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Player Housing and Cities Planet


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Some of you think it's a bad idea to have as little to do at max level as possible. There's nothing wrong with adding features that many might enjoy.


A couple of new planets set aside for sandbox things like housing/player cities would expand the appeal of the game. It's already as one dimensional as you can get right now. There is nothing to do outside of gear grinding at max level. Obviously, a large number of people didn't find that satisfying, or we wouldn't have lost a million subs.


If you do not want to partake, then you don't have to. You can grind your pve mobs until your fingers fall off, and more power to you. The rest of us would like more things to do that don't require fighting through hostile npcs all the time.


As for your snotty little emu, and sims comments. They're not wanted, nor needed.


It's a useless feature that would waste time on development that could be going to more important things.


Gear progression is mmorpg 101. Don't like it? Go somewhere else. Sounds to me like The Sims is more suited to you.


There is plenty to do at max level. Not our fault you cant figure out what to do.


lol at you making up numbers for sub losses.


mmorpg's are clearly not for you. Maybe you should go play something else instead of making up false numbers.

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Stop being so condescending, and petty. You're trying to bait me into a flame war.


Plenty of other games have more to do than gear grind. A mmoRPG should have more things to do just for immersion factor. It's called OPTIONS. You know, kinda like real life, if you had one.


There is no other SW mmo right now, or I would be there.


Gear grinding is a dated concept, and for simple min....not gonna do it.

Edited by Hambunctious
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Might be a good idea if it was implented right.


And for those that say the development team has other things to consider. Well I don't see anyone saying that development team has to drop everything right now and do this. It is an idea and one that bioware can consider if they want.


People have different ideas and no idea is wrong. It is an idea.


There is no reason to be conscending when someone brings up an idea.

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I love the enthusiasm people had for SWG. I do. That said, this is a different game. Just because something was good in an old game does not make it good here. SWG was a sandbox, and had an entirely different style of play. The housing and crafting elements fit that style. This game, for better or worse, is not a sandbox. And as many other games have shown, many sandbox features do not fit with this style of game. I have nothing against sandboxes in general and SWG specifically. I enjoyed it in it's time, like many. But this game is not SWG. It is SW:TOR. Let it be it's own game, instead of a re-hash of another title.


I personally would prefer options more in line with the character of this game. As our ships are supposed to be our "home base" I would love to be able to customize my ship. Even if it's just paint, furniture, equipment, and maybe some trophies on the wall. I think it would fit nicely. It may not be exactly what you had in another MMO, but isn't that kind of the point, being that this is a different game?


Well put.

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I would be happy with just more customization options for our ship interiors , dont need housing.


I'll just quote this for emphasis, not to mention Bioware said over a year ago that they'll be adding ship customisation eventually. No telling when, though! That said, I'd also like the option to invite more than a full team onto it, if I want to be so crazy as to cram a full ops group onto my freighter that's my business.

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Nowhere near the high priority list, and should not be either.


I think there is a good possiblilty it will be high on the list shortly.


Simply put, players who play 6 times a week for six months to a year and then quit make Bioware less money than players who play twice a week for 8+ years. (They aren't consolidating servers for their enjoyment) Game longevity relies on the game having a broad range of things to do or the asian market. This game has neither. It's too easy to burn through and bioware will have a difficult time keeping up with and keeping people interested in the newest dungion. It's a cookie cutter game(a very nice one mind you) with basically one focus. I like the idea of women being in the game and many don't play for the grinding of great PVP/PVE gear.


I will give Bioware credit where it's due. They did include the legacy piece which could bring some interesting character uniqueness possibilities, the companion piece, and the graphics which are all outstanding. And I do enjoy the story line and the PVP instances. Unfortunately it looks like even the legacy will be cookie cutter.

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I'm with everyone else that thinks people that want to play "Suzy Homemaker" should buy a copy of the Sims. It seems like a waste to spend $15/month to have a tea party online.


