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MMO Report on "Transfers"


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This ^^


His opinion is no more relevant than anyone else who has an opinion.


It's probably 10,000 times more relevant, since he has an audience and all. But I still wouldn't want the people that watch tripe like that playing the game.


But, you know, the gaming media has given up the game for dead until they can report a healine showing level sub numbers, 3 months of headlines about declining subs, layoffs and server mergers obviously isn't going to cut it. It's show me time.

Edited by jgelling
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It's probably 10,000 times more relevant, since he has an audience and all. But I still wouldn't want the people that watch tripe like that playing the game.


But, you know, the gaming media has given up the game for dead until they can report a healine showing level sub numbers, 3 months of headlines about declining subs, layoffs and server mergers obviously isn't going to cut it. It's show me time.


I have a friend with a blog that has 4800 subscribers. Is his opinion more relevant than anyone else on the subject matter he blogs about? No. It is still his opinion. Audience has nothing to do with it. "The View" has a large audience and it still sucks and has numerous bad opinions...


Today's economy is a bad time to launch an expensive enterprise like SWTOR. Of course, when BW started, they didn't know how bad things were going to be, but we all know the first thing to go when you start tightening the fiscal belt is MMO's. In my opinion, that is more relevant to SWTOR's decline than anything MMOChampion has to say about it.


Lets face it. MMOChamps articles are biased. If you aren't their current favorite game, your game is going to get slammed. They'll make up a bunch of stuff that sounds like it could be good info but in reality is nothing more than guesses and nerd-rage


Opinions always vary, from which Spaghetti sauce is the best tasting to who would be a better POTUS but all in all they are still just one persons opinion.


Audience doesn't mean anything except that some sheeple out there will believe anything they read on the internet.

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It's probably 10,000 times more relevant, since he has an audience and all. But I still wouldn't want the people that watch tripe like that playing the game.


But, you know, the gaming media has given up the game for dead until they can report a healine showing level sub numbers, 3 months of headlines about declining subs, layoffs and server mergers obviously isn't going to cut it. It's show me time.


You're just as lost as the guy who was defending the video. Just because people follow you on twitter, facebook, your blogs, or watch your videos does not mean he is correct. Rush Limbaugh has a HUGE audience of listeners, that doesn't mean the drivel he says is going to happen or is correct. There are interviews out there on the internet with him that state he says what he says just for ratings to make money. If that name drop was too much for you, I'll drop down to Howard Stern. It's the same story.

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oh..i dont know..because its a show featured on the number 1 mmo webpage( mmochamp)...and from one of the top 3 gaming tv channels (G4)...because they know what thei're talking about....hmm..because they know more then any average mmo joe...hmmmbecause they analyze stuff without any fanboyism...


and finaly...


because they are the face of the industry...that will eventualy dictate mmo fates



so he he know more AND better ...and i assure you BW take this "professional" and public reviews seriously...

So that's why Adam Sessler (the most unbiased video game critic on the planet and the genesis of G4TV) got his walking papers earlier this year? I thought it was because he got tired of the network telling him what he could and couldn't say? Or in his words, they were going in different philosophical directions ... Edited by GalacticKegger
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oh..i dont know..because its a show featured on the number 1 mmo webpage( mmochamp)...and from one of the top 3 gaming tv channels (G4)...because they know what thei're talking about....hmm..because they know more then any average mmo joe...hmmmbecause they analyze stuff without any fanboyism...


and finaly...


because they are the face of the industry...that will eventualy dictate mmo fates



so he he know more AND better ...and i assure you BW take this "professional" and public reviews seriously...


you go ahead and let someone else dictate your fate. i don't need someone else's opinion to figure out if i'm having fun or not. I'll decide on my own, by playing.

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You're just as lost as the guy who was defending the video. Just because people follow you on twitter, facebook, your blogs, or watch your videos does not mean he is correct. Rush Limbaugh has a HUGE audience of listeners, that doesn't mean the drivel he says is going to happen or is correct. There are interviews out there on the internet with him that state he says what he says just for ratings to make money. If that name drop was too much for you, I'll drop down to Howard Stern. It's the same story.


Amen amen brother!

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So that's why Adam Sessler (the most unbiased video game critic on the planet and the genesis of G4TV) got his walking papers earlier this year? I thought it was because he got tired of the network telling him what he could and couldn't say? Or in his words, they were going in different philosophical directions ...


Wasn't that show from TechTV before it merged with G4? TechTV was an awesome channel til the merger. I'm quite sure Adam Sessler was there with them from the beginning too. I think he just got screwed over by the newer management.

