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Most quotable Star Wars character?

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I have to admit that I use "These are not the droids you're looking for", all the time. That would be Obi-Wan. Another one is Han's "We don't have time to discuss this in committee." Also Han "Laugh it up, Fuzzball". We live in the country so the power goes off frequently during the winter and when it does someone always says "Mynocks... chewing on the power cables.


Gosh. So many... I don't even realize I'm saying them. Lucas's sith mind control tricks. I think we probably quote Han more than any other character.


I just realized my kids and I are serious Star Wars geeks.

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R2-D2. period.


Every film with heavy language has a nod to that swearing little astromech...


BTW - R2-D2 is a real ****** - his all lines were *beep-ed*


This is not that far off. Remember in a ANH when R2 and 3PO were hiding from the stormtroppers in Mos Eisley. 3PO says something like, "whatever this trouble is, I'm sure it's your fault." R2 warbles and 3PO responds, "watch you language!" :)


Getting back on topic, the most quoted line is "I have a bad feeling about this". Only problem is EVERY "heroic" character said it at least once (even in the PT and the EU) :D

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I am guessing that Han would be up there because he has so many one-liners, but all of the ANH characters get at least one or two lines that are trotted out on a regular basis.

Yoda is the one taht comes to mind for me, but that is because the quotes and the voice are so distinctive, they stand out. Obi-Wan, in Alec Guinness' clipped and unemotional public school English also comes quite high on my list. Leia figures prominently too, but that is just my mind playing tricks as a result of the bagel hairstyle and Carrie Fisher in the slave girl outfit :p

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This probably isn't the most quotable (or even most noteable) quote from ANH, but I remembered it cause I thought it was pretty funny. When R2 can't re-open Leia's message, Luke gets mad and then goes to eat., R2 bleeps somehing and 3PO says: "No, he doesn't like you at all." then R2 bleeps again and 3PO says: "No, I don't like you either."
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