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Dumbest things you have seen/heard in a wz


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The best Voidstar matches I've been in personally, the entire attacking team ran straight up the middle, with stealthers on each side to cap the doors. If the stealthers are patient, it works almost every time! It's amazing how many players will "guard the center" and let you cap the door.


I think that is part of the reason they redesigned VS the way they did.

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2 EAST, 4 MID, 2 WEST!


Ok, well, here's why you're an idiot:


Who is the 2 going east, who is the 4 going mid, who is the 2 going west? I'm not saying 2,4,2 is bad, I wouldn't say 2, 6, 0 is bad, I'm saying if you use numbers instead of names, you'll get 1 east, MAYBE, 7 mid, because generally, the only people who are willing to guard are people who SHOULDN'T be guarding (i.e., 50's who just banged 50 and don't even have recruit gear, and will be dead before they can type "stealther east."

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I think that is part of the reason they redesigned VS the way they did.


I think you're right about that.


On topic for thread: In a Civil War, we had the usual split of Imps on East, Reps on West, all fighting going on in center. Someone on my team says in ops "Ignore next message keep fighting mid" and then posted in say "4 inc HALP!!!"


Sure enough, several players from the other team (and one from mine) pulled out of mid and ran to defend the node!

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In huttball, a fellow team mate received the ball while he was standing close to the enemy end-zone. All he had to do was walk a couple of feet forward to score. Instead, he proudly marched the ball all the way back across the field to our own end-zone. During the long, slow, journey, he somehow failed to notice the 20+ messages in ALL-CAPS screaming at him. And when he finally arrived at our home end-zone, he stood there confused for a moment as he tried to figure out why he wasn't scoring.


Wasn't it nice of the enemy not to kill him while he was carrying the ball all the way down the field for them?

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In huttball, a fellow team mate received the ball while he was standing close to the enemy end-zone. All he had to do was walk a couple of feet forward to score. Instead, he proudly marched the ball all the way back across the field to our own end-zone. During the long, slow, journey, he somehow failed to notice the 20+ messages in ALL-CAPS screaming at him. And when he finally arrived at our home end-zone, he stood there confused for a moment as he tried to figure out why he wasn't scoring.


Wasn't it nice of the enemy not to kill him while he was carrying the ball all the way down the field for them?


I have seen this WAY too often! On my team and the opposing team. I know for my part, I won't attack anyone from the opposite team running the ball to their own side. I prefer to attack the Sorcs/sages trying to pull them back the right way!

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Navore Coast we are winning 100% to 6%. We never had less than 2 nodes and even 3 capped for a little bit. For whatever reason we lose 2 nodes. Someone in our chat says "Don't worry about it, just defend the one we have." I laugh it off thinking it was a pretty funny joke, but after a couple mins of attacking one of Imp controlled nodes by myself and not seeing anyone else from my team coming to help my laughter turned to disbelief. Sure as ****, my team was sitting on our one node expecting to ride it out for the win. I quickly tell them that we have to have 2 nodes to win the game. Whether the believed my or not it was too late. We ended up losing 0% to 6%.


Needless to say I was like ***????:confused:


So, we were waiting for a warzone to start and I was talking to guildies in the group about how funny this thread is. He proceeds to tell me this exact story and how he couldn't believe they won. I was laughing pretty hard and told him that it was mentioned. Good stuff. I'm pretty sure its right because he specifically said these exact numbers.

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Was in a ACW last night and the teams were uneven. We had 6 and they had 8.


We had 1 healer in our 6, and so while we had 1 turret (with 1 person guarding it) our healer thought that their role was to be on the other side turret as a distraction.


When I told him to get to mid and start healing, he said that he's there keeping 3 enemies "distracted".


I guess he failed at math because the 4 of us at mid were still fighting 5, without a healer.

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I have a confession! I've played PvP more times than I care to recall, and it has always been East or West, or left or right. Last night someone kept screaming "Snow!" "Snow!" "Snow!" and we ignored him, what's worse I made some crack to a mate about him either needing some more Coke, or having a really bad dandruff day...... Up to now, I'd never ever heard the terms Snow/Grass! Oops.


I have to say though I love the server transfers, they've brought some very nice new people to play with ! :)

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I've heard a lot of crazy stuff both in my SWTOR Warzone experience and my Warcraft Battleground experience. But the stupidest thing I've heard is "Let them win."


No way. I don't care if it looks like there's no hope in us winning. I am NOT giving the enemy team an easy victory.

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random idiots who call left or right wrong on voidstar... only to answer "it was left when we were attacking" or east & west is easier


yeah easier so you have time to check your map & figure out your perspective on it meanwhile the door is gone...


when your looking out your door after respawn left is to your left & right is to your right.... simple enough? for some reason no, not for some people, east west south is novocoast if your playing voidstar its left & right end of story




also witnessed a particularly dumb but fairly common senario on civil war tonight, called 2 left (or grass) got 6 ppl coming to my aid.... we lost mid & they wondered why


Rated Warzones cant come soon enough imo

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I have a confession! I've played PvP more times than I care to recall, and it has always been East or West, or left or right. Last night someone kept screaming "Snow!" "Snow!" "Snow!" and we ignored him, what's worse I made some crack to a mate about him either needing some more Coke, or having a really bad dandruff day...... Up to now, I'd never ever heard the terms Snow/Grass! Oops.


I have to say though I love the server transfers, they've brought some very nice new people to play with ! :)

I had the same problem. On my main server, it was always east, west, mid based on map positions. When I went onto a pvp server and played some civial war, it was "Snow!" and I was confused for a while.

