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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Legacy Perks in Game Update 1.3


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You could just still do the quests you know. Or...why not control how much you do, this way you don't out level anything? You don't need a button or whatever to slow/stop XP....you just need to control what you do.


I want to extend the time I play 1-49, not shorten it. I would pay for exp reduction character perks, I will not buy anything presently offered.
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The content is not meant to be skipped, if that were the case they'd have never put it into the game.


To me Swtor is an interactive movie, you don't sit down to watch the Godfather then get up and walk away when Michael goes to the bathroom. Walking away from an entire planet or skipping an entire quest chain feels much the same.


I understand the quests can still be done while they are gray, I've done them while gray with my Sage and Assassin. The immersion factor disappears when Qyzen is able to solo 5 orange elites by himself, and the Assassin's Maul 1 shots everything.


It's the equivalent of watching a movie in fast forward, sure you'll see the entire movie but you won't be able to divulge in the movie as the director intended and it simply won't be as enjoyable.


The only way presently for me to be able to do all quest chains at level is to skip all the other content, warzones, flashpoints, space missions, and most heriocs. Right now if I wanted to enjoy all the leveling content with a particular class I'd have to make 3 characters to do it, which is fine, If I have to level 3 Operatives to 50 to enjoy the entire game I will do it but I'm going to run out of character slots really quickly.

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Another point to note is that this game is half a year old, and people can make a million in a matter of hours already, just think how much cash will be floating around in a couple of years time, there will be billions being traded for items.
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The content is not meant to be skipped, if that were the case they'd have never put it into the game.


To me Swtor is an interactive movie, you don't sit down to watch the Godfather then get up and walk away when Michael goes to the bathroom. Walking away from an entire planet or skipping an entire quest chain feels much the same.


I understand the quests can still be done while they are gray, I've done them while gray with my Sage and Assassin. The immersion factor disappears when Qyzen is able to solo 5 orange elites by himself, and the Assassin's Maul 1 shots everything.


It's the equivalent of watching a movie in fast forward, sure you'll see the entire movie but you won't be able to divulge in the movie as the director intended and it simply won't be as enjoyable.


The only way presently for me to be able to do all quest chains at level is to skip all the other content, warzones, flashpoints, space missions, and most heriocs. Right now if I wanted to enjoy all the leveling content with a particular class I'd have to make 3 characters to do it, which is fine, If I have to level 3 Operatives to 50 to enjoy the entire game I will do it but I'm going to run out of character slots really quickly.


Or, you put the movie on pause(i.e. stop subbing for a few months) and come back when you feel like it. People keep wanting these single MMO experiences that last for 5 years at a time and that is all they play for those 5 years and I just don't see that happening anymore.

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The bonuses are just a bit week for how much you have to play. I would like to see some better bonuses in 1.4.



Some examples...

