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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ok, Bioware. Now what? Are you really forcing me to delete 9 chars?


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No argument here. It was overdue.


I somewhat doubt that. It is my impression that Bioware's plan for growth does not include more servers. The have folded 20 European PVE servers into 2 (!). They could have easily done 3 or maybe even 4.


It doesn't really work that way. Its probably what I'll do right now, but both cluster of characters were designed so I could have some efficiency in crafting, too. That is now not possible , unless I concentrate entirely on one faction.

The same goes for stories and play styles. The idea of many alts is to experience the game in all possible ways. 8 class stories, 16 advanced classes (though mirrored). etc.


Technically - if Bioware's programmers have brains more advanced than a retarded chimpanse (which we all assume), then the chars/server cap is just a number in a config file somewhere.


Someone there should be able to use vi (or notepad.exe)


I have a problem as a paying customer of an MMO company that put me in a situation where I am not happy and where I loose what I could expect not to loose by their own rules and proclamations.


They caused this mess, it would be awfully nice if they at least pointed out how and when they are to provide a solution.


As I said in the thread-starting post - I am listening.


I guess the "first world problem" thing was kind of d^&kish now that I read it back to myself lol. It was more of a social comment. You are right, as a paying customer you have a right to be upset. I also forgot about the fact, even though you mentioned it, that there will only be so many populated server types. Im not saying it does not suck. I am just saying it was unfortunately necessary.

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When you are dealing with the public, it would not be good practice to allow people the ability to do something and then when they do it, tell them, "Oops, we didn't actually want you to go ahead and do that."


A game shouldn't allow 50 character slots per account if people weren't meant to play more than just 8. Don't make a game with storylines that differ based on faction, alignment, choices, gender, etc if you don't want people to actually try to see them all. Some people like to enjoy all a game has to offer and I don't think that play style is as freakishly unusual as many here like to imply.


The OP here is not playing the game in an "abnormal" way. You can play a class to 50 and then turn around and play the exact same class again while having a different playing experience, different characters to romance, and even totally different story outcomes. It is not unusual for people to actually want to play the game in all the ways it was meant to be played.


Point being, is that it was shortsighted of Bioware to create these restrictions on character transfers knowing that they are leaving a portion of their player base in a bind.


The OP is upset because his only options now are to delete characters or wait and hope that new options (currently unknown) are made available. BW could give us more information and more options and people will be happy. More char slots, less restriction on server choices, etc. Heck, lots of people have said they'd be willing to pay in order to choose where to transfer to. We all just want to play the game the way that is fun for us. Why judge this?

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Ok, Bioware. Now what?


Are you really forcing me to delete 9 chars?

I have 8 on Peragus, another 8 on Bacca's Blade, and one more on Sithari.


They all are on the list for free transfer to Nightmare Lands.

So - what am I supposed to do? Delete them? Stop playing?


Both Peragus and Bacca's were a little thin but not dramatically in trouble. By introducing free transfers, though, you have basically pulled the plug on both my srvers.


So, now, I think I'm due a solution.

I'm listening.


First I hope you've posted a ticket in game. While the forums are fine to garner moral support, and to be trolled, they are not a medium that will necessarily be responded to by CS.


Secondly, I have to guess that people in your situation are outliers. So while your situation "may" be addressed I'd assume it would be a lower priority, even to be looked at for a bit. It sucks, but could well be the case


In the meantime you can transfer your most advanced / favorite characters.

Edited by Erasimus
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Answers like this are not helpful. If you don't play alts, and or are not an Altoholic you will never understand. But your answer is just rude and heartless.


Well. the attitude of the OP was rather rude also. Like attracts like.


He could have posed the question, put up a suggestion rather then a post that did little more then blame the developers for his issues. Lets call a spade a spade here folks.

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Ok, Bioware. Now what?


Are you really forcing me to delete 9 chars?

I have 8 on Peragus, another 8 on Bacca's Blade, and one more on Sithari.


They all are on the list for free transfer to Nightmare Lands.

So - what am I supposed to do? Delete them? Stop playing?


Both Peragus and Bacca's were a little thin but not dramatically in trouble. By introducing free transfers, though, you have basically pulled the plug on both my srvers.


So, now, I think I'm due a solution.

I'm listening.


I'd go through their customer service. Might even suggest calling in. Posting here isn't likely to get you help, just a bunch of trolling.

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I think its hilarious that everyones gettin their panties in a bunch over such a trivial issue. Bioware isn't making anyone delete their toons and if they were going to delete a server they would provide ways for people with 17 chars to save all of em one way or another. Just choose eight of them to transfer and keep nine on the other server until they implement paid transfers... problem solved. Edited by Kilburger
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Well, I'm sorry to say, though I love alts too, having 17 is just plain ridiculous. This is an MMO, meant to have a deeply developed character or three, the rest usually support toons. If you're actually playing the game, ie; Flashpoints, Ops, World Bosses, Guild Datacron hunts, there would be little time for all these alts. Arguing this point would only make the naysayers look dumb, so don't go there.....


