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SWTOR and the EA stock plummet


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it took over 2 years for LotrO to go F2P. LotrO never had the sub numbers this game does even at its peak. Hell it only peaked at 275k then it went all went down until it found a happy level around 100k for a year.


Point being they won't go F2P until they found out what their flat line number is. Only one MMO went F2P in less then a year and that was DCUO and the only reason it went F2P is because the sony hack and they shut the game down for a month. When they brought it back no one was playing.


I still play that game from time to time. Was one of the hardcore players. The hack definitely hurt the playerbase a lot. And shortly after that came the update 3 debacle. If there was truly ever a time where you could say the "game was broken" it was then. You literally couldn't stay logged in for more than a few minutes before lag, freeze, DC. We even called in Disconnect Universe Online during that time. We lost a TON of subs at that time. But, they gave us Megaservers, a Subscription on top of F2P model, and started getting regular content updates and it picked up, and saw a 400% increase in active subs and players.

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My continued schadenfreude as the fanboys continue to proclaim that anyone who has constructive criticism are 'h8ters' 'jealous' or 'losers' wind up alone on a few barren servers in the next year or two.


ROFLMAO no **** right, i can totally see SWTOR consisting of a PVE server and an RP-PVE server... (there is no world pvp to keep a pvp or rp-pvp running) before the blinders ever come off.

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Agreed. Don't they know that TOR is the fastest growing MMO of all time. Rome wasn't built in a day, give it time it's been less than 6 months.


ROFLMAO HAHAHAHAHA "growing" OH EM GEEE LOWL.... did you miss the part where servers opened for free "transfers" ( move before we move you and drop the server - Merge, anyone?)

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EA losing 50% of it's stock value since the SWTOR launch? Ouch. What implications does this have for everybody's favorite MMO in space (besides Eve)?


This article is terrible. TOR's launch was by all estimates a success. Well over 2 million boxes sold.

If the stock plummet began in March, I'd be way more inclined to believe this game had anything to do with it.


EA's stock drop likely has more to do with Ricotello's questionable leadership then anything else.

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its very probable there trying there best to keep things working right until they can put the final touches on the multiple chapters they have already made and waiting



i mean as it stands...they could probably expand the game in size about three or four hundered percent with all the pre made things they got,right now even...but i dont think any of us wants to waste a day staring at the launcher downloading a hideously massive update...


and while we are chatting they probably have the cold,alien eyes of those mysterious people called "marketing executives" studying our every move,determining by some banal and apparently trivial indicator when is the right time to let info leak,or drop a big update


this stock drop is merely a tactic...its the investor`s version of "poking thou with thy holy poking stick"


i mean think about this for a moment,if you were a mega rich titan,or group of titans,that put up 150 million in capital to fund developement of this game....id think you would make absolutely sure that everything was going according to plan

Edited by Baphomet_x
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So instead they are supposed to pay for the hardware that can support 220+ servers when they can drop that down to a nice amount?


they can drop it down to a nice amount because everything they drop was already dead before transfers... so yeah SUBS IS GOING BAI BAI KK THX GIMME YER CREDITZ

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i mean as it stands...they could probably expand the game in size about three or four hundered percent with all the pre made things they got,right now even...but i dont think any of us wants to waste a day staring at the launcher downloading a hideously massive update...


You've got to be kidding me.


Please don't tell me you actually believe that they are holding content back out of the goodness of their hearts to avoid a bit of gamer impatience.


What a ridiculous assertion.

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You've got to be kidding me.


Please don't tell me you actually believe that they are holding content back out of the goodness of their hearts to avoid a bit of gamer impatience.


What a ridiculous assertion.




no im not...what im claiming is what id think in that situation,the reality is there holding back content so they can space it out and get more money out of it...just like most of the work done in making videogames is actually done three or four years in advance...how else do you think they keep on spewing out multiple high budget videogames every month?

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That depends on many factors. The biggest one is how diluted the pool of shares is. It could be that Bilizzard split 10 times...


the beta weekends did it... stuff leaked out and started the crash IMO.

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This really bores me to tears, I am playing every day and always my server is full, just about always there is a queue on prime time to even get in, up to 40 minutes.


This has not changed in the slightest since server transfer so take your doomsday theories and shove them.


what was it before transfers? im thinking.... LIGHT?

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what was it before transfers? im thinking.... LIGHT?



i transferred from vrook lamar to begeren colony



and lemme say i didnt expect to be doing a heroic 2 mission by myself on my bounty hunter(new char) and get bum rushed by 25 players...pretty much ruining my carefully planned strategy

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Amazing how many people know nothing about how the stock market works.


So, class, here's the lesson for today: "Buy the rumor, sell the news."


(Ask your classmate Google for the notes if you don't understand.)


It's a casino.

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i transferred from vrook lamar to begeren colony



and lemme say i didnt expect to be doing a heroic 2 mission by myself on my bounty hunter(new char) and get bum rushed by 25 players...pretty much ruining my carefully planned strategy


Don't suppose this was on ilum doing your dailies?

doc'holliday and lord primeaux constantly camp the imp base with their friends and gank people doing the dailies. However, ilum is a pvp world and its officially allowed.... so, shout out to some friends and fight back. Thats what we do.



