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Terrible FPS issues and ability lag in Warzones.


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Fix it Bioware. I have all ready canceled and will only re sub if the issue is corrected. Running i 5 overclocked, 8 gigs DDR 3 ram, Radeon HD 6850 1 gig card, Widows 7 64 bit fresh install. My FPS is over 50+ everywhere except fleet and warzones. I average about 15-25 there which is unacceptable. I can even bet my PC is in the top 20 ish percent of systems. That means the majority is getting worse FPS then me. FIX IT or watch your game wither away and die.
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Happens to be, and im sick of it. At first i was a little understanding. I knew they have to take care of exploits and bugs which kept people from finishing their class quest first. However, after seeing the next patch's notes, im starting to question their plans for patchs. Is emotes really important to be included in patchs so early from launch?
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The ability lag and load times killed it for me. I don't even want to log in anymore. I have to force myself to play and I usually end up logging out within 30 mins. The game is really in a horrible state for launch. It needed 3-6 months polish. The sad thing is these first few months are what hook the long term and dedicated players. :(


I've never canceled an account before my 30 day grace period was up in 10 years of MMO's. I really had high hopes for this game. Like i said previously, if they gave themselves a few months more polish they'd have hooked quite a few more players and I'm sure my account would still be active.


I love my guild, Bioware, MMO's, pvp and Star Wars ... this game should have been win/win for me. /sigh


PS. Yes, I have a top of the line rig that exceeds recommended hardware.

Edited by Octacvian
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The vast majority of you have issues relating to your own PCs.


Unfortunately Bioware can't make people less computer stupid.


Ya my brand new PC I built from the ground up this week is the issue. Then try and say I should update drivers. Then find another excuse. Then say I should just quit. What is next, maybe I should just take my computer and throw it through your family's front window?

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Ya my brand new PC I built from the ground up this week is the issue. Then try and say I should update drivers. Then find another excuse. Then say I should just quit. What is next, maybe I should just take my computer and throw it through your family's front window?


actually no because I'd like to have it ^_^

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This game is so beast. I'm running GTX580 SLI with 10FPS in warzones. Man, this game's graphics are so intense that even my $500 cards can't even handle it.


I have the same cards in SLI and can't tell any difference in performance when I go into a WZ. I've gotten 110+fps when questing. I've never looked at my fps in a WZ since I haven't noticed any performance issues. I'll look tonight when I get home.


I have a Alienware Aurora ALX. I7 3.4ghz/12 gigs/two 580 gtx in SLI/windows 7 ultimate.


I also have a dell xps 729 with 4 gigs/ two 8800gt cards in SLI/windows vista/ quad 2.4ghx. I see how that one runs and see what the fps is. Just for curiosity.

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I have the same cards in SLI and can't tell any difference in performance when I go into a WZ. I've gotten 110+fps when questing. I've never looked at my fps in a WZ since I haven't noticed any performance issues. I'll look tonight when I get home.


I have a Alienware Aurora ALX. I7 3.4ghz/12 gigs/two 580 gtx in SLI/windows 7 ultimate.


I also have a dell xps 729 with 4 gigs/ two 8800gt cards in SLI/windows vista/ quad 2.4ghx. I see how that one runs and see what the fps is. Just for curiosity.


Hey bro you also got 5 Alienware lap tops and your girl friend is an Alienware robot? Ya we all got 10 grand to spend on PC's brotha, ****.

Edited by carrylot
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yea, me and a mate both experience good ole 5 fps on decent spec pcs. its great to see characters flicking round your screen and pwning you within 2 seconds .. highly enjoyable.


id forgive many issues in this game but the actual development time and costs do not bear out in the quality of this game. massive massive amounts of annoying game bugs compounded by 2 bolt-on after thoughts in space combat and pvp.


that said am sure BW are listening but these things take time to fix. ofc we are paying to beta test this game and will do for a few months yet.


although not quite the right thread for it, the pvp rewards are insanely good. not a bad thing you say but considering i can fully gear up in 2 hours of laggy crappy pvp comparing to a weeks worth of pve grind for lame rewards says a lot. trying to sweeten this bitter pill mr EA/BW huh? :rolleyes:

Edited by Acidbottle
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Just wanted to say i'm tired of the "get a better machine" excuse. Most people i've heard are having horrible lag issues in warzones, but not anywhere else like myself.


I can be anywhere with tons of players with no lag at all, I have a machine i built myself and am constantly upgrading so please don't get into a pissing contest about how you're so elite and it's the machines fault. Like I was saying I can be in an area chalk full of players with no lag but every warzone lags insanely bad, I trigger a skill and the animation doesn't happen until several seconds later if at all.


If it was the same all around that would be one thing, but when it's a night and day difference between everywhere else in the entire game being smooth as glass and warzones being like playing on dial-up something isn't right with the game itself.

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My FPS doesn't suffer that badly in warzones, but my ability lag is quite bad.


Considering I play Sniper, that really poses a problem. If I get knocked out of cover I'm looking at around 4 seconds before I finally get my cover back and can activate my first ability due to the activation delay. In PvE, it takes half that time to get back into the fight.


And don't get me started on how many times I've missed an interrupt because of the activation delay.


I'm confident that they'll fix the issue, but in the meantime it really messes with cover-based classes.

Edited by jcyrus
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Are they gonna do something about this. Its really annoying i love to pvp, but in these circumstances i cba to do them. Common Bioware this is 1 of the biggest issues ( atleast for me :p)


It's the biggest issue in the game tbh. People complaining about RNG loot or class imbalance are wanting tweaks, people with this issue can't play the game.

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