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Microtransactions - how far is too far?


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Thoses are content you are removing from the people that wants to pay 15$ and have a complete game like it was at launch.


Look at STO. They are still offering subs for which you can obtain all that cosmetic stuff for free (sort of, since you pay 15$ a month), or you can get that via the item-shop, if you are not a subscriber. So if you want to pay for the game, you are still allowed to. Seems pretty convenient to me.


And as long as the things offered in the item-shop are just cosmetic and fluff, I see no reason to dislike the f2p model.

As long as the things offered in the item-shop have no impact on the actual gameplay, I see no reason to hate f2p.


Those who want to play for free have access to the entire game, but have to pay for cosmetic stuff.

Those who want to pay a sub fee have access to the entire game, and also get cosmetic stuff for free.

Edited by cyberfreaq
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One game I can think of is "Allods online". It looked like a promising game at launch, but they changed the micro-transaction system weeks after in to a pay2win one, because they decided they wanted more money. Pretty much everyone quit over-night...


Going pay 2 win is gaming suicide, you will loose out big time if you go that route. Bad rep and no players.

Edited by NasherUK
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One game I can think of is "Allods online". It looked like a promising game at launch, but they changed the micro-transaction system weeks after in to a pay2win one, because they decided they wanted more money. Pretty much everyone quit over-night...


Going pay 2 win is gaming suicide, you will loose out big time if you go that route. Bad rep and no players.


Oh yes I remember that one. I saw so much promise in the concept of having a ship with a player crew and fighting other ships. But ultimately it was one of the worst implementations of a microtransation model.

There was a certain debuff that forced you to pay for something in order to kill monsters easier (it took 1 min to kill a normal mob) and if you died there was another special potion you had to buy...absolutely dreadful.

As far as I've heard, the game is pretty much dead now, unless I'm mistaking that is. Wasted potential and money from the developer.

Edited by cyberfreaq
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Look at STO. They are still offering subs for which you can obtain all that cosmetic stuff for free (sort of, since you pay 15$ a month), or you can get that via the item-shop, if you are not a subscriber. So if you want to pay for the game, you are still allowed to. Seems pretty convenient to me.


And as long as the things offered in the item-shop are just cosmetic and fluff, I see no reason to dislike the f2p model.

As long as the things offered in the item-shop have no impact on the actual gameplay, I see no reason to hate f2p.


Those who want to play for free have access to the entire game, but have to pay for cosmetic stuff.

Those who want to pay a sub fee have access to the entire game, and also get cosmetic stuff for free.


I can agree with that but really cosmetic and fluff are part of the content and must be included if you sub.


I still think some would disagree because looks, mounts, ... are important for some and they may not like that a rare item with a unique look that you get after a long quest chain, dungeon, achievement, ... can be bought for 5$.

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Because companies are getting more ballsy and unfortunately people are willing to pay for anything, just look at some of the posts in this thread.


Yeah, it doesn't take much balls to nickel and dime people to death when you have a flock of sheep begging to be sheared. I don't have much hope for the gaming industry if it continues to put "maximizing profits" over providing value to the consumer.


Let's be real though, the people who are hoping for F2P are the ones who don't really want to pay to play this game in the first place. How many "micro-transactions" are these people really going to make? I'm guessing none.

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At this point, ANY hint of heading down this road will cause an immediate cessation of subscription. I've already removed auto-renew, yet I wish to see the game improve to win another 3 months from me. However, I'll just say it plainly - This is a Subscription MMO. I expect to have access to the ENTIRE set of in-game content, COSMETIC CONTENT INCLUDED for the price of my subscription. Adding additional expenditures atop it is a breach of the tacit agreement of subscription. Yes, people can bleat on and on sheepishly that "durr that not what subscription mean etc." , but lets be reasonable...


Come on now...

Why are microtransactions inevitable?


Because it's all about the bottom line in the Gaming Industry:


That is true. I believe that we've been too blinded by the Asian type microtransaction system that we are dismissing the idea from the very start, even if it means a different implementation, more towards aesthetics rather than powerful items.



Click the arrow linky for Cyb's full post, he pretty much sums up the current state fairly well. F2P is inevitable in the MMO genre just as automation is increasingly inevitable in replacing humans in many job markets. Companies are finding it is a much better long term option for game viability and profits than the traditional subscription model. It is only because WoW was such a phenom that subscriptions have lasted this long. Just look at the DLC model for SP games - a few years ago, players would have been up in arms if they had to pay for extra content for a game they already bought. That changed when the Oblivion horse armor came out - now DLC is par for the course.


I would tend to believe that the traditional subscription model only has about 2-3 years left before it goes away completely. We already have many games launching with microtransactions and a transition to F2P already in place. The only change in this that I see coming is a move similar to ArenaNet's in which it is B2P - pay for the initial price of the game, but play for free from then on, with the game supported by the microtransactions.



