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MMO Report on "Transfers"


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You said people cried but you didn't even bother to read what they said? ok :rolleyes:


Well, "you people" will always say this game sucks but will continue to play so no sense in arguing with "you people" LOL


The tantrum-throwing that goes on in most MMORPG-related forums annoy me also, but we should acknowledge what causes this phenomenon. MMORPG developers deliberately use sophisticated psychology-driven design techniques that make their games more addicting.


This inevitably results in people continuing to play a game long after they stopped finding it fun to do so. Since these players rarely recognize that they've been sucked in with addictive (not addictive in the fun sense, addictive in the bad sense) game design, they flail around and look for something to blame for the fact that they're playing and paying for something they no longer enjoy. I'm convinced this is why they seem so emotional about trivial design elements and why many of their complaints don't make a lot of sense.


I say this as someone who's been there. It took me longer than it should to figure out that as soon as an MMORPG stops being fun, it's time to cancel the subscription and stop playing.

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lol ok I was really trying not to reply to this because you people will always think this game is doing amazingly well even when it goes f2p but did you just say people weren't out raged? LOL.. All these people do on here is cry about one thing or another. The game's population is a joke, so much that they had do such massive server transfers to nearly every server if not all. And yes, they did cry a LOT about the transfers ( I didn't bother reading them all because I was just happy with getting off the dead server I was on. Tuesday will bring in loads of new cries from these people for who knows what reason but I am sure they got their complaints saved to a text file already.


You are aware that "lol" is not a word, right? There's no need to use it every second sentence in every single post you make.


Look, we get it. You're the even nerdier version of Casey Schreiner. The game didn't live up to your expectations, so you're going to trash it. I remember you from the Darth Hater site. You started off defending the game and Bioware quite vigourously, but then along came the Rakghoul Plague event, and your faith was shaken for some reason. You might have recovered from that, had you not gotten the (apparently) devastating news that TOR lost 400 000 subs. I guess that was the heartbreaker for you, because you immediately pulled a 180 and began bashing the game with every post. And with such interesting language, too. Although, in fairness, you used that interesting language in your initial defence of the game, too.


You don't like the game anymore. Hey, it happens. It's not for everyone. Not everyone is going to like a product, no matter how a company tries. It's unfortunate, but it happens. You grew disillusioned with the company. Whatever. At this point, though, it's pretty obvious that you should probably head off into the sunset and to a game you actually will enjoy. I could write some cutsie tripe here about "hatred leads to the dark side yadda yadda" but I'm not in the mood. What I will say, though, is that hanging around the forum of a game you hate just so that you can live in the illusion that sharing your hate and disillusion with people who do still like the game somehow brings you joy is more than a little pathetic.


The only thing more pathetic, though, is if it brings you genuine joy.

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oh..i dont know..because its a show featured on the number 1 mmo webpage( mmochamp)...and from one of the top 3 gaming tv channels (G4)...because they know what thei're talking about....hmm..because they know more then any average mmo joe...hmmmbecause they analyze stuff without any fanboyism...


Again venue doesn't not = validation of their opinion.


Another example: http://youtu.be/H9w_XUQyJJQ


Mark Cuban completely tears apart Skip Bayless in the video. By your logic Skip Bayless because he is on ESPN or whatever that must mean his opinion is always right. Again using your argument, he's featured on the number one sports channel. He analyzes Basketball without any bias. Or does he?

Edited by Deyjarl
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Why do people care so much about the opinion of a "reviewer" who may or may not have so-called "credibility"? If you like the game, then keep playing; if you don't like the game, then no one is forcing you to stay. Everyone has an opinion which we're all entitled to.


While I agree with him that Bioware has, in the past, not been very vocal with the community, this was actually one of the few instances where they were very vocal with the community--he picked a really bad example on which to base his point. They had a whole page explaining what was going to happen, how it was going to happen, and when it was going to happen, a week before it happened. I personally, and many others I talked to as well, had a very positive experience with my transfer. That said, I'm sure there were a minority of people who were not happy with the transfers, and someone of a biased opinion, or someone who wants to start drama, is going to focus on that to try and sway opinions--the best form of propaganda is distorted facts. As for balance issues, PvP may be a little harder now, but at least I have PvP queues instead of waiting 30+ minutes for the queue to pop. I'm excited for patch 1.3 and I still enjoy playing this game.


