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Mia Hawkins vs Vector Hyllus (very minor spoilers)


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DAE think that Mia would've been a much better choice as a companion than Vector? Here's the rundown:


1. Attainable at Tatooine. 1 planet sooner than Vector's Alderaan. Helps bridge the gap between companions after Kalyio back in Nal Hutta.


2. She can easily be a melee DD just like Vector as a melee operative (concealment or lethality).


3. She has proper training in espionage, sabotage, assassination and reconnaissance. Vector has... bugs?


4. Vector feels like he only exists as a companion in order to force the role of female romance option. And i'm not sure most woman even like him, but i suppose some could find him cute.


So i was hoping that in the future (Makeb?) that my agent would bump into her and there would be a sort of tease into her being our next companion in a later patch/expansion. This way we could actually start swapping companion in and out of our team/ship as Bioware planned way back in alpha. Plus this could have very "interesting" moments for those already engaged with Temple.

Edited by celldoom
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No. Vector is interesting as a person, not just as a romance option if you take the time to get to know him beyond just going, 'eew. bugs.' He is also probably the best person that the agent comes across in their travels - he has the possibility to be a very good influence on some agents.


I had no interest in Mia at all as a person.

Edited by Celacia
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Vector Hyllus has his fans. (I think he's charming.) Plus, it's important that the IA get a hard LS for-the-empire, diplomatic type second - it's fairly obvious that he's written to be the opposite of Kaliyo.


Not that, of course, there aren't plenty of characters which could easily be fleshed out and added to the companion ranks for every class, and Hawkins would be a perfectly fine one. We're just going to be a bit tetchy because you're knocking our favorite joiner.

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I think Vector is more interesting than Mia. We have a lot of ladies on the ship as it is. Not that it's a bad thing. ;)

It's just too bad we have to wait so long to get to him.

I would dump kalyio out the airlock if it was possible. I'm not against Vector, i like him too, i just think Mia would fit the agent's archetype alot better.
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To me, the biggest similarity between all of the agent companions is that they are examining their identity. (That I'd argue is the core theme of the entire class.

Probably best personified by Hunter's crazy lack of identity.

Kaliyo is perhaps the greatest outlier. She just wants to have fun - she has no loyalty and really nothing beyond that. But in many ways, she has the most fixed identity out of all your companions. Vector is trying to reconcile the diplomat he used to be with the Joiner he now is...

And the disparity between the fact that he thought being a Joiner was an honor, when in fact, he's seen as an abomination and test subject by the Empire.



Lokin is an interesting case, as he's probably the most "set" and stable companion. Still, there's the fascinating disparity between his human self and his Rakghoul self.

And let's not even start on how he seems to feel that his Rakghoul self is his "real" self. That charming, urbane man? He's part of Lokin, but equally dominant is the monster that wants to tear people to shreds and devour them. The difference between public and private selves also seems to be a big portion of the theme - see Lokin, Temple, Kothe, Hunter, Minister, W2...

Temple, too, is a study in contrasts.

She's both the sweet, eager pupil...and the girl who's willing to kill her own father to avoid having to deal with the thought that the Empire she adores is all a lie. As is her father. As probably are you.

And then SCORPIO is all about the endlessly changing self.


As such, Mia would make a perfectly fine companion.

After all, she's reconciling whatever self decided to join the Old Man with the self who chose to leave.

But is she inherently any better than all the others? IDK. She's an interesting character, but I'm not sure that she'd be a better companion than the existing ones.

Or W2, or Hunter, for all that.


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I wouldn't mind having Mia as a companion. Not sure why she would join up with an Imperial at this point, though. She is still fairly anti-Empire, so I don't know what motivation she would have. She's also dead in some people's story. :(


Would I trade her for any of the companions I have? Nah. IA companions are all awesome in my opinion. Even Kaliyo. Especially Kaliyo. Still my favorite companion out of 4 classes I've played.

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IDK, I like Vector >_> He works really well with my light side agent. Every time he says something I want to give him a fistbump.


I like Kaliyo too but it's sooo hard to keep her happy when I have her out D:


I dig the idea of having Mia Hawkins as a companion for me to romance, though.

Edited by Beslley
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Vector is a pretty good companion, he's really good for melee ops too and as a character he's also pretty interesting, I do agree that Mia would be a good companion though, but to make it more interesting she could be an optional companion depending on what you decided to do with her at the end of the tatooine story, offer her to join you, let her go, or kill her.
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I like Vector. Not because I'm a light side IA but because he has an interesting story, and has compassion for other things.


