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Hunter: The most homoerotic sub-plot ever?


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You might have missed this, depending on how you played your agent. But if you choose a certain thread of responses to Hunter, as a male agent...it soon becomes about the most homoerotic plot, since Spartacus.


Has anyone else seen this? Obviously, if you haven't played up to Voss, you'll have not seen it. Some of the things Hunter says almost strikes me as an easter egg more than anything else.



Especially around the time your agent is murmuring with astonishment that Hunter is genuinely concerned, and Hunter is talking about whispering sweet nothings in his ear, and giving him a taste of freedom.


Edited by clearsighted
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I mostly took, prior to finishing anyway ( since the final reveal sours this "subplot" somewhat) as two agents, used to using seduction to get their way screwing with each other. I kind of saw it as sort of gay chicken mixed with keeping up a pokerface.


At least from my agents pov, hunter has somewhat dodgier reasons.

Edited by CaptainApop
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I mostly took, prior to finishing anyway ( since the final reveal sours this "subplot" somewhat) as two agents, used to using seduction to get their way screwing with each other. I kind of saw it as sort of gay chicken mixed with keeping up a pokerface.


It's just odd, given Bioware's resistance to playing with any kind've risky element in the rest of the game. And I've seen half of the stories. I mean, obviously, Hunter is modelled after the tvtrope of the 'bisexual sociopath', but they really took it and ran with it. Albeit, the interaction with Hunter is very different depending on your responses. It can either be a more simple, catty rivalry, something more Top Gun-ish, or outright Sparatcus level.

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I didn't really see anything "gay" with these kinds of little things with Hunter. I mean, sure, the whole whispering sweet nothing in the ear of my male agent does sound kinda weird, but I took it as their "thing". My agnet never really hated Hunter, more of regretful respect because they were forced to be on opposing sides instead of work together. I just saw all those "flirty" moments as his and the agent's way of saying hello to each other; dripping with sarcasm but at the same time giving a kind of respectful nod to each other.
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I didn't really see anything "gay" with these kinds of little things with Hunter. I mean, sure, the whole whispering sweet nothing in the ear of my male agent does sound kinda weird, but I took it as their "thing". My agnet never really hated Hunter, more of regretful respect because they were forced to be on opposing sides instead of work together. I just saw all those "flirty" moments as his and the agent's way of saying hello to each other; dripping with sarcasm but at the same time giving a kind of respectful nod to each other.


This would be the Top Gun interpretation, yes.

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To be fair, the entire agent story is brimming with homoeroticism.


I mean, seriously...if you're a male agent, you can have a conversation that goes something like this:



Vector: *walks up to you looking very bashful* So...we were wondering whether you were...(mumbles something incoherent.)

Agent: Are you asking if I'm single?

Vector: We...yes. We were wondering that.

Agent: I am, but in this horrible, cruel universe, we need to stick together.

Vector: That is good to know.


And then there's another where after the female joiner dies, you can be all like, "I'm sorry that she died. I know she meant a lot to you..." and the agent sounds so jealous. And another where you get to sound all jealous over Lokin and Vector's friendship. This is on top of Kaliyo referring to him as "your bug boy."




And of course there's Sanju...



Where if you take the lightside choices, you keep inviting him out for drinks and Kaliyo says some stuff about how cute you are together...



And with Kaliyo...



WEll, she's obviously bisexual. And it's kind of hard not to imagine her hooking up with a willing female agent at some point...



And, oh, with Temple....



There are all those "why don't you train me how to seduce someone in private" *wink, wink, nudge, nudge* conversations.



It was kind of hard for me to see either of my agents (male or female) as entirely straight. There's just so much going on there.

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Apparently you didn't finish your agent's story.

Hunter's wearing a disguise.




I was genuinely surprised by this. I think both my Agent and I were rather disappointed by that turn of events - we ended up shooting her for not being the man we imagined :/ I did feel sorry for her, though.



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You might have missed this, depending on how you played your agent. But if you choose a certain thread of responses to Hunter, as a male agent...it soon becomes about the most homoerotic plot, since Spartacus.


Has anyone else seen this? Obviously, if you haven't played up to Voss, you'll have not seen it. Some of the things Hunter says almost strikes me as an easter egg more than anything else.



Especially around the time your agent is murmuring with astonishment that Hunter is genuinely concerned, and Hunter is talking about whispering sweet nothings in his ear, and giving him a taste of freedom.


Hunter is









A chick.


Edited by Qishari
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To be fair, the entire agent story is brimming with homoeroticism.


I mean, seriously...if you're a male agent, you can have a conversation that goes something like this:



Vector: *walks up to you looking very bashful* So...we were wondering whether you were...(mumbles something incoherent.)

Agent: Are you asking if I'm single?

Vector: We...yes. We were wondering that.

Agent: I am, but in this horrible, cruel universe, we need to stick together.

Vector: That is good to know.



Uh....never had THAT discussion with Vector. He did ask me if I had a family...siblings, children, etc..

Edited by chuixupu
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i love this. i have walked male agents a few times thru thier class stories ( as alts, i dont pl firsties ;) and its always like " i swear hunter is hitting on me"


" hunter IS hitting on you... you two get to make out latter. i s**t you not. you can make out with hunter as a male agent, don't beleive me? i bet 100k credits"


notice i never say he/him, ect




To be fair, the entire agent story is brimming with homoeroticism.


I mean, seriously...if you're a male agent, you can have a conversation that goes something like this:



Vector: *walks up to you looking very bashful* So...we were wondering whether you were...(mumbles something incoherent.)

