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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How many people have rolled an alt on the oppo faction for the HK?


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As soon as i heard the announcement i told my guildmates they would see me when im on for dalies (corellia and illum only) and for raid nights, and on vent.


Rolled my first imp char (operative) and enjoying the story and looking forward to being able to use orbital strike on my vanguard.


Who else here started a new toon when they heard the announcement?

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An epic quest coming to the game that requires having a character on both factions has been known since the Guild Summit. It's only recently been unveiled that said quest is for HK.


I have had characters on both sides since January, I think. The Legacy rollout being server-based, instead of account-wide, forced me to have to remake some of them, as they were on a different server.


I guess you could say that my answer to your question is; yes, and no.



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As soon as i heard the announcement i told my guildmates they would see me when im on for dalies (corellia and illum only) and for raid nights, and on vent.


Rolled my first imp char (operative) and enjoying the story and looking forward to being able to use orbital strike on my vanguard.


Who else here started a new toon when they heard the announcement?


Didnt need to, already had 3 Pubs and 2 Imps. :)

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I had 16 ACs on two servers. 1 server full of Imps and the other full of Pubs. When they announced the HK51 thing, I deleted 4 of my pub characters (My main is a Vanguard on that server) and made the mirror classes on that server. So, now I have a Vanguard, Scoundrel, Sentinel, Shadow and then a Mercenary, Sniper, Juggernaut and Sorcerer.


I'm actually very happy about that now, because as much as I really wanted to play every AC and each class both light and dark, I likely never will. This will probably end up working out way better.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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I have no desire in creating an alt on the other faction, especially for that. With five companions already, three of which I don't use, there's no point to another. I didn't bother using HK in either of the KOTOR games, and while some of his dialog was funny, it's not enough for me to be interested in having him again.
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I have no desire in creating an alt on the other faction, especially for that. With five companions already, three of which I don't use, there's no point to another. I didn't bother using HK in either of the KOTOR games, and while some of his dialog was funny, it's not enough for me to be interested in having him again.



It will be very worth it to me if they actually give him a story based off affection like your other companions. Heck, my Vanguard has never used 4X, but I've seen almost all of his story line. I just load him up with gifts. :)

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didn't really need to I have a few on both sides already:


50 Sent - Start an Inquisitor, 50 inquisitor start a smuggler, 50 smuggler start an agent etc etc* So I normally go back and forth anyway

Edited by MatronAdena
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I don't understand how people can only play on 1 faction...


That's how creating alts can become annoying when you have to repeat the same world quests and standard quests. If you would create a character on the other faction not only would your story quests be unique, but so would every other quests would as well.


Rolling an alt on the opposing faction wasn't for HK... it was just natural.

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As soon as i heard the announcement i told my guildmates they would see me when im on for dalies (corellia and illum only) and for raid nights, and on vent, and that our guild will fall apart because everyone is being forced to do the same thing.


I was forced to roll my first imp char (operative) against my will just to access content and hating every minute of it.

Who else here started a new toon against their better judgement and free will when they heard the announcement?



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someone is bitter.....


im actually having a blast doing it


Ur right, i am bitter. I play the imp side and love everything about it... I tried the republic side and hated every minute of it. I really want hk and hate that i have to suffer through terrible, boring and half thought out content to get it. Its a punishment to players who have no desire to play the opposite faction for whatever reason yet still want te hk droid. Its a slap in the face.


There will always be people who will enjoy both factuons and thats great... But there are others (and a large portion of people from what ive seen on the forums) who wont... And this not fair to those people. They can easily make hk accessible via one faction only, but the reason they have made it both factions is to try to encourage people to play the republic side as there is a clear imbalance in the player base. This is just their way of forcing people to the pub side in a bad attempt to fix their terrible implimentation and overall lack of appeal of the republic. Its a slap in the face to us the players because they screwed up.

Edited by Razdek
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I have characters on both factions to enjoy the full story and not let Bioware's work be wasted. Those who just roll 1 faction lose out more. This is just a bonus for me [and others]. Edited by Eillack
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I rolled my one and only emp toon this weekend.


I got a Sith Sorcerer to level 7. Hopefully before the patch I can get her to mid-level for the legacy HK quest.


I had initially wanted to have a toon of each faction and class but since we only have 8 character slots and 16 playable rolls, something had to be shelved to an extent so that ended up being Empire roles as I love my consular sage and shadow.

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I have characters on both factions to enojoy the full story and not let Bioware's work be wasted. Those who just roll 1 faction lose out more. This is just a bonus for me [and others].


Thats awesome man :) but when i tried all of the republic stories to begin with i found them extremely lackluster and boring. The minute i rolled imp i was hooked. I dont feel like i am missing out on anything at all. I found the republic ships to look terrible (i mean compare the jedi ship to the sith ship! The jedi ship looks like a flying shoebox!) , the animations that just suck (pebbles vs force lightning and a couple of grenades vs dfa? Just as two obvious examples), ugly, ugly, ugly outfits on the repub side and stories with no twists or plot turns that are exciting or interesting.


I currently have a shadow, commando and gunslinger sitting at 16 (got the ship) and gave up on all of them. So far the trooper had an olay storyline but i already have a 50 BH so no point rolling that. The other option to level is te gunslinger as that story is supposted to be more interesting... However i am not impressed yet with his story.


I just find the republic to be lacking in excitement. There is no appeal to me. I want to be able to love the republic side and play it... I really do. But as it stands i find it soooooo boring.

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I can't really be bothered rolling one of each advanced class so I'm satisfied with one of each class on the same server, I just choose the advanced class that intrests me the most.. anyway, I'm ready for HK.
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I rolled a Sith Assassin (after my jk and my smug) long before patch 1.3 was even announced, but now that they say I must have at least a lvl 50 on one side and a lvl "something in the mid at least" on the other side, I have a new reason to play it!
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