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Sad moments in SWTOR


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So i did the Esseles flashpoint with a friend after doing it before and going light side. We both basically said, "what the hell, lets just eject them into space.


then we watched the whole scene with the sad music and Salen screaming at the end.


And it made me feel bad. :( i was like: "Oh, man, that was pretty evil."

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SW Balmorra


For me it wasn't the commander that made me cry, it was the story arc with his son (LS). How the kid goes from a scared and frightened child to being willing to face his destiny (giving up all his memories to keep his dad's secret) just made me sniffle. If there was one NPC I could save during my SW's quests that I couldn't already, it would be him.


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Another vote for the Taris outcast cairns.


That one just pissed me off. Out of EVERYTHING good I did on Taris as Revan in KotOR, and watched it all go up in smoke when Malak went Old Testament on the planet, I thought JUST MAYBE the Chosen Ones would make it. When I found the first cairn, I was like "WHOA! Nice!" But by the time I got to the last cairn, I was like "WTH IS THIS CRAP?!?!?!" It was just screwed up. BioWare dropped the ball on that one, not letting us meet them. Missed opportunity for some good story, there.

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That one just pissed me off. Out of EVERYTHING good I did on Taris as Revan in KotOR, and watched it all go up in smoke when Malak went Old Testament on the planet, I thought JUST MAYBE the Chosen Ones would make it. When I found the first cairn, I was like "WHOA! Nice!" But by the time I got to the last cairn, I was like "WTH IS THIS CRAP?!?!?!" It was just screwed up. BioWare dropped the ball on that one, not letting us meet them. Missed opportunity for some good story, there.


I disagree, they handled the Lost Ones perfectly. It was emotional, touching, and is was logical. I mean these refugees were trapped on the surface of a planet as it was obliterated. And on top of that, the planet is covered with flesh eating monsters. There was never going to be a good end to that story. At least we got a good story beyond skyscraapers fall, everyone dies.

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I disagree, they handled the Lost Ones perfectly. It was emotional, touching, and is was logical. I mean these refugees were trapped on the surface of a planet as it was obliterated. And on top of that, the planet is covered with flesh eating monsters. There was never going to be a good end to that story. At least we got a good story beyond skyscraapers fall, everyone dies.


We'll have to agree to disagree on that one, then. To me, it was a cop-out in the storytelling department. Those people were survivors. Before Malak bombed the planet back into the stone ages, they had survived for a number of years already. It just felt like lazy writing on BW's part, imo. BioWare usually tells a great story for most given situations in the game. That one just didn't seem to fit.

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This whole thread should be in the spoilers sub-forum, it's impossible to discuss any of this without spoilers. However...



I disagree, they handled the Lost Ones perfectly. It was emotional, touching, and is was logical. I mean these refugees were trapped on the surface of a planet as it was obliterated. And on top of that, the planet is covered with flesh eating monsters. There was never going to be a good end to that story. At least we got a good story beyond skyscraapers fall, everyone dies.

It may be a "logical" follow-up to the events of KotOR, but that, plus the knowledge that the Empire comes in later and stamps every bit of good we did, both in KotOR and SWTOR, into the mud, basically out of spite, means that I have a hard time being motivated to do Taris on my alts.


Going back to Taris at 50 for Qyzen's penultimate quest yesterday was also somewhat strange, with the holo-image of "Govenor" Saresh, and knowing she's now the Supreme Chancellor.


Some of the other "It made me sad" comments following dark-side choices -- I think it shows that Bioware did the job of showing that this IS a world in which there is defnitive good and evil, and showing the consequences of evil choices -- even though a significant chunk of the audience seems to be of the "LOL I AM BADA55" category and can't tell irony from a tire-iron.


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Trooper Coruscant:




Garza ordering you to kill the abducted civilians in the mad engineer's lab was bad enough. Actually going along with this order, wow... horrible horrible horrible but extremely well written. I felt like a Stormtrooper that time.


The mail about "no evidence of successful implantations" was just icing on that sick cake.



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SW Ending Spoilers:



When Baras realized that he was losing to his apprentice in their final battle. His shock and rage after his pitiful attempt to call upon the Dark Council, only to be rejected by his friends (with snarky remarks from Darth Vowrawn) for a Lord they had never before heard of made me a bit empathetic for him. And the soundtrack and dialogue right before his death. The whole thing almost made me sad. Almost.


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Kaliyo is actually openly bisexual from the letters she sends the Agent after her storyline is over. She wants to bring "assorted young people" onboard for long Hyperspace trips, and doesn't specify men or women. Vette and Mako strike me as "I never considered being with a woman until you" types, as does Elara, in fact. Hey, even the MALE trooper doesn't get any vibes from Elara until you get into the relationship a bit. Kira strikes me as very open to experimentation, though. :D


About kaliyo...



