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Everything posted by Glocknall

  1. If you bring up your abilites page in game you will see on the right after their name whether they are a melee skill or Force Skill. Malice increase the crit percentage on Force abilites only. Force Abilities: Force Push Force Choke Smash Force Scream etc.
  2. The dots from Scream and Impale are very short duration. By the time you get a second dot applied your first dot is nearing its completion. .Shatters rage cost is heavy and still will be cleansed as most cleanses will remove 2 effects in a cast. When factoring in CDs it is very difficult to keep all three dots running at the same time in perfect conditions, let alone in a WZ. Push back from dots is very light and most healers have pushback resistance for thier casts which makes the pushback neligible. 12 seconds isnt bad to prevent rest healing, but if your opponent is rest healing, it probably means your dead. The internal damage shatter provides is nice, but since its up front damage is lackluster 10% internal resist combined with any other mitigation really makes it a poor choice for the points you have to invest to get to it.
  3. Those dots may help, but the impale dot and shatter are not very good PvP skills in general. Shatter does do internal damage, but that's usually mitigated at least 10% by the sorc buff and probably more due to most classes have some kind of flat mitigation in their builds. That brings it damage that you see on paper down significantly. The points you can save from those kills can be spent in the rage tree significantly boosting your crit chance on Smash, Force Scream, Force Push, and Vicious Slash. The 5 points saved just from bypassing those dots can significant increase your DPS in PvP and doesnt really mean a net DPS loss in PvE.
  4. Well edited video, and you had some good gameplay during that huttball match. Your build is not very optimal. Draining Scream is just a waste of points. You already have shatter and impale's dot to prevent caps, the 300ish damage that draining scream provides is just a waste of points. Move those points into the rage tree to increase the root effect of your force charge. There is still a lot of fat you can trim out of your build.
  5. Shield chance and Defense is not as desirable stats in PvP because force and tech attack negate defense chance, and critical hits defeat shield chance. Tanks should focus on mitigation abilities an damage absorbtion abilites like Sonic barrier.
  6. The only upside of a Vengance speced Jugg is resource management. I found in EV that I never had want for rage and could almost always use my abilities when they came off of CD. Other than that DPS jugg is the lowest damage of an DPS class, even Rage specced Juggs. We have the least amount of CC, almost no useful utility skills (Guarding sucks when you dont have the mitigation and HP tool to take the extra damage) I rerolled Mercenary and the levelling experience is amazingly easier. I can burn down large mobs of weak enemies with ease. My single target is better at 42 is better than my St on my fresh 50 Jugg. There is no comparision. Jugg DPS is far behind of any other class in the game currently. Im amazed that BW didnt give even a small damage buff to Jugg DPS.
  7. When I PvP I often do pretty well in the 1v1 department. usually getting a solo kill or two and doing half again more killing blows than deaths. However a lot fo those kills are from Vicious Throw kill steals and I feel that in many situations that my group utility is limited. Seeing as my AoE damage is awful I usually spam chilling scream to snare groups and use Threatinging Scream to provide protection. That drops my overall damage numbers significantly, but it isnt so important. Problem is Veng Juggs dont have much use other than ST melee damage. They can taunt a little, cc even less and their ST damage doesnt put fear into anyone. Thier frankly just not as good.
  8. A lot of the Jugg DPS woes comes from how friendly this game is to ranged specs. Snipers cant be charged and get defensive bonuses from cover and excellent burst. Bounty Hunters get heavy armor, excellent AoE damage, excellent ranged damage, defensive cds, self heals...well they can do it all. Inquisitors, especially the sorcs are particularly tough. Their bubble, self heal, strong CC, strong ranged damage etc makes them almost the perfect PvP class. DPS Jugg, especially the Vengance Juggs get no runspeed buffs, little CC, their ST damage is functional but not stellar, AoE damage is flat out awful. Rage Juggs are a little better but are solely constructed around one skill, and suffer from a lack of defensive CDs and talents. Thrown into the mix ability cancelling, WZ lag, and ability delay and you see why Juggs fall behind in overall damage in most WZs. A increase to the DoT component of Force Scream and Impale is called for, those are awful talents as it stands now. I would move the unchanneled Force Choke from immortal to Vengance to better CC capability and add a DoT component to Smash for Immortals to help hold AoE threat. Immortals are already bursting at the seams with CC from Force Push, Choke, Force Charge, and Backhand. Increase the damage on Sweeping Slash. It's pathetic. Seriously Pathetic. Have it still cost 3 rage so it isnt endlessly spammable. I wouldnt touch the ST damage of Juggs. It's probably where it needs to be, or at least within 5-10%. Rage Juggs need one more dependable atttack along the lines of Obliterate. Maybe a significant reduction of CD for it. Most of all we need the mechanics for melee attacks changed. I would probably see a 25k to 40k increase in PvP dps just from fixing animation lag and cancelling.
