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I Hate Mako....


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Personally I do not mind Vette. As much as I carry on about my BH being a convict and murderer-type who wuld sooner kill Mako then do her any favors, he would actually like Vette and be willing to romance her since she is kind of free-spirited and laid back.


Of course my SW is a total monster and would have certainly killed Vette by now. Screw the shock collar, he would have just force-choked and snapped Vette's neck.

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Of course my SW is a total monster and would have certainly killed Vette by now. Screw the shock collar, he would have just force-choked and snapped Vette's neck.


I'm pretty sure my companions are conspiring against my SW. She'd respect them for that, though. (I think she encouraged Vette to kill her in her sleep.) Strangely enough, they're getting along, though. I'm fairly sure that my SW sees Vette as some kind of demented acolyte in terror or something. (Like, she keeps hoping that she'll be able to make a proper Sith out of Vette. Which is doomed to fail. But my SW is an idiot, so that's okay.)

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I have to agree on the Kaliyo for the "opportunistic agent" story making a lot of sense - but if you consider she was hired by Keeper I can't help but wonder at his reasons for it. Keeper also made use of Jheeg who failed hard at the relatively simple task of importing gifts to give Nem'ro and then again when coming up with the cover identity the agent uses. Is it incompotence or is he trying to see exactly how good the agent is at handling "unplanned chaos"? If its the latter then Kaliyo starts making at least some sense.


But back to Mako... I did find her romance a bit disappointing and the overall pacing of her story disappointing. I went for planets worth of +affection gains before I'd get the next step of the story (and often got it when it led into a companion quest I couldn't do for several levels). As others have said it went from "friends" to "hey we're married" extremely quickly at not until the very end of the arc.


There's also the matter of timing and pacing on other companions' romance arcs and their intersection with class stories. Malavi Quinn for the SW ladies is a big glaring example there.


I'd say the most satisfying romance I've pursued thus far was with darkside Jaesa on my SW. The least satisfying, that made the least sense, was the romance between my totally-unadulterated-pure-evil Assassin and Ashara.

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Oh, and Mako absolutely loves it when you beat the living hell out of that Lord Malfus guy on Alderaan. :D +50 DS points and +15 Affection with Mako for decking him once, and then another +50 DS and +15 Mako Aff. for OMGROFLcurbstomping him after he demands an apology. :p Edited by Captain_Zone
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Yeah I'm a level 21 BH. And I'm really confused about Mako. She likes bounty hunters (bounty hunting then too I guess?), but when I try to fulfill my contracts, i.e killing bounties, she gets all upset. It makes no sense, she seems a relatively poorly written character so far.


How can she like bounty hunting and dislike killing targets as soon as they start begging for their life, she's misunderstood the bounty hunting business clearly.

Edited by Wallner
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Yeah I'm a level 21 BH. And I'm really confused about Mako. She likes bounty hunters (bounty hunting then too I guess?), but when I try to fulfill my contracts, i.e killing bounties, she gets all upset. It makes no sense, she seems a relatively poorly written character so far.


How can she like bounty hunting and dislike killing targets as soon as they start begging for their life, she's misunderstood the bounty hunting business clearly.


well to be fair bounty hunting generally include capturing and bringing someone back alive... if they were all missions just to kill people you'd be an assassin not a bounty hunter


it seems more like you misunderstand the bounty hunting

Edited by Liquidacid
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What is this ... who is hating on my precious, lovely, wonderful Mako. Mako is awesome. She has got spunk but the attitude is not over the top. She leans LS but is also practical ... and understands the need to "off" some targets. She has empathy but is also tough.


On top of those reasons she has some of the best 1 liners:


"I am a slicer not a psychic"


"I am not just the pretty sidekick"


"... only thing standing between you and me and a day at the beach"


Mako I <heart> you!

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Yeah I'm a level 21 BH. And I'm really confused about Mako. She likes bounty hunters (bounty hunting then too I guess?), but when I try to fulfill my contracts, i.e killing bounties, she gets all upset. It makes no sense, she seems a relatively poorly written character so far.


How can she like bounty hunting and dislike killing targets as soon as they start begging for their life, she's misunderstood the bounty hunting business clearly.


I am wondering how she reacts



to you killing the Jedi Master's padawan at the end of Ch1. I had Gault with me who approved. I just imagine Mako being like "Oh boohoo how could you? You monster! We're done...I..oh wait, Bioware won't let me quit"


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I hate Mako for different reasons, than most people here, lol. Sure she's a lovely person, kind and caring, something the BH might need, given the scum they deal with most of the time. The reason I hate her is because she fails at my crafting missions, like 85% of the time, no matter how much money I sink into gifts, so I'm just not gonna bother to run her for crafting anymore. I realize that Scavaging might not be her forte, but honestly, when the ships droid does better at the missions, you have to wonder, lol.


