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Show the name of the person that scores when they do it.


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Similar to how the name of whoever accesses the datacore pops up, do the same for scoring. If somebody had passed the ball to them within a say 5-20 second period, make it say "Blahblah scores with an assist from blahblah".


Implementing this will have two immediate positives to it.


1- The potential to see their name pop up on the screen for everybody to see similar to a medal streak might actually encourage people to attempt to score instead of acting like downies and running around with tne ball or throwing it away simply because they don't want it.


2- When somebody gets most of the scores and carries the team, people will know who did it and will possibly actually get the votes they deserve instead of the votes just automatically going to most damage since most people probably don't even look at objectives when they vote.

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i've played with people who already hold the ball when they're at 10% hp and fairly close to the goal line. This will be just 1 more reason for them to do that, I rather not.


And before you start talking, my main is a jugg and I usually score most if not all the points in my huttball matches.

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The scorer isn't the only person helping the team. The person healing him, the dps that are trying to peel off the assaulters, and the people controlling the middle of the field are all contributing to the team. It's a team effort.


So ... I think this idea is unneeded.

Edited by Daikeru
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i've played with people who already hold the ball when they're at 10% hp and fairly close to the goal line. This will be just 1 more reason for them to do that, I rather not.


And before you start talking, my main is a jugg and I usually score most if not all the points in my huttball matches.


Well, in that situation that's why it would show as an assist if you throw it to somebody who can score.


Would your situation happen? Yes it would.


Would the positives outweigh the negatives? I really think they would.

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The scorer isn't the only person helping the team. The person healing him, the dps that are trying to peel off the assaulters, and the people controlling the middle of the field are all contributing to the team. It's a team effort.


So ... I think this idea is unneeded.


Agreed, it is a team effort, but the scorer/ball carrier is arguably the one putting in the most effort. They're the one getting focused, cc'd, pulled, knockbacked. They're the one who has to fight the most to win the game.

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Old topic that has been beaten to death. Maybe post in some of the threads that say the exact same thing?


The idiot devs implemented the current design, and still hav eno plans to change it though, which is really sad.

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Agreed, it is a team effort, but the scorer/ball carrier is arguably the one putting in the most effort. They're the one getting focused, cc'd, pulled, knockbacked. They're the one who has to fight the most to win the game.


Yep, there are times when ppl plant at certain doors/cap nodes etc and it decides the whole match. Unless they are in your line of sight, you can't always tell who did it, and I sometimes forget the names of people who manage to plant/cap under extreme pressure if it's mid match.


On screen announcing of caps/plants etc (you could always turn the onscreen notifications off if its annoying) don't need to specify where, or they could have a slight time delay to balance things.


In terms of MVPs it would be really handy if BioWare set a highlighting system on the scoreboard. Most of us look for top obj points/healing/protection/kills/dmge. I know this is subject to debate, but the screen time on votes is so quick, sometimes it's hard to check them all and make a fair assesment. There are also major loopholes in that people can sit at capped bases farming medals, then lose the base through inattention. Or buff their stats by self healing etc, which isn't fair on those supporting the rest of the team.


Might seem petty to over emphasise MVPs, but it is a baseline for ranked, and in the under 50s those votes go a long way to keep people trying even when they lose a lot.

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I like the idea of presenting the name. As long as it's not shown on the scoreboard in the matches aftermath it shouldn't be enough to make anyone play selfishly.


But if one player scores enough times over the course of the match, people will realise who's getting results and might decide to chip in a few MVP votes. A form of reward that selfish players don't often expect to get.

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Agreed, it is a team effort, but the scorer/ball carrier is arguably the one putting in the most effort. They're the one getting focused, cc'd, pulled, knockbacked. They're the one who has to fight the most to win the game.


I'm sorry, but that's crap. People who protect the ball carrier do just as much if not more to make sure you make it to the goal line in one piece.


I mean. come on. Should my smuggler get an announcement every time she tosses that flash grenade that stops a mob from beating on the ball runner so they can score? Or every time she uses her knockback to clear the way for the carrier? What about rooting the other side's ball carrier in the fire? Or when she helps kill the other team in the middle so you can grab that ball in the first place? What about my healer when she heals you the whole way? Or when you get pulled into the fire? Etc... etc..


Playing good support roles in order for the team to win is already a thankless enough job. I don't really think this is necessary. Everyone already knows who is running the ball and who isn't, and usually you get the MVP vote anyway. This is just extra asspats for one small part of what's needed to win.

Edited by Prisoner
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1- The potential to see their name pop up on the screen for everybody to see similar to a medal streak might actually encourage people to attempt to score instead of acting like downies and running around with tne ball or throwing it away simply because they don't want it.


2- When somebody gets most of the scores and carries the team, people will know who did it and will possibly actually get the votes they deserve instead of the votes just automatically going to most damage since most people probably don't even look at objectives when they vote.


In football- is the player who caught the ball in the endzone the only one who deserves glory then? What about the quarterback who threw the ball to him?


