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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Legacy Perks in Game Update 1.3


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Wow, so disappointed BioWare.


Legacy *character* Perks. = FAIL (seriously why bother putting it in the legacy system at all when it's only affects one character not the legacy?)

If they were legacy wide I'd consider the prices a little more reasonable. Even the suggestion (I thouroughly apologize for forgetting yer name but it earlier in this thread) of tripling the cost to add it legacy wide would be acceptable. Then the players that only play 1 or 2 characters don't have to pay the price to unlock it for a bunch of them they have no intention of playing. While not goat *tapping* the players that play alot of alts by forcing even more grind or *buck off*.

Server Legacy vs. Account Legacy. (again, kinda obvious there)

Aside from the two comments I saw here, just mention Dual-Spec in passing in general (fleet or any planet) and see the unanimous roar of aproval. As things stand now they're already telling ya yer gonna have to pay respec fees if ya want to join the group anyway cause yer just not the spec they're looking for.


Also for those deluded individuals THIS IS BIOWARES SECOND MMO NOT FIRST. They took over sole managment of Warhammer Online like 2 years prior to starting SWTOR I believe (not certain on number of actual years off the top). This is NOT their first rodeo here folks. Please stop trying to say it's OK that we're paying money NOT to be listened to because this particular game of theirs just got released. Completely forgetting that there was a long term of BETA testing before it was even released. (which they actually responded to forum posts back then with a *Why such and such is happening* or a simple acknowledgment of notice.


I was soo excited about hearing there would be more legacy perks to increase the speed of affection and levels. Not so much now. I'm one of those Collectors Edition pre-order people that bought a 6 month sub JUST on the name BioWare. Horrible timing to release this crap BioWare. I was about to renew my sub. After seeing how much yer *supposed bosting* actually paying attention to the community is really working out. I just cancelled my renewment. That makes the last of the people I know IRL giving up on the game. Might come back in a year and see if ya got yer head screwed on yet about majority community needs and desires. But I know I won't do it with more then a single months sub. Game just seems to be going farther down from current MMO quality choices out there.


on a side note, AWSOME job on the introduction of adaptive social gear.

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Canceled my sub so I will not be renewing at the end of this month. Friends at work today said they will be doing the same thing. I will also tell others not to sub or even try out this game. No matter what they do from here I will not be subbing again.
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They are per character because the really don't cost THAT much.


I don't want to grind dailies all the time either, but come on....these perks don't cost much. And all you need to do is apply individual perks to the characters you want.


Why would a 50 need the +exp bonus right now :X

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Jesus people, they're perks. They're incentive for people that have done most of the end game and have tons of credits lying around to level up some alts. If your highest character is level 40 and you're broke, the perks really aren't for you. Get to max level, run some dailies/use the GF for FPs and you'll easily have enough credits to buy perks for your next alt(s).


Agreed. It's a little edge. Legacy wide would be broken.

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Speaking of XP Perks for level 50s, do the bonuses apply towards Legacy XP for level 50 characters?


I was wondering the same thing if that is the case then it might actually be worth it for your 50's.


Otherwise to the butthurt individuals grind a few daily's and use a little thing called mail and send your alts money that the butthurt ones have so much of... or hell re-roll and be the first to get to 50 with all the cool new perks you just bought once you get to your first mailbox..... i dunno quit whining this game is still in its baby stages..... Just because blizzard did something great at first and then screwed it up later doesnt mean that this game couldnt be better than it is now.... just a thought....

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Thing I find is the perks don't target particularly useful things. Overall- the values should be more, 30% is fine and all but people on their 3rd, 4th, etc... characters find the process extremely dull. Another suggestion would be have ACTUAL legacy unlocks- that unlock just from legacy. I'd suggest- every legacy level you have gives you a 1% bonus to all xp gained, no credit cost involved.


-Class missions- that's a very expensive boost that's only useful for, what, 3 quests per planet? Where's the 'quest XP' perk that just gives all quests a bonus? I'd have much rather had this one apply to all quests- even if it meant costing double the credits.


