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LFG PUGs.. what will you do if someone wants to watch the cutscenes?


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Never had a problem with that. Sometimes friends like to watch em while on alts cause they like to see how their character sounds or reacts. I hate it when people get into such a hurry they feel they need to be rude. As far as groups go, being in a big hurry is also the number one reason for unnecessary deaths in a flashpoint and the same could be said of any dungeon in any mmo. If I got kicked from a group because they were in that big of a hurry over a cut scene, I'd probably be better off not being in that group anyway.
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I'll ask at the start of the fp, and if they want to watch then i'll just leave so they can find someone else. If they did say they were going to spacebar and end up watching cutscenes I'll just surf the web while they're watching and switch back when I'm done surfing.
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Some people have already been booted from groups on PTS due to refusing to spacebar when the other members didn't want to watch the cutscenes, so it's definitely something that will likely come up in game. I just hope it being same server makes most people act civil.


this is a common issue on the 3 different servers i've been on as well. it's not every group, but there are groups that will moan and groan about someone not pushing spacebar until they basically guilt them into skipping the cut scenes.


i was actually very surprised about the first page of responses in this thread. not what i'd expect to see on the forums

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I tap the space bar and politely say nothing, it is annoying to wait but sometimes I play with people who haven't seen the cut scenes and I respect that they want to watch them like I did back at the beginning when everyone else did.
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Even though I have done the fp before I like to watch the cutscene, because the options are different depending on what class you play and how you play that class.

However, people I have played with, even guildies tend to want to spacebar rush, which has led me to not doing fp's anymore. And I haven't even seen them all :/

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If a player doesn't have the courtesy to allow another player to experience the game, then I wouldn't want to play with that player anyway. A few extra moments cutting in on your hardcore grind? How about use that time to stretch or drink some water, grab a quick snack.... :rak_03:
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It kind of amazes me that anyone who chose to play a dialogue-centric game like this would ever get ticked off at someone watching cutscenes. In my mind, it'd be kind of like going to a museum with friends, and then getting impatient when your friends wanted to read the placards about the exhibits.


I can kind of see it if you're a high-level group going into the Esseles to grind social points, but other than scenarios like that, the cutscenes are part of the game. I just always expect whenever I go into an on-level flashpoint or op, that someone will want to watch the stories. I like them myself, so my mindset just doesn't make it an issue.


At any rate, that's one of many good reasons I appreciate my guild. Good folks, with patience and a general abundance of good grace towards one another.

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This is why the Wow kids want xserver because they don't like to help a group they just want to act like an idiot then jump to another group until the piece of gear they want drops. bioware ever adds xserver to the new LFG tool i will unsub.


me and my guild have nice list going. you act like your a Wow kid we never let you run with us.

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For me the key is communicating upfront. Are people ok with watching cutscenes. Are people going to only need on items that specific character can use etc. If it isn't going to work for me then I leave. It will be easier now with larger populations and more teams going out.


I like the cutscenes, I enjoy seeing people's choices play out. but if I have done it before then I am ok with skipping.

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Dropping someone for watching the cutscene would be a bigger douche move than watching the cutscenes and making others wait. In a PUG you just have to assume the person is taking the oppurtunity for a brief afk or new and wanting to see it, not purposely doing it to piss you off.
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While less polite I'll be a bit more honest in my responce... it all depends on which FP I'm running.


Esseles, Black Talon, Hammerstation, Athiss, Mando Raiders, ect the FP's that can all be solo'd at one point or another, I will generally ask that the group spacebars. If someone refuses to and I have other things I'd rather be doing I leave the group. What can I say, I'm impatient... and my enjoyment of the game is every bit as valid as the guy who wants to watch the cut scenes.


Now once you get into the higher level FPs that can't be solo'd, I'm more than happy to sit back and watch them.


Let's be honest, I'm not playing for your enjoyment... I'm playing for mine.

Edited by kakamouth
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And then said tanks/healers will be put on the dps' ignore list until they're only running with tanks/healers who enjoy playing the game and not chasing carrots on sticks.