My Agent is neither light or dark specifically (although is erring on the side of dark slightly) as I don't want to do bad things just for the sake of it - I will choose diplomacy over murder unless the person has proved themselves to be really untrustworthy, and I will be honourable where I can be as well.


All in all I do what I believe is best for the empire.


Personally, I don't like Kaliyo, and am going to choose Ensign Temple over her.



For the quest where you catch her with another man I broke up with her. I wouldn't put up with that in real life there's no way I am in a video game.


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IDK, I like Vector >_> He works really well with my light side agent. Every time he says something I want to give him a fistbump.


I like him too. Plus, my agent needs someone on the ship who doesn't want to kill him.


And he cracks me up. I still have no idea as to whether he's trying to be funny, or is just so weird that he has no idea that a lot of his lines come off as strangely humorous. (I think he's trying to be funny...but with Vector, I will never know.)

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DAE think that Mia would've been a much better choice as a companion than Vector?




4. Vector feels like he only exists as a companion in order to force the role of female romance option. And i'm not sure most woman even like him, but i suppose some could find him cute.


Lolz, this made me chuckle considering all the peeps (including this OP) that expressed desire to have her as a romance option.


I think the romances are ridiculously balanced in favor of straight dude agents as it is.

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I think the romances are ridiculously balanced in favor of straight dude agents as it is.


Yeah, it's kind of hard for me to QQ for those poor straight male players seeing as the only class that has more anything for females than males are JCs. (Where you have your official LI plus a companion one night stand.) Males both get a lot more storyline flirts *plus* world class flirts *plus* classes tend to give males more official romances. (I don't think a single class gives the female PC two actual LIs, despite that JC and SW at least let female characters sleep with a second member of the crew.)


It's kind of silly to me, mostly in that there are a lot of characters who *could* be romance interests, if the game let them. *cough, cough Zenith. No, not bitter at all. Not at all! Not bitter about Lokin or Gault either.*


I like Mia, but Vector is pretty awesome too. And it would suck to tell female agents, "I'm sorry, but the game just didn't figure that you needed a romance option. Men get three (and can flirt with SCORPIO. Oh, and romance Watcher Two.) You get zero. But, hey, why complain? You can have a really exciting encounter with Master Tlan!"

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You get zero. But, hey, why complain? You can have a really exciting encounter with Master Tlan!"


*gag* the worst part is you have actual spooned up pillow talk afterwards with that guy. real chars your toon is genuinely interested/in love with? nope. put dem clothes back on, clean up, go back to your usual spot, roll yer shoulders and have your pillow talk there. well ok i didnt get to voss yet, but i saw femsmug, and shows the 2 casually sitting afterwards and having nice afterglow convo. comps? " well that was nice, i um.. have crafting missions to do, see ya"

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*gag* the worst part is you have actual spooned up pillow talk afterwards with that guy. real chars your toon is genuinely interested/in love with? nope. put dem clothes back on, clean up, go back to your usual spot, roll yer shoulders and have your pillow talk there.


Yeah, I am still horrified that the Tlan encounter is the best animated sexual encounter in the entire game. This means that somewhere along the development cycle, someone said, "You know what this game needs? Some place where we show female agents what hitting that flirt button repeatedly can do. Let's pour some money into animating that!" (That could have been used to show the character sleeping with Vector/Kaliyo/Temple/anyone else.)


I mean, this was not an example of Bioware laziness. That animation is used *no where* else. Which means...someone really wanted to be like, "Hello Ms. Agent. Is there nothing you won't do for your job? Lol...apparently not."


(Still kind of upset about that. Like, I knew where that last flirt would lead. But Tlan seemed kind of nice and lonely and I figured it would just fade to black. I did not realize that I would be forced to watch nearly the whole thing go down. I still feel bad for my poor agent...)

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Yeah, it's kind of hard for me to QQ for those poor straight male players seeing as the only class that has more anything for females than males are JCs. (Where you have your official LI plus a companion one night stand.)


Female Warriors get an official LI + a one night stand as well. :) Still doesn't make up for the fact that 99% of female companions are romancable, plus male Agent, Smuggler, and Warrior get two options and can have catfights happen if they woo both. :rolleyes:


*gag* the worst part is you have actual spooned up pillow talk afterwards with that guy. real chars your toon is genuinely interested/in love with? nope. put dem clothes back on, clean up, go back to your usual spot, roll yer shoulders and have your pillow talk there. well ok i didnt get to voss yet, but i saw femsmug, and shows the 2 casually sitting afterwards and having nice afterglow convo. comps? " well that was nice, i um.. have crafting missions to do, see ya"


*shudders* I am so glad I never had my agent flirt with that guy. No, just no.