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I can't answer this with anything less than a list. Every match feels like a new level of stupidity has been reached, even when rationally thinking, I'd be used to it after well over a decade of online gaming. Among this list are a few stupid things I've seen, accompanied by either the last time I saw it or the frequency I often see it:


- Failing to type a syllable to call for help - Every other match

- Teammates letting ninjas by without thought of LOOKING at the objective they're idly standing infront of - A few hours ago

- Teammate taking the ball toward OUR spawn while only halfway into the match - 2 days ago

- People excusing their failure to throw the ball by saying it's a "waste of a slot" - yesterday

- Almost making a long-distance huttball score solo, but falling just short because your team committed nearly everyone to fight a few enemies in a corner - No more once on a really good week

- Idiots that try for the third point in Civil War when the added defense would've made a big difference - Yesterday

- In Civil War when people fail to realise you can safely win by holding a single point if your ships shields are double or better - Every few days

- When an entire enemy team has the above lead in Civil War, but still attacks, leaving me to successfully assault their only point and steal the win - Happened 2 days ago and wasn't the first or even second time :p

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omg... Public school failed so many. I HATE saying "snow" or "grass" because I never pay attention on if east or west has the grass or snow. Why can't we just say west or east? It is universally understood, doesn't change no matter your perspective, and can be looked at easily on your mini map.


If you've played more than 5 cw you know

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Whether or not it's too late it's still useful for the team to know where the enemy players are. The point being that if a players is stunned... what else could he possibly be doing that's more important than typing and communicating? For a win and team effort I will take a couple hits even when not stunned to call inc as quick as possible. A win is more important than my stats IMO.


It should seriously not take anyone more than 2 seconds which is maybe 1-2 hits to type " 2 inc snow" or "3 right" or "4 south".


Seriously... communication is the difference between win and lose. Even if it's too late to take back a node they've taken. Knowing that there are "4 south" is enough info gained in 2 seconds for me to know that we can counter either east or west with 6-7 people knowing there are no more than 4 guarding it we know that there are "4 south".


THIS is what makes the difference between wins and losses between 2 competent teams.


Amen brother, go off at my own guild mates (who suck at PVP) because they are screaming in vent SOUTH SOUTH SOUTH without telling me how many at south or even bothering to inform the rest of the team... there excuse... i would have died quicker if i stopped to type... try to explain its better to die then for the rest of the team to be completely oblivious as to the situation at a certain area


never take PVE nubs into a Warzone with you they simply are not up to the challenge

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This always make me smile, oh well, at least they are communicating. Baby steps...


When respawning in CW I check my map and see 2 guys defending mid, rest is guarding (right after cap) east.

So I fly out to mid. I see two incs in mid. I call "2 INC MID" before I start to run to the node (while questioning myself: why didnt they call out?') I charge, mezz, and start hacking away on the squishiest of the two, hoping I'd get backup form the other lads, who by now mustve seen that they need to help me out.

Nope, they decided to venture west. Since now I was guarding mid (at least I think that's what they were thinking).

Anyway, I kill one, between cc's and all and while the other is burning me down, I type 'need help mid!!'

After I die and the enemy caps, I see in chat someone say: 'Mid'


Huttball last night (but ever so often): getting the ball in mid, with no teammates in sight (dead, figting in a corner, whatever). Ofcourse one gets jumped and in between mezzes and stuns, you have like one or two 2 second windows to pass. But, hurrah! I see a teammate on the ledge! I'm setting up to pass to this marauder, thanking Maker that there's someone on my team with half a brain. Someone who understands that you need to be in front of the ball carrier so he can pass while hes being burnt down. I'm memorising his name (being chaincc'd, waiting for the 'throw ball' ability to light up gives you lots of time), so I know who to mvp after the match. Yes, I like stimulating half brain use!

Right as I pass, just before I die, he charges away to attack someone else at the ledge.

'What a terrible pass... Rotworms are losing it!'


Back to the game.

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ive lost count of the amount of times ive thrown a pass to someone in prime position only for them to run away from it... its hard to find good help


gotta love the "HELP" calls aswell i cant help but lol everytime i see it

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when your looking out your door after respawn left is to your left & right is to your right.... simple enough? for some reason no, not for some people.

Some people don't spend so much time in the respawn that they base their entire worldview on this perspective of the map. For those of us who manage to stay alive long enough to rotate our camera, you saying left actually means right and you saying right actually means left. Simple enough?

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The stupid is strong today. So far, just today I have seen


-a turret in CV taken behind 2 people just sitting there.


-same game, 1 of the same people, turret taken while the player was standing on the turret.


-total of 3 civil war games played, and total of 7 times turrets were taken without any warning, and with 2 or more people in the general area.


-Voidstar, I see someone on our team on the other side of the bridge coming down my side so I draw the 2 people off of the door and into the corner. They both fall for it and I heal through the damage, use medpacks, grab the heal in the corner and both guys are facing me with their back to the other guy who should be grabbing the door.... but is too busy trying to "save" me.


-Voidstar, It was me and 1 other team member on one side vs 2 others with the rest of the team on the other and we are attacking. I die right as I kill one so it is 1 on 1. As I am running back, I see the defender door is on a full rotation. My wonderfull smart team member, kills his opponent and with the door clear and just about a full lock out for the 2 players we just killed, he runs to the other side to help. I was still able to finish running up and plant the bomb thankfully.


-I decided to see how many people actually mark healers so I stopped marking them. It took 7 games before I came across another player that put a mark on the other team..... for a sniper.

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