People with all these alts are USUALLY, keyword, USUALLY loners. Non-guilded, LFG types..... fine and dandy.... but the hole you dug OP is yours alone.


Try playing the game for all it's worth instead of crafting blue gear on toon #14 .......

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It's OPTIONAL, no one is holding you at gunpoint and forcing you to transfer.


And even if you did play all your characters to the point in which you couldnt be bothered to pick 8 out of them... wait until paid transfers come out.


What do you want, bioware to change game becuase it doesn't suite you, or it isnt convenient enough for you?


You've gotten 2 very reasonable answers. Wait until paid transfers or simply choose 8 you want to play.

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the "rocket science" remark implies stupidity on my side for not sharing your opinion. I take offense at that - I am perfectly aware what my technical options are right now, and the original post made that clear.


But I seek a dialog with Bioware about if and how those options are appropriate. Not acknowledging that is fanboish.


You seek a dialog with Bioware's CS then send in a ticket via customer support. Posting it on the forums makes for the topic to be discussed amongst various individuals openly, and doesn't guarantee that you're questions/concerns will be resolved (for better or for worse).

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Right now, the OP has stated that 16 of the 17 are on low population servers that remain sparse yet playable. He fears (justifiably) that the transfers will further vacate those servers and make them unplayable.


I humbly suggest that, without an option of transfer, those servers would have continued to be vacated and ended up equally unplayable. In short, before this announcement, you were in route for a slow trip to deadsville for all 17.


So now they introduce the transfers. That means 8 of your characters get to live, while 9 are now on the fast route to deadsville. Entirely a case of opinion here, but if you planned on longevity play of the game, this new arrangement is better. The game will remain playable for you, even if not all of your characters are. Watching all 3 of your previous servers die around you would have made all characters (in other words, the entire game) unplayable.


If you were only planning on sticking around another month or two, and your servers would have remained passable that long, this is indeed a bad deal for you. But if you planned on playing past this summer, allowing you to consolidate to a higher population server is in your best interest, even if it does not take all of your characters.


My recommendation? If you're an altaholic, go with your highest level 8 characters and transfer them, making your destination your most playable server. Even if you're the only person on planet, it's still easy to play through the lower levels solo, so if you have several alts in the lower end of the game, they are greatly impacted by the change in population. A level 50 character who needs to run his raids, however, cannot do so in a low population setting. You can still have and play the lowbie alts without them being affected, so leave them behind and move the higher guys who actually need the move.


If you're an avid RPer, just choose one server and move your full Legacy over. You'll be able to fully play one Legacy, and the other will still remain (they can still be played, even if they are no longer group-viable) waiting for further transfers.


Eventually they will offer paid transfers. And, most likely, eventually they will want to close some of the most dead servers, so characters you leave behind may become forceably merged to a higher population server anyways. The end result, however, is that you were never able to play all 17 on the same server before, so that shouldn't be your expectation now. Accepting that they must be spread across multiple servers to fulfill your alt-centric gameplay style, focus on moving the characters who need the higher population for grouping purposes first, and leave behind the lower level or rarely played characters. It doesn't mean you can't still play them, only that they won't have the benefits of a high population server.

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I agree with the OP, something should be done.


I have 8 imps on ToFN and 8 reps on LoL, I can't transfer my republic characters, I won't pay for 8 transfers, I won't buy another account.


It's BW decision to reduce the amount of characters we can play with good population by transfering all servers of a kind into one.


Something that should be quite easy to do is to increase to 16 or more the number of character per server we can have. It's not a big change, it shouldn't affect that much the databases and the servers as we could still only play one character at a time.


TOR really pushes us to make alts, which is fine for me. If I can't play at least one character per advanced class in good conditions, it will reduce the amount of time I sub.

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btw, i'm probably betting all of this characters are level 10 and he probably spent more time on this thread than actually leveling all 17 of his characters.


Thanks for this useful post on something that doesn't seem to match your playstyle.


I have 2 50s, a 47, a 38, a 30, 2 25s, 3 19s and 6 between 11 and 18.

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SIGH again...


There are 2 sides to the conflict in SWTOR, so is 4 per side "moderate"?


Before you answer.. 4 per side plus 1 more slot for a "new" species"? So is 9 "moderate"?



Yes, on both. Do four on each side on one server and then start nine one a new one. Easy.

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Ok, Bioware. Now what?


Are you really forcing me to delete 9 chars?

I have 8 on Peragus, another 8 on Bacca's Blade, and one more on Sithari.


They all are on the list for free transfer to Nightmare Lands.

So - what am I supposed to do? Delete them? Stop playing?


Both Peragus and Bacca's were a little thin but not dramatically in trouble. By introducing free transfers, though, you have basically pulled the plug on both my srvers.


So, now, I think I'm due a solution.

I'm listening.


I don't see what the issue is.. They are all on 3 servers now.. Just keep them on three different servers.. What is the problem?? Bioware is not asking you to do anything.. You created your own mess..


You can only have 8 characters per account on a single server.. You obviously reaslize this as you have your toons spread over 3 servers.. So?? What is your issue?? Transfer the 8 you want to the new server and leave the rest where they are..


