop everytime. My Ops healer, wait time is about 45 to 2 hours. Edited by Skidrowbro
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i think its comical people thing going cross server would do anything postive for the group finder. As it sits now people are rude and terrible, and that is with people who are on your server, add in the ******s from other servers and they have 0 accountability because they do not even play on your server.



on top of that it would only make queue times worse. It sounds good in theory to people who cannot grasp math, but if you have 2 servers with long queue times, merging them will do nothing. If you have 100 players, and say 25% are healers 25% are tanks and 50% are DPS, then adding another 100 of the same proportions changes nothing. The BEST outcome is one server gets slighty faster times, however the other server will get longer times.



For every action there is an opposite but equal reaction, a guy named Newton figured that out 300 years ago.


hmm but why the "other game" dont have such an issue where even being as a dps the queue at most take about 20 mins or even 10 mins when prime time. The simple reason is because of ppl from different area have different peak hours. So if is it cross server, group finding process will be spread out more evenly at all times.

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Well from my own personal experience, this being on the Jung Ma server, tanks are what's in short supply. I respecced my assassin as tank and I get insta pop everytime. My Ops healer, wait time is about 45 to 2 hours.


Tanks are the leaders of any run and carry the success or failures for blame on thier shoulders. Not allways rightfully so tho. But it is a position in a group run with the most responsibilty and will allways be the less desired position players want to play. To increase the number of tanks willing to run instances, they need to do 3 things IMO. One is dual specs. Another is extra rewards for tanking and finally never nerf thier tanking abilities. If anything buff thier threat so players donot feel like they are struggling to hold aggro and thus get discouraged.

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My problem with the group finder is that it allows people that are WAY overleveled to join.


Hammer station with level 22's. Athiss with level 26's.


I wouldn't mind a quick run, except that...with the xp penalty, I get 0 experience. I'm better off questing.


Also: the sentinels who roll on heavy str armor. Kinda makes you want to stop tanking.

Edited by theonepanda
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Cross server ruined the LFG system in WoW, the only way they made the queue times go down was giving tanks and healers extra candy for doing them.



I know that for a fact if it goes cross server i will quit. The community sucks enough in this game and it will only get far worse when people don't have to worry about seeing someone again


This adds zero deterrent to tomfoolery right now. It won't matter.


All cross-server will do is make queues pop faster. Probably. Maybe.


What really does need to be done is to incent more tanks to join the queues more often. As it stands now, with my tank, I run one LFG per day and I'm done because I got my BH commendations for the day and can't get anything else of value for running yet again. And why run again when I'm paired with DPS who queue as healers or tanks, players who are undergeared, players who won't cc, players who can't get out of the fire, etc.?


So the fix is partly on BioWare (more incentives) and partly on players (less stupidity). Everyone reading this thread can do a whole lot to fix the lack of tanks problem, right now, without waiting for BioWare to do anything.

Edited by DarthTHC
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My problem with the group finder is that it allows people that are WAY overleveled to join.

On the flip side, it forces people who are way overleveled to select those low FPs in order to get the daily reward. I was never happier than when I dinged 40-whatever and FINALLY stopped being forced to queue for Maelstrom Prison. I had long since far outleveled the gear, the kill xp was ****, and even with the (grey) daily terminal mission thrown in, it was a complete waste of time.

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My experience with the Group Finder was terribad.


I swear, the first time today, I even have my own group of guildmates who leave me the 2nd time I d/c because of my low-end machine! They end up queuing right after I get back on as soon as I could and replaced me at the end of The Esseles HM FP with another tank to kill Vokk.


The second time, I run into a group of three others guilded together apart of <HKH>. Specifically, one guy starts trolling me and called me the "Recruit Geared Guy' that pretty much cannot tank in this HM FP. :rolleyes: He tells me that him and his guildies are having lots of laughs over Vent and at the end of the mission, they end up kicking me from the FP. God, I bet their guild has a terrible community, and I wish the worst for them in the future.


The third time, one guy ends up trying to kick me the first time. He fails at it. I really don't know why but he does. Then he starting QQing because I needed a part for my droid companion and selected "Need" instead of "Greed". One of the other players replies by saying, "I'll make sure to note that". He goes onto more QQing and in the end, from trolling me and insulting me to messing with me with emotes, I end up getting kicked by that other guy who noted my comment on how I needed the item for my companion.


I end up reporting those who harassed me in the end. I wasted the whole night playing 3 The Esseles HM FPs that I got to the end, and never finished because I got grouped with horrible players. I hope this feature never goes cross-server or we'll be dealing with more of the jerks in the community.

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I have loved it. I have been doing it with my tank and I have gotten groups really easy. I am glad it isn't cross server. PUGS are a good time to get to know other other people and particularly other guilds and see what they are all about. Cross server destroys that and give carte blanc to jerks to be jerks.


I do wish the tool had a mechanism to you back to the place you que from, but that probably has more to do with the Flashpoints ending on the fleet. It would be nice if you got some sort of QT back after the final conversation on the fleet.

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Well everyone and their one-eyed grandma is DPS, so it takes a long time to find a group if you're dps. And i'm getting really tired of the idiots that queue up as tank in dps gear & even specced as dps. -.-;

I wish it was a little more advanced like WoW, if you where not specced into Holy for like say, a Paladin you couldn't queue as heals, I don't know how exactly they would implement that but w/e.

They should add more incentives for certain specs, the daily reward is great, perhaps add a credit box or extra commendation for people that are queuing as tanks and healers. Just throwing ideas out there.

I haven't really used it on my higher level characters without having mostly guildies, but other then what i mentioned its been pretty ok while leveling.

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And i'm getting really tired of the idiots that queue up as tank in dps gear & even specced as dps. -.-;

Just occasionally, that can work, if they queue up with their overgeared healer friend -- as was the case when my Commando got a GF "Maelstrom Prison" with a "Tank" that was an Infiltration-spec'd Shadow in mostly Battlemaster gear. His AE threat was weak but his high DPS combined with the doubled threat from Combat Stance meant that he was able to hold aggro pretty well, and since the 2 DPS were also in full Columi or better the fights weren't long enough to cause his Sage guildmate to run out of Force.

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Just occasionally, that can work, if they queue up with their overgeared healer friend -- as was the case when my Commando got a GF "Maelstrom Prison" with a "Tank" that was an Infiltration-spec'd Shadow in mostly Battlemaster gear. His AE threat was weak but his high DPS combined with the doubled threat from Combat Stance meant that he was able to hold aggro pretty well, and since the 2 DPS were also in full Columi or better the fights weren't long enough to cause his Sage guildmate to run out of Force.


Sure, I can see that working. But more often times then not, at least in my experience,(maybe i'm unlucky) it's an under-geared solo player and just got tired of waiting for the queue to pop and decided "eh what the hell" he'd queue as a tank. This player is a douche, he's wasting his own time and others. I play mostly dps characters, so queue times already suck, when i get a queue i'm excited to get the fp done, well to my shock and utter disappointment its this jerk that has no experience with tanking. Sure you can vote kick now, but in the end you're still waiting. Thats what ticks me off, these people that are inconsiderate of the other players in the group, it already took me like 2 hours to get in this group, and now we have to search for real tank which could be anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour or more.


I Guess i could go outside...

Naw, it's too bright...and there are people out there.

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Reading this I'm currently glad I play on an RP server (where I tend to meet fewer idiots, I'm not actually there to RP), as I've not had any terrible groups, and very glad it's not cross server, so I don't have to have them!
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