The devs have said on several occasions that player housing isn't being considered. They are working on the concept that player ships are to be their houses and that at some point, they will be customizable. They are also working on guild ships that will be customizable. These ships, once customizable, will be far more of a fit than a House because players tend to be on the move, if they are playing the game properly.


To that end, the devs have a lot on their plate to get these ships done, and their time is better spent working on that than player housing.

Edited by Glowrod
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I'm with everyone else that thinks people that want to play "Suzy Homemaker" should buy a copy of the Sims. It seems like a waste to spend $15/month to have a tea party online.


The devs have said on several occasions that player housing isn't being considered. They are working on the concept that player ships are to be their houses and that at some point, they will be customizable. They are also working on guild ships that will be customizable. These ships, once customizable, will be far more of a fit that a House because players tend to be on the move, if they are playing the game properly.


To that end, the devs have a lot on their plate to get these ships done, and their time is better spent working on that than player housing.


Bingo :)

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You know, some of you are very agitated at the idea of this for some reason. It's laughable, really.


I guess some of you just don't understand that providing a wider range of things to do can only help this game.


As it is now, people are jumping ship for some reason, and it IS NOT because they're enjoying the linear game, the grind endgame, or the lack of customization.


In the end, you fanboys won't be enough to keep this game alive. It's already a disaster going from 2 million box sales to less than a million subs...and more leaving every day. The SW IP obviously isn't enough to counter the boring content.


BW better consider adding more things to make this game feel more alive, and giving players something more to get attached to their characters than just the gear on their backs, because right now, that's all you have. There is NOTHING else.


I've added you all to my "friends" list, and when this game goes F2P, or dies, I'll resub just to rub it in your face.

Edited by Hambunctious
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You know, some of you are very agitated at the idea of this for some reason. It's laughable, really.


I guess some of you just don't understand that providing a wider range of things to do can only help this game.


As it is now, people are jumping ship for some reason, and it IS NOT because they're enjoying the linear game, the grind endgame, or the lack of customization.


In the end, you fanboys won't be enough to keep this game alive. It's already a disaster going from 2 million box sales to less than a million subs...and more leaving every day. The SW IP obviously isn't enough to counter the boring content.


BW better consider adding more things to make this game feel more alive, and giving players something more to get attached to their characters than just the gear on their backs, because right now, that's all you have. There is NOTHING else.


I've added you all to my "friends" list, and when this game goes F2P, or dies, I'll resub just to rub it in your face.


So....lemme see if I get this right, you're insinuating that the TOR's lack of player house according to you (Note: according to you, because you do have a ship) is what is killing this game and that by adding it, TOR will be saved?

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So....lemme see if I get this right, you're insinuating that the TOR's lack of player house according to you (Note: according to you, because you do have a ship) is what is killing this game and that by adding it, TOR will be saved?




It sure can't hurt. The lack of options is what's killing this game. You cannot be that fricking $7**Þ ! (. Listening to the fanboys saying the game is fine sure has done wonders for the subs.

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No, as a matter of fact I'm not. I've got quite a few qualms with the game. It's "lack" of player housing isn't one of them.


Since I've got this fancy ship I can fly around that does everything a house does for me. Looks like a house, works like a house, by jove it must be a house!

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You know, some of you are very agitated at the idea of this for some reason. It's laughable, really.


I guess some of you just don't understand that providing a wider range of things to do can only help this game.


As it is now, people are jumping ship for some reason, and it IS NOT because they're enjoying the linear game, the grind endgame, or the lack of customization.


In the end, you fanboys won't be enough to keep this game alive. It's already a disaster going from 2 million box sales to less than a million subs...and more leaving every day. The SW IP obviously isn't enough to counter the boring content.


BW better consider adding more things to make this game feel more alive, and giving players something more to get attached to their characters than just the gear on their backs, because right now, that's all you have. There is NOTHING else.


I've added you all to my "friends" list, and when this game goes F2P, or dies, I'll resub just to rub it in your face.


