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Terrible FPS issues and ability lag in Warzones.


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It is a very annoying problem. worst problem in PvP imho.

copy the engine from RIFT, pvp is very VERY fluid there also with highest graphics settings, no delay, perfect FPS.

Even in age of conan, a game that owns every other mmo in the graphic department hasn´t this problem (has others though:P).

It is unacceptable that a game functions like this. its 2012 BW, come on!

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Yet another user with the same issues. I usually run in windowed fullscreen, with vsync on (so it doesn't tear) and have a solid 50-60 fps (60 max per refresh rate) everywhere while running on HIGH settings... except when I go into Warzones... frames are typically below 30 and drop down to as low as 10. If I run on fullscreen, with high settings and no vsync I get upward of 75-100 fps in the world. In warzones, again below 30 constantly. I've heard of other devs setting limits in pvp scenarios like 'max 30 fps' as to not give high end machine owners an advantage. I don't think this is the case here, becuase then even high end machine users would have solid 30. I am concerned however, that so many people are talking about the 'latency lag'. Call of Duty MW3 utilizes a system that DOES adjust latency to match the worst latency of the match to again, adjust advantages. While I'm all for fairness, if someone has a crap connection the other 5-7 people who pay their ISP for faster speeds should not suffer the consequences.
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TBH from day 1 Bioware has basically ignored the community.


i have a sinking feeling this game will be dead soon. never thought id say that.


... check this page out: http://www.swtor.com/community/devtracker.php


plenty of discussion from the devs... they even admit mistakes. While we may not see the results as fast as our twitchy minds want, they are coming.


this page: http://www.swtor.com/blog/

mostly talks about patches and downtime... but on the 4th of January, they had a nice write-up on PVP changes, including addressing brackets, rated PVP, queuing for specific WZs


as far as FPS issues...



it doesn't take long to see that they actually are paying attention and addressing issues.

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Couldnt agree more, my computer is not even bad and im getting ridiculous fps and lag issues when im running on 50-60ms ??????


Also before they realeased this game they clearly said were optimising this game so people can play it on even low spec computers. Obviously not?


When i write a ticket they just tell me to reset my UI? LOL RESET MY UI?


Your engine is horrific and im getting huge server side lag when im on 50ms and 10-20fps in a warzone with a good pc and your telling me to reset my ui?


This is definitely a joke and they need to get this 100% sorted before releasin any sort of competetive pvp.



This is the only thing holding me back from renewing my subscription.

Edited by Realz
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Also ilums optimisation is soooo bad, as soon as i walk into more than 30 odd people my computer just starts freezeing and juttering with low fps, how can any1 pvp like this?


The pvp is just completely unplayable in every way!

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Ok having pvp'd my way between 10-20 and having a playable experience in Voidstar and Huttball although not in Alderaan, i took a break for a bit due to overdominance of lvl 50's and waited to get a bit higher before resuming pvp.


So at lvl 30+ i have tried pvping again, despite doubling the amount of RAM in my system (4 gigs to 8 gigs), for some reason pvp is now borderline unplayable in all warzones, i have no idea what the hell they managed to do in the patches since i last pvp'd, but they have made things worse (the only thing i can think is that now with more high level characters there are more ability effects flying around all over the place, slowing things up more), i will not be playing pvp again until 50 and if they dont fix the issue soonish will probo be unsubbing.

Edited by Smoky_the_Bear
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Ok having pvp'd my way between 10-20 and having a playable experience in Voidstar and Huttball although not in Alderaan, i took a break for a bit due to overdominance of lvl 50's and waited to get a bit higher before resuming pvp.


So at lvl 30+ i have tried pvping again, despite doubling the amount of RAM in my system (4 gigs to 8 gigs), for some reason pvp is now borderline unplayable in all warzones, i have no idea what the hell they managed to do in the patches since i last pvp'd, but they have made things worse (the only thing i can think is that now with more high level characters there are more ability effects flying around all over the place, slowing things up more), i will not be playing pvp again until 50 and if they dont fix the issue soonish will probo be unsubbing.


It has nothing to do with RAM it's all about your CPU. MMO games are traditionally hard on processors. It's a reason why this game collapses on many systems when many players are around as well. Take "many" as relative as well, 8v8 are pretty low numbers to be honest.

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Hi! a "5%" user here!


First of all, sorry about my english, im from spain.


Intel QuadCore Q6600 2,4ghz (4 cores)

6 gb Ram

Nvidia geforce 275gtx


60 FPS Questing, around 30-40 Republic fleet, 15-20 warzones.


Yeah i know, mi pc is not a high end, but i can run fine (not at max) BF3, Batman...and other games much better than swtor on warzones, the optimization is crap. Common guys, swtor has a poor graphic engine compared with Age of conan or warhammer online, even wow is not worse on graphics that swtor.


I have read before that THEY say something like "the FPS problem is only for the low-end PC".. Okay... But i pass the recommended settings that THEY have wriiten on the manual!!! How pathetic, they recommend a low pc??


PD. I promise that i am improving my english :p

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It has nothing to do with RAM it's all about your CPU. MMO games are traditionally hard on processors. It's a reason why this game collapses on many systems when many players are around as well. Take "many" as relative as well, 8v8 are pretty low numbers to be honest.


You missed my point completely, my framerate whilst questing etc is fine, on fleet its OK, i used to get playable Huttball and Voidstar, after breaking from pvp for a couple of weeks i returned to it and now its unplayable, my system has actually had an upgrade in those two weeks, so the fact it is now playing worse makes no sense, its not a framerate problem.


For some reason warzones have a really bad lag issue, i click an ability, a second later i use it, and i have <100 ms so its clearly a server-side coding problem that needs sorting out.


Its not the system thats the issue in most of the cases being reported, there are lots of ppl with high end systems reporting the same problems.


*EDIT* To prove my point, turning graphics setting all the way up or all the way down makes absolutely no difference to the performance of the warzone

Edited by Smoky_the_Bear
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I did as was told and took almost everything to zero what comes to graphics. It does help a lot and in theory lagging does not exist.


But changing targets is abysmally slow sometimes as are some abilities to start. Not that I could not pvp but its not smooth or reliable experience.


I guess I'm used too good, like wow, where I never had these issues.

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When SWTOR first launched i had great fps everywhere. Now i lag like crazy on fleet and in warzones. I cant even play warzones because its so bad. One second im shooting at someone, next im dead. People are zooming around back and forth, disaper then reapear. I hit buttons and nothing happend.


Rest of game is great on high graphics, and i dont lag.

I put my machine on low graphics for warzones and still lags like crazy. But didnt do it before the last series of patches so i know my machine is fine. I run a quad core with 8gb of mem and a good card. But this is getting sad.


I heard its a bug, but why arent a lot of others suffering from this?

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Im running Battlefield 3 and skyrim with highest settings possible. and im getting 70-90 fps on the most demanding places. but when im out in the open im at 120 fps, thast good in my opinion. Im just making my point here. that my computer is so so so much better than the minimal requirements for SWTOR. and still. im getting 10-30fps(30 fps if im very lucky) in warzones. and some places around the questing places aswell. but not everywhere. i just want the darn pvp to go smoothley!
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<---- This man say NO MORE !


Canceled the payment now , not gonna pay until they fix the pvp warzones **** !


Read the helper ! No such thing theres a problem , only " Your bad computer ! Yeah right !



I have a 3.2 x4 cpu

nvidia gforce gtx 460

16 gig ram

24 mbit internetconnection !


i have win 8 with ALL THE NEWEST DRIVERS !!!


Don t relese a game so fast !


Over and out !!

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