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Could you please articulate the risk that you are considering?


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This is completely logical, and in most cases, in my opinion, the smart thing to do.


However, in this case, it's total BS.


In Europe there are 20 English PVE servers. So far, 9 have been sent to The Red Eclipse. Some of the 10 servers left have somewhat decent populations (some sometimes even touching Standard), and with the current population limits, there seems to be no chance that all 10 remaining servers ca fit on The Red Eclipse.


What are they monitoring? If a second server will have to be opened eventually, what are they waiting for? If they actually are monitoring how people are moving, wouldn't it make sense to open a second server now, let some move to it, and then after the weekend make a decision on which server to send the remaining people to?

These are questions they refuse to acknowledge...


They're monitoring wether or not it's wise to see if they should send more to that server or start using other ones. It may be possible that they can keep filling up the servers they are, IF the weekend pops don't overwhelm them. It's a test of the servers to see what the servers that have already been transfered look like on a weekend and if they can support or withstand any more population. I know it's frustrating but it actually makes sense and is not the end of the world.

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this has to be one of the must amusing posts and responses from a op i have wasted time reading in some time.


he has been given several plausable answers. but just keeps plugging away trying to sound intelligent but being perceived as the opposite.


he reminds me of my four year old nephew who kept asking why and would only shut up when mommy finally answered him with the same answer everyone else was giving him.


can mommy please answer the op please:D


That is just rude.


However as a parent of kids from 4 - 12 yrs old your example made me laugh.

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Your nephew isn't paying you for a service or game...


Unlike your nephew, we can understand the logistics, IF THEY WERE PROVIDED...


They wanted a day off, so they took one, and their player base got screwed because of it...


You really think it's that simple, don't you? Just taking a day off...



Also, it's THEIR JOB to keep us informed... I can understand a certain hold-back on certain information, but when literally half the player base has already left, and they're screwing over atleast 20% of the player base they have left... It's kind of obvious why people are leaving!! Quit making excuses for a multi-million dollar company, if they wanting your excuses, they would hire you to do so...


They're job is to develop and maintain a game. Your part in all of this is to pay them to play the game. If you no longer enjoy it, don't pay them, and stop playing. It's really quite simple.

Edited by discosoc
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honestly, what is the big deal with asking for further explanation from the community team? Some people make it sound like I should be happy with the crumbs that got from them. I don't care about the community answers. While many of them are logical and make common sense, then are not from Bioware and are therefore simply speculation.


Ah well, I have to get some work done today. Thanks for nothing Bioware :p

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You really think it's that simple, don't you? Just taking a day off...



They're job is to develop and maintain a game. Your part in all of this is to pay them to play the game. If you no longer enjoy it, don't pay them, and stop playing. It's really quite simple.


They are just taking a day off, have they said that they're doing ANYTHING today? No, they've only stated that they're not doing any transfers today, because of BS reasons...


I did cancel, a while back, due to the reason I said in my post, which you obviously didn't read, or you would know all of this already!


Don't go picking and choosing certain lines of text that don't pertain to YOUR personal belief in what the corporation is doing... BTW, it's THEIR not THEY ARE...


It's really quite simple, Their = ownership, There=location, They're=They Are

It's really quite simple....

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honestly, what is the big deal with asking for further explanation from the community team? Some people make it sound like I should be happy with the crumbs that got from them. I don't care about the community answers. While many of them are logical and make common sense, then are not from Bioware and are therefore simply speculation.


Ah well, I have to get some work done today. Thanks for nothing Bioware :p


Don't get me wrong. I feel as you do about the amount of information or lack there of. I think we have tried to give you some explanation that may be plausible in an effort to help. We are prolly not going to get a direct answer on this today. I imagine we will get the usual PR spin after the fact. :D

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They are just taking a day off, have they said that they're doing ANYTHING today? No, they've only stated that they're not doing any transfers today, because of BS reasons...


I did cancel, a while back, due to the reason I said in my post, which you obviously didn't read, or you would know all of this already!