On nar shadaa you can seduce a twilek secretary for information. She knows whats going on... and when you "go for a drink" Kaliyo will excuse herself with something along the lines "Go on without me, shes not my type/too soft for me." So yeah... that (and a few other lines here and there) seem to prove Kaliyo is bisexual. Then again Kaliyo is a habitual liar that talks **** or no other reason than to talk ****... so who knows?



IA Story (The first Keeper)



It was a small moment, but a poignant one. The first time you crack an insult against the Sith Keeper scolds you... and (I think it was here) you can talk to him about the Sith in general/why its dangerous. It wasn't so much what he answered but how he answered it... his voice is just so broken. Years under sith rule have beaten damn near all the will out of him. You later learn this isn't entirely true... the very end of LS story (at least) he is just so full of regret. He hates what he had to become and instead focuses all his hope on you. You are his chance at redemption... the one good thing he can do in this world is saving you from the life he had.


That and just all the sith oppression in general. When Darth Bat **** Insanity (jadus) summons you he is all like "bow to me or die!" You can blow him off... and he literally kills you. His face hovers over you as he shocks you to death. You black out.... see his face again.... black out... see his face hovering over you even closer... then the screen blacks out one last time. When it returns you are literally dead on the floor with the "call medical droid/respawn medcenter option" That scene freaked the hell out of me. Then you are made Darth Zhorrid's puppet, who proceeds to treat you like **** as well.



IA ending



The hunter kiss... as someone sad it was like finding your soul mate right as you killed her. "You are the only one of us left, you have to go on" Something like that, then she reveals she always loved you.. and you kiss her before she takes her suicide pill. Damn... that was... just damn.



Doing taris as republic then as Imp



Its this moment when you realize all the good you were doing to help rebuild taris and make it thrive again... is then being systematically undone by the Imp player. The nekghouls (who are now literally on the path of the light... they cast tele throw/turbulence/jedi consular stuff) are wiped out or driven mad to attack the rep. You unleash poisons the rep player overlooked destroying. You break water planets... you wage psychological warfare on the alien colonists.... it keeps going on.



Jedi Consular Nadia


After spending an entire chapter with the innocent/perky Nadia and her super awesome jovial father on your ship, you take Nadia to rescue her father only to watch him be tortured to death. After you defeat Stark, Nadia snaps and just kills him. You try to talk her out of it "let me do it, I can't let you do this! You are doing this out of revenge, out of pure anger, not out of justice!" She just strikes him down with rage on her face and deflates/goes numb. For a minute I thought this was watching her go down the dark side (I still think it would be far to easy to break her... she could be like Jeassa. Tell her she was too weak to save her father/didn't it feel great killing that bastard? She seems far too eager to explore the powers of the force as well. In batlle she'll ask to kill more/take the next one, etc). After that she mentions little things about her father. One of them is what he would say when she was sad "Cheer up my Nadia, the sun only shines on smiles!" You can offer to say it for her too... and she is very touched. Then the worst was when you step out of hte Corelian spaceport she goes "Father always wanted to see Corelia, now I'm almost glad he didn't" :S



IA nar shadaa after JC Balmorra



Zenith (3rd JC companion) is jaded. Hes spent too long fighting the empire's atrocities on balmorra, and has seen far too many comrades killed. His mentor, Grey Star, was among those. While talking to him he reveals a bastard Imp weaseled into his cell, then got everyone but Zenith killed. This seriously screws with him. Then as an agent on Balmorra... yeah you are the one that infiltrates Grey's cell.... turn over Grey to the Imps... Just felt dirty after realizing that.



BH Torian



The kid grew up the son of a traitor. He was **** in his clan because of it. While he doesn't remember his father, he has only hatred for him because of it. Father was scum! Father ruined my life! Then on taris you actually track down his father (who thought Torian was dead). Torian himself is obsessed with killing his father to reclaim his honor... then when you corner the man you can let him have a private talk with his lost son... who then chooses to kill his father. Afterwards you can hear how pained/conflicted Torian was about the whole thing. His father wasn't the villian he thought he was. Sadly this was dropped as soon as it happened... but talking with Torian right as it happened I just felt for the kid. That whole "who the hell am I? What do I believe?" "What is the truth? what matters?" kinda phase.


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We'll have to agree to disagree on that one, then. To me, it was a cop-out in the storytelling department. Those people were survivors. Before Malak bombed the planet back into the stone ages, they had survived for a number of years already. It just felt like lazy writing on BW's part, imo. BioWare usually tells a great story for most given situations in the game. That one just didn't seem to fit.


No... I think it fits with the overall theme of the planet. Taris was DESTROYED by the sith. Everything is ruin death and rakghouls. The Chosen Ones did their best, but they too succumbed to the desolation of Taris. It puts into perspective just how utterly monumental a task the Reps have of rebuilding this land that hope forgot.

