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Honest opinion- do you think the game is in trouble?


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http://uk.pc.ign.com/articles/122/1221286p1.html read this


what were we saying, ow yes, what else is there to worry about, MoP by the time that thing comes out god knows how many people will have played it already due to free access to beta when they bought the AP and got d3 for free, black market selling bis items. should we worry, not really.


You are very ill informed. Stop quoting articles. Everybody here knows those can be as flawed as any rumor. Get your info of the main page or not at all. It is in no way P2W. Gear comes from karma, a non purchasable non trad-able currency. The only things you can buy with gems/gold is cosmetics and convenience. You can even buy gems with in game gold if there is a silly cosmetic item you want but don't believe in buying with RL money. Stop spreading misinformation and educate yourself.


Now, back on topic......

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Im not quite sure why you linked that article to me. All it does is prove my point to you more... which is that you cannot pay to win in GW2. You can buy gems with cash and trade for gold yes. However the only thing gems will buy, as explained in the article, is cosmetic items and quality of life items such as extra character slots. You cannot buy gear in GW2 period.


Did you even read my post?


yes i did, you linked something about galaxies. not a clue what that has todo with gw2. And the article i linked you states, gems and gold can be traded visa versa, you can buy gems with cash you trade gems for gold, you buy or boost your way through the game.

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You are very ill informed. Stop quoting articles. Everybody here knows those can be as flawed as any rumor. Get your info of the main page or not at all. It is in no way P2W. Gear comes from karma, a non purchasable non trad-able currency. The only things you can buy with gems/gold is cosmetics and convenience. You can even buy gems with in game gold if there is a silly cosmetic item you want but don't believe in buying with RL money. Stop spreading misinformation and educate yourself.


Now, back on topic......


so the interview in pc gamer issue 241 july, page 60-61 with the interview with mike obrien is also ill informed, who knew that, the ceo of areanet is illinformed, either way, i dropped this about 10 pages back, i couldnt give a flying coot about gw2, i just think its wierd that all articles about swtor are aparently true but all ones about gw2 are aparently wrong. odd. so like you say back to swtor i shall not reply to bla bla gw2 comment again so asking me about it will just show you cannot read.

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I do not understand the need for everyone to think GW2 is so hot. I had hopes for that game and even bought 2 huge CEs for it. Until I played betas over 2 weekends and was appalled by the gameplay. All I will say is in theory the NO HOLY TRINITY sounded good, till I played it. All it did was make the game feel sloppy and classes pointless. Alot of people saying that it makes grouping almost impossible because now no one knows or has their roles to play.


The people who want trinity need to evolve. Its a dead system. "Oh noes, im responsible for my self and have to actually l2p and not be carried." Those are the people who wont like it. And I have yet to see anybody complaining about roles or grouping. It works amazingly. Are these complaints in your head? There is far FAR more cooperative play and community feeling there than any other game, ever. Because they made it about cooperation, not competition.


I love how an MMO comes along that actually DOES take MMOs to the next level, evoles some, and then people complain that its not their same hand holding game.

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so the interview in pc gamer issue 241 july, page 60-61 with the interview with mike obrien is also ill informed, who knew that, the ceo of areanet is illinformed, either way, i dropped this about 10 pages back, i couldnt give a flying coot about gw2, i just think its wierd that all articles about swtor are aparently true but all ones about gw2 are aparently wrong. odd. so like you say back to swtor i shall not reply to bla bla gw2 comment again so asking me about it will just show you cannot read.



Is English not your main language? I'm assuming not, because you have serious issues with reading comprehension. And you will keep responding to GW2 stuff, because you cant stand that something is better than your shiny, and you deep down know it. Even to the point of spreading misinformation. At least I hope you are purposely spreading false info, or that means you just don't get it, and that is sad. Special kind of sad.


I like the touch of, "I know Im wrong, so Im just not going to discuss it anymore. Im taking my toys and going home."