On the stock prices... there is always more than 1 factor in a huge multi product corp that can cause it to have huge price changes. Hypothetical situation.. its Oct 2014 and SWTOR has 4 million subs... tons of content updates and tons of happy players.... but John Madden dies.... investors RUN for the exit on EA because that is exactly what the sheep do! Look at the absolute worst case scenario first and act like the sky is falling. Investor Sentiment at its finest

Edited by ritchied
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The stock market has always been ruled by two things. Fear and Greed.


The stock is falling! Profits weren't as predicted! Last quarter was down!! Sell! For the love of god, sell!


Wait... Wait... A slight uptick in the Asian market! A new expansion about to launch! Buy! Do want! Do want!!!

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Don't suppose this was on ilum doing your dailies?

doc'holliday and lord primeaux constantly camp the imp base with their friends and gank people doing the dailies. However, ilum is a pvp world and its officially allowed.... so, shout out to some friends and fight back. Thats what we do.



On the stock prices... there is always more than 1 factor in a huge multi product corp that can cause it to have huge price changes. Hypothetical situation.. its Oct 2014 and SWTOR has 4 million subs... tons of content updates and tons of happy players.... but John Madden dies.... investors RUN for the exit on EA because that is exactly what the sheep do! Look at the absolute worst case scenario first and act like the sky is falling. Investor Sentiment at its finest


Lol, actually if John Madden died, I think the stock would rise significantly. It's like free advertisement having that in the news for a bit, along with all the memorial based versions that could be marketed.


But ya, stocks will rise and fall based on speculation and future expectations. Often times a new successfully released game will come out and that companies stock will plummet the next week because the success is already behind them and there is no where to go but down.


Right now EA is stuck in a rut with no new and innovating ideas in the near future and far to much uncertainty in how they plan to handle a changing market. Investors have nothing to base their faith off of and will sit and watch the stock fall until a change of plan is announced (that sounds promising, not stupid and gimmicky). Swtor can gain 200k subs this very day and the stock will still fall as long as EA continues to invest in freemium phone and facebook games that have shown very little success and profit so far.

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And those people would have left any new game once they reached endgame and got bored. They're the same people who sat here in the forums or in general chat talking about how great D3 and G2 were going to be, then got bored with D3 after one runthrough, made it through a couple of beta weekends of G2 and started whining, and are now talking about.....Elder Scrolls Online. Since it's always best to overinflate your expectations for a game you can't yet play, then you can talk out your butt all you want about all the cool features it will have that NO OTHER GAME WILL EVER MATCH. Just like they did with SWTOR, then were disappointed that it wasn't the best MMO ever in the history of the world. They are never happy with any game for long, because no game can ever match the expectations they have in their head for said game.


I have some friends who follow this pattern, and I just play with them when they're enjoying the high of a new game, and say sayonara when they get bored. They're almost always back for new content patches, despite how "boring" said game is. Because they go through games like disposable tissues, and therefore are always looking for something else to blow their figurative noses on, or wipe their figurative....well, you get the picture.


Everyting they're saying with regards to BW was said at one time or another re Sony and EQ1 and EQ2, well before P2P ever came on the scene. Considering how long Warcraft has been kept on life support without P2P, and the dislike LA has for the concept, I think a full P2P scenario is a lot further in the future than the doomsayers would prefer. They so like to make those in six months, six weeks, heck, six days predictions.


Great post describing disposable gamers. I personally see this pattern happening with every game from now on - Short attention spans and a lack of commitment to anything will hurt MMO's in general. It's also the law of diminishing returns - The first MMO was great, and the second is good, but not as great as the first. Then each subsequent MMO you play is less satisfying, because you get tired of the same thing over and over. Thank goodness this is my first MMO!

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I am going to look at this as a different view...


1. SWTOR is not EA's only product. Do we forget hey have the market cornered on Sports games for Consoles?

2. EA was overvalued and that could have caused as much of a drop in value at the begining of this year, not to mention the stock market in general tends to sell gains off after the 1st of the year for tax purposes.

3. Competitition - Blizzard/Aciviision is listed today at 11.76 a share which is near the 52 week low as well. EA stock price is 12.33. I even checked THQ however they are in trouble and selling below 1.00

4. Industry changing and companies failing to adapt to the newer technology. PC Gaming as we know it is changing. owning the physical game will be disappearing as it costs too much to repliate the discs and to pay for the marketing space at the storefronts like Best Buy, Walmart and Target, and yes the Publishing companies pay the stores for the shelf space. Tablets are becoming more powerful and as such so is internet connectivity. You wil begin to see console game systems just purchase licensing only requiring an internet connection no more disc. It saves on distribution costs. If you dont think this is coming, you probably also said the RIM was cutting edge technolgy three years ago.


Fact is the gamining industry is down from a year ago, and while EA stock may be lower than it was 52 weeks ago it does not mean SWTOR is the direct cause, it may be a small symptom but lets be honest these companies are in it to make money. SWG was ruined by Sony when they no longer wantedt to develop a cutting edge game, WOW in its first year was rough, however they were able time the market and gobble up marketshare to set the gold standard.

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