  9. No Jugg love coming in 1.1 as the PST notes state currently.
  10. The Veng tree is about Single Target, MDPS. Rage gives you more short ranged capablity. The talented DoTs need a buff or be removed entirely in favor of something else. Draining Scream is embarrassingly bad. I currently have it because I dont want to respec until 50 and it really is a waste of points. It is fine I suppose to keep stealthers in sight and keep people for capping nodes, but from a damage stand point it needs to be at least tripled. Shatter is a good ability. The DoT component is very strong. I have watched people take 3 consecutive ticks for 450 points. The only problem is that a 12 second DoT is only useful as a spite tactic. I would like to see the DoT component shortend to 9 second, the length of the CD of Shatter and the front end damage raised 20%.
  11. I PvP a lot and notice that my Jugg finishes around the middle most games. RDPS will always finish higher due to much easier target accquisition on the multilevel maps such as Huttball. Jugg AOE is pretty poor, that also plays into it, but as far as ST damage is concerned I am perfectly happy with my DPS. I don't have shatter yet, but Impale+Force Scream and finsihed with either a Ravage or a Smash does a ton of damage. Jugg DPS in Shien form is built around sustained DPS. The Rage you save with Shien, Talented Force Scream and Smash means you dont waste as much time with low damage rage builders. Again I wouldnt expect Juggs to DPS as well as a Marauder or a Assassin because of our defensive capablities, but I am yet to be convinced that they cannot be competitive.
  12. I curious to know where all this factual data is being pulled from about Juggernaut DPS? Since there are no parsers, and no discernable data submitted. Specs..damage numbers...etc im going to assume this is mere conjecture. I play a DPS Jugg, at 39 and right now my DPS seems fine. I cant see why our dps would fall far below at endgame assuming you were building your gear correctly like other melee DPS. There is no data suggesting that Juggernaut DPS doesnt scale like other melee at endgame. I would assume they would fall 5-10% behind a marauder due to the tank abilites a Jugg has and heavy armor.
  13. I'm playing a Vengance specced Jugg and I can say the real strength of a DPS Jugg is versatility. When Im running flashpoints I always keep my taunts handy to pull aggro off our tank or healer if he's taking a beating then pop my talented saber ward which gives me 2 seconds of invulnerablity, a life saver. As for damage its hard to say which class does more overall dps, probably Marauder and certianly his burst damage is better. However I think that over longer fights the Jugg will match his dps due to better resource managment. In PvP I have no issues taking down marauders 1v1 due to my defensive CDs and better mitagation. Player skill really plays in here. Against ranged Juggs have more of an issues due to less ability to gap close.
  14. http://www.taugrim.com Use his keybindings guide. The most compreshensive and detailed guide on the subject.
  15. Shien form negates one of the SW biggest problems; Rage Starvation. I literally have to struggle not to end fights with 5+ points of rage in surplus. The Jugg Vengeance spec starts to come into its own in the 30+ range when you get access to Impale and then later Shatter which will give you two hard hitting abilities and a nice DoT component to keep pressure on elusive enemies.
  16. Good post and I understand the difficulties that go into such a large launch. However they repeatedly stated that the deteriming factor into when you will egt Early Access would be the date of code redemption. I have a guildie who redeemed after me and has already gotten access. The opaqueness of the whole process is what is driving the backlash on this.
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