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Is English not your main language? I'm assuming not, because you have serious issues with reading comprehension. And you will keep responding to GW2 stuff, because you cant stand that something is better than your shiny, and you deep down know it. Even to the point of spreading misinformation. At least I hope you are purposely spreading false info, or that means you just don't get it, and that is sad. Special kind of sad.


Thank you for proving my point to Rouge , maybe you should read what you just quoted instead of flapping about stuff the ceo of arenanet has said. /toodles

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Thank you for proving my point to Rouge , maybe you should read what you just quoted instead of flapping about stuff the ceo of arenanet has said. /toodles


Oh look. You responded about GW2 stuff. I guess I can read after all.

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The people who want trinity need to evolve. Its a dead system. "Oh noes, im responsible for my self and have to actually l2p and not be carried." Those are the people who wont like it. And I have yet to see anybody complaining about roles or grouping. It works amazingly. Are these complaints in your head? There is far FAR more cooperative play and community feeling there than any other game, ever. Because they made it about cooperation, not competition.


I love how an MMO comes along that actually DOES take MMOs to the next level, evoles some, and then people complain that its not their same hand holding game.


uhh GW2 has the same exact roles as any trinity game just instead of dedicated to single players they are spread out a little... that is not new to gaming, it's not revolutionary, it requiers no more skill nor does it promote more cooperative play... in fact it discourages it more than the trinity since it's more solo friendly if done right... not to mention in GW2 it's done rather crappily because you're still basically locked into a set role... The Secret World does it much better with a lot more freedom of choice but at the end of the day even there all the same roles are being filled ... the trinity is still there just distributed differently


still same **** different game

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uhh GW2 has the same exact roles as any trinity game just instead of dedicated to single players they are spread out a little... that is not new to gaming, it's not revolutionary, it requiers no more skill nor does it promote more cooperative play... in fact it discourages it more than the trinity since it's more solo friendly if done right... not to mention in GW2 it's done rather crappily because you're still basically locked into a set role... The Secret World does it much better with a lot more freedom of choice but at the end of the day even there all the same roles are being filled ... the trinity is still there just distributed differently


still same **** different game


Wow, you could not be more wrong.

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Short answer is 'yes'.


They spent tons of resource on voice and story (which is amazing), but now they are playing catchup from a gameplay/quality of life standpoint.


That being said, they are fixing it slowly but surely, enough to make me stay subbed for at least another year.

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Short answer is 'yes'.


They spent tons of resource on voice and story (which is amazing), but now they are playing catchup from a gameplay/quality of life standpoint.


That being said, they are fixing it slowly but surely, enough to make me stay subbed for at least another year.


What are you looking forward to the most from what we have been given sneak info for, can include space project ?

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Game seems to be going awesome, I dont know where some of you are getting these ideas of doom, or the"squandered opportunity" ideas.


Maybe you are on a low pop server or something?


Lots of people on all the time, lots to do, everyone seems to be having fun, lots of new content coming for pve and pvp.......all looks good. It simple.


I think you may be over analysing.

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been in the beta... so no your fooling yourself and buying into the marketing spin... which is fine those developers need to get paid after all


lol, Ive been in beta too. For a while. You are not special..... I dont group, but I spend more time playing with other people than I ever have before, because I dont need to be grouped to share in all rewards. Another thing that is evolving. People help you out more on that game than Ive ever seen. There is no race for a node or a mob. I also play a melee dps that needs absolutely zero healing from another player. And there are no tanks.... odd. I guess there is not a trinity after all? If you play beta and think you need heals, then you are just not playing right, and need to learn the new style. You cant stand still and spam anymore.


I dont buy spin, I play and make my own opinions. Sorry mine differ from yours, I guess that means Im just ignorant.

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been in the beta... so no your fooling yourself and buying into the marketing spin... which is fine those developers need to get paid after all


Except that you are wrong and just because you didn't like it doesn't inavlidate the point of it being very different than SWTOR's Kotor with friends concept.