Agent: Are you asking if I'm single?

Vector: We...yes. We were wondering that.

Agent: I am, but in this horrible, cruel universe, we need to stick together.

Vector: That is good to know.


And then there's another where after the female joiner dies, you can be all like, "I'm sorry that she died. I know she meant a lot to you..." and the agent sounds so jealous. And another where you get to sound all jealous over Lokin and Vector's friendship. This is on top of Kaliyo referring to him as "your bug boy."




And of course there's Sanju...



Where if you take the lightside choices, you keep inviting him out for drinks and Kaliyo says some stuff about how cute you are together...




this almost makes me wanna roll a male agent... id love to see youtube of those on male agent. sadly all the friendship arcs seem to be the romance ones for vector.

and yeah, temple totally gives me girl-on-girl vibes... true its because she reminds me of marcy, following me around, calling me " sir" but still :3

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Uh....never had THAT discussion with Vector. He did ask me if I had a family...siblings, children, etc..


It was seriously weird. I was like, "Vector...are you hitting on me?" Which was only made funnier by my agent sounding super jealous about the female Joiner and Lokin's friendship with Vector. It was like, "Okay, Mr. Agent. Is there something you want to tell me?"

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this almost makes me wanna roll a male agent... id love to see youtube of those on male agent. sadly all the friendship arcs seem to be the romance ones for vector.

and yeah, temple totally gives me girl-on-girl vibes... true its because she reminds me of marcy, following me around, calling me " sir" but still :3


I can post them to Youtube this weekend, if you'd like. They're pretty entertaining. I was amazed at how close a lot of the dialogue was cut for Vector and Temple. (Esp. as it's cut a lot farther with certain characters.

I never felt like there was anything happening with, say, Aristocra Saganu or that guy on Hutta. Or Baroness Chay, Watcher Two, or the twi'lek secretary, for all that.

So I suspect it's deliberate.)


Temple really gives off the "I want you, Ms. Sexy Agent" vibes. It's hilarious. And, again, not all the female characters do this, so it does feel as though the writer is screwing with you. Like they're saying, "Nyah, nyah, nyah, you can see how much better this story line would be if I could have openly bisexual characters."


And I've been amused that Kaliyo has a non-romance arc with a male agent which is fairly amusing. You can pretend to be her boyfriend and hit on her (and her ex-female partners), then squabble back and forth. It's incredibly strange, yet I can see it happening. So much fun with a male agent...

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I thought I was the only one who felt this, haha.


My FemAgent apparently has issues picking up on it though.


No, Temple definitely comes across as wanting female agent badly. In this case, I could believe that it's a symptom of Bioware not cutting the dialogue very well. (As Temple really seems to want a husband and a dozen kids. Unlike Kaliyo, where something is definitely up with those ex-partners.) But there were so many lines along the lines of "So...why don't we go somewhere private and you can teach me how to seduce people...*giggle*" I mean, am I suppose to believe nothing happened? Uh huh...

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To be fair, the entire agent story is brimming with homoeroticism.


I mean, seriously...if you're a male agent, you can have a conversation that goes something like this:



Vector: *walks up to you looking very bashful* So...we were wondering whether you were...(mumbles something incoherent.)

Agent: Are you asking if I'm single?

Vector: We...yes. We were wondering that.

Agent: I am, but in this horrible, cruel universe, we need to stick together.

Vector: That is good to know.



It was kind of hard for me to see either of my agents (male or female) as entirely straight. There's just so much going on there.


I...I honestly never, never thought of Vector that way. Here's how the conversation you're referring to went down (ahem) with my male Agent: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScOopVa-ej8


I didn't notice how loose my concepts of gender and sexuality are until I started talking with other people about the Agent line. I used flirtation as icebreaker, hostility (hi, Thana Vesh), sarcastic-faux-affection, and actual flirtation all the time, to people of both genders, and thought nothing of it at the time.

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I...I honestly never, never thought of Vector that way. Here's how the conversation you're referring to went down (ahem) with my male Agent: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScOopVa-ej8


It probably helps that I played the female agent first, and that was basically the first time Vector comes onto the female agent at all. (And the official "flirt" line for the female agent was something like, "Yeah, I have someone back home, but I don't let it stop me" which struck me as so callous. I guess you can get the male agent response, too, but it's not the one marked with "flirt".)


I didn't notice how loose my concepts of gender and sexuality are until I started talking with other people about the Agent line. I used flirtation as icebreaker, hostility (hi, Thana Vesh), sarcastic-faux-affection, and actual flirtation all the time, to people of both genders, and thought nothing of it at the time.


Yeah, I'm pretty flirty IRL. But even then...it felt like agent *really* pushed it. (To the extent where I was like, "kk, both agents are bisexual. Wasn't my original concept but going to roll with it.") I honestly think that it's a class where it makes the most sense that the agent *is* willing to flirt with just about anything that moves - as a way of breaking down defenses, increasing affection, getting close to the target, whatever. But it does tend to make the agent come off as pretty fluid with regards to sexuality. It's another tool. (And another way in which the agent is really, really confused.)


It also fits in, I think, with the greater themes of identity and how they interplay with other factors (gender, sexuality, race, national origin, etc.) as they come together to create an identity. And an identity which, in the case of the agent, isn't entirely either coherent or fully formed. (And now I need to go off and write a paper on the themes of the agent class. Hah!)

Edited by Mutive
Because I suck at the quote command
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