Don't go picking and choosing certain lines of text that don't pertain to YOUR personal belief in what the corporation is doing... BTW, it's THEIR not THEY ARE...


It's really quite simple, Their = ownership, There=location, They're=They Are

It's really quite simple....


pointing out grammar errors is generally the weakest thing you can do for an argument. At any rate, if you cancelled, why are you still bothering to post here? It's obvious your cancelled sub is just some poor attempt at bluffing them into thinking you are actually cancelling...

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honestly, what is the big deal with asking for further explanation from the community team?


There's nothing wrong with it.


Some people make it sound like I should be happy with the crumbs that got from them.


There's something very wrong with this. They've been quite upfront with us about the process, and calling it crumbs is needlessly insulting. And you'll find a lot of people will defend them on this because the logical result of people pelting them with insults is for Bioware to become even *less* communicative.


I don't care about the community answers.


If you don't care about community answers, then you are in the wrong place. This is a community forum. Go file a support ticket.


While many of them are logical and make common sense, then are not from Bioware and are therefore simply speculation.


You know, when a dozen people have the same answer (which, by the way, is not speculation, but extrapolation and inference from what Bioware has said), you might want to consider why you cling to insistence on an 'official' answer.


I don't need an authoritative source to tell me that the sun is going to rise in the east tomorrow.


Ah well, I have to get some work done today. Thanks for nothing Bioware :p


Well, at least you've not resorted to childish petulance.

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Gotcha ... sorry about that. :o


No, I completely understand about feeling a bit worn out by all of this. I once went thru a situation at work that this feels similar too. I was at an online IPO provider that shall remain namelss that was downsizing. The HR rep's would come up to peoples cubes and literally "take them away". We never saw those people again. (Well at work, we all saw each other again at a near by bar.) One by one. It was eerie. Waiting to see if your server will be next kinda feels that way.


I hope they actually did a process flow and an actual WBS to support this effort. Not too confident they even know about Six Sigma.




It's definately exhausting, I feel like everything I've accomplished with my characters is on hold because I can't participate in an MMO experience on my current server. With transfers looming my characters are displaced and just waiting for their "real home".


I've gotten a pink slip before (last one to technically be hired on before they decided to downsize) and the company I was with dished them out with ample warning to everyone the same day. Oddly, they begged me to stay after I told them I found another job but my point is... that's the proper way to do it. Inform everyone whats happening long term and let them plan accordingly. Don't string them along and wait for the axe like in your example above. Although waiting for a transfer (considered a poisitive thing mostly) is a teeny bit different than waiting to get canned (bad juju all around). ;)


If they keep going down the same path they've been following for the past six months... there will be more merges in the future regardless of the metrics they come up with this weekend.

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Not buying it. They can determine how many people play on a regular basis on those last servers. There's plenty of historical data for trend analysis.


None of which covers factors such as 1) how many people are going to start playing more if it's easier to find groups, 2) how many people are going to stop playing because they lost character or legacy names, 3) how many people are going to be back because they heard about the transfers so thought it would be a good time to check in on things... I could keep going, but basically, there's so much that the historical data doesn't cover, anything that they tried to extrapolate from it would be a guess at best.


Coupled with proper consumer research, it should be fairly straightforward to estimate how many will transfer. If they don't understand their consumer's behaviours, needs and desires, shame on them.


Yeah, because consumers are such easily predicted people. That's why there's never movies that do significantly less gross revenue than expected, for example. Oh, wait, rather than do the transfers/merges now, let's set up a consumer study to find out how people would react to it. It should be done in a few months, maybe a year if they want more accuracy.


I say again, the data to make accurate predictions in this case doesn't exist. Estimates could be made using data from other games, but you're assuming your demographic is the same, which it probably isn't. Different games draw from different segments of the population, even among games in the same general category.

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It's definately exhausting, I feel like everything I've accomplished with my characters is on hold because I can't participate in an MMO experience on my current server. With transfers looming my characters are displaced and just waiting for their "real home".


