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What's the big deal about this robot in the E3 vid?


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A lot of people seem very excited about this new companion robot. Is this thing a big deal in the EU or something? I've never heard of the thing and don't see what all the fuss is about, so I was assuming it was something like that. Can anyone enlighten me?
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A lot of people seem very excited about this new companion robot. Is this thing a big deal in the EU or something? I've never heard of the thing and don't see what all the fuss is about, so I was assuming it was something like that. Can anyone enlighten me?


In the original Old Republic games, titled Knights of the Old Republic, there was a companion named HK-47. He has been subject to numerous awards from critics for his writing, and is probably the most iconic companion from the two KOTOR games. You fight HK-47 in The Old Republic.


During beta for TOR, files were found in the companion folder that contained voice overs for a new companion, HK-51, but it was never added to the game. He has the same witty personality as his counterpart from the original games, and many are excited to finally see him in-game.

Edited by Ravager
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A lot of people seem very excited about this new companion robot. Is this thing a big deal in the EU or something? I've never heard of the thing and don't see what all the fuss is about, so I was assuming it was something like that. Can anyone enlighten me?



it's pretty much HK-47 with different skin. And if you don't know HK-47 than you didn't play this game or any KOTOR game.

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He is indeed somewhat of a major character in the EU.


In KOTOR, A fairly homicidal android appears in a shop on Tatooine and is bought by the player. It turns out it is a one of a kind assassin droid with behavioural issues. This is HK-47. He gets a fairly important plot role but was mainly responsible for comic relief. His absolute disdain for organics (who he called meatbags) and the way he believes most any problem can be solved by explosions gave him some fairly funny dialogue options.


This HK-51 is a 'copy' of HK-47, including personality.

So I suppose a lot of players (myself included btw) are really looking forward to adventure once more with our murderous pal.

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I'll never forget in KOTOR when we met with Tusken Cheif and HK translated what was being said. Little did we know i could speak Tusken and HK flat out lied about the translation just so he could kill them all. Edited by TKMaster
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Is this a joke?


Nope. I have not taken an Imp past 10, and never played KOTOR as I didn't have an Xbox and unfortunately just never found the time to go back and play it when I got a 360. So no way I would have known about the character.


It makes sense now. I can totally understand why people would be excited to see a new version of a beloved character from a previous game. That's pretty cool. Thanks for all the quick replies to explain! :)

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Nope. I have not taken an Imp past 10, and never played KOTOR as I didn't have an Xbox and unfortunately just never found the time to go back and play it when I got a 360. So no way I would have known about the character.


It makes sense now. I can totally understand why people would be excited to see a new version of a beloved character from a previous game. That's pretty cool. Thanks for all the quick replies to explain! :)




there. now you have no excuse anymore :p

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Nope. I have not taken an Imp past 10, and never played KOTOR as I didn't have an Xbox and unfortunately just never found the time to go back and play it when I got a 360. So no way I would have known about the character.


It makes sense now. I can totally understand why people would be excited to see a new version of a beloved character from a previous game. That's pretty cool. Thanks for all the quick replies to explain! :)


Both KOTOR games are also for PC. You should try them. Or at least the 1st one.

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OP, I'm kinda jealous! Go play KotOR and experience that homicidal maniac for the first time. The game is avaliable for PC. It's a great Star Wars adventure.


Actually, just reading this thread kinda put me in the mood to boot it up again myself...

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Some choice quotes:


"There is a faction of meatbags called the Sith. They want what any rational meatbag would want – the power to assassinate anyone they choose at any time."


"Droids tend to blend into the background, like a bench or a card table. Mockery: Droid, fetch this. Droid, translate that. Droid, clean out the trash compactor. Part of the love of my function comes when the ‘furnishings’ pull out tibanna-powered rifles and point them at the owners' heads."


"As a meatbag would say: 'I have a bad feeling about this.'"

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It's only garnered affection because it's one of the few KOTOR things not completely butchered by BW or other lucasarts installments (clone wars, etc.)


With that said, it's main role was that of comedic relief. BW, instead of attempting to be creative and grow the depth and culture of this franchise, is solely focused to suck more money out of us. It's jar-jar binks in robot form, and most who realize that will happily never bother with it.

Edited by Maxil
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All these people are excited for HK-47(that's what all the links were for), which is what we are not getting, so, I don't really get it either :D

There will be no meatbag talk, no massive murdering talk, nada. 51 will prolly be neat or whatever, but will not match the glory of 47 by a long shot :p

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With that said, it's main role was that of comedic relief. BW, instead of attempting to be creative and grow the depth and culture of this franchise, is solely focused to suck more money out of us. It's jar-jar binks in robot form, and most who realize that will happily never bother with it.


No one is holding a gun to your head and saying "pay me $14.99 every month." If this is how you feel, then take your money elsewhere. The rest of us will continue to enjoy looking forward to playing with HK-51 as a companion.

Edited by Kthx
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a lot of people seem very excited about this new companion robot. Is this thing a big deal in the eu or something? I've never heard of the thing and don't see what all the fuss is about, so i was assuming it was something like that. Can anyone enlighten me?


noob alert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Is this a joke?


I pray to God that it is.


My heart literally stopped when I read the OP. :eek:


Seriously...no one should be allowed to play TOR unless they've watched all the movies and played or watched complete walkthrough vids of Kotor 1 & 2.

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Knights of the Old Republic was the best RPG game I've ever played. It made me fall in love with Bioware as well as RPGs in general. HK-47 was a big part of that. To have him come back bring great joy to those of us who played KotOR and used the droid.


Picture HK-47 as an adorable child who incidentally is also a murderous social-path.


Video of KotOR, not very much of a spoiler.




I am very curious about the mission though. My guess it will end where the HK-50 droid facility was on KotOR which was Telos. But the rest of it is quite shrouded. -shakes head- I don't like how far I'm willing to go to get this droid.

Edited by ZackAlklazaris
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