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I didn't read all the posts so I apologize if this has been addressed already, but has anyone else noticed that Full Auto does not always fire? I will try to execute the move sometimes and nothing happens and the target takes no damage..like the gun was empty...even when the cells are fully charges this happens.
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I fully agree on what the op said and coming from someone who has played/is playing both the conclusion is frightening, i actually feedbacked this in beta to yet nothing has happened and it has turned especially come pvp the trooper into a second rate bh


All animations bar hammershot is slower for troopers its even worse for commandos in which case the bracing often slows it down even more, heck even a stock strike is a full 0.5 slower than a rocket punch.


Mortar barage and full auto and grav shot is where it realy shows though especially since these skills tend to be used with a cannon and in some cases you have a full second or more of animation delay prior to a channel or cast time skill it is simply insane and not workable when we start moving into more competative pvp.


i have yet to see feedback from a dev on this and i am sure i was not alone in the beta to feedback this which i am finding odd by now there should be a dev response in all class forums.


Ppl wonder why empire side is dominating populations in every server...well when you make them inately better this is what happends.

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A lot of misinformation in the earlier pages of this thread. Full Auto and Mortar Volley function differently.


Full Auto suffers pushback during its channeling which can cause one or more of its hits (out of three) to not fire. It's not an ability you want to use if anything is actively attacking you. The BH version works the same way.


Mortar Volley does not suffer pushback from anything. It will always fire its three shots unless you are completely interrupted. The BH version works the same way.


The only difference between the BH and Trooper versions of these abilities is that the Troopers have a longer wind-up before their abilities do anything. BHs start firing missiles about half a second after triggering the ability, while a Trooper doesn't fire the first shot of Mortar Volley until about 1.6 seconds in.


That's all.


Yeah exactly, and this is very bad. If you Cast Mortar Volley as an example in PVP, everybody runs out of your signd circle and you will hit nobody. This is because the Cast begins after 1,5 - 2 seconds. And this is not correct. Look at the BH the Dmg is much faster and works as intended. So THIS NEED A FIX Quick !!!

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I fully agree on what the op said and coming from someone who has played/is playing both the conclusion is frightening, i actually feedbacked this in beta to yet nothing has happened and it has turned especially come pvp the trooper into a second rate bh


All animations bar hammershot is slower for troopers its even worse for commandos in which case the bracing often slows it down even more, heck even a stock strike is a full 0.5 slower than a rocket punch.


Mortar barage and full auto and grav shot is where it realy shows though especially since these skills tend to be used with a cannon and in some cases you have a full second or more of animation delay prior to a channel or cast time skill it is simply insane and not workable when we start moving into more competative pvp.


i have yet to see feedback from a dev on this and i am sure i was not alone in the beta to feedback this which i am finding odd by now there should be a dev response in all class forums.


Ppl wonder why empire side is dominating populations in every server...well when you make them inately better this is what happends.



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actually did i test today with a bh aquaintance in a wz today, my mortar volley vs his death was a full 1.27(ish) with a wiggle room of 0.1 second due to me maybee clumsy in pretting time taking buttons, we did this 3 times at similar results each time.


stock strike vs rocket punch also has almost a full 1 second delay for commandos (not sure how it is for vanguard)


i know i feedbacked this in beta why am i forced to doing it all over agian in live before something happends.


i want to try full auto vs their rocket barrage thingy to but not had time with it.

Edited by harkain
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I did a bug report on the Mortar Volley this morning. I hadn't tested all the other stuff as detailed as some of you have so I wasn't aware of that much difference. I reported the Mortar Volley because I thought I remembered during the November beta weekends that Mortar Volley fired quickly like Death from Above does. When the game launched all of a sudden I had a 2 to 3 second countdown before it fired. I could have been mistaken about the beta version but even if I was, it should still work like Death from Above.
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I did a bug report on the Mortar Volley this morning. I hadn't tested all the other stuff as detailed as some of you have so I wasn't aware of that much difference. I reported the Mortar Volley because I thought I remembered during the November beta weekends that Mortar Volley fired quickly like Death from Above does. When the game launched all of a sudden I had a 2 to 3 second countdown before it fired. I could have been mistaken about the beta version but even if I was, it should still work like Death from Above.


This is slightly correct. Mortar volley during beta didn't always have the "wind up" time, and worked like death from above. They mucked it up during the last few builds in beta (I would say for about the last three to four builds).


I haven't read through this whole thread, so don't know if that was clearly stated.


While I did participate in beta, it was later, so these statements are from friends who played beta for quite a bit longer than myself.

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Ummm, they are mirrored. That means the Bounty Hunter is the Evil version of Trooper.


Have you ever seen Star Trek and evil Kirk?


The classes are the same, they should be no difference with the moves.


Read what people are saying. We all know they SHOULD be mirrors of each other. In actual gameplay however, the Trooper's version is not identical to the BH version. Trooper suffers delays and pushback, but BH does not. That's not equal, that's an imbalance. One that needs to be corrected BECAUSE they should be equal.

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Non issue. You're forgetting one major thing. Commandos have that giant blaster cannon. Mercenaries have TWO pistols. They suffer from dual wielding penalties, and thus need other help to make up for that disparity.


yes its a major issue when weapondamage has little or nothing to do with the damage delivered, in actuallity two pistols are MUCH better option due to the speed and reactivity that it then offers with lower animations etc, if we follow your concept we have to go back to autoattack system with weapon speeds where trooper skills deals double damage of what the bh skills do, this ofcourse is not true in the game now so obvious you lack knowledge of how it actually works.


there is no way you can actually be playing a trooper above lvl 10.

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Yea I noticed this too in PvP. It's rather annoying to see a group of enemies and be like "WAW OMG MORTAR!" but then you sit there and cast and then they scatter since 1) it takes too long start firing and/or 2) the mortars come out AFTER the channeling has occurred (happened to me a couple of time).


I see BH's just fly up and pretty much instantly start shooting their 'mortars' and usually a couple people are still caught in it.

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I notice that I often only get 2 ticks on full auto, but I don't typically have problems with mortal volley because I usually use it to initiate a fight and it kills everything in one hit anyway.


I'm not going to say I don't want tweaking on the trooper since it's my class of choice, however I think homogenizing for the reason "This guy can do this so I want to as well" is taking things too far. That's how WoW got into the situation it's in, every class the same now.


But see, the fundamental design philosophy of this game is based around mirror classes for the two factions with different names. We're not talking about homogenizing the trooper and the smuggler, we're talking about equalizing little technical things about the trooper and his mirror, the bounty hunter.

Edited by krameriffic
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Bump. These problems are awful in PvP, especially Mortar Volley; standing around for 2 seconds with a giant "INCOMING" symbol on the ground before doing any damage is unacceptable. It is a long long time for someone to interrupt/stun/knockback and reduce the damage to zero while still making it consume the cooldown and ammo.
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I'm more concerned about full auto doing crap damage period

Try being a vanguard, it saves your a** more than one hundred times.

@OP I only use mortar volley when i'm SURE the guy won't move. if he does who cares? two shots still equals like 750 damage @ 27. When you're caught and have to tank, for god sakes, DONT USE MV OR RF!!!!!!!!

Also, a Pgen is way more useful than a second gun. Bioware put these delays in for a reason.

Edited by Walldude
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