  • Legacy of Travel
  • Instant teleport to any planet(after all class quest complete)
  • Instant Taxis(just teleport between taxi locations)
  • instant travel (no cool down for quicktravel)
  • Instant teleport to Illum and Tattoine open world pvp areas.
  • instant fleet pass
  • Legacy Speeder Speed Increase - Mount speed increased by 10%, 20%, 30%
  • Convenience Travel - "Board Ship" and "Home Point" bind options for quick travel ability
  • Summon Guildmate - to non - pvp area(cannot be used in combat)
  • Faster Quicktravel cooldown
  • Faster Fleetpass cooldown
  • Legacy Taxi Unlocks - once taxi's unlocked for one character, unlock them for all characters.
    Legacy of Sharing
  • Shared Legacy Social Level
  • Shared Legacy Valor(since it is now purely cosmetic and has no impact on stats)
  • Shared Legacy Titles
  • Shared Legacy Credits
  • Shared Legacy Achievements
  • Shared Legacy Companions - use all companions across all lvl 50 characters
  • Shared Legacy Bank - A bank tab that is shared by all characters
  • Shared Legacy Commendations
  • Shared Legacy Achievements
  • Shared Legacy Crew Skills - Send other character companions on crafting missions
  • Shared Legacy Ships - Borrow other character ships
  • Shared Legacy Mailbox - Check Mail on Other Characters
    Economic Legacy
  • Discount to unlocking legacy items - 10%,20%, 30%(maybe for higher legacy levels)
  • Discount for changing out mod's in armor - 25%,50%, 75%
  • Toggled Auction Houses - Switch between Neutral, Empire, Republic AH
  • Increase Days For Listing Auction House Items - 5 days, 7 days, 10 days
  • Increase Max number of Items for sale by 25, 50, and 100 per character
  • Discount for Credit Deposit on Item Sale - 10%, 20%, and 30%
    Family's Legacy(RP Stuff)
  • Legacy Storys/Missions - (ex. Rival Mission - Quest to fight other characters in legacy)
  • Character Heros - Summons alt character as a companion for 1 fight(maybe with a long cool down?)
  • Summon All Companions and/or Characters to Pose At Once(not for combat)
  • visible family trees on startship
  • Inspect people's Legacy Tree
  • More link options in family tree(master, apprentice, romance, married, adopted, sibling, slave, twin)
  • Legacy Storyboard - Ability to add story's about your legacy family to a story board for others to see
  • More companion RP abilities - (ex. /companion_hug /companion_high_five /companion_fist_bump)
  • Use alts for 4 man heroics(cant imagine the programming on this one, sounds tough lol)
  • Legacy Connections - Connect Family Tree to Other Characters family tree
  • Textbox to change character relationships(I can say my characters have whatever relationship i want)
    General Legacy Improvements
  • Legacy Character Slots unlocked as you reach lvl 50 on each character
  • Unlocked better appearance modifications(shader changers?)
  • Legacy Advanced Class - Level 1 advance class on character creation
  • More ship droid items being sold
  • Current Legacy Items Cost too much
  • Instant Companion Gifts(i know its already fast, but instant for certain legacy lvl)
  • Multi-Pet - Some people are just animal hoarders. Bring out more than 1 pet at a time.
  • Instant Light/Dark Side Switches(it can happen in real star wars) maybe restrictive to lvl 50 characters?
  • Move Character from Imperial Side of Server to Republic Side if class quest finished(could help to balance servers)
  • Change All Items from "bound" to "bound to legacy"
  • Legacy Rename
  • New Playable Species(WOOKIE)
    Other Suggestions
  • Companion Show Helm
  • Better looking armor
  • More efficient way to change out armor mods to change appearance and keep stats.
  • More modable bracers and belts
  • Ability to change moddable armor to medium or heavy armor
  • Ability to change appearance of armor - ie an appearance slot(just like armor, mods, enhancements)
  • Ability to add augment slots to any orange gear
  • Dual Specs
  • PVP Space Combat
  • Guild Capital Ships
  • Cross-server pvp/pve raiding/flashpoints/heroics
  • Way to Change Orange Moddable gear to "Heavy" or "Medium" Type armor from "Light"
  • Micro Companion Skill Trees

Edited by thomasmeadows
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What they should have done is to make Legacy Points a separate currency in the game which you can spend on Legacy perks and unlocks. That way the rewards are directly related to the Legacy levels you have earned. Credits could still be a second option for people who like to only play on their level 50 character, and thus don't have a lot of Legacy points. I think there is a balance between credits and Legacy level -- a person with a very high Legacy level would not likely have a lot of credits, and vice versa. I'm sure there are exceptions -- that rare bird who has played the game so much he has 8 level 50 characters and a billion credits, but you can't design a system around crazy hardcore players like that (which is how the Legacy system currently feels to me).