At least Vector's romance gets some points, he and FemAgent are actually in the bedroom when the pillow talk goes down, they didn't go back to the cargo hold and talk about it.

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Female Warriors get an official LI + a one night stand as well. :) Still doesn't make up for the fact that 99% of female companions are romancable, plus male Agent, Smuggler, and Warrior get two options and can have catfights happen if they woo both. :rolleyes:


I thought it was 100%?


I don't count SCORPIO.


It's funny (sad) that there are so few female companions in the game to begin with but they are all romance options...idk, that seems messed to me, lol.


*shudders* I am so glad I never had my agent flirt with that guy. No, just no.


I didn't remember the name at first but then I looked it up...ew, didn't know you could sleep with that guy.


I RP my fem Agent as gay so she missed out :p

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I thought it was 100%?


I don't count SCORPIO.


It's funny (sad) that there are so few female companions in the game to begin with but they are all romance options...idk, that seems messed to me, lol.



With Sith Warrior, if you make Jaesa light sided, she cannot be romanced. I still count her as a romance character anyway, but some people don't. :p



And yeah, it almost makes it seem like this game is catered more to men than women, what with all the female companions (excluding SCORPIO, who people still want to romance anyway) being romancable, but not all the male companions are. I can't be the only one who looked at a few of the non-romancable guys longingly but either had to romance someone else or be forever alone. *cough*Zenith vs. Iresso*cough*

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Female Warriors get an official LI + a one night stand as well. :) Still doesn't make up for the fact that 99% of female companions are romancable, plus male Agent, Smuggler, and Warrior get two options and can have catfights happen if they woo both. :rolleyes:


Yeah, female JC get the same. (AN official romance with Iresso and a one night stand with Tharan.) But, as you said, 99% of female companions are romanceable (the outstanding examples being...droids). And the guys really are one night stands, unlike fully fleshed out romance interests (for agent, smuggler, and SW). Honestly, the only class where it might make more sense to play a female character (if you were only into romance) is JC, as you do get a full romance (well, if you can considered boring as watching paint dry Iresso a romance - but hell, Nadia makes me shudder, so whatever) plus a one night stand (who admittedly prefers his AI to you, but heck...you can still hit that.)


And this is ignoring all of the "planet side" flirts. I think my male JK got to flirt with about 3/4 of the female characters he ran into on Coruscant. Which was kind of awesome. But really? Why can't female characters do the same? We can always hit an option that doesn't have [flirt] beside it.

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I can't be the only one who looked at a few of the non-romancable guys longingly but either had to romance someone else or be forever alone. *cough*Zenith vs. Iresso*cough*


Not by a long shot. My JC would go for Zenith *so* fast if he was available. (And it doesn't make sense to me that he's not. He's very matter of fact, and I suspect would be just fine with a darkside JC who wanted to go after his hot body and sexy, sexy voice.)


I have another friend who is lamenting the lack of Gault romance. I sort of want to go after Lokin (despite that I sort of know that it would be lulzy) as he amuses me greatly. I mean, I get some trepidation in letting the ladies go after, say, Bowadar (although considering that Garrus is the most popular Bioware romance ever, you'd think that the company would get that women sometimes want to sleep with velociraptors). But some of the male characters would make perfect sense as romance options. So it seems weird that they've been written off.


(Esp. as you can't even flirt. I could get that if you flirted with, say, Zenith and he was like, "Sorry, gotta focus on the terroism thing" or whatever that there wouldn't be a relationship. But that you can't even do that seems kind of weird.)

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that made me spit gatorade on my screen.


It is only funny because it's true.


Second most popular interest = hallucinogenic frog.


Bioware definitely got in ME2 what women like. Hot guy with six pack abs, emo frog, or batman velociraptor? Seriously now. Women were playing ME to sleep with the aliens. (As apparently were guys playing female characters.)


And yet all they give us in TOR is Aric! (Okay, and maybe Vector, but he still *looks* human.) Obviously they need to up the ante and add Zenith and Gault so that women have at least a *few* crazy aliens to hook up with. How are we supposed to live out rule 43 without some help?


(Oh, NM. Guess people don't need help. Just found this...http://swtor-kink.livejournal.com/955.html?thread=18107#t18107 Very NSFW, and an example of how if it's thrown into a game, someone is going to find a way to romance it.)

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