Most of the time, it's the player who throws the last pass who has won it- or the sorc who pulls you out of the fire pit you've been stunned in to the goal. If you're going to have that goal scorer get a shout out- there should be a shout out for the assists- including last passes and things like extricate.

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Everyone already knows who is running the ball and who isn't,.


In a premade? Yes.


In pugs? You're giving the bads way too much credit. Most of them seemingly don't even have their throw key bound.



Anyway I've done everything there is in Huttball extensively. Ball carrying on my guardian, aoe taunting/guarding/cc'ing on my Guardian, peeling on my Sorc, healing on my Sorc, stealthing to the goal line on my Operative, healing on my Commando, dpsing on my commando.


Ball carrying is by far the hardest job and as I said, people generally don't even bother to look at objectives. I just got out of a Huttball on my Sorc where our Sin got 5 out of 6 scores. He busted his *** off to win it for us, pretty much hard carried our team of idiots. He got 1 vote, from me. The rest of the votes went to the Operative with 80k healing and the Marauder with 140k damage. The Marauder rarely actually helped with anything, he just ran around killing the enemy teams low levels not anywhere near the ball, but downies see "OOH MOST DAMAGE, GONNA VOTE FOR HIM".

Edited by Stncold
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Dunno, the teams I play on seem to have common sense. As a guardian, I constantly get 3+ mvp votes (And high teens to low twenties (but rare (Yo dawg, I herd u liek parentheses))), and of course 3/4 the scores. The others go to the healer that kept me alive :)


But this change will probably help those playing with less observant people to get the votes they deserve.

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In football- is the player who caught the ball in the endzone the only one who deserves glory then? What about the quarterback who threw the ball to him?


Most of the time, it's the player who throws the last pass who has won it- or the sorc who pulls you out of the fire pit you've been stunned in to the goal. If you're going to have that goal scorer get a shout out- there should be a shout out for the assists- including last passes and things like extricate.


Read the first part of my post, specifically.


If somebody had passed the ball to them within a say 5-20 second period, make it say "Blahblah scores with an assist from blahblah".


That could easily also be included for things like Rescue/Extricate.

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2- When somebody gets most of the scores and carries the team, people will know who did it and will possibly actually get the votes they deserve instead of the votes just automatically going to most damage since most people probably don't even look at objectives when they vote.


Those people that pay no attention to who is winning the game for them will never see any pop up, even if it covered the entire screen. They are too busy chasing the nearest red name and doing 40k total damage over the entire warzone.

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In a premade? Yes.


In pugs? You're giving the bads way too much credit. Most of them seemingly don't even have their throw key bound.



Anyway I've done everything there is in Huttball extensively. Ball carrying on my guardian, aoe taunting/guarding/cc'ing on my Guardian, peeling on my Sorc, healing on my Sorc, stealthing to the goal line on my Operative, healing on my Commando, dpsing on my commando.


Ball carrying is by far the hardest job and as I said, people generally don't even bother to look at objectives. I just got out of a Huttball on my Sorc where our Sin got 5 out of 6 scores. He busted his *** off to win it for us, pretty much hard carried our team of idiots. He got 1 vote, from me. The rest of the votes went to the Operative with 80k healing and the Marauder with 140k damage. The Marauder rarely actually helped with anything, he just ran around killing the enemy teams low levels not anywhere near the ball, but downies see "OOH MOST DAMAGE, GONNA VOTE FOR HIM".


If that's the case, what does "so and so has scored!!" going across their screen going to matter to them? People who know how to play, know what to do, will know who's doing their jobs. Also, as mention before, most people will vote for their friends and guildies. I'd say the hardest job is getting the ball in the first place. After that, if the people know what to do, shouldn't be too hard to get things rolling =P

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If that's the case, what does "so and so has scored!!" going across their screen going to matter to them? People who know how to play, know what to do, will know who's doing their jobs. Also, as mention before, most people will vote for their friends and guildies. I'd say the hardest job is getting the ball in the first place. After that, if the people know what to do, shouldn't be too hard to get things rolling =P


Fair enough, it probably won't mean much in that case, doesn't hurt to try though.

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Similar to how the name of whoever accesses the datacore pops up, do the same for scoring. If somebody had passed the ball to them within a say 5-20 second period, make it say "Blahblah scores with an assist from blahblah".


Implementing this will have two immediate positives to it.


1- The potential to see their name pop up on the screen for everybody to see similar to a medal streak might actually encourage people to attempt to score instead of acting like downies and running around with tne ball or throwing it away simply because they don't want it.


2- When somebody gets most of the scores and carries the team, people will know who did it and will possibly actually get the votes they deserve instead of the votes just automatically going to most damage since most people probably don't even look at objectives when they vote.


Don't really agree with this. The effort to get the ball over the line is more than the last person to carry it. I heal and run alongside whoever carries the ball to make sure, as best I can, they get there throwing down cc's along the way. I don't agree the persistent scorer is carrying the team either. Moreover I think this will promote a "goalhanging" behaviour in some players who will simply loiter at the opposing end hoping for some glory.


Sorry :(

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