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Terrible FPS issues and ability lag in Warzones.


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+1 Game runs with 0 performance issues outside of Warzones. My FPS stay decently high but the ability input lag is making my Trooper unplayable in PvP. I really REALLY want this game to be great, but if there isn't some resolution to this by the end of the first month I will most likely bow out. ad 0 issues like this in beta.
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Today i decided to force Antialiasing using the method that is somewhere in this forum, going to the swtor folder in appdata and editing client_settings.ini, i have no clue why, but warzones are now much smoother for me, by alot, before it was almost slideshow sometimes, now it feels much more fluid, these were the lines i added to the ini, maybe it helps someone else :


AntiAliasingLevel = 4 (you can put 2 also)

DebugAdvEnviroLighting = true

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As long as you have a decent build you shouldn't receive any lag. I haven't experienced any while playing in any aspect of the game. Also this games launch was 1 million times better then WoW was.


So you obviously didnt read this thread. A lot of people, probably even some with builds better than yours, have this problem specifically in WZs. It's a problem with the game, not our rigs.


Bioware acknowledge us!!!

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This needs to be Hot Fixed ASAP, I can run the game on max settings (apart from shadows) in the world and i get a solid 60-80 fps. When i hit a war zone its between 10-25 and skills have a 2second delay.


This has been like it for a few days now and with no official word on the problem I don't hold much hope for this game. I will play my character to 50 because the story is A+ but no pvp= no subscription for me.



Regards, A really pissed off customer.

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Running the game at ridiculously high FPS with an Nvidia GTX460 TI and 12GB RAM.


Walk into Warzones (Huttball being the least choppy/laggy one) and my framerate drops to 10-15, not to mention some abilities take a full 3 seconds to activate (instant ones)


Whatever it is that''s going on that is causing this type of lag, please fix it Bioware.


Your single player and multiplayer PvE is amazing, but I fear you''ll lose people over such a simple issue if this isn''t fixed soon.


I want to enjoy PvP with the rest of my server and raise Hell among the Sith Ranks, but I need your help with this one.

Edited by VinceLaPour
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I get a massive FPS drop, but it's still playable at the ~20 FPS I drop to.




The ability delay is game-breaking. It feels like you have to add another entire second onto the end of any ability before another can even start. And anything with a cast timer (grav round, my main attack) is miserable. It can still cancel even after the cast bar has completed. My heals as well....sucks when I have to heal, wait 2 seconds, heal....and they cancel if I move even after the cast bar has completed.


I love this game, but this warzone issue has to be improved. It's truly game-breaking.

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I'm sure there is plenty more people posting on the forums about this problem. I have updated my drivers, forced AA (Anti - Aliasing) on my graphics card. Favored Performance>Quality. Nothing works. Lowest graphics settings, shadows off. Still terrible FPS. Did some searching on the forums and I'm not the ONLY one with these problems. As for the ability lag, warzones play as if I'm on 500 MS latency,when I'm only on 70-100.


that is EXACTLY how i would word my issues. 91 freaking ms? yeah, right - as if 91ms is going to give me .75 seconds of delay on all of my abilities. 4GB of ram, 560 Ti video card, every setting on low - 15 fps? What's going on?

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Joined: Dec 2011


Today , 03:56 AM


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Hi there!


We're very sorry you're having this issue. However, there is an active discussion thread for this topic:


Terrible FPS issues and ability lag in Warzones.


In the interest of consolidating discussion and tracking issues, we have closed this thread and ask that you use the one linked above for any further discussion or questions. Thank you!

Paralassa | Community Representative

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The have noticed, But failed to link correct topic in their post. lol

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I have no problems with actual FPS lag but the ability lag is killer.


1-3 seconds after i click an ability it goes off, but my ping is at 50-100ms.


I'm playing a Jedi Guardian and i can literally count the seconds after i click my force leap button to when it actually force leaps in a Warzone, and good luck getting an ability to execute on a moving/strafing player...


Takes all the fun out of PVP.

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