Edited by monkgryphon
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There is no Dagobah in this game: He fails.

This will be a bit harsh, but who cares if a few folks were pissed about the transfers? The majority were chipper about playing with peeps again.

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Wasn't that show from TechTV before it merged with G4? TechTV was an awesome channel til the merger. I'm quite sure Adam Sessler was there with them from the beginning too. I think he just got screwed over by the newer management.
Indeed it was and yes he did. G4 wanted more paparazzi and less neutral reporting which stuck in his craw. They said change, he didn't ... so he was relieved of his duties. He covers games for gamers, not sloths who drool over Candace Bailey's, Morgan Webb's or Sara Underwood's curves.


G4 at E3 was a joke because all they did was fawn over the developers like rock stars and rarely asked them anything that wasn't in line with the publisher's marketing efforts. Sessler on the other hand was covering the event for SpikeTV using his own script and got hard answers ... not fluff.



Between December of last year and March of this year Sessler had three things to say about SWTOR:

1) he gave it an 8.5 / 10 because of it's entertainment value, and because he agreed with the game's design vision

2) it incorporates just enough elements from WoW so ex-WoW players could pick the game up quickly

3) he couldn't believe how rabid the forum vitriol was, and used the SWTOR forums as a cautionary tale for the level of pay-for-hate posts that gaming communities can expect in the future.


He got in trouble for #3 and G4 pulled that last video review from their website.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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And I used to think it was unfortunate DirecTV got rid of G4. Now I see: not so much.


Me too. Lol. And not because of this video.


Really folks, it was a comedic bit from a show and or network that tries to be funny because it is no longer relevant. The purpose here is not journalism. They pander to the lowest common denominator so people will watch. The beginning and end of the video is case in point.


Whatever your opinions on SWTOR, the MMO Report only hurts your argument.

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I am in fact slightly worried about him talking F2P for SWTOR. That would be one of the few realistic things that would scare me away from this game in the near future. Cash shops truely are a blight on the galaxy...
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I am in fact slightly worried about him talking F2P for SWTOR. That would be one of the few realistic things that would scare me away from this game in the near future. Cash shops truely are a blight on the galaxy...
One has to gauge that there will be subscription access concurrently available, and that any F2P/microtransaction model will be there simply to grow subscription numbers.
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One has to gauge that there will be subscription access concurrently available, and that any F2P/microtransaction model will be there simply to grow subscription numbers.


Numbers don't always mean money, though. Sure you'll get more people playing the game, but there will be a large portion of them just playing the free portion only.

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Numbers don't always mean money, though. Sure you'll get more people playing the game, but there will be a large portion of them just playing the free portion only.
There will be those for any game that offers F2P. The content's already there, so players who only want to sample it to level 15 or whatever would require minimal maintenence. A F2P model where players can play the entire game based on microtransactions is but a developer's cash cow courtesy of people with questionable math skills. Wanna play after that level 15? Either pay through the nose for gear and content unlocks as you go, or subscribe.


Unless someone is addicted to playing the microtransaction game, subs are the obvious answer for cost-effectively playing past the trial. Now if subs went away in favor of a full time F2P model, then I believe most of the core customer base would probably leave. So I don't see that happening.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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It's probably 10,000 times more relevant, since he has an audience and all. But I still wouldn't want the people that watch tripe like that playing the game.


But, you know, the gaming media has given up the game for dead until they can report a healine showing level sub numbers, 3 months of headlines about declining subs, layoffs and server mergers obviously isn't going to cut it. It's show me time.


He has a BS in film. He is paid by video game advertisers to say what they want to hear. Why should I listen to this man who has no clue about video game development, business, technology, or engineering on matters of technology? Especially considering he is a paid shill for the industry?


He had no problems raving about how great the game was in the beginning. The only thing that's really changed is the amount of money EA is throwing at him to spin their game.


No more money = no more praise.

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If I am wondering about going to see a movie, I would ask my friends what they thought, and then maybe check out some movie reviews, but if I already saw the movie I do not need to go find a movie critic to tell me what I am supposed to think.


Same thing here. I am already playing the game. I have played it for a while. I do not need to go find some 'professional' to tell me what I am supposed to think.


A bunch of people more interested in looking/sounding good/trendy/cool than in actually reporting facts and letting people judge for themselves are not people in whom I place much faith in the opinions of, anyway.


Didn't click the link. Didn't need to. Not going to give those clowns any hits.

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This right here is a point I believe many people are glossing over.


It doesn't matter what you think of Casey Schreiner. It doesn't matter how truthful you believe he is. It doesn't matter how professional you think he is. But other people do take his reports as fact. It doesn't matter if you like that or not. These people are usually the ones in a position to get new players to the game. Such as the Best Buy rep in the quote.


