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Abilities are borked for use as a VG tank. Full Auto ALWAYS loses ticks if you're tankin, making it useless. There are other abilites to use my ammo on, but if the BH version is how it is supposed to function, it needs to be fixed coz I'm jelly.


MV is just plain annoying. Still very useful as an opener (I don't really pvp so can't comment on that) but the damage delay and badly timed animation do make it more difficult to use than it needs to be.

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As a sidenote for pvp, since BH is in the air on their skill, it feels like their harder to deal with cc wise, whereas as a trooper, you most of the time gets cced/pulled in as soon as players see your blue gtoa on ground and you aiming your weapon in the air
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I'm going to jump into this even though I don't really know what I am talking about.


Do Full Auto and Mortar Volley do the same amount of damage as their Bounty Hunter counterparts? I could see this being good design if the trooper skills were more powerful.


I haven't been able to find a site that specifically spells out all skills and their stats (well, I've only looked at the game manual so I haven't tried very hard). So, I can't confirm what the reality is.

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This was introduced at some point between beta and release, and I noticed this problem when I started playing in the headstart. I thought maybe that it was the same for the bounty hunters. Since it obviously isn't this needs to be fixed ASAP.
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I'm also going to throw this out there: The Mortar Volley animation is *lame* as it comes. BHs get to fly in the air and rain death down with multiple large explosions. Trooper fires three rounds that are totally identical to Explosive Round. Boring and uninspired.

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