My guess is you will still have toon spread over 3 servers.. Just like you do now..


If you want to have all your toons on the same server.. Guess you need more than one account.. That to me is your only option..


No.. Bioware is not asking you to do anything.. Nor did they put you in the situation you are in now..

Edited by MajikMyst
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I agree with the OP, something should be done.


I have 8 imps on ToFN and 8 reps on LoL, I can't transfer my republic characters, I won't pay for 8 transfers, I won't buy another account.


It's BW decision to reduce the amount of characters we can play with good population by transfering all servers of a kind into one.


Something that should be quite easy to do is to increase to 16 or more the number of character per server we can have. It's not a big change, it shouldn't affect that much the databases and the servers as we could still only play one character at a time.


TOR really pushes us to make alts, which is fine for me. If I can't play at least one character per advanced class in good conditions, it will reduce the amount of time I sub.


I am sorry.. I simply don't see how anyone can agree with the OP.. This is not a Bioware issue.. Bioware doesn't have to fix this..


He has 17 characters spread across 3 servers.. Which is fine.. He is working within the rules and confines of the game.. 8 character slots per server.. Why should Bioware even be asked to change this because they open up character transfers?? Characters transfers doesn't change the rules or confines of the game.. We still can have only 8 characters on any one server.. So what is the problem..


His question is both unfair toward Bioware and not very well thought out.. They are not going to change the game because he has 17 characters.. Bioware didn't create the situation he is in.. He created all these characters, he is going to have to decide where they go and who stays behind..


You can have 8 characters on a single server..


He needs to decide what 8 he is going to put on the new server.. He will still have characters spread across multiple servers..


Sorry.. But that is just the way it is.. Everyone is responsible for their own characters.. Not Bioware.. He needs to make his own decision..

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I don't see what the issue is.. They are all on 3 servers now.. Just keep them on three different servers.. What is the problem?? Bioware is not asking you to do anything.. You created your own mess..


You can only have 8 characters per account on a single server.. You obviously reaslize this as you have your toons spread over 3 servers.. So?? What is your issue?? Transfer the 8 you want to the new server and leave the rest where they are..


My guess is you will still have toon spread over 3 servers.. Just like you do now..


If you want to have all your toons on the same server.. Guess you need more than one account.. That to me is your only option..


No.. Bioware is not asking you to do anything.. Nor did they put you in the situation you are in now..


Comprehension problem it seems. The state of the server I have my republic characters on is the consequence of the tranfers. It was ok before.


It's simple, there was more than one server per kind that had good enough population before the transfers, there's only one now. It's BW decision to handle transfers that way.


Really, I'm not complaining, I just want BW to notice this problem and tell us their plan.



I don't even know why some people that aren't affected by this problem write in this thread. I know it's a forum but it's not like a solution to this problem would take something away from thoses people.

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I would suggest the OP to transfer his favourite alt to the new server and then create 7 new alts to the new server. That is the true altaholic way...


I can't, my favorite alt is on a server with a different destination than the one for my other characters so I deleted a low level alt on the destination server to reroll my favorite alt.

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I am sorry.. I simply don't see how anyone can agree with the OP.. This is not a Bioware issue.. Bioware doesn't have to fix this..


He has 17 characters spread across 3 servers.. Which is fine.. He is working within the rules and confines of the game.. 8 character slots per server.. Why should Bioware even be asked to change this because they open up character transfers?? Characters transfers doesn't change the rules or confines of the game.. We still can have only 8 characters on any one server.. So what is the problem..


You are willfully ignoring the problem. By opening the transfer floodgates Bioware has made both origin servers unplayable. If you debate that, I refer you to about 3-6 Months worth of forum posts on the problems on low-pop servers.


His question is both unfair toward Bioware and not very well thought out..


You are wrong on both counts. Bioware put me in that situation, Bioware is taking my money. And Bioware is the only source a solution can come from. So the question is well put to Bioware.


Your drivel is basically a longwinded form of "Yes, go and abandon half of your chars, and shut up already". I doubt Bioware shares any of your sentiments, and your way of stating them (for the second time, no less) amounts to the forum version of jackbooted thuggery.

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I humbly suggest that, without an option of transfer, those servers would have continued to be vacated and ended up equally unplayable. In short, before this announcement, you were in route for a slow trip to deadsville for all 17.


So now they introduce the transfers. That means 8 of your characters get to live, while 9 are now on the fast route to deadsville. (...)The game will remain playable for you, even if not all of your characters are.


Thanks for the answer - you brought up a few good points.


But you completely miss the issue that Bioware had and continues to have many more than just 2 options (namely doing no transfers or doing them excatly the way they do now).


They could have aimed for more destination servers. They could open alternate transfer targets for every origin server after some time. They can indeed offer paid transfer. They could alleviate the dead server's problems by improving their tech so low-pop servers can be combined into interacting server clusters in some way - cluster LFG for Flashpoints and PvP, cluster linked markets/GTN and mail.




They have a ton of options. It's anything but the all-or-nothing choice you suggest.

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