All of the rest of the reviewers points I could not relate to at all.


Maybe I'm biased (I'm sure I am), but I really found that guy's jokes against the game to be unprofessional (the Dagobah joke and the "only 7 people still playing" joke). I get it's an exaggeration, but it's flat out silly. While it may not be statistically relevant, I ran into several re-subscribers on my server that past weekend, so the population can't be too bad (granted I get that it went down by 400,000 over the last 4 months or so). The game's going to get bad PR because people need something to bash; if Bioware continues fixing things and releasing new content, it's going to make it harder to bash this game, especially if subscriber numbers start coming back up.

Edited by WhiteStriker
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Hey folks,


We get that when an article or piece of media comes out related to the game, such as one from the MMO Report, that it can create some pretty passionate viewpoints on either side of the coin. However, as a gentle reminder, let's make sure that when disagreeing with each other, it's constructive and respectful. We're seeing the discussion getting a bit heated here, and just wanted to drop by and let you folks know that positive or negative opinions regarding articles or videos is welcome, so long as it is productive and understanding of others' viewpoints. If you do see a post you feel does not follow these guidelines, please Flag the post so we can take a look, rather than responding in kind.


Thanks for your understanding in advance, and we not return you to your regularly scheduled discussion. :)

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I'm from the Swiftsure. The Bastion is better.


I'm not sure what Casey is trying to get at by being overdramatic. All I saw was butthurt and hardly any valid commentary.


Overdramatic. Overanalitical. Over hypes everything.


Does this guy have a realistic bone in his body?


Play what YOU think is fun people.

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I took a break from wandering around Dagobah to watch this clip. Maybe this guy will take advantage of the "Free to 15" offer BW is starting next month. Then he can actually play the game.


Now back to wandering....

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Why do people care so much about the opinion of a "reviewer" who may or may not have so-called "credibility"? If you like the game, then keep playing; if you don't like the game, then no one is forcing you to stay. Everyone has an opinion which we're all entitled to.


While I agree with him that Bioware has, in the past, not been very vocal with the community, this was actually one of the few instances where they were very vocal with the community--he picked a really bad example on which to base his point. They had a whole page explaining what was going to happen, how it was going to happen, and when it was going to happen, a week before it happened. I personally, and many others I talked to as well, had a very positive experience with my transfer. That said, I'm sure there were a minority of people who were not happy with the transfers, and someone of a biased opinion, or someone who wants to start drama, is going to focus on that to try and sway opinions--the best form of propaganda is distorted facts. As for balance issues, PvP may be a little harder now, but at least I have PvP queues instead of waiting 30+ minutes for the queue to pop. I'm excited for patch 1.3 and I still enjoy playing this game.


All of the rest of the reviewers points I could not relate to at all.


Maybe I'm biased (I'm sure I am), but I really found that guy's jokes against the game to be unprofessional (the Dagobah joke and the "only 7 people still playing" joke). I get it's an exaggeration, but it's flat out silly. While it may not be statistically relevant, I ran into several re-subscribers on my server that past weekend, so the population can't be too bad (granted I get that it went down by 400,000 over the last 4 months or so). The game's going to get bad PR because people need something to bash; if Bioware continues fixing things and releasing new content, it's going to make it harder to bash this game, especially if subscriber numbers start coming back up.


It's called Confirmation Bias and it's actually a really interesting bit of psychology. Basically people pick and choose to see and believe things which fit snuggly into their preconceived notions about how the world works. So people see something in the media, if it fits with their world view they harp on it, about how this proves everything they've always known and they were right along etc etc etc. It can even make someone twist something to fit into their notions as well.


For example you take two people one pro mary jane and the other against and show them both the SAME article about how 50% of the country supports legalization, the person for will say "Look, half the country supports us we should legalize!" The other guy will say "only half the country supports legalization we should keep it illegal."


So people see this obviously biased and absurd article that so no name sell out with a degree in Film posted on some website and everyone upset with the game comes out in droves to harp about how true it is and tell us "they've known it all along."