I've gotten a pink slip before (last one to technically be hired on before they decided to downsize) and the company I was with dished them out with ample warning to everyone the same day. Oddly, they begged me to stay after I told them I found another job but my point is... that's the proper way to do it. Inform everyone whats happening long term and let them plan accordingly. Don't string them along and wait for the axe like in your example above. Although waiting for a transfer (considered a poisitive thing mostly) is a teeny bit different than waiting to get canned (bad juju all around). ;)


If they keep going down the same path they've been following for the past six months... there will be more merges in the future regardless of the metrics they come up with this weekend.


I feel exactly as you do about time invested in my characters. I too am waiting to see if I am to go to a new home or if my current home (Shadow Hand) will be promoted to a destination server after this weekends metrics.


Oh, I agree it would be better to have more information to plan accordingly than to have this feeling of being strung along.


Yeah BW will be hoisted by EA's petard.

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pointing out grammar errors is generally the weakest thing you can do for an argument. At any rate, if you cancelled, why are you still bothering to post here? It's obvious your cancelled sub is just some poor attempt at bluffing them into thinking you are actually cancelling...


I have unsubbed... my fiance bought me 6 months worth... It's not a failed or bluffed attempt at anything...


Again, if you had actually read my post, you would know I was hoping to re-sub with these new transfers, now as to the fact that they have left 20% of their paying customers behind, I really see no reason in continuing to pay or play, for a product where the owners really do not care about their player base...


Pointing out grammatical errors proves you don't conceive of the English Language, much less what this topic is discussing...


Nothing about my arguments have been weak. I still post here because my fiance still plays and I want him to be able to enjoy the game when he feels well enough to actually play. Why are you here then? You've said nothing about the topic, only replied to my posts, not even on topic... So, I ask you the same thing, Why are you here posting and not playing then?


Btw, when you unsub, it's the same as cancelling, you still have X amount of days that are still paid for, it's the same thing. For some reason you seem to think they're 2 separate objectives...

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Who cares how any of the information given "makes you feel." Seriously YOU aren't important, the community and the server population is important. YOU are not a server or population, you are a single player. People, get over yourselves. All this whining is the fault of social media, making people think their sole opinion or voice matters.


Bioware is looking at populations and faction imbalances and knows that populations are going to change dramatically over the weekend. Instead of blindly making transfer decisions they are using at best A FEW DAYS WORTH of population data since transfers opened up and weekday/weekend population data from servers like Fatman and other previously high population servers. They are making Server Population, Server Stability, and Faction Balance their highest priorities instead of giving in to the demands of selfish fools who cannot see past their selfish desires.


Learn to think first before you make a mindless knee jerk reaction and thing might just start making sense.


Dude you should go work for Bioware.


Managing expectations is what every customer driven organization does at their core. Bioware doesn't even seem to understand this at all... not even in the most basic of terms. They fired their customer relations department and replaced them, but they still don't seem to understand how to manage expectations. You obviously don't get this.


Anyway, have fun playing with yourself.

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From what I've heard, from both the forums and in game, the "mega servers" they've created, (the much larger destination servers like jedi covenant and the fat man), have started to experience log in queues. THAT is NOT smart, it's not even the weekend yet. SO I can only imagine what they'll be like this weekend.



Nah. They hit the mark right if they have queues now. They have done nothing to improve the core of their game (the opposite in fact), and the rate of attrition will continue. Combine this with the number of people they will lose when 1.3 hits and inevitably you'll be playing on Standard and Light servers again.


Good luck!

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They have done nothing to improve the core of their game (the opposite in fact), and the rate of attrition will continue. Combine this with the number of people they will lose when 1.3 hits and inevitably you'll be playing on Standard and Light servers again.


I have searched and I cant find anywhere you have offered up ideas to better the game. So far; as far as content and patching they are right on par with every other MMO after release. The Legacy system gave you something to improve or make unique your alts and they continue to expand it. Then your statement about 1.3, which you may not have even played also vexes. The group finder and ranked warzones will help alot, yes on PTS they are glitchy right now but that is what PTS is for. You offer nothing but criticism and offer no idea or solutions. Go make a constructive post in suggestions and then link it in a reply and I will publicly say how you shamed me.

