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The class you hate to see the most on your team


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Honestly, I get a sad face when I see mercs on my team. Why? They're heals aren't the great, they depend on others to get their dps, and they can't hold their own in any 1 v 1. Them having to rely on others to get their dps is fail, and them being probably the worse 1 v 1 class means they need babysitters with them at key points on maps. You can't depend on to gaurd a target due to them having little survivability. Too bad it will take Bioware about a year before they come around and actually make any viable changes to the class.


On the other hand, I love seeing muraders and assasins on my team.

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I hate the class that refuses to do any objectives and just mindlessly runs around the map looking for the ever so important 1v1 kill.


So long as the person playing the class knows what they're doing and actually works with the team... anything is fine by me.

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I hate the class that refuses to do any objectives and just mindlessly runs around the map looking for the ever so important 1v1 kill.


So long as the person playing the class knows what they're doing and actually works with the team... anything is fine by me.


^^ it's as simple as that.


I"d rather have a fresh 50 in recruit that plays objectives and helps win the game than a full WH running around huttball like it's a deathmatch sending enemies back in front of the ball carrier (not the good kind like keeping mid)

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Lethality specced Operatives.


Lethality operative? heh. Such a thing, although theoretically possible, does not exist in nature. Not for long anyway. About as long as it takes to get out of WZ and respec back to either concealment or better yet healing. Totally useless tree for OP, might work for sniper, but it's a different mechanic there.


I hate seeing a lot of snipers in hutt ball. They're generally too stationary to assist with the ball, more than 2 is rare but really bad in that case. I don't like seeing too many concealment operatives either. No jump/pull/push in hutt ball. They are ok for any other WZ. That's about it.


Mercs are ok, they still do very good damage, and healers can push decent numbers (just like commandos, those guys are immortal when played right. Merc is their direct 1to1 mirror).


Assassins, Marauders and believe it or not still Sorcs even after their nerfs are my favorite classes to see in most WZs. Sorcs still manage to do very well.

Edited by KonstantinT
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I hate seeing more than 1-2 healers since it's usually a sign of a boring/frustrating game.


But specific classes don't really matter to me. Skill and gear are much more important.


This ^


I particularly hate teams of nothing but tanks and heals, especially in voidstar.

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I've been saying this since the August-September mirroring of troopers/BH (so your insistence that it'll take a year should have it be only a few months off). They're just not a competitive class.


Which is why I love proving people wrong :)

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I tried Lethality on my scoundrel once. Just not possible with the 10m range on everything. Still funny when i end the game with 200k damage(sub50) Now lethality on my sniper? whoa mama.


I hate seen sages/sorcs that go the whole game and dont throw bubbles on people. I dont care if you are dps spec'd. Throw a flippin bubble.


But for a class as a whole? Low level warriors. Some can wreck face, most cant. Myself included :cool:

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I hate the class that refuses to do any objectives and just mindlessly runs around the map looking for the ever so important 1v1 kill.


So long as the person playing the class knows what they're doing and actually works with the team... anything is fine by me.


Same here.

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It's not so much "class" per se, but roles. I hate seeing tanks and healers on my team. With the current meta and TTK the team is so much better off having pure dps builds when combined with good players who focus fire and coordinate CC's/peeling. Ball carriers only last 2 gcd's at most even with guard and heals, and node defenders wait at the spawn point behind the force field long enough for us to speed cap when we have a team like this.


Give me a team full of marauders, PT-Pyros, Sins, and snipers any day.

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I hate the class that refuses to do any objectives and just mindlessly runs around the map looking for the ever so important 1v1 kill.


So long as the person playing the class knows what they're doing and actually works with the team... anything is fine by me.


You do understand that some classes are designed around seeking and exploiting 1v1 advantages? like scoundrel/operative and vanguard/powertech?

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