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Lord Calypho RP-PvP to Progenitor RP-PvE Transfers


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Hi there,


We on Lord Calypho have found ourselves in a difficult and unfortunate circumstance really - and slightly unfair, if anything.


Transfers just opened up to the Tomb of Freedom Nadd (PvP), sucking the remainder of the server's population away. On a decent night on Republic Fleet you're looking at about 12 people. All that is left is the RP community, some of whom have multiple level 50 characters on the server.


In order to keep interest in the game, and to prevent losing any more people to other games, some guilds have had to abandon all their characters and just re-roll on more populated RP servers, in most cases the Progenitor RP-PvE server. This has been the case with the guild I am part of, at least, and I have seen another guild already who bear the same name and character names as another from Lord Calypho.


I think it's unfair to have neglected the roleplaying community by offering a transfer to a PvP server only, which is hardly the place for RP recruitment to thrive. I would like, in an ideal world, to see transfers open from Lord Calypho RP-PvP to The Progenitor RP-PvE. None I have spoken to are that bothered about losing the open world PvP, as there wasn't much of it anyways.


This would allow legacies and characters that have had hours of work poured into them not to be abandoned on a dead server. The Progenitor has a good population and a thriving RP community that we want our old characters from Lord Calypho to be a part of.


I hope this suggestion is taken into consideration.


NOTE: We were directed to raise the issue here by a Customer Services Ticket response by one of our guild members.

Edited by Dukes
Missed something out.
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I second this notion. While I've only just reached level 50 with my main character I've invested a great deal of my limited time into maxing out its crafting skills and refining many, many schematics - an endeavour I desperately wish to never repeat less it's for an entirely new school of crafting...


Servers with two traits should have two options as they combine two play-styles which, while distinct are, in my mind, just as equal. The current option for Lord Calypho favours only those who prefer PvP and fancied RP as a secondary factor. By the same token; those who preferred the RP aspect of the server to a greater measure but whom also appreciated PvP should also be accommodated.


I believe our tastes are just as valid and should be catered for accordingly. To ignore this issue is to turn one's back on a body of dedicated players and loyal customers.

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I, for one, totally agree with this suggestion.

I don't think that 20-30 additional players would create an imbalance or makes Progenitor overpopulated, but it would definitely change (in a positive way) the RPers of Lord Calyhpo's gaming experience.

I, myself am an excellent example - I've tried playing on two serverrs, then we re-rolled on Prog as a guild. Not lying, it feels like a whole different game there, something like how I imagined an MMO to be (TOR is my first MMO). My only problem is, that it would be a shame if I couldn't let my well built-up (as personality) characters to be a part of this.

And I'm certain, several other players on Lord Calypho share the same thoughts.

Therefore I humbly ask the developers to make the char transfer available on a Lord Calypho->Progenitor scheme as well.




P.s.: Losing the option for open world pvp would only mean that we are not going to get butchered in the middle of some casual RP by a full PVP geared guild.

Edited by MetallicRoo
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Bioware hinted on the fact that there can only be one transfer destination per server due to technicalities and that's why Lord Calypho's population can only move to FoTN, which did please the majority considering how many left.


However, even if it is limited to one server destination per server there'd be no issue in opening transfers from FoTN to The Progenitor, thus allowing people to first move to FoTN and then to The Progenitor. It's actually the best solution, since those of us who did move to FoTN due to the extremely low population and lack of PVP and PVE on LC, won't feel stabbed in the back.

Edited by Kiyosa
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The injustices goes beyond the mere only-transfer to a pvp server. Let's not lose sight of the fact that Lord Calypho, before the server transfers began, was a relatively heavily populated server for the time. Lord Calypho should have been a destination during the first stages of the server transfers. Bioware should have put effort into preserving the only RP-PvP servers, but they didn't.


Let's also not forget that due to bioware's clumsiness in handling Lord Calypho, we were allowed transfers much later than other servers which means we've had a much smaller chance to retain our character and legacy names. It may not be a big deal to some, but to me it's very important. I've grown very fond of my legacy name and the thought that I have to change it hurts, especially since I've been playing since day 2 of the early game access.