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I have unsubbed... my fiance bought me 6 months worth... It's not a failed or bluffed attempt at anything...


Again, if you had actually read my post, you would know I was hoping to re-sub with these new transfers, now as to the fact that they have left 20% of their paying customers behind, I really see no reason in continuing to pay or play, for a product where the owners really do not care about their player base...


Pointing out grammatical errors proves you don't conceive of the English Language, much less what this topic is discussing...


Nothing about my arguments have been weak. I still post here because my fiance still plays and I want him to be able to enjoy the game when he feels well enough to actually play. Why are you here then? You've said nothing about the topic, only replied to my posts, not even on topic... So, I ask you the same thing, Why are you here posting and not playing then?


Btw, when you unsub, it's the same as cancelling, you still have X amount of days that are still paid for, it's the same thing. For some reason you seem to think they're 2 separate objectives...


I've contributed plenty about the topic, but you seem to have failed at comprehending my posts. Also, "conceiving the English Language" and making a typo are two separate things, although by your logic, capitalizing the "L" in language should render your arguments as invalid or otherwise, uh, inconceivable. Because that makes so much sense...

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I am on Vornskyr.


Republic fleet populations at prime time on average are 25 people, with approximately the same on Imperial sides.

We have not been transferred yet. We have been informed that transfers will not happen this weekend because they are "monitoring" the situation.


While I am disappointed by the idea of having a dead server all weekend (and who knows how long next week), I am really frustrated by the lack of information as to why.


Your explanation is lacking. Please articulate to me the risks that you are balancing by observing over the weekend and not finishing your transfers now?


I have heard guesses, and speculation. Some of which makes sense and seems logical. I am looking for a yellow post clearly articulating the reason your waiting over the weekend. To make my request more clear, "observing the population" and "monitoring data" are not informative answers as to why some servers cannot be transferred before the weekend.


It's because the transfer service is optional, and looking at the results is the best way to determine whether they're on the right course. Yeah, it's a bummer if you're on a server that wasn't at the top of the list, but it's better than rushing into something when they don't know how it will go.

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I am not blind. The questions of where to point the last servers to is just as obvious. The assertion that data they will obtain from the weekend will paint a more clear picture of where to send those servers seems false to me.


Consider the remaining amount of PVE servers and the potential population that they represent. Even given my ignorance of THE RISK THAT THEY ARE MANAGING it seems perfectly clear to me that those servers could be merged into a new destination at little to no risk of imbalance or overloading. The only t h o r n y problems that I can even speculate on is faction imbalance, or if they were to move them into the current destination servers (which seems pretty silly to me). The pvp servers are even more cut and dried base on the number of remaining origin servers.


So, I am still looking for a yellow name to more clearly articulate the risks that they are managing, which caused them to decide to not allow the small number of remaining servers to merge.


As a customer, you are entitled to a certain amount of information as a matter of courtesy. They have provided that. Beyond that, they have the data they need, they are working on it. Nothing further to do, or will be done on this matter.

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This game is a huge success, BW will not allow transfers off of servers that were created during early access. BW and fanboys alike would have to admit this game is full of FAIL, if the word got out how barren and empty the servers created before the "official launch" are.
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Ok... so opinions vary. Whatever your position, you should know, they, devs and BW personnel, aren't lazy. They aren't taking the weekend off. They are hard at work making sure servers and loads and more importantly performance is acceptable. The word monitoring doesn't do it justice by a long shot. Beyond that, they are working through the bug list for 1.3 and future content. They work weekends and "overtime" not only routinely but as a rule. How do I know? Well, I will leave it at... I do similar work. So please.... you have a right to feel disappointed, betrayed, etc. etc. But these statements about how much they care as evidenced by their lazynes are patently false.


Wow... I really don't know what to say beyond that. Just... wow.

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