Agitated? Not really, at least I'm not. If the devs decide to add player housing, that's fine. Here's my problem: I was in the game since beta, and cancelled in January because of game balance issues, long load screens and various other reasons. I came back just a few weeks ago and it doesn't appear that in 5 months anything has changed. Ok, the added the legacy stuff, but none of the real problems have been fixed.


They've had 6+ months to get this game "fixed" and still haven't managed to do anything yet. The problem isn't that they don't have Housing. The problem is that they are god aweful slow at doing anything. That being said, I'd much rather they use their 1-2 programmers to do something useful than waste time with housing, which doesn't add anything to the game other than a place to store my stuff. I already have that; it's my cargo hold.

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Agitated? Not really, at least I'm not. If the devs decide to add player housing, that's fine. Here's my problem: I was in the game since beta, and cancelled in January because of game balance issues, long load screens and various other reasons. I came back just a few weeks ago and it doesn't appear that in 5 months anything has changed. Ok, the added the legacy stuff, but none of the real problems have been fixed.


They've had 6+ months to get this game "fixed" and still haven't managed to do anything yet. The problem isn't that they don't have Housing. The problem is that they are god aweful slow at doing anything. That being said, I'd much rather they use their 1-2 programmers to do something useful than waste time with housing, which doesn't add anything to the game other than a place to store my stuff. I already have that; it's my cargo hold.


Ah, so you want different things, but you still want what you want. Well, I want this, and it's just as valid a want as yours.

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Of course it's open to the public. It's called being sociable and invite them to it. It's actually a rather ingenius design. It forces you to play instead of be logged out, clog up some poor planets countryside with ghost towns, and hope and pray someone comes by and says "hey bro, cool house" because that happens so much.


Do you leave your front door unlocked and expect random people to just freely walk into your home? No, so why would you expect that to be a game feature? Especially in a game where the two powers are in the midst of a warming cold war?

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So....lemme see if I get this right, you're insinuating that the TOR's lack of player house according to you (Note: according to you, because you do have a ship) is what is killing this game and that by adding it, TOR will be saved?


Reading comprehension 101 here. That is not what he said. That is you taking what he wrote completely out of context. What is being said is that adding other things to do other than combat 24/7 is what is needed to save the game. That comes in many forms not just player housing. Player housing one of many things that all added together would add some much needed depth to this game. Most of the WoW clones are huge failures, and WoW itself is losing subs. I would take a guess (and a guess is all it is) that players in general are tired of the gear grind treadmill being their only form of content.


For all those that keep pointing out that if they wanted to play suzie homemaker they would play the sims. You do realize that if all you want to do is kill crap constantly there are games out there for that, and they don't have a fee either. It's a weak argument since it can be used either way.


MMORPG's started off by offering a virtual world experience, and morphed into the coop lobby games that we have today. Both are fun, and have there place. For these games though we pay a monthly fee. That means that the focus of development should always be on the existing players, and with the hope that it draws in more players. Since SWG was shut down for this game to hold the license there will always be former SWG players here, and like it or not they do hold a significant number. There is no other option for them to play out their SW fantasy other than this so their input for options they would like to see added to the game will more than likely be colored by the good times they had in their former game. Same thing for players from other games though. The guy that came from WoW is going to ask for features from there, and the guy from DAOC is going to ask for 3 faction pvp to be added etc. The devs have to decide which way to expand the game for maximum enjoyment, and hopefully any single one of those parties won't always be the only ones satisfied with changes.

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Oh I get it! this is where we square off and exchange witty replies because it's the internet and this is totally where people go to sound cool. Ok, let's play!


You know, some of you are very agitated at the idea of this for some reason. It's laughable, really.


I guess some of you just don't understand that providing a wider range of things to do can only help this game.


As it is now, people are jumping ship for some reason, and it IS NOT because they're enjoying the linear game, the grind endgame, or the lack of customization.