-Space combat- does this apply only to running the space combat, or to the daily missions as well? If it applies to both, this is absolutely one of the ones I will get, as I like space and would have no problem having one of my characters that I log onto each day just to do some space


-PvP- this one's definitely a good one, though frankly xp from pvp is too low to begin with BUT, this does give people a bit more viability to level off WZ.


-Flashpoint - this I think is perhaps the best perk of the lot- if you like doing FPs, and with the new dungeon finder, this will make a mode of xp gain that's already very good even better


-Exploration- this one... kind pointless imo, but it's cheap at least. You don't get that much xp from exploration to begin with


All in all though- why character specific? Double or even triple the price, but make it apply to all characters- this is supposed to be a LEGACY system after all, it's supposed to apply to everyone.


Oh well, in the end it's only a mild solution to the problem that levelling isn't as much fun on the 3rd+ character.

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They are per character because the really don't cost THAT much.


I don't want to grind dailies all the time either, but come on....these perks don't cost much. And all you need to do is apply individual perks to the characters you want.


Why would a 50 need the +exp bonus right now :X

I guess they'd be happy to pay 3Mil credits to unlock the level 10 speeder for all their characters when 5 of them already have speeders. Or Perhaps 2Mil credits for warzone XP bonus when they only intend for one character they got to really be leveling through PvP.


That would be oh so AWESOME!

Edited by DarthKhaos
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OMG you mean I can't buy everything instantly because it doesn't come cheap? WTH BW???


Seriously people, obtaining credits in this game is ridiculously easy, can make a million in a matter of hours, and who the hell says you've to get everything immediately, finally, something that will take some time to complete, kudos BW, kudos.


No, it is not ridiculously easy to make credits in this game, at least not if you are playing the game normally and not meta. I have been playing since shortly after launch and I have yet to have a million credits on ANY character, mush less "in a matter of hours" (At present, the closest I have is 900,000 on my lvl 50 Sith Sorcerer). And that is with constantly sending companions on missions, crafting items, breaking them down to make better items, and posting them on the Market to sell. I log in frequently with my characters to try and raise money to be able to afford these perks. As a matter of fact, ever since the Legacy unlocks have hit, I have been trying to get 2 million credits together to buy that "rocket boost" power to make traveling a little faster (and heck, I don't even know if it is worth it!), but I have only gotten to about a million and a half.

Now, perhaps I could log into my 50 and do dailies, but once I hit 50 I like to level a new character. And isn't the legacy system supposed to encourage you to make new characters? As has been mentioned, if you have to keep playing your level 50(s) to be able to afford the legacy unlocks, then it is actually encouraging you NOT to play alts.

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I agree


if u pay to unlock the "perks" in LEGACY then it should be for all your characters,

am sure that's what LEGACY means or better yet a copy from there legacy info on the website.



"The Legacy System is a game mechanic which links all of your characters on the same server together, and provides cross-character rewards and benefits"



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Quit complaining. You're the same people that would be whining in a few months that there's no credit sinks in the game. Please ragequit.


While I agree things are fine for now, but "ragequit"? Really? I'd rather not see this game lose more players.

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Wow, so disappointed BioWare.


I'm one of those Collectors Edition pre-order people that bought a 6 month sub JUST on the name BioWare. Horrible timing to release this crap BioWare.


EA failed this launch for BioWare. BW wasn't ready and they knew it, EA forced launch on them causing this sloppy mess of bugs and pissed off customers. BW is doing their best to salvage this game but it's so hard with a **** for brains corporation like EA riding the game directors' ***. Not to mention, EA heads up the 'CS droids.' I'm so damned sick of getting reported for cussing when mother f:rak_02:ers just need to turn on maturity filter and EA enforce that rather hindering my use of language.

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I just saw that the one for crafting, is only to increase a chance for an augment slot to appear... I thought a crit chance could do so i crafted 2 barrels or healing packs.... Now i find the boost even more useless. Pretty much only needed when i start to craft end-game gear.
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I just saw that the one for crafting, is only to increase a chance for an augment slot to appear... I thought a crit chance could do so i crafted 2 barrels or healing packs.... Now i find the boost even more useless. Pretty much only needed when i start to craft end-game gear.

Did not know that, so mostly useless for my characters as I have Biochem and Artifice.

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Quit complaining. You're the same people that would be whining in a few months that there's no credit sinks in the game. Please ragequit.


