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40 minute queue for Tomb of Freedon Nadd


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Dear BW my own suggestion of solving problem with server`s population:


- To kill some really dead servers where online community is about 5-50 people on server in peeks

- Transfer these people on other more populated servers announced them by email with this situation

- Improve some of high loaded servers (Tomb of Freedon Nadd, Red Eclipse, Jedi Tower, etc.) for maximum population 5000 people (for this u can take hardware of killed servers if do not want to investigate to high loaded servers of purchase new h/w) and be ready to increase others. Cause the limit about 2,5-3k for a MMO is too low. It was actual in dec of last year when u increased it till this number. Now, when the number of real life servers decreased 2-3 times, u have to increase population limit 2 times too. Imagine how new people subs for 1.3, old players back cause of transfers, you will receive total community growth on 200-400k people, they will limit all life servers, queue will appear at top 20 servers and you will need to do limit increase any way, but when u will understand u have to do it - some of subb-s will go away (especially new, that are not loyal and most old, who tired of this unstability)


Ta-da: problem solved (u can take only 3rd step)


What do u think guys:rak_02:

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They just need to increase hardware on servers and make limit about 5-6 k people. Now its about 2,5k (calculated today). Sure they will do it for saving customers))):rak_01:


The pop limit isn't 2.5k. About an hour ago, I made some observations on Ebon Hawk (heavy at the time, two stages before full), using /who on both sides. I got 2388 people. So it's safe to assume that at least up to 2400 is still heavy, possibly more, but any more is speculation. If very heavy started at 2400, I find it highly unlikely that full is just 100 more.

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During EGA I chose a medium server to avoid queues and it became the third lightest server in europe with weeks between WZs.


I will NEVER complain about server queues or fleet lag ever again.


I dont care about fleet lag. Annoying as it is when dealing with traders or mail, I can tolerate that in exchange for active server and faster WZs. What I can not tolerate is the impact the population is having on places like Denova, where server lag spikes are making the encounters next to unplayable, and server queues mean that half the time someone crashes, the entire raid ends up waiting for 10 - 15 minutes for them to get back in. As if the run back to the tanks wasn't bad enough already...


You'd expect that BW did the math before choosing how many servers to merge, but either they can't do simple sums, or they are expecting even more people to leave soon. Neither is particularly encouraging.


And before someone says that what we are seeing is a temporary novelty from a larger server, once again, that may be true for fleet and WZs, and even for flashpoints to some extent,. But is unlikely to be true for places like denova, where you'd expect to see only the more active raiding guilds. BW should have been able to add up how many guilds are likely to be in there after the merge, but either they don't care, or they have no idea what their own hardware can take. Again, neither explanation is particularly encouraging.


We just have to hope that the upcomming maintenance can help optimize the existing hardware capacity to deal with the lag. If not, then it is time to start looking for a new game.

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Its not cool for me.

Call me old fashioned but I want to play when I want to play. Added to the fact Im a paying customer.

I got bored, cancelled and went to play one of the myriad of other games I play.



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They should be able to squeeze more people in at a time, or they should have spread out the pop across a couple extra servers. Long queue times vs. dead servers is gonna make a lot of people leave.


Speaking of people leaving, I'm schedualed to unsub but was gonna give these transfers a chance before its official. Times running out to freaking transfer the rest of the servers!

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Hrm. Interesting thing to consider. Would a queue time put Bioware in breach of contract? I mean, we pay for access but if you are sitting in queue you are being denied access yet still paying.


Personally, I don't give a tinker's damn. I'm too intolerant of the other people that play this game to bother transferring my characters, but it is interesting to mull over the underlying meaning of various things.

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Its not cool for me.

Call me old fashioned but I want to play when I want to play. Added to the fact Im a paying customer.

I got bored, cancelled and went to play one of the myriad of other games I play.





isnt everyone a paying customer? lol.

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The problem is not the queue itself or lag in Fleet, is about lagging when playing: for example in eternity Vault we got lag issues and we called it a night. Before transfers we could play perfect in this server: good pob, fast warzones, no lag etcetc. Gameplay was nice in Tombs. Now sucks.


What we won with the transfers? lag? Thank you Bioware, much appreciated. You brought everything to a server that was running ok.


I really hope a word about this. I have to deal with sound issues since 1.2 and now lag?. what else awaits me after?.

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