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Do people not know how to create a group?


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I'm seriously beginning to wonder if people know how to invite others to a group or if they're just extremely lazy. I'll sit on the fleet and see:


Player 1: DPS LFG HM

Player 2: Tank LFG HM

Player 3: Healer LFG HM

Player 2: Tank LFG HM

Player 4: DPS LFG HM

Player 1: DPS LFG HM


That's an entire group right there but the same people will constantly post over and over again.


I can then post:


LF3M DPS, Tank, Healer HM


and I'll immediately get 6 or 7 whispers from people looking to do something.


Do people not know how to use the invite feature or are they just lazy?

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Nobody wants to lead. I've seen this in many games and I admit to being guilty of it myself. If I'm unsure of what to do in a given iTrial, FP, Op, TF, etc I'll just try and get into someone elses rather than risk being blacklisted by someone for being an idiot when I already KNOW I don't know what to do.


That said, all that really needs to be done is form the team and see if someone else can give instructions/lead.

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As was said, nobody wants to be the guy who puts for the the effort to get the group together. They'd rather repeat the same spam than have to repeat the same spam. It's funny.


People also don't seem to know the difference between LFG and LFM. For funzi's, I typed DPS LFG Athiss and I got a bunch of replies saying "I'll go" so I replied with "I'll go too!"



Nobody wants to lead. I've seen this in many games and I admit to being guilty of it myself. If I'm unsure of what to do in a given iTrial, FP, Op, TF, etc I'll just try and get into someone elses rather than risk being blacklisted by someone for being an idiot when I already KNOW I don't know what to do.


That said, all that really needs to be done is form the team and see if someone else can give instructions/lead.


I don't think I've ever seen anyone assume the person putting the group together is also the one who's supposed to know every inch of the instance.

Edited by YanksfanJP
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As was said, nobody wants to be the guy who puts for the the effort to get the group together. They'd rather repeat the same spam than have to repeat the same spam. It's funny.


People also don't seem to know the difference between LFG and LFM. For funzi's, I typed DPS LFG Athiss and I got a bunch of replies saying "I'll go" so I replied with "I'll go too!"





I don't think I've ever seen anyone assume the person putting the group together is also the one who's supposed to know every inch of the instance.


Well, I saw it often, and it was the norm in some other MMOs.


I don't like it and wasn't making groups most of the time in my previous MMOs but it started to annoy me here (seeing things like in the OP), so I make groups now.


It seems people playing TOR are a lot more shy than in many other MMOs, it's strange because I didn't think there was that much people more shy than me.

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Nobody wants to lead. I've seen this in many games and I admit to being guilty of it myself. If I'm unsure of what to do in a given iTrial, FP, Op, TF, etc I'll just try and get into someone elses rather than risk being blacklisted by someone for being an idiot when I already KNOW I don't know what to do.


That said, all that really needs to be done is form the team and see if someone else can give instructions/lead.


pretty much this. If you ever want to group up for something NEVER say LFG. always say LFM. It works every time.


This is a major problem with the communities of MMOs and its why we need an automated LFG system like they are adding.

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hahaha! i'm glad no one else does, i get groups so quick, whether it's dailies or HMs for that exact reason.


i zone into BH and see that script just like you said...heals, dps, tank all spamming general. right click / left click X3 and halfway through the H4 run that other tank is still spamming /1.


why do i feel like i just earned dark points?


I also don't mind leading and explaining fights in HMs though. I remember being new to an MMO, but still knowing my class. +LS

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I personally believe that people are afraid to take the reins because of WoW and all the elitism that game brought to the genre. Players are afraid to get flamed for not knowing the fastest routes and shortcuts through the instances and or the pulls.
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Just my perception, but I think the quantity of "hardcore" players in TOR is perceived to be larger than it is. Thus when an overzealous DPS steals aggro, even for a moment, people think they'll be jumped on and mocked. Or if the healer can't keep the tank up then their builds will be mocked and they'll get blacklisted. Maybe that's just me though.


I know I've played my DPS almost to 50 now by "feel" I look at the skill tree and think "Yeah, that looks like it should help me", but of course the number crunchers and hardcores would laugh at my build, rotation and gear.


That fear and most of my actual friends having left already, are what's kept me from actively doing most of the FP's and 4 man heroics.

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Me playing my Juggernaut tank and I start in the Black Hole doing dailies. When I was nearly done and see a "/1 Healer LFG Torvix" - I whisper him "I'm a tank, want to start a group?" He says yes, we start the group and proceed to roll the heroic.


Finished doing BH dailies, I fleet pass back to Vaiken (bypassing the 2-3 minute load times for Corellia). Upon arrival I "/1 Tank LFG daily HM" and immediately get a whisper "I'll join!". By now I've mostly gotten over people not knowing the difference between LFG and LFM so I invite the guy. He's DPS, I then "/1 LFM daily HM - need 1 DPS and 1 Healer" and immediately get another DPS. I then alternate using /1 and /4 (we have a custom LFG channel on Ebon Hawk /cjoin lfg) repeating the advertisement.


Within a couple of minutes I pick up a healer and we quickly roll BT HM. The DPS were pretty fresh to 50 I think because they didn't know to hold back on that first fight at the "command deck entry hatch, no one is allowed to pass" - that's a rough fight to start cold as a juggernaut tank. We rezzed them, proceeded to do the rest of the FP. We bypassed the bonus droid only because we were all just wanting to get the daily done and didn't want to be bothered with it.


Long story short? If you see someone LFG... and its for something you want to do... invite them. If you LFG and someone whispers "I'll join"... invite them.

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I personally believe that people are afraid to take the reins because of WoW and all the elitism that game brought to the genre. Players are afraid to get flamed for not knowing the fastest routes and shortcuts through the instances and or the pulls.


Holy Crap! Skid and I agree on something! I bet he and I disagree on what caused that elitism, though ;)


But yes, elitist behavior in previous MMO's (as well as what I've seen in this one) has definitely created some shyness out there which somewhat ironically puts people like me (a normally shy person IRL) in the position of taking the leadership reigns.


A similar problem I see, especially since the transfers is with the dailies. All these people fighting over quest item nodes/mobs and NONE of them seem willing to group! It's a "who can out ninja who" mess! I'll be standing in the middle of a group and ask "Wanna group for this mob when it respawns?" The Answer? Silence...Rattaki Leaders is the worst!

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