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Everything posted by Dukes

  1. Hi devs, A really easy to implement request here on behalf of the military RP community - the addition of all the lore ranks (up to where we are in the story, perhaps) for all classes. Make a bundle called 'Military Titles' on the Cartel Market or something, go nuts, just include Private, Specialist, Corporal, Sergeant, and all that good stuff. With Galactic Starfighter out, do the same with the Navy ranks, 'Starfighter Titles' bundle or something. Alternatively, allowing your guild rank to be used as a title would be a great option too. We'd all very much appreciate it! Cheers.
  2. Just a quick suggestion really, and probably more beneficial to the RP community. Troopers start out at Sergeant, and unlock titles as they go up and earn them. But, the character would have risen up through the ranks from Private, so my question is, would it be possible to get the ranks Private, Specialist and Corporal added as freebies? Shouldn't be too difficult, and would mean a great deal to the military RP community, for sure! Many thanks for any responses.
  3. I only really play to RP, hence the creation of this thread. Really hoping it's an option, even from ToFN to Progenitor.
  4. Just set up exactly the same thread today, didn't see yours. Sorry about that! My guildies and a few others are responding to that one, if you wanna ping some support the same way.
  5. Hi there, We on Lord Calypho have found ourselves in a difficult and unfortunate circumstance really - and slightly unfair, if anything. Transfers just opened up to the Tomb of Freedom Nadd (PvP), sucking the remainder of the server's population away. On a decent night on Republic Fleet you're looking at about 12 people. All that is left is the RP community, some of whom have multiple level 50 characters on the server. In order to keep interest in the game, and to prevent losing any more people to other games, some guilds have had to abandon all their characters and just re-roll on more populated RP servers, in most cases the Progenitor RP-PvE server. This has been the case with the guild I am part of, at least, and I have seen another guild already who bear the same name and character names as another from Lord Calypho. I think it's unfair to have neglected the roleplaying community by offering a transfer to a PvP server only, which is hardly the place for RP recruitment to thrive. I would like, in an ideal world, to see transfers open from Lord Calypho RP-PvP to The Progenitor RP-PvE. None I have spoken to are that bothered about losing the open world PvP, as there wasn't much of it anyways. This would allow legacies and characters that have had hours of work poured into them not to be abandoned on a dead server. The Progenitor has a good population and a thriving RP community that we want our old characters from Lord Calypho to be a part of. I hope this suggestion is taken into consideration. NOTE: We were directed to raise the issue here by a Customer Services Ticket response by one of our guild members.
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