Also being a female player, with a female LS BH, I find Mako a bit annoying to run with...She fawns too much, 'are you ok?' like 50 times a battle. The little girl also has a self centered streak, because her class quests are so focussed on her and her business...sometimes, I feel like I'm her companion and she's the player...kinda like I felt in the first chapter or so with my JK and Kira...it was all about her too. :rolleyes:


I run with Torian or Gault depending on my needs at the time. My hubby has a male LS BH and he absolutely adores Mako...maybe thats another reason I hate her too, lol. :D

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My characters' affection rating for Mako:


Jedi Knight: Polite.

Jedi Consular: Polite but would find her too "young" to romance.

Smuggler: Probably make fun of her and take advanatge of her.

Trooper: Finds her intelligence useful but would have little tolerance for her weak stomach for violence.

Sith Warrior: Force crushes her little metal skull after the first 3 stupid words out of her mouth.

Sith Inquisitor: Might try to force dominate her and make her a slave.

Bounty Hunter: Thinks she is a whiny little ****.

Imperial Agent: Would accept her as a companion and value her intelligence gathering.

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I find Mako to be okay so far (just started a BH yesterday).


She doesn't come off as naive (she seems pretty street-wise to me).


Though, I so wish there were more Dark Sided or even more neutral female companions in the game.


Kaliyo is pretty much it (I don't count DS Jaesa b/c I find her to be a joke). Unless you consider SCORPIO to be a female I suppose.


It just seems like most females fit the cute/sweet "girl next door" role b/c they are all there for romance for the most part.


I haven't played Smuggler yet, so I'm not sure about Risha...I heard she's kinda neutral, so she would be an exception too.

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My merc is almost level 37 now and hasn't let Mako off the ship since getting Gault. She was a lousy healer even when geared up, her in-combat chatter was annoying, her companon story is yawn-inducing.


I mean, I eventually warmed up to Vette on my femwarrior and Vette and Mako are cut from the same basic cloth: very young and very ingenuous despite having a certain amount of street smarts. But warming up to Mako? Not happening. Vette added a sort of lightness to what I think is the grimmest class story in the game. Mako adds...what...nothing comes to mind.



And I thoroughly enjoyed snapping at her after the Quesh debacle.


Not just the pretty little sidekick? Nope. Not since she contracted the rakghoul plague and I have no inclination to give her a vaccine (switch customizations).

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Mako is horrible she dosnt really fit in with everyone else in the crew and shes always mad when you do your job and kill someone. I prefer Gault he's devil personality is awesome.

Actually, I've found that the only one that doesn't fit in with the crew is Skadge. He's way too bloodthirsty for everyone else.


But, when you come to think of it, the Bounty Hunter crew is sort of an analogue to the crew of Serenity. The BH is Mal, Gault is Wash, Mako is Kaylee, Torian is Zoe, Skadge is Jayne, and Blizz is River. Okay, I'm stretching on that last one, but he is a lot of awesome in a small, unassuming package.

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Yeah, I agree. I'd love to see her do *something* with that whole past. But nope. She's still all cutesy. It feels like she was tailor made to cater to all the guys who loved Tali and wanted a version of her that was younger and more docile.


Well Tali herself always gave me this feeling that she was supposed to appeal to my white knight side, strangely I don't get that from Mako, she just comes across as a hanger on who has no real reason to hang about my ship after Blood is dead.

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I think the difference between Mako and Kaliyo is that Mako can suit some BHs, professional ones who don't kill for pleasure but necessity (which the Bounty Hunter Code says you should), whereas Kaliyo doesn't really work with the Imperial Agent because the Imp. Agent is supposed to be a professional regardless of your alignment and Kaliyo is just an obstructive, chaotic element. Kaliyo would probably suit a Bounty Hunter a lot more, but I wouldn't replace Mako.


I'd gladly replace Torian with Kaliyo though. At least Kaliyo has a sense of humor and says something interesting once in a while...


Ehh, I think they added Kaliyo as a hired gun for the fact that she conflicts with the agent a bit, so it's at least interesting in that respect. Ensign Temple however, is the most boring ***** around! Maybe I should consider chatting with her once or twice before I judge but the mission on Hoth didn't leave a good impression.

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