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Can anything be done about these people?


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if i were bioware,i would take the risk,it's for the greater good.


Ban speeders and give a Fleet movement buff of 50% to compensate.


Another thought, its hard to believe that BW cannot ban certain speeder models from the fleet. Keep the pigs off the fleet, I am sure everyone can afford the level 1 speeders on tatt.

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I send them a tell. Wait 1 min if they don't move I report them. Rules on conduct interfering with game play.




And on my server the GM's love to temp ban for this ...it's almost like they get a bonus or something for it.

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It's always nice to see folks admitting to deliberately griefing others in a game forum. Makes life easier, y'know?


On the flip side, what in the heck was Bioware thinking? There should be "classes" of vehicle - personal speeders (the Segway of Star Wars) versus larger landspeeders and speederbikes - and only those "personal" speeders should be allowed in such areas. Or, if worse comes to worse, just prevent vehicles of any sort from being used indoors.

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Mounts are floating. All you have to do is change your camera angle to a low view and its not problem.

I have never been UNABLE to click a vendor or mailbox. Non issue.


Me neither. I do the same thing like you and it always worked so far. Seriously, I didn't know this was an issue.

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It might annoy some people, but I'd like to see them disable speeders on the fleet and in silly places like that :p


Absolutely agree. there's no point to having Speeders on a space station. It should be completely disabled.

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Works for me, Ban speeders on Fleet.


^This. I had no issues walking around the fleet before they decided to add the ability to use your speeder. You know, because the fleet is so huge and all...


Granted, I like to use my speeder on the fleet, and I ALWAYS unmount when I approach a terminal/vendor, etc. But that's just the kind of person I am, super cool and considerate of the community I share space with. Sadly, there will always be those douchebags though, that get their jollies from inconveniencing others with their large mounts. I probably would too if that's all I had going on with my life ;)

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All you grandmothers who are reporting people that are simply near a spot in their speeders are kinda rediculous. They probly dont know they are doing anything and have their chat closed.


NEver have I been unable to click on something, you change your camera angle and you are fine.


Greifing is moronic and expecialy in such an ineffective way.


They should have never put large speeders in the game. Im happy with my long pointy one.

Edited by Smuglebunny
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The guys I play with know this has been a pet peeve of mine from day one. :D One simply does not drive a speeder in a small space station, let alone park it in the rudest fashion possible on top of other players. If they dismounted it, that would be one thing, but no. They drive through ones character, covering them and the terminal up. I just have to live with it.


I have told my friends that in my fantasy, a big old vehicle parks over me, and my sith pulls out their lightsaber, and swish zoom, the other player's head rolls off.

Edited by pcgoblin
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Hello everyone,


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It might annoy some people, but I'd like to see them disable speeders on the fleet and in silly places like that :p


I agree. It aint like the fleet's a huge area where it would take a long time to get around on foot. 'Sides, it might also reduce the lag.

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The fleet just isn't that big a place.


Ban speeders on the fleet outside of the docking bays.


I agree, never really understood while you were able to use them on Fleet anyway. Guess some people are in a hurry, I vote no speeders on Fleet at all.

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Uhm, maybe it's just me but I'm able to click through them and get to the vendor. Just had to move my mouse around a bit. I have a big vehicle myself and nobody has ever yelled at me for being on top of a vendor on accident.


I have the same experience as you do, with actual player characters and companions though. What they're describing is a speeder. I haven't done direct testing to know whether or not you can click through the speeders too. From the sound of it, it looks like you can't.


But you can click through people.

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Seems like lots of players here don't know that you can click through anything in your way... just move your cursor around until you get the little icon to click.


It's really not a big deal... I have NEVER had a problem clicking on something no matter what was in the way.


Sounds like ya'll are just jealous of the big rides.

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Sounds like ya'll are just jealous of the big rides.


That is one of the dumbest things I have read here. The rides are not hard to get. It is about an incredible lack of consideration for other people. Too many folks around here are rude and inconsiderate.

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many ppl complaine from the start when they see speeders in fleet

most of them said that isnt realistic to have speeders in fleet and not in spaceports

but as u can see the problem was bigger than this

really is stupid that let speeders in fleet

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