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IA nar shadaa after JC Balmorra



Zenith (3rd JC companion) is jaded. Hes spent too long fighting the empire's atrocities on balmorra, and has seen far too many comrades killed. His mentor, Grey Star, was among those. While talking to him he reveals a bastard Imp weaseled into his cell, then got everyone but Zenith killed. This seriously screws with him. Then as an agent on Balmorra... yeah you are the one that infiltrates Grey's cell.... turn over Grey to the Imps... Just felt dirty after realizing that.




That same Imp is actually the IA, as the IA story on Balmorra comes first. This means that the consular story takes place after the IA.


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That same Imp is actually the IA, as the IA story on Balmorra comes first. This means that the consular story takes place after the IA.


.... that was the whole point of that comment.

I might have worded it a bit fuzzy since I played Zenith first. Basically I got zenith to 10k/he grew on me THEN I went to balmorra as an IA and realized that you personally (as the IA) are the one that broke Zenith by killing his best friend/mentor.


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The bounty hunter on the Great Hunt has a similar moment to the conclusion of the IA story on Nar Shaddaa, when you finally hunt down



Eidalon, who seems a lot more like the BH, and even attracted to the fem!BH. You have the choice to kill him or turn him over to the Hutts. I haven't been able to bring myself to turn him over to the Hutts, the slimy worms.


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Smuggler, Ord Mantell...



After you walk in on Syreena who's chatting up Savik after she killed Viidu, you deal with her however you decide, but later, you get a mail from Viidu ''in the event of his death'' asking you to do one last personal favour for him since he's gone. Take good care of his girl since he can no longer look after her (being dead and all).


I really felt bad for Viidu since he obviously really loved the girl that was using and betraying him. Poor man.


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Some of the other "It made me sad" comments following dark-side choices -- I think it shows that Bioware did the job of showing that this IS a world in which there is defnitive good and evil, and showing the consequences of evil choices -- even though a significant chunk of the audience seems to be of the "LOL I AM BADA55" category and can't tell irony from a tire-iron.


Not all the DS choices have sad endings. I've picked some LS things that made things worse! Then there are some really morally ambiguous ones like:

Ashaa in the SI story quest. You can choose to keep her enslaved or free her. My LS SI freed her for DS points because I decided that - being that my SI can't SEE the DS/LS symbol - she would go with what felt right. It felt long to leave a sentient, even a computer system, enslaved. If I ever play a DS SI I'll keep her enslaved and feel awful about it...


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Hands down has to be Taris (Republic side)



The whole promised land quest line. Especially those who have played KotOR will know why. Its still the only world quest that i don't spacebar through after 3 lvl 50 toons. You helped those people find the promised land as Revan 300 years ago and now you see them dwindle down until they are all gone. The last holo withthat woman who can't even pronounce the words Toxic Radiation anymore, so sad :(


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Agent Galen's death on Nar Shadaa, Master Orgus' death, the final confrontation with Tol Braga on Corellia, and Doctor Godera's death. Such powerful scenes. I didn't care much for Galen initially, but his death was epic, and so was Master Orgus' (even though I really cared for him). Tol Braga's whole situation was just really tragic to me, And Godera's death just felt so senseless-he never did anything wrong! He was just such a nice guy. :(

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Smuggler, Ord Mantell...



After you walk in on Syreena who's chatting up Savik after she killed Viidu, you deal with her however you decide, but later, you get a mail from Viidu ''in the event of his death'' asking you to do one last personal favour for him since he's gone. Take good care of his girl since he can no longer look after her (being dead and all).


I really felt bad for Viidu since he obviously really loved the girl that was using and betraying him. Poor man.


That made me soooo happy I left her alive, so I could imagine my girl went back and saw her, and lectured her a lot for being a jerk.

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Originally Posted by Ranadiel_Marius


I disagree, they handled the Lost Ones perfectly. It was emotional, touching, and is was logical. I mean these refugees were trapped on the surface of a planet as it was obliterated. And on top of that, the planet is covered with flesh eating monsters. There was never going to be a good end to that story. At least we got a good story beyond skyscraapers fall, everyone dies.

Captain_Zone replies:

We'll have to agree to disagree on that one, then. To me, it was a cop-out in the storytelling department. Those people were survivors. Before Malak bombed the planet back into the stone ages, they had survived for a number of years already. It just felt like lazy writing on BW's part, imo. BioWare usually tells a great story for most given situations in the game. That one just didn't seem to fit.


I agree with Renadiel and the others who liked this one. To me, it, along with the ending of the Maelstrom Prison (Republic-side) flashpoint, really helped drive SWTOR from being an Old Republic-themed MMO to being a true KOTOR sequel. And the way the Lost Ones' story plays out, it really sets up the rakghouls as in-game villains. And yet, there are several quests on Taris' Republic side that hints at the rakghouls being something more than just mindless villains.


My runner-up vote goes to the Trooper's Ord Mantel finale. I did NOT see that one coming. At all.

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