Bioware may be thinking of the Legacy system as something that players will like to cherry pick just a few perks from and leave it at that, but that's not how it will play. There is a psychological effect when there is a bonus available to a player. It doesn't make sense to level a character without the benefit of that bonus. Any part of the game that is a bit slow or tedious becomes so much worse when you are constantly thinking "if I had perk X, this would be going faster." Running around on Taris without a speeder will be inconceivable once the perk is available to get a speeder earlier. Grinding out side-missions that you have done several times already will be inconceivable once perks are available to increase XP gain in other areas. Players are going to feel that many of those perks are MANDATORY to play an alt, because it just doesn't make sense to play without them.


So what does that mean? Those of us without enough credits will feel obligated to grind for credits before we can play our alts. And I know a lot of people find that grind so awful and tedious, it may be enough to say "I can't take this game anymore" and just quit. This is the effect the Legacy system has in its current state.

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Excuse me, but you do NOT speak for me, and I am part of the community....... I DO NOT WANT dual specs. I don't want to join a group to be told that i HAVE to respec to X just because I can. That is BS.


LOL, you are already in that situation because all grouping is done on the fleet and they can tell your useless dps operative to go respec to heals, except now it costs credits. With Dual Spec it will be free.



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Read through a lot of posts in this thread, and there are some fantastic ideas. Hope they get recognized as such :)


My question is, these individual perks are great, but will it be possible to buy one of these perks for your entire legacy? Say, for 3x the cost for an individual character? I'd love to unlock the bonus to Sprint for all my characters, and wouldn't mind paying more up-front to unlock it for everyone as opposed to doing it for every single one of my characters individually.

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What they should have done is to make Legacy Points a separate currency in the game which you can spend on Legacy perks and unlocks. That way the rewards are directly related to the Legacy levels you have earned. Credits could still be a second option for people who like to only play on their level 50 character, and thus don't have a lot of Legacy points. I think there is a balance between credits and Legacy level -- a person with a very high Legacy level would not likely have a lot of credits, and vice versa. I'm sure there are exceptions -- that rare bird who has played the game so much he has 8 level 50 characters and a billion credits, but you can't design a system around crazy hardcore players like that (which is how the Legacy system currently feels to me).


Bioware may be thinking of the Legacy system as something that players will like to cherry pick just a few perks from and leave it at that, but that's not how it will play. There is a psychological effect when there is a bonus available to a player. It doesn't make sense to level a character without the benefit of that bonus. Any part of the game that is a bit slow or tedious becomes so much worse when you are constantly thinking "if I had perk X, this would be going faster." Running around on Taris without a speeder will be inconceivable once the perk is available to get a speeder earlier. Grinding out side-missions that you have done several times already will be inconceivable once perks are available to increase XP gain in other areas. Players are going to feel that many of those perks are MANDATORY to play an alt, because it just doesn't make sense to play without them.


So what does that mean? Those of us without enough credits will feel obligated to grind for credits before we can play our alts. And I know a lot of people find that grind so awful and tedious, it may be enough to say "I can't take this game anymore" and just quit. This is the effect the Legacy system has in its current state.


I think you're doing a LOT of projecting here. If I don't need a perk I'm not going to go through a huge amount of hassle to get it. There's lots of other things I could do with my time.

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I think you're doing a LOT of projecting here. If I don't need a perk I'm not going to go through a huge amount of hassle to get it. There's lots of other things I could do with my time.


I'm not saying people will feel that they need every perk, but certainly enough of them to make it unnecessarily expensive. Forget about the non-essential stuff like fast-travel or field mailbox. Realistically, I can't see anyone playing a new character from 1 to 50 without the following minimum perks:


At least two sets of XP boosts for their two favorite types of gameplay:

~500,000 credits

Speeder perks:

~450,000 credits


That's almost 1 million credits already.


For someone who's in it for the story, which is the main reason many people play alts, they will probably also want the companion affection bonuses to help with getting all of the companion story-lines. That's another 500,000 credits. People who are heavily into crafting will want the crafting perks for another 350,000.


