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Why do people roll on a pvp server when they can't even pvp?


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So, I made this experiment, I was running in Novare coast using my basic attack only and still did 70k damage, what is the excuse of the people that fail to do even that? I mean seriously, 50 bracket and I sometimes see people that struggle to do 40k damage in a long warzone.
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So, I made this experiment, I was running in Novare coast using my basic attack only and still did 70k damage, what is the excuse of the people that fail to do even that? I mean seriously, 50 bracket and I sometimes see people that struggle to do 40k damage in a long warzone.


Because we're not all ranged classes?

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Basically over the Last 15 years I have seen a number of terrific PvPers.


Some were good leaders, some were good mentors, some were good team players, some were lonewolf players.


None of them claimed to have been great PvPers from birth......


If you have the ability, Help the people improve, it takes less effort than posting anon smack on the forums.

Edited by Elkirin
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Because we're not all ranged classes?


I'm sorry if i can do 385k damage on a lvl 49 sentinel, and do over 200k damage no problem on the same sent in recruit gear, I'm sorry, if people cant get 75k damage they just need to L2P.

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It really amazes me how many people have no clue how to pvp yet they roll on a pvp server?


I just don't get it. I was in a WZ this morning when we set a bomb on a door and there were 5 people near the door and not a single one AOE'd the door they all just sat there and waited.


Same WZ they would run when attacked NOT EVEN TRY TO FIGHT BACK just run like rabbits.


They were everywhere a fight here a fight there only a few times did they actually even try to fight as a team it was more like a bunch of isolated fires instead of a big single blazxing fire.


Yet these people actually think they know how to PVP? Seriously?


BW can we please have a PVP server that we can vote kick people off of?


Why did you roll on a pvp server then?

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I'm sorry if i can do 385k damage on a lvl 49 sentinel, and do over 200k damage no problem on the same sent in recruit gear, I'm sorry, if people cant get 75k damage they just need to L2P.


I've given MVP votes to people with 50k damage before- why? Because that person held a turret by himself, called out incs, and in recruit gear held off 2 people who attacked him from stealth, while also calling out the inc, long enough for me to arrive.


In the end, did I more or less kill those two by myself as he had died? Yeah. And did I spend 90% of the match mid where the fighting was, and end up with almost ten times as much damage as he had? Yeah.


But for his gear he did something more useful than I did- he won us the game, without doing much healing or damage.


I've had games where I've topped healing or DPS, or even both- and been the best player in the game- also had matches where I did that and was utterly useless. And similarly with under 100k of both, but been the star player.


The numbers can show a good player yeah- and you don't want to be regularly low... but a good chunk of the time high numbers just means more gear and more knowledge on how to cheese the meters- generally with dots, aoes, etc... that might not be useful- or bad play like fighting useless fights in the middle of nowhere.

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The difference between a PvP- and a PvE-Server is:

- PvP: You can attack every enemy player you see. PvP is always turned on in a neutral zone.

- PvE: You can only attack players who turned on the PvP modus by themselves or have been in action with another player who had PvP modus on (attacking enemy player, healing friendly player etc.).


It has 0 influence on the PvP in Warzones, the only difference is the world PvP.

Since there is no world PvP in SWTOR, this doesn't matter anyway.


Playing on a PvP server means neither that you are good at PvP nor that you have to be good at PvP.


There's no incentive to world PvP, but it does happen, and often. You need to go to the right place. For example, The Black Hole has constant PvP encounters.

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The difference between a PvP- and a PvE-Server is:

- PvP: You can attack every enemy player you see. PvP is always turned on in a neutral zone.

- PvE: You can only attack players who turned on the PvP modus by themselves or have been in action with another player who had PvP modus on (attacking enemy player, healing friendly player etc.).


It has 0 influence on the PvP in Warzones, the only difference is the world PvP.

Since there is no world PvP in SWTOR, this doesn't matter anyway.


Playing on a PvP server means neither that you are good at PvP nor that you have to be good at PvP.


Exacly this:p

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Nah, I never jump lower-levels. There's no fun in one-shotting someone. The fun is killing someone because you were better than them. I do, however, love prowling around lvl 50 daily quest areas. I also hunted imps while levelling my VG, and I'm currently doing it on my Gunslinger alt.


Also, this is what world PvP is like when I organize it. The trick is to use a custom chat channel (type "/cjoin worldpvp"). You flog the channel every five minutes in general chat for a couple days, spread the word to guildies and friends. Then one day, you put out the call. As more people not in the channel show up, tell them how to join. We have some pretty active world PvP on The Bastion.

This is an awesome initiative.

I've noticed the Republic players play PvP fanatically, 'with heart'.

At least this is the case on my server.


It's not important to be good at PvP. The only 'requirement's is to actually enjoy it. SWTOR needs new players, not some elite-pro-imba-sauce WoW Arena stars.

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Yes there are players that has no clue on pvp servers, however players on pve servers are worse, pvp on the Harbinger was a stupid joke til I stopped playing my alt there.




I play on both a PVP and a PVE server. Although there are some surprisingly competent PVP players on my PVE server (especially Imp side), there are far more of them on my PVP server. The pugs on the Fatman are far better than those on Drooga's Pleasure Barge (and I know that isn't saying much).


When I've had enough PVPing with Sentinels wearing Force Master's gear and who are missing relics on Drooga's (this seriously happened) I move to the Fatman where I can be assured that the majority of the team will know what the objectives of the WZ are and what gear they should be wearing (at least most of the time).

Edited by Kuvox
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I've given MVP votes to people with 50k damage before- why? Because that person held a turret by himself, called out incs, and in recruit gear held off 2 people who attacked him from stealth, while also calling out the inc, long enough for me to arrive.


In the end, did I more or less kill those two by myself as he had died? Yeah. And did I spend 90% of the match mid where the fighting was, and end up with almost ten times as much damage as he had? Yeah.


But for his gear he did something more useful than I did- he won us the game, without doing much healing or damage.


I've had games where I've topped healing or DPS, or even both- and been the best player in the game- also had matches where I did that and was utterly useless. And similarly with under 100k of both, but been the star player.


The numbers can show a good player yeah- and you don't want to be regularly low... but a good chunk of the time high numbers just means more gear and more knowledge on how to cheese the meters- generally with dots, aoes, etc... that might not be useful- or bad play like fighting useless fights in the middle of nowhere.


I am not talking about a player that holds a turret. I'm talking about a dude that runs mid, gets attacked, uses 1-2 basic attacks and dies a horrible keyboard-turning death not even using one of his 4 defensive cooldowns.

I do not mean a player who does 20k damage but scored 4 times I mean the type of player that im healing like crazy then i see him using his basic attack once .... after 10 seconds again ... then he dies because i have highier priority teammates to heal than the useless one, sorry....

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Looks like original poster thinks PvP next to server name is something similar to RP, or in other words means absolutely nothing except of defining a totally voluntary inclination of people on the server to RP or PVP. On the contrary PvP is a flag that allows you to attack any enemy regardless of level or location, unlike RP which just means "hey there's no mechanic to enforce this, but please try to stay in character, thanks".


To recap, PvP or PvE is a game mechanic that allows you to get attacked or not get attacked in open world by default. It is hard-coded. You choose what rule to play by, but you may elect to do no pvp whatsoever on a pvp server. Nor is there a pre-requisite to being good at pvp.


Pretty fail though, post that complains about other people lacks understanding of what's going on. Lol.

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