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Except that you are wrong and just because you didn't like it doesn't inavlidate the point of it being very different than SWTOR's Kotor with friends concept.


no... it's a different set up but it's not new and all the rolls are still there... damage mitigation, healing and damage (the trinity) are all still in full swing just in a slightly different format... it's nothing that hasn't been done before... if anything it's a throw back to the older style games... also I never said I didn't like it... the game plays fine, tho the story is boring as ****... it's not a bad game just nothing really new or different... this is not the holy grail you people seem to want it to be.. as I said TSW does it better


it's like you people want to believe it is new and revolutionary so bad you completely ignore reality

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no... it's a different set up but it's not new and all the rolls are still there... damage mitigation, healing and damage (the trinity) are all still in full swing just in a slightly different format... it's nothing that hasn't been done before


it's like you people want to believe it is new and revolutionary so bad you completely ignore reality


You have to be trolling. There is no way you are that willfully ignorant. There is no damage mit role..... there is no healing role.....everybody does damage, and heals themselves...... boss mobs just bounce agro around most the time, so no tanks. Like I said, have to be trolling, nobody is that special.





edit.. oops, sorry. caught your edit in my quote. edit faster!

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You have to be trolling. There is no way you are that willfully ignorant. There is no damage mit role..... there is no healing role.....everybody does damage, and heals themselves...... boss mobs just bounce agro around most the time, so no tanks. Like I said, have to be trolling, nobody is that special.





edit.. oops, sorry. caught your edit in my quote. edit faster!


ah so the problem is that you have no understanding of the trinity at all... well now it all makes sense

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ah so the problem is that you have no understanding of the trinity at all... well now it all makes sense


I'm sorry. Please educate me. I thought it referred to you having a tank, a healer, and dps? Maybe that is the root of our whole disagreement.


edit. I do agree with you that TSW( a beta im also in) is also doing work to get away from the trinity. Actually trying to do something new. Granted, apparently my understanding of the trinity is flawed, according to you. I personally just like GW2 better. A matter of taste. Ill give them both credit for actual innovation, like TOR was supposed to have.

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I'm sorry. Please educate me. I thought it referred to you having a tank, a healer, and dps? Maybe that is the root of our whole disagreement.


those are generic terms for certain "roles" or "jobs" that need to be achieved... you don't need the WoW type system of those being dedicated roles and done in one specific way to be the trinity...


there is dealing with incoming damage, there is doing damage and there is preventing/restoring health... that is the trinity.. doesn't matter if one character can do it all or if one character can only do one of them.. it's the same system and in the end is played basically the same way...


and again role set-ups like GW2 and TSW use are not new... in fact they are older than the WoW style set-up... so it's still not new or an innovation... it may seem new to you because for a while now games have been all using one system...

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those are generic terms for certain "roles" or "jobs" that need to be achieved... you don't need the WoW type system of those being dedicated roles and done in one specific way to be the trinity...


there is dealing with damage, there is doing damage and there is preventing/restoring health... that is the trinity.. doesn't matter if one character can do it all or if one character can only do one of them.. it's the same system and in the end is played basically the same way...


and again role set-ups like GW2 and TSW use are not new... in fact they are older than the WoW style set-up... so it's still not new or an innovation...


When I think of trinity, I think of it having to be done by diff people. 1 for heals, 1 for tank, 1 for damage. I think most do, though I could be wrong. Hence, no more trinity.


How would one make a game where you didnt take or recieve damage?

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Holy Bat ears! What a way to go off the rails... Now back to the studio and the subject, over to you Bob! :eek:


Heh, sorry. I am done. I actually didn't even want to talk about this on these forums. Mildly rude. Just hated to see misinformation spread. I am done.


Back on track...........TOR is in trouble.

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Holy Bat ears! What a way to go off the rails... Now back to the studio and the subject, over to you Bob! :eek:


Thank you steve, the death star still hasnt been built and the star system is safe, tor looks ok for now. and next the weather.

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