Meanwhile the more reasonable people point out: "He said the forums were full of rage about transfers, but I loved transfers, all my friends loved em, and more people are resubbing BECAUSE of them and looking forward to 1.3. In fact he didn't point out a SINGLE example of rage on the forums, nor did he point to a SINGLE problem that occured during the transfers, in fact he made up a complete and obvious LIE (saying we haven't been given any information about them for weeks when we've received regular updates on a near DAILY basis...)"


Reasonable people get shouted down by the people with Confirmation Bias, reason and logic get cast to the wind, ragers rage, and thinkers think and players just keep on playing the game.

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I don't know why people care so much about these reviews.... no offence but anyone who plays games regularly has the same credentials as these 'professionals".... the articles are just one gamer's opinion... and it always goes the same way... those who agree with the reviewer's opinions praise him/her as having amazing incite and being non-biased and those who disagree with his/her opinion claim him to be an idiot... Edited by Liquidacid
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This just in: G4 is a trash network anymore. Don't watch it. Also, ICP was on this same episode. Couldn't take anything they said seriously.


every time I turn on G4 there is never anything about gaming on... it's all reruns of Cops and Japaneses game shows

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just to be clear you believe a "PROFESSIONAL" review should start off with Insane Clown Possy?


First off if you think for one second that "professionals" will dictate the fate of MMOs you are completely lost. The PLAYERS will decide the face of MMOs the "faces of teh industry" as you put do nothing.


I hate to break it to you but bloggers, reviewers, and so called industry profesionals do not dictate what happens. WE DO.


There once was a time when a reviewer in a newspaper could make or break a film, but in the 1970s a movie called "Bonnie and Clyde" came out and it was universally HATED by the so called "industry profesionals" However the public LOVED it and it became one of the first blockbusters. It completely changed everything. Now reviewers have no power what so ever in deciding the fate of movies.


Reviewers didnt like the first Star Wars either,look what happened.

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An armchair quarterback posting about what another armchair quarterback is parroting from other armchair quarterbacks.


Look, there are people that are doers, and there are those that like to do little more then talk about how to do it better.


Servers are full. We are having fun. LFG comes out tomorrow. I really don't care what some random guy on the internet is nitpicking about.

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Reviewers didnt like the first Star Wars either,look what happened.


Well there's something that's not true:


Roger Ebert called it an "out-of-the-body experience"

The NY Times called it "fun and funny" and a movie that the kids in George Lucas' first film (American Graffiti) "would break their necks to see"


I don't have time to look up every movie critic, but people that know what they're talking about usually recognize greatness when they see it. No one that mattered had any problem recognizing the original Star Wars as a great movie - and they weren't even paid to say that, at the time (unlike contemporary reviews).


That said, the guy from G4 is no Roger Ebert, but I think even he can see this game is maybe good, maybe just OK, but not great. You can tell because 10 years from now, no one will be amazed by how innovative the game was in its design, or how it changed the way we thought about, well, anything re: video games or MMOs. When the critics get it wrong (and they didn't with the original Star Wars. BTW) it's because they see something totally out of the box and hate it because of that.


This game is not out of the box - it lives and breathes and will die inside the box.

Edited by jgelling
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Why do people care so much about the opinion of a "reviewer" who may or may not have so-called "credibility"? If you like the game, then keep playing; if you don't like the game, then no one is forcing you to stay. Everyone has an opinion which we're all entitled to.

This is the truth. Now there are some review sites I value their opinion but at the same time I try to make my own decision esp if I see a concept that interests me. I like Xplay and their reviews on what they consider bad games are funny but they also know when to be serious and straight forward. However I would not use them as the end all be all of game reviews. The MMO Report is jokes from start to finish so I cannot take what is said there seriously at all.


The site I give most validity to is IGN and even them I like to make my own decisions because there have been games they gave a 6 to that I enjoyed. What I do like about IGN is that they have a list of criteria for their review. Their review is based off of that more than the reviewers personal opinion. One time I read a review where the guy said he flat out do not like the genre of games but it still got an 8.5 because the game were reviewed off of those criteria.


Bottom line what was said in the MMO report was mildly amusing but something no one should really bother with.

People who play the game know the real deal and while some may not be happy most are about the transfers.

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