It's punishment upon punishment. Lord Calypho was a nice server and its community deserved better than this half-assed solution. It's outright insulting that bioware have the gall to suggest that people who like RP-PvP servers can stay, and that they encourage it.

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Bioware hinted on the fact that there can only be one transfer destination per server due to technicalities and that's why Lord Calypho's population can only move to FoTN, which did please the majority considering how many left.


However, even if it is limited to one server destination per server there'd be no issue in opening transfers from FoTN to The Progenitor, thus allowing people to first move to FoTN and then to The Progenitor. It's actually the best solution, since those of us who did move to FoTN due to the extremely low population and lack of PVP and PVE on LC, won't feel stabbed in the back.


This is the answer. It violates no policies and should be technically feasible despite any limitations this system has. It would mean each of us would have to wait 72 hours on ToFN before being eligible to transfer to The Progenitor, but I think we can handle it. (We can all wash really, really hard with industrial solvents afterwards.)


I vote for this (if it is in fact necessary). But in any event, I add my support to this thread in general, and this idea specifically.


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ToFN to Progenitor would be greatly appreciated. Having already been forced to move my most significant characters to the tomb in the first place for any hope of decent character progression, along with a considerable chunk of the Calypho faithful, anything less would just be a massive injustice.


But, having seen the logic behind the transfer decisions in the first place, justice doesn't come into the "business model". Can only hope that we get enough support to warrant another move.


Spread the word.

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I support this idea, and am more than willing to not only end my subcription to this game but boycott any product by EA in the future should this treatment of our community continue.


I unsubbed 2 days ago over this crap, and would've done it again if it were technically viable yesterday after their "unique solution to a unique problem" came down from on high.


But I'd happily resub if this were made possible... :jawa_wink:


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I'm speaking for myself, my sister and my girlfriend when I say please please do this.


All three of us love the game but Calypho is dead. As of writing I am the only person on the Republic Fleet. It's the middle of the day on a weekend, the fact it's empty is insane. If I were to log off there'd be literally no one on the fleet!


The RP atmosphere is the reason I chose the server, all of us who are left want to go to an RP server we have no interest in a pure PvP server.


At this rate we're going to quit the game. I don't want to, I love this game I've been playing since beta but I can't play on a server this dead and I don't want to start over when I've got so much invested in my characters. Please Bioware, you're going to lose a lot of customers over this.

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I support this thread.


P.S. But dont think BW will make this happen. So i am personaly will enjoy some content with alot of peoples around on ToFN for now, but at the first opportunity of paid transfer i will move to real Roleplay server.

P.P.S. ToFN is realy terrible server for kids. Lord Calypho was MUCH better.

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I'd sign this petition.


I want Lord Calypho to have some manner of transferring to a RP destination. Preferrences go out to Progenitor.


I play to RP. I don't care about rulesets or whatnot. It might be a vague term to you, but it's my point in playing TOR.

Edited by Fedaykiin
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I completely support this.


The entire situation is just silly at this point and any other company would have had this handled and resolved for all concerned parties by now.


Catering to the PvP group who complained and stomped their feet more when the RP community waited patiently and in good faith for a reasonable solution is a bad move, you cant just cater to half a server and leave the other stuck with a very limited group of choices; Move to the PvP server and leave casual non-guild RP behind (which I am not willing to do), stay on the ghost town that is whats left of Lord Calypho, abandon your hard work and time invested characters and start new ones somewhere else (which is completely, and utterly un-acceptable) or just unsubscribe, which is what I am doing and boycotting all future EA games (particularly MMO's) until this situation is resolved.


I sincerely hope EA does something about this situation to keep everyone involved happy.


(as a quick afterthought, I noticed a few people saying they were wiling to pay to move server, that would also be totally un-acceptable. You are paying over 60 Euro every 6 months for this game, if they expect you to pay more to fix a problem THEY created it is beyond unreasonable)

Edited by Estellaa
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Yeah, if they want to stick to their 'system' fine but let us abuse this loophole. I'm sure it will mean a little extra work for their systems for a couple of days but after that it will balance itself out.
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I'm -not- going to transfer to a pure pvp server, I'm an Rp'er at heart in the end. I do hope they'll add an the Progenitor to the possible destination list. For now i'll just wait and see, and hope that they won't make me wait for too long. : /



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