Edited by BJWyler
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Too far is when essentials are only available via micro-transaction. For successful F2P/Micro-Transaction models look at Turbine and Paragon Studios. Both have done it right IMO and both continue to receive money from me because of it.
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I would tend to believe that the traditional subscription model only has about 2-3 years left before it goes away completely. We already have many games launching with microtransactions and a transition to F2P already in place. The only change in this that I see coming is a move similar to ArenaNet's in which it is B2P - pay for the initial price of the game, but play for free from then on, with the game supported by the microtransactions.




Right, name me one widely known mmo that has released as f2p with MT. Go ahead. Guild Wars ... thats it. Yeah, there are hundreds of f2p games ... too bad nobody really cares about 99% of them.


Name one that is f2p that didnt do it until its subs couldnt support it anymore?


All this "f2p is the future" thing sounds like nothing but wishful thinking from people who are still stuck in the "why do I pay monthly to play a game" state of mind ..... or those who read too much mmorpg.com (whose entire ad space is bought out by those 99% games no one cares about).


There is absolutely no reason to think p2p is going away. None. There is ONE AAA mmo (the ones we care about) coming out that I know of which will be somewhat free to play, GW2. We have no reason to believe the rest will be anything less than the usual subscription.


F2P = no one cares to play it unless its already free.

Edited by MasterKayote
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I'd spend maybe $30 on transfers, $25 on namechanges, $20-$25 for new planets, maybe $15 on Legacy features, maybe $20 for facechanges/haircuts... I'd have to see what else they come up with before providing more estimates. :rod_grin_g:


$25 for a simple name change?!?


I wouldn't pay more than $10. You must be rich or something!

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also please find a job , 15$ a month.. even i live in 3rd world country could afford that

Careful with that statement. I pay $250 for a 60 day time card down here after conversion rate and markup. I do not get paid in USD so that money is a pinch no matter how you look at it.


Right, name me one widely known mmo that has released as f2p with MT. Go ahead. Guild Wars ... thats it. Yeah, there are hundreds of f2p games ... too bad nobody really cares about 99% of them.


Name one that is f2p that didnt do it until its subs couldnt support it anymore?


All this "f2p is the future" thing sounds like nothing but wishful thinking from people who are still stuck in the "why do I pay monthly to play a game" state of mind ..... or those who read too much mmorpg.com (whose entire ad space is bought out by those 99% games no one cares about).


There is absolutely no reason to think p2p is going away. None. There is ONE AAA mmo (the ones we care about) coming out that I know of which will be somewhat free to play, GW2. We have no reason to believe the rest will be anything less than the usual subscription.


F2P = no one cares to play it unless its already free.

So true. those wishing for F2P are just cheep bastards. I'm all for saving money but the reason why I pay to play is because I like a level playing field. The only reason you're better than me is because you've got the skills, put in the work and is currently reaping the rewards. I can catch up, I can work on my skills and we'll be evenly matched for epic battles.


Allods changed their micro transactions a few times. You guys got no idea what it was like to face someone 15 levels lower than you and would two shot you. Yea that's an awesome business model to entice players to play. Don't get me started on Enthropia...


Keep that crap away from SW:TOR.

Edited by DarthKhaos
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Aesthetics and fluff are fine for microtransactions.


How can that apply in TOR?

  • Improved companion customizations
  • Ship exterior and interior customizations
  • Legacy fluff
  • Character recustomization (like you do when you first create one) - including renaming
  • Gear coloring
  • Different color crystals (no different stats, but different colors)
  • Unique looking orange gear (with no mods or anything, just like social gear)


As long as one does not pay for actual content or any cr*p like that, it is not too far. Given the game is already free to play.


You can't imagine how many would pay for a simple skin or special customization, which have no actual impact on the game itself. League of Legends is a prime example of that. It is a game which survives 90% because of skin sales, nothing more.

So such a method can be applied here as well. And I am sure no one will object.


NO. If someone pays a sub, they should get the things you list as part of their sub. I will not pay EXTRA for pixels. I will not pay EXTRA to allow others to play "for free" for what I must pay for to play. The value of the game to a sub player goes down with things like this. NO MTs. NO item shop. NO f2p.

Edited by Gruug
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paying for anything performance enhancing is de facto Pay to Win and an unforgivable SIN in my gaming - auto-unsubscribe for me.


This. And just to be clear...Pay to win means gear, stats, credits, xp bonuses, etc. Anything that increases stats or attributes of gear, companions, or characters, or increases the rate of progression.


Everything else is fine: Anything cosmetic, name changes, server transfers, mounts, orange modable gear without any mods would be okay, armor dyes, skins for armor, speeders, starships, etc.


I personally think that anything purchasable with real money should also be purchasable or questable in game, but thats not a dealbreaker for me, personally.

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