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Terrible FPS issues and ability lag in Warzones.


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yea im rocking 2 ati 6970 in crossfire with a intel i7 3.4ghz and 8 gb of ram and i get like 100+ fps everywhere, but when i enter them war zones bam 20 fps and huge *** delays on all my skills, and playing a sniper when i gotta cast my hard hitting spells its fuken terrible cant even play.


i have try turning everything to low and off and it still doesn't fix it, this is a big problem that is ruining pvp pretty hard

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The lag and poor performance is definitely ruining the whole pvp experience of this game, and it's sad as hell cause it has potential.


Pleaes have a look at how this game is coded. It's obvious that certain areas (Aldaraan Warzone for example) need heavy optimization

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yea im rocking 2 ati 6970 in crossfire with a intel i7 3.4ghz and 8 gb of ram and i get like 100+ fps everywhere, but when i enter them war zones bam 20 fps and huge *** delays on all my skills, and playing a sniper when i gotta cast my hard hitting spells its fuken terrible cant even play.


i have try turning everything to low and off and it still doesn't fix it, this is a big problem that is ruining pvp pretty hard


update on this. I just try the most desperate act ever and it didn't even work. i Turned everything has low or off has it could be everything and switch to the lowest possible resolution i could use and it didn't help one bit still huge *** fps drops and delays like no other in war zones.

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I gotta tell ya, I'm furious that I have a nearly 2 second lag between button-press and action in this game at the lowest possible settings. I've signed on for 60 days of the most terrible gameplay experience I've EVER had? I don't F-cking think so. I've researched drivers, optimized my systenm, and started doing slight overclocking. NOTHING works to fix this issue. I'm not showing a device conflict anywhere, memory is being allocated properly for all assigned functions, and I'm getting a nearly 2-second lag on my system. This is ludicrous and positively stupid. I realize a new game has glitches, but this needs to be handled immediately or I WILL do everything in my power to unsubscribe for my second 30 days AND demand my money back. You want to keep players?! Make the interface respond to the damned input! I am NOT experiencing this problem in City of Heroes (Performance Mode), World of Warcraft (trial, on Performance settings), Transformers: War for Cybertron (on Low settings), and Dungeon Defenders (on Performance settings). If THESE games don't give me any conflicts, I'll go play one of those. IF Bioware/EA wants to get even one penny more out of me, this problem NEEDS to be addressed in the next 26 days. Otherwise, I will personally spread the word-of-mouth of my experience for what it had been so far, and that feedback is NOT positive.
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They should stop with all the effects tht rly don't do anything just lagg every 1 to death in warzones so u should take all these useless affects out or the warzones will be laggzones and make ppl smash there pcs into the ground:mad::mad::mad:
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So sick of this i am all ready 50 and all i wanna do is war zones but NOPE


120 ms? you sure seems like 2000 ms to me. Feels like i am playing with utorrent open seeding 5 movies at 1mb a sec each.

Edited by Isirus
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Great thing is I see Bioware Mods and GMs directing people to this thread that are having problems. So obviously they know about it and are intending to do things about it and are going to be active about it. So rather than going on like "im canceling my subscription blah blah" I'd wait to see what they do about it, they obviously intend to and are very active to this response enough to direct people here so it stays active.


Give it a chance and be patient.

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My game runs flawlessly anywhere besides warzones and the capital ships. I was monitoring my graphics card usage while playing today and found some interesting results. When I am in a warzone/capital ship the GPU Usage is really irratic. It ranges from 0% and spikes up to around 50%. Spends most of it's time on the lower end though. This is obviously why I get crappy fps, the game is barely using any of my cards power BUT ONLY IN WARZONES/CAPITAL CITY. I've checked various other worlds and places and my GPU usage stays around 50% and I get 50ish fps solid constantly on low, some places I get upwards of 100.


I used MSI Afterburner to see this information, I'm guessing this is the issue everyone is having but it's kind of hard to spot. Not sure how woven into the engine this issue is but I wont keep my sub if I can't PVP. Otherwise I am enjoying the game immensley. My specs (q6600, HD6850, 4gig ram)

Edited by shinguvna
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Notice how Bioware acts as if they haven't noticed this problem, not only on this thread but the thousands of other threads posted of this problem.


BioWare hasnt acknowledged any problem since the first day of EGA. basically they remain mute and look the other side.



I guess they will love when our money looks the other way instead of going to their bank account.



I have never seen a game developer so hellbent on killing their own game. the problems are bad enough, but then ignoring the playerbase and dont even bothering with a simple "yes we know we dropped the ball here and we are working on fixing it" is simply unheard of.

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As a pvp player its very annoying to have fps drops everytime you're in warzones or in areas with a high amount of ppl like rep space station for example. Once my game even crashed to desktop there for no apparent reason but the fps drops.

I also wanna add that during beta game ran smoothly in warzones or rep space station.



MSi GTX 470




Never had such problems playing for example BFBadCompany2 with this system. Also wonder why having such problems in a game which is meant to play with a high amount of ppl? Also wanna add that there is no difference with high or low settings.


I give BW another month to fix this issue.


awesome, im not alone yay :mad:

Edited by MEdiKLEZ
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I am playing on really out dated computer:


Intel Core 2 Duo E 6750 2.66 GHz


GeForce 8800 GTS 512


(Yes, I know, I need to upgrade my processor and graphic crad)


With lowering my graphic settings I can get enjoyable FPS of some 50-60 everywhere except in warzones. As soon as I enter warzones my FPS drops down to some 10-15 on average and I am constantly checking my latency which is around 70-80, but it still feels like I am playing with latency of at least 300+.


The problem is that due to poor FPS and this feeling of lag (while my latency is pretty ok) warzones are really unplayable for me. I don`t get this, warzones are instanced areas, in which you only have 16 players, so this sort of problems should never happen. I don`t even want to think how it will be in larger battles...


Played Aion before SW:TOR and while that game is crap it has way better graphics and is far more technologically advanced, but still it worked far better even on my computer. Just for comparison: SW:TOR warzones have same feeling like 50 vs. 50 (or even bigger) battles in Aion. So it is obvious that this engine is really poorly optimized.

Please fix this Bioware, it is ruining whole gaming experience for me...

Edited by CommVeles
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Also having this problem.


Constant 40-55 FPS and 30-50 ms throughout the open world with high graphics settings (shadows on low). All of a sudden when I join pvp I get 10-15 FPS and have a huge delay on my abilities.


Tried lowering all graphical options to low, no change in FPS.


I'm pretty sure (might be wrong) that it wasn't this bad in the beta, and it certainly hasn't been this bad in any MMO I've ever played.

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I have the same problem too, and there are still some people suggesting the problem is our PC's etc. If it was that, than why would this topic grow to 27 pages and %99 of the people posting are complaining about the same problem? Please you can not ignore us Bioware at least make an announcement about your opinions about the issue.
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Also having this problem.


Constant 40-55 FPS and 30-50 ms throughout the open world with high graphics settings (shadows on low). All of a sudden when I join pvp I get 10-15 FPS and have a huge delay on my abilities.


Tried lowering all graphical options to low, no change in FPS.


I'm pretty sure (might be wrong) that it wasn't this bad in the beta, and it certainly hasn't been this bad in any MMO I've ever played.



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