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Everything posted by botak

  1. I only got 2 letters so far I think. Do you get it everyday?
  2. Any transfer for Indonesia, Malaysia and the rest of Asia Pacific region?
  3. I'm still lvl 32 and going with corruption talent. Lighting and Madness a bit new for me. Could you give example for pve and ( pvp )rotation for flashpoint? single/multiple target. Thanks
  4. Really enjoying your video. Worth to watch! Currently lvling seer now still lvl 12 and seeing the potential of what healer can do is really encouraging.
  5. I'm playing gunslinger and to enter a cover is like a nightmare for me. the delay is too long probably 3 sec before I can start to do something.
  6. Does it work in pvp warzone?
  7. Does "Independent Anarchy" increasing Shrap Bomb damage by 15% too?
  8. Btw, is this sabo talent friendly with flashpoint? How is aoe work in flashpoint where they need to cc certain mob ? I read in this thread that sabo spec utilize a lot of thermal grenade and it has 8 meter radius. Please share your experience. Reading from the posts here I really want to try it. Thanks
  9. Thanks for the post. How is saboteur in solo (open world) pvp like when questing? I'm looking forward to get try it. I'm still running sharpshooter talent on tattooine
  10. Awesome!!! Thanks a lot for this. Really appreciate your time and effort.
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