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Sith Jug, DPS


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I'm feeling good as a vengeance juggernaut atm. My gear is heavy str and crit based as thats what you need to good damage.


With vengeance i always have tons of rage and most things seems to go down fast. With Quinn at my back healing its non stop killing.


Can't wait to get Impale and savagery. Going to be sweet.

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Shien form negates one of the SW biggest problems; Rage Starvation. I literally have to struggle not to end fights with 5+ points of rage in surplus.


The Jugg Vengeance spec starts to come into its own in the 30+ range when you get access to Impale and then later Shatter which will give you two hard hitting abilities and a nice DoT component to keep pressure on elusive enemies.

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Also if you do much space combat at all and are a completionist like me, by the end of Balmora you've out-leveled most of the quests by 4 levels or more. It's cheesy, but mid-20's that's one way to combat the Jugg struggle in this period.


EDIT: Also, what the poster above me said about Shien form is true. Between that and enrage you'll have rage coming out your ears and be able to spam most of your hard hitting abilities. Enrage on a 1 min cooldown is Godly.

Edited by Varus_Praetor
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