This. Thats what frustrates me. Like someone said, Casey overhyped himself for this game. He was a big supporter. Now like every other hater he bags on it when he can because it wasn't what he wanted, but what different about him is that hes in the unique position to actually hurt the game because he doesn't like it personally.


Whether you like it or not, people watch his show, and by him bashing it hes turning away potential players just because HE crashed and burned on it, and now even more people will hate on it.


Im not saying this game is perfect, it has problems, but look at the stuff he said. "Missed transfers" Since they are still ongoing that was a lie or he just didnt care to look. "The community outraged" I hardly saw any hate on the transfers, besides the lost names and guild transfers, and any idiot can look at the server list and see that it obviously is better than what it used to be.


I chalk him up as another hater who didn't get the game he wanted, but like I said, he can actually hurt the game more. Its sad really.

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This. Thats what frustrates me. Like someone said, Casey overhyped himself for this game. He was a big supporter. Now like every other hater he bags on it when he can because it wasn't what he wanted, but what different about him is that hes in the unique position to actually hurt the game because he doesn't like it personally.


Whether you like it or not, people watch his show, and by him bashing it hes turning away potential players just because HE crashed and burned on it, and now even more people will hate on it.


Im not saying this game is perfect, it has problems, but look at the stuff he said. "Missed transfers" Since they are still ongoing that was a lie or he just didnt care to look. "The community outraged" I hardly saw any hate on the transfers, besides the lost names and guild transfers, and any idiot can look at the server list and see that it obviously is better than what it used to be.


I chalk him up as another hater who didn't get the game he wanted, but like I said, he can actually hurt the game more. Its sad really.


lol ok I was really trying not to reply to this because you people will always think this game is doing amazingly well even when it goes f2p but did you just say people weren't out raged? LOL.. All these people do on here is cry about one thing or another. The game's population is a joke, so much that they had do such massive server transfers to nearly every server if not all. And yes, they did cry a LOT about the transfers ( I didn't bother reading them all because I was just happy with getting off the dead server I was on. Tuesday will bring in loads of new cries from these people for who knows what reason but I am sure they got their complaints saved to a text file already.

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oh really...because Curse trying to monopolize every game related content is any sort of news to someone?


its not surprising that Curse launched theyre own show...and they own mmo champ so mmo report go t droppped...but guess what///still goes on every week on G4 tv...wich...again..one of the top gaming channels in the world..probably the number one in western civs.....pls..try ahrder bud


Spell check much?

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lol ok I was really trying not to reply to this because you people will always think this game is doing amazingly well even when it goes f2p but did you just say people weren't out raged? LOL.. All these people do on here is cry about one thing or another. The game's population is a joke, so much that they had do such massive server transfers to nearly every server if not all. And yes, they did cry a LOT about the transfers ( I didn't bother reading them all because I was just happy with getting off the dead server I was on. Tuesday will bring in loads of new cries from these people for who knows what reason but I am sure they got their complaints saved to a text file already.
"You people will always think this game is doing amazingly well" ... "All these people do on here is cry about one thing or another" ... "Tuesday will bring in loads of new cries from these people for who knows what reason" ... Dude, if you're going to bash the community at least pick a side. While you're at it, might consider pulling a supervisor into the edit loop to modify that script because it shoots itself in the foot. Edited by GalacticKegger
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lol ok I was really trying not to reply to this because you people will always think this game is doing amazingly well even when it goes f2p but did you just say people weren't out raged? LOL.. All these people do on here is cry about one thing or another. The game's population is a joke, so much that they had do such massive server transfers to nearly every server if not all. And yes, they did cry a LOT about the transfers ( I didn't bother reading them all because I was just happy with getting off the dead server I was on. Tuesday will bring in loads of new cries from these people for who knows what reason but I am sure they got their complaints saved to a text file already.


You said people cried but you didn't even bother to read what they said? ok :rolleyes:


Well, "you people" will always say this game sucks but will continue to play so no sense in arguing with "you people" LOL

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lol ok I was really trying not to reply to this because you people will always think this game is doing amazingly well even when it goes f2p but did you just say people weren't out raged? LOL.. All these people do on here is cry about one thing or another. The game's population is a joke, so much that they had do such massive server transfers to nearly every server if not all. And yes, they did cry a LOT about the transfers ( I didn't bother reading them all because I was just happy with getting off the dead server I was on. Tuesday will bring in loads of new cries from these people for who knows what reason but I am sure they got their complaints saved to a text file already.


This is a prime example of a 'cry'

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