Multiply all of this by however many alts a person may be playing, and you could be talking in the ballpark of 10 million credits or more. That's in addition to skill training, speeder training, crafting costs, gear, repairs, etc. It's insane! I've never seen such massive overbearing money sinks, even in the most hardcore Asian grinding MMORPGs.


I read somewhere that less than 10% of the population in SWTOR has 1 million credits, and less than 1% has 10 million credits. No idea how accurate that is, but I do know that I have way less than 1 million credits. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels completely priced out of Legacy system.

Edited by Arodin
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These things having a high cost is a good thing.


A high cost directly fights mmo inflation. I'd rather they start high and lower as needed then end up with starter crafting mats selling in the GTN for thousands of credits. I have several alts myself, with more coming as we get more slots/Cathar. I have yet to get a 50, and yet I can afford all of their crafting and training, with some left over to save up for some of these. There is nothing wrong with having something to work for, after all, it gives you something to do.


Also, I am a very casual player atm. The nice weather comes with chores, and sometimes I can't find the time to sit down and play. So no, I'm not a player that is logging a ton of hours in the game to afford things, just wanted to head that argument off right there.

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The only way a character can afford this is if it is an alt and a main account is funding it.


What about new players that have yet to make it to end game? How do they buy these perks?


The entire Legacy system is nothing but a huge money sink with very little benefit. It's pretty much a cash shop but instead of cash, it's currency.


These perks need to be cut by 80%.

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The only way a character can afford this is if it is an alt and a main account is funding it.


What about new players that have yet to make it to end game? How do they buy these perks?


1) Play the game a lot.


2) Get credits


3) Buy perks.


My work here is done. :cool:

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Step in the right direction but I don't understand why more "Credit Sinks" are needed in this game.


Everything already revolves around grinding credits and it's really tedious now.


At least make more efficient ways to credit grind instead of the same over populated three areas.

Edited by Tiaa
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Step in the right direction but I don't understand why more "Credit Sinks" are needed in this game.


Everything already revolves around grinding credits and it's really tedious now.


At least make more efficient ways to credit grind instead of the same over populated three areas.


I like to think that Bioware is adding more daily areas as well and some of the mini games that players have been asking for that also generate credits. I think that new planet will have some and we will probably see more out of the first expansion, the one that gives us the Cathar.


I'd rather they start with too many credit sinks than have too few. Inflation is a terrible thing in MMO's, I'm glad they seem to be keeping it under control here.

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I'm not saying people will feel that they need every perk, but certainly enough of them to make it unnecessarily expensive. Forget about the non-essential stuff like fast-travel or field mailbox. Realistically, I can't see anyone playing a new character from 1 to 50 without the following minimum perks:


At least two sets of XP boosts for their two favorite types of gameplay:

~500,000 credits

Speeder perks:

~450,000 credits


That's almost 1 million credits already.


For someone who's in it for the story, which is the main reason many people play alts, they will probably also want the companion affection bonuses to help with getting all of the companion story-lines. That's another 500,000 credits. People who are heavily into crafting will want the crafting perks for another 350,000.


Multiply all of this by however many alts a person may be playing, and you could be talking in the ballpark of 10 million credits or more. That's in addition to skill training, speeder training, crafting costs, gear, repairs, etc. It's insane! I've never seen such massive overbearing money sinks, even in the most hardcore Asian grinding MMORPGs.


I read somewhere that less than 10% of the population in SWTOR has less than 1 million credits, and less than 1% has 10 million credits. No idea how accurate that is, but I do know that I have way less than 1 million credits. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels completely priced out of Legacy system.


As someone who only plays for the story, I'd have to disagree with your assumption of what is needed.


I only see the use in the perks for story mode and the first speeder, as well as a companion story perk. I don't do flashpoints or pvp, and even if I did, two perks aren't really necessary, as someone who tested them in this thread has said. I craft, and would like the crit perk, but not all my alts need it, and certainly not right away. The only ones I would like right from the start are the story mode ones and the first speeder, all the rest can wait.

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