Lol I wouldn't be.


No cost at all for Legacy is what it should have been form start.


1 Legacy Level = 1 Point

Each Legacy Perk, etc costs X amount of points, while social and some other rewards are "free"

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I was on vacation until today and searched, but found nothing on this: Why do our characters level 25 and above have to buy the character speeder training I in order to get speeder training II. One would think that we should have been 'grandfathered' in since this option was not available to us pre 1.3. As for my characters under level 25, I love this feature!
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Quit complaining. You're the same people that would be whining in a few months that there's no credit sinks in the game. Please ragequit.


The problem with credit sinks like this is that they're so not worth it that people won't buy them. You know what the good is of a credit sink that no one buys? Absolutely bupkis.

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I agree


if u pay to unlock the "perks" in LEGACY then it should be for all your characters,

am sure that's what LEGACY means or better yet a copy from there legacy info on the website.



"The Legacy System is a game mechanic which links all of your characters on the same server together, and provides cross-character rewards and benefits"




QFT. i was PO when i send near 2 mil in credits on XP unlocks thinking it would travel over to all toons, i did this on my 50 toon (coz he had the credits) and now they are all credits ill never get back.

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I was on vacation until today and searched, but found nothing on this: Why do our characters level 25 and above have to buy the character speeder training I in order to get speeder training II. One would think that we should have been 'grandfathered' in since this option was not available to us pre 1.3. As for my characters under level 25, I love this feature!


I think it's pretty much universally agreed that the prerequisites should be character speeder training 1 *or* the license 1 to buy the next rank.


Now if only we could convince Bioware we'reright.

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The Legacy was to be a contribution of all your characters that are built your legacy to pass along to your future and other existing characters which was part of the legacy systems design supposedly. Now you have to pay 10k+ for abilities that are only applied to a single character? I always considered the costs for some of the "training" and Legacy perks to be a bit over the top which to me only invites "gold farmers" to get a stronger foothold in an MMO less than a year live. Personally I found that 10K or even putting up the 100's of thousands in credits for an XP bonus of 10% in specific aspects of game play, is crazy as a character that would obtain that level of credits would probably not need much XP anymore.

My legacy level just hit level 30, and even though I have nearly every legacy perk available my work of leveling the legacy does not grant anything special to the legacy at this point, no discounts towards additional perks, just more areas to spend more credits.

I for one will NOT be contributing to the "Individual Character Perks" of the legacy System the only ones I would have considered would be a repair bot, mailbox or personal/guild cargo hold access device that could be used on my Ops characters. But to consider spending hundreds of thousands of credits for a legacy perk, I would want that perk to be a LEGACY PERK, applied to ALL CHARACTERS within the legacy family tree.


BIOWARE What were you thinking when you added INDIVIDUAL LEGACY PERKS that contradicts everything about a legacy or heritage. The idea of the legacy system was to have the contributions of the individual characters in the legacy would be passed along to the future members of the legacy line.


Off-topic slightly, is the Heirloom or Legacy Gear purchased from the legacy vendors, it was rather disconcerting when after using my legacy weapon crates, to purchase weapons such as the Light Saber and Double Bladed Light Saber, the Blaster and Assault Cannon as I built more characters to add to my legacy, when I went to built my Empire equivalents SIth Warrior, Inquisitor, Bounty Hunter, and Agent, None of the legacy weapons could be used by members of my legacy, that equip the same style of weapons, because they were locked to the class that purchased the original item. Unlike other MMO Heirloom items that if the character meets the item proficiency such as light saber, or blaster pistol, no matter the faction that item could be used by the account owners characters. Same with Armor, if they can wear Light, Medium, or Heavy Armor the Heirloom gear would be usable no matter the class or faction id the character has the proficiency in that type of item.

I really enjoy this game, and do hope it can survive the initial year of getting established, as with prior MMO's at first launch the servers are loaded, and begin to level out to the true fans, and players that understand new games, patches, and expansions in any MMO come with the weeks, of glitches, bugs, and crashes. I am glad SWTOR is adding the group finders, and additional content. I hope that the rumors of turning into a free-to-play MMO are not the direction a game I have been following for several years is headed within the first year of launch.

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