Not wanting to watch cut scenes != not enjoying the game.


I guess you're not very familiar with how single-server LFG tends to work. DPS will not be in a position to do what you say. Why? Tanks/healers are that rare. If you do this, your already long wait time will be even longer. People in HM FPs want to go in, get loot, and get out. That's the purpose of these spaces.


Instant or very fast queues lead to certain behaviour. Right, wrong, or indifferent, it doesn't really matter. What I describe is going to be the norm. I'm suggesting that you (and anyone else that feels the same way) to get on board with space barring; for it'll save you a lot of frustration at the end of the day.

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I guess you're not very familiar with how single-server LFG tends to work. DPS will not be in a position to do what you say. Why? Tanks/healers are that rare.


Not really. In other games, yes, the tank/healer to DPS ratio is nuts. But at the guild summit, they confirmed that the ratio here isn't that bad at all. Should be able to get into groups fairly quick, especially with transfers.


That said, there will always be those who get bent out of shape because someone doesn't want to spacebar. I'm one of those. It doesn't matter how many time I do it, I like to hear it, and even more I like to hear different people's responses to conversations. I think there should be a toggle on the LFG tool to specify this if it really becomes an issue.

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Not really. In other games, yes, the tank/healer to DPS ratio is nuts. But at the guild summit, they confirmed that the ratio here isn't that bad at all. Should be able to get into groups fairly quick, especially with transfers.


That said, there will always be those who get bent out of shape because someone doesn't want to spacebar. I'm one of those. It doesn't matter how many time I do it, I like to hear it, and even more I like to hear different people's responses to conversations. I think there should be a toggle on the LFG tool to specify this if it really becomes an issue.


The guild summit provided class distribution but not role distribution, unless you've seen something that I haven't.


Speaking on a personal level, the only one I truly get annoyed at is Esseles HM. There is just so much dialogue that it turns from a fast run to quite a lengthy one. I've seen the Esseles storyline so many times that I have 0 interest in watching the dialogue again. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way.

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Why am I not at all surprised, but...


Geeze, this whole game is story-driven, why did you buy the game if you can't be bothered to watch a little story? I understand that some people have already seen the cutscenes before, but what an entitled selfish attitude to take re: booting other people who are trying to enjoy the game.


Personally, I would not boot anyone for watching the cutscene, and honestly, when Im grouped with someone who is obviously watching stuff I tend to quit spacebarring through it as well. It's gets really dull when you've spacebarred and are just sitting there and it's not like I've heard their responses to prompts before (if they win the social roll).

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Watching a few cut scenes doesn't make the run much longer. But if you keep dropping people and getting new people in, that may also not want to spacebar, it's going to be even longer. Meanwhile that poor person has to wait for a queue again.


Don't be a dick.

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This thread is interesting for a couple reasons.


1: If you on the pts, using the LFG tool why would you want to watch the VO? you came on the pts to test how well the VO works? no, you came on to test the lfg tool and maybe to try for the titles, so why would you want to watch the VO given how limited the time window is/was to get them.


2: Alot of ppl are saying "let them enjoy there game", well how about my game experience and that of the rest of the group? is your enjoyment more important? no, if the majority of the group want to skip the VO you are just being selfish by watching it and holding people up.


Sorry if that offends you people but the truth is rarely kind.

Edited by Ryofo
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I'm with most of the other people in this thread. Ask before hand and if someone wants to watch the cut scenes, let them. I kinda like to toy with people though. If someone isn't space barring, I'll try to start conversations in party so they're distracted from the cut scene. :D If it's my first time in a flashpoint or whatever and I'm watching cut scenes and someone starts pissing and moaning like a 12 year child I CONTINUE space barring. I'm pretty sure a vast majority of all people playing this game watched the cut scenes their first time through. Why shouldn't a person who hasn't done it yet not be able to watch the cut scenes even though this is your 50th time through. Selfish people just piss me off.
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