In the end, you fanboys won't be enough to keep this game alive. It's already a disaster going from 2 million box sales to less than a million subs...and more leaving every day. The SW IP obviously isn't enough to counter the boring content.


BW better consider adding more things to make this game feel more alive, and giving players something more to get attached to their characters than just the gear on their backs, because right now, that's all you have. There is NOTHING else.


I've added you all to my "friends" list, and when this game goes F2P, or dies, I'll resub just to rub it in your face.


Keyword: Idea, in reference to the idea of player housing.

Keypoint: that the game is lacking material, and that without the previously mentioned idea, the game will remain incomplete.




Different material like bug fixes, or new planets and quests or so on, but the direct contextual reference to player housing.


So...yea, if you bothered to read his post that's exactly what he's saying. But, hey way to try and take a cheap shot to sound cool.


Again, I'll restate my position, I'm against adding new content. As long as it's good content. Player housing would be redundant and a waste of time and resources. Better they make ships customizable than waste time trying to implement planet side housing for a game that wasn't designed for it.

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No, housing is just one of MANY things this game lacks. Adding more planets just for more grinding, because you know that's how they do things here, isn't going to help.


The more they add to this game that gives more sense of ownership will help keep subs. The more they add that will offer more choices, more freedom, more alive, and more immersive on a personal level will help this game.


We don't even have idle animations for our characters. We do have static landscapes with static mobs, no day/night cycle, no space content, and no non-combat social activities. We have no real way to customize our characters. We can't change our appearance, and can't dye clothes.


The list of can'ts in this game far outnumber the cans.

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No, housing is just one of MANY things this game lacks. Adding more planets just for more grinding, because you know that's how they do things here, isn't going to help.


The more they add to this game that gives more sense of ownership will help keep subs. The more they add that will offer more choices, more freedom, more alive, and more immersive on a personal level will help this game.


We don't even have idle animations for our characters. We do have static landscapes with static mobs, no day/night cycle, no space content, and no non-combat social activities. We have no real way to customize our characters. We can't change our appearance, and can't dye clothes.


The list of can'ts in this game far outnumber the cans.


There is something fundamental here, that you don't seem to realize - the community, as a whole, has changed.


In the early days of MMO popularity (I would start with Everquest, but others may say UO, or something else of that age), the community was mostly made up by people like you. And me. If you look at DAoC, it was constructed in a very similar manner to Everquest, with some nice additions. Some time later, WoW enters the fray.


Initially, WoW was also very similar in construction, but as the playerbase swelled, it brought in a very different crowd. This group of people has very different likes, their attention spans are much shorter, and they are much harder to please. There is a thread on the PTS forum titled *Are these prices a joke?*, or something like that. Take a look, if you want to get an indication of what I am talking about.


These people don't want to work for anything, don't want to take the time to do anything, feel that they shouldn't have to do either one because they pay to play, and certainly don't care about something like Player Housing, regardless of the form it takes. This is the reason most MMO's today are on rails (despite how they try to hide it), and why sandbox elements have fallen by the wayside.


There is nothing wrong with asking for features like Player Housing, but making claims that these sandbox-type features will in any way preserve this game's longevity is both ignorant, and foolish, because people like us, just aren't in the majority any more.


I wish I was wrong. I really do. I enjoyed SWG very much, and for a lot of the same reasons that you, and the OP, have mentioned. It was a game where I could log in, and just exist. I did not feel compelled to do anything other than what I wanted to do that day, and it was great. I didn't feel like I had to get a HM/PvP daily done, or run dailies to boost my wealth, or any of the other things I feel compelled to do in most modern MMO's.


I miss the old style of gameplay a lot, but it's gone. So, I make the best of what is offered here, and what might come in the future, knowing that this is my last MMO.



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Yeah, it seems to be working out well for this game as it is. Evidently, so of you fail to see how having options to do more than just the basics (this game) is a good thing.


I'm beginning to really not like you people. I guess I can only hope this game doesn't last as long as SWG, so we can get another star wars mmo made. This one is just not all that great.

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