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  1. People are interested in sharing their opinions and should be allowed to in a reasonable fashion. Simply dismissing the opinions of vocal players would be a mistake. On the other hand as the saying goes, take everything with a grain of salt.
  2. I think that in general MMOs do a pretty poor job of pvp. There are ways to make it work but few put in enough effort.
  3. You don't need to insult me. I was hardly rude. I don't see how myself and people like me are "the single reason MMO's die". I'm sure many MMO's die for many reasons. The reason I unsubed was that for me the content was quick to clear and the gear was easy to obtain. I was then left with not much to do, other than help others to get gear. Why do you think I play MMOs when I have "to much frickin' time to play games"? The simple fact is that MMOs are wonderful time sinks. You're very correct, I thoroughly enjoyed my time in SWTOR. I even purchased the digital deluxe, so Bioware did get some extra cash from me. I far from think it was a waste. To be honest what I expect from an MMO is a place that can be like a home a way from home. A place I want to spend time in. Truly I wanted this feeling from SWTOR, but unfortunately I didn't get this from the game. It is such an intangable thing, it's hard to describe. I, of course, will keep me eyes on the devs with hope.
  4. Unfortunately I too became bored of the game and have unsubed. For me I like to rush through as some others do. I tried my best to stay invested in my character's story but in the end I skipped a large portion of side quests. Getting to the lvl cap and then onto the gear grind is what I look forward to. I understand it's not for everyone. Before SWTOR I played rift and it took me several months before I was decked out in the best gear the game had to offer at the time. As for SWTOR; 50 in under two weeks, decked out in 3 weeks after I hit the cap. I found myself just roaming around the fleet on my obnoxious giant speeder. Totally and completely bored out of my mind. I really did enjoy the game. I am a huge Star Wars fan, but I just can't see myself paying to roam around the station. Perhaps in the future I might come back. It's 100% true the I am not the norm and should probably spend more time outside. Still I wanted to share my experience with all of you. Thank you for your time.
  5. Hey why don't we take the nerf bat and ruin biochem like slicing, that way everyone can complain about reusable grenades from cybertech and we can ruin that also. Then finally all the crew skills will be useless. That way everyone can have a crumby time.
  6. You speak only for yourself. I'm all about PVP and I do care about the way I look cause I like to show off. Thankfully the Trooper pvp stuff looks decent. Unfortunately both Jedi look pretty stupid and smuggler shares the same set with pve and pvp.
  7. No, just no. I'm so sick of all you people complaining and whining about everything. The game has been out 2 weeks! You want biochem to be destroyed like slicing? It's like you people won't be happy unless everyone else gets punished for their choices. As we know the best way to fix things is to make them worse instead of improving other things. If you want other crafts "brought in line" then ask for them to be buffed not biochem to be ruined.
  8. Loving looking through the Dev tracker and the threads they comment in. It goes something like: General, customer service, bounty hunter, bounty hunter, general, sith inquisitor, bounty hunter, customer service, jedi knight, sith warrior and so on. Also bump for great justice!
  9. Running a mix a shield and tactics. My vangaurd is nasty at all ranges. Love being able to Harpoon or storm people. Great class with pretty much options for any fight.
  10. 100% class story completion, these are the titles and the order you get them in. When you receive the Captain title you are promoted by general Garza and you get to choose your second in command, I choose Dorne who was then promoted to Lieutenant. Trooper titles: Sergeant lieutenant Captain Major
  11. So basically slicing gets nerfed because of all the people complaining that other people have more money than them. Now slicing doesn't make any money so everyone can have no money. I think one important thing that is being overlooked is who is buying all the crafting mats and expensive items on the AH? Who is really funding the economy not ruining it? Obviously slicers are the ones spending all the money on AH. I would bet that the majority of the money spent on the AH is from slicers. Then if that is the case it means the game's economy just took a huge hit. Or course the only way to test this would be to let the slicers suffer for a few weeks and then check the results. Honestly though I don't think that is going to be the case. Come on BW the best kind of nerfs are subtle and surgical not a carpet bombing on my pocket book.
  12. I've noticed that BH PT use some kind of quick flame burst move that seems to just tear through everything in moments. Only ability that seems to be a bit to powerful. There are several BHs on my server and they just spam it all day long. Though it's not a frustrating as the crazy amount of CC T__T
  13. Captain title may not be in the game or may be broken. I've completed chapter 1 and was promoted to captain but did not receive the title.
  14. There was a thread on the forums previously that answered this but was wiped from history. Does anyone have a link and/or knows the name of the awesome song that plays during the Trooper's progession video. I know it is two songs. The first is "The Mandalorian Blockade" , but it